Monte Real opens the 2022 season with the Baitra J80 Winter League


· The winter league for 8-meter monotypes is the first event in the Monte Real Club de Yates regatta calendar, which this year includes 12 competitions distributed between January and December

Nearly twenty sailboats will compete from this Saturday until April 2, the six days that include the championship sponsored by Baitra Accesorios Navales

In addition to the regattas and with the sights set on the Spanish and World Championships, which will be organized by the MRCYB, the days of regatta will also include group preparation, boat preparation and strategy briefings


Nearly twenty sailboats will compete in the Baitra J80 Winter League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Monte Real Club de Yates inaugurates its 2022 sports calendar this Saturday with the celebration of the first day of the Baitra J80 Winter League. The 8-meter monotypes are once again the protagonists of a championship that will be held in six stages until next April.

With three races per day, the nearly twenty participating sailboats will compete in a total of 18 regattas, which may be of the windward-leeward type, with two upwind and two stern; or coastal, with routes to be determined each day of competition. In what all the days will coincide will be at the start time, at three in the afternoon; and in the location of the outlet, inside the Bay of Baiona.

In liza we will see about twenty boats, mainly from the Monte Real Club de Yates, which has the largest J80 fleet in Galicia; but also from Coruña (Miguel Fernández’s La Galera), Portosín (Rafael Blanco’s Due) and Bouzas (Juan Martínez Pazó’s ¡Ay Carmela!).

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen and Manel Cunha’s Marías, both from the MRCYB, will go out on the water ready to revalidate their champion titles from the previous editions of the Winter League and the Autumn League, respectively. They will be seen with other crews that usually end up either on the podium or just touching it, such as Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto, Alejandra Suárez’s Cansino, Castor Alonso’s Maija, Santiago Estévez’s Spaco, Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo or the Namaste by Luis de Mira.

The Baitra J80 Winter League will be held over 6 days from January to April – Photo © Rosana Calvo

In addition to the regattas, and with the sights set on the Spanish Championship of the class to be held in September in Baiona and the World Championship that Monte Real will organize in 2023, the regattas will include group training sessions, preparation of boats and strategy briefings before and after the competition. The goal is for the Galician fleet to arrive at the national and world events as prepared as possible.

Baitra repeats its sponsorship of the event for the second consecutive year, a company dedicated to the marketing and distribution of accessories and naval equipment aimed at the construction and repair of boats, both sports and professional.

The Baitra J80 Winter League will serve as preparation for the national and world championships organized by the MRCYB – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Baitra J80 Winter League is the first of the 12 competitions that Monte Real will organize this year in Baiona. The highlights of the season will arrive in May and September with the celebration of the 52 SUPER SERIES · Baiona Sailing Week and the Spanish J80 Championship. The Baionese club will also compete in the Galician A Dos Championship (June 11), the Final of the Women’s National Sailing League (October); and its four great classics: the Prince of Asturias Trophy (September 2-4) with the National Sailing Awards, the Conde de Gondomar Trophy (July 22-25), the Repsol Trophy (April 29-May 1) and the Comunica Trophy (April 23). The Monte Real sports calendar is completed with a Laser class qualifier (November 5-6), the J80 Autumn League (October-December) and a Route through the Rías Baixas (July 5-10).





The Baitra J80 Winter League will be held in the waters of the Bay of Baiona on January 22, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19 and April 2, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club.



The regatta will be governed by:
to. The rules as defined in the WS Racing Rules of Sailing 2021–2024 (RRS).
b. J80 class monodesign regulations and their special adaptations of the J80 Galicia Fleet[NP][DP] .
c. Announcement and Instructions of Regatta.
d. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies Rule 60.1(a) RRS.
and. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .
F. The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] they will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Race Committee, in the most recently completed race, applied as indicated in Rule 44.3 RRS (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).
g. [NP] [DP] Annex A Security protocol in relation to COVID-19.



2.1. Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of WS Regulation 20.
2.2 The Organization may require the participants to display the sponsor’s publicity in the form that is convenient and that will be provided to them before the regatta, not being able to manipulate or modify said material under any circumstances.


3.1 J80 class boats that comply with the regulations of point 1 and all the requirements demanded in point 4 of this AR may participate. As long as each and every one of them is not fulfilled, their registration as a participant in the Regatta will not be considered. Depending on the circumstances, the Organizing and Race Committee may grant a special extension in a particular way to the boat that requests it in writing.
3.2 Owners and skippers must be members of the J80 Class National Association and be registered at
3.3 Skippers who are not owners must be in possession of Sailor Classification Grade 1. See the following link:


4.1 Registration will be mandatory, at a cost of €50 per boat, and the following documentation must be sent or presented before January 22:
• Complete the registration through the MRCYB website: /
• Updated boat insurance.
• Federal licenses of 2022 for all crew members.
• Proof of transfer of registration rights.

Submitted or presented in:

Mount Royal Yacht Club
Parador Enclosure, s/n, 36300 Baiona
phone + 34 986 385 000

And the transfer of registration rights made in:

. account: ES92 2080 0559 2330 4000 3658

4.2 Registration and confirmation of registration:

The owner or person in charge of each boat must personally sign the declaration of responsibility regarding Covid-19 before 12:00 noon on January 22, 2022.


5.1. The competition will take place on the following days:

5.2. This program may be modified if circumstances so require (postponement to other dates due to suspension due to storms, etc., or modification of schedules according to forecast weather conditions or other causes).


