The return to Spain against cancer of the Pelayo Vida Challenge ends at the Monte Real Yacht Club


This afternoon the Pelayo Life Challenge – Vuelta a España 2020 arrived at the Monte Real Club de Yates, a solidarity project that aims to give visibility to cancer in women and the importance of practicing sports as part of their recovery.

A crew made up of 5 women who have overcome breast cancer are the protagonists of this test of self-improvement, psychological strength, courage and optimism.

They want to send a message of hope to women who have suffered or are suffering from the disease, showing them that, after overcoming cancer, life can be resumed normally.

They also seek to raise awareness of the importance of investing in cancer research and the need to help all women who are currently in the same situation that they went through in their day.

The 5 expedition members of the Pelayo Life Challenge – Vuelta España 2020 are Marián, from Elche; Lorraine, from Cartagena; Fatima, from Jerez; Maria, from Barakaldo; and Nuria, from Teruel.

They left Bilbao days ago and will sail to Barcelona. After leaving the Bay of Biscay, they have several stages ahead of them in the Atlantic and once they have crossed the Strait, they will finish their journey in the Mediterranean, in Barcelona.

This afternoon, before continuing the route, the crew made a stop at the Monte Real Club de Yates, where they were received with a warm welcome by the staff of the Baionese club.