6.1. It will be navigated in fleet format, in real time.
6.2. 18 tests are scheduled.
6.3. There will be no more than 3 tests per day.


7.1 The responsibility of attending this regatta having previously updated its Measurement Certificate, measuring the material with which it is intended to participate, is exclusively the registered skipper.
7.2 The number of crew members on board may be changed during the course of the regatta, but not on each day where it must end with the same number as the start.
7.3 The safety of this regatta will be considered as category 4 (reduced) in accordance with the Special Rules for High Seas Regatta of the WS and adapted to the particular regulations of the Galician J80 Fleet.
7.4 All boats must be equipped with a VHF radio with channels 16, 09, 71 and 72.
7.5 It will be the responsibility of the owner or skipper of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and in particular for their government, dispatch and security.


8.1. The Low Score system described in Appendix A of the RRS will apply.
8.2. There will be one (1) discard from 6 or more races held and two (2) discards from 11 or more races held.

Prizes will be awarded to at least the top 3 classifieds, the award ceremony will take place on April 2 at 8:30 p.m. at the club.


Participants in the Baitra J80 Winter League do so at their own risk and responsibility.
The MRCYB or any person or body involved in the organization of the event, reject any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participation in the tests covered by this race announcement.
Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 3, Decision to Race, of part 1 of the RRS, which states: “It is the sole responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a race or to continue racing”.



Security protocol in relation to COVID-19

to. Access to the regatta facilities is subject to the control of body temperature.
b. Participants and support people are required to wear a mask:
1º: At all times while in the Club facilities, except in the cases established by law.
2º: At all times while they are afloat, except in the cases provided by law.
3rd: when embarking on any Organization vessel: Regatta Committees, Referees and maintenance boats, etc. The masks must be thrown only in the containers provided for it, duly marked.
c. Participants and support people are obliged to respect the capacity and access shifts, where appropriate, to:
1º Changing rooms will remain closed.
2nd Bar, restaurant and social lounges.
d. Participants and support people are required to wash their hands frequently and, where appropriate, to use hydrogels when accessing rooms and closed areas.
and. Participants and support persons are required to use the one-way lanes when traveling within the facility.
F. All participants are recommended to download and activate the App Radar Covid19.

Link Android (Reviewed and Validated):
Link APPLE (reviewed and validated):




Dear friends and friends:

A few days before the end of the year, I wish to send you, on behalf of the Board of Directors and all the workers of the Club, our best wishes for this Christmas and the coming Year 2022.

As you all know, it has been a better year, but not without difficulties due to the pandemic situation. A year that has allowed us, once again, to continue with our sports programs and carry out our most emblematic regattas. Unfortunately it has not been possible to recover social events, because health protocols have not allowed it.

I would like to thank once again all those who have made it possible for Monte Real to continue to be a benchmark for their good work. Of this we can feel proud.

To the sponsors, both institutional and private. To the sailors, they are always ready to compete. To the students of our sailing schools for their interest in getting to know and delving deeper into our sport. To the media that, with their help, make it possible for the sport of sailing to reach society in general.

Our memory, too, for those who have left us, and for the families who have lived through a year of difficulties and uncertainties, our most sincere affection.

Thank you all and Happy Holidays,

Jose Luis Alvarez

President of the MRCYB



The J80 will play for the championship title this weekend in Baiona


· The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League comes to an end with the fifth and last day of competition this Saturday starting at three in the afternoon in Baiona

· Except for last minute surprises, the final victory will be debated between Manel Cunha’s Marías and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen

· The Portuguese and the Vigo lead the classification separated by just two points and with a margin of 13 and 11 points over the third-placed team

· After the last heats that are disputed in the water, Monte Real will host the awards ceremony for the winners and a dinner for the crews

Manel Cunha’s Marías is the leader of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo
Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen is second in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The J80 fleet that has been competing in the AEDAS Homes Autumn League since last October will compete this weekend in Baiona for the title of champion of the one-design competition organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club.

Starting at three in the afternoon, the twenty J80s that aspire to the final victory will compete in the last tests that will take place in the bay of Baiona. If the wind allows it, forecasts will be played in the program and a discard will come into play that will allow the crews to eliminate their worst result from the classification.

Despite this possibility, and barring any last-minute surprises, victory will be debated between Manel Cunha’s Marías and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen. The Portuguese and Vigo have alternated the provisional podiums in the different days held so far and lead the table separated by just two points. They also have a wide margin of 13 and 11 points respectively over Alejandra Suárez’s Cansino, who is third.

The Portuguese Manel Cunha, leader of the Marías – Photo © Rosana Calvo
Javier de la Gándara from Vigo leads the crew of the Okofen – Photo © Rosana Calvo

In intermediate positions they are grouped in a handkerchief the Mondo de Bernardo Macedo, with 41 points; Francisco Martínez’s SND Cormorant, with 45 points; Luis de Mira’s Namasté, with 46 points; and Yago Marquina’s Miudo, with 47 points.

The weather forecasts for this weekend are good and everything indicates that the regattas will be able to take place and that the sailboats will be able to navigate comfortably. Light winds are announced that will blow from the south component with the possibility of turning to the east as the afternoon progresses.

Once the water tests are over, the crews will meet on land to applaud the winners at the awards ceremony and to share a fellowship dinner and end of the event at the Monte Real facilities. Both events will be attended by different managers from AEDAS Homes, sponsor of the league.


The Count of Gondomar brings to the stage the great test of the Carrumeiro Chico


The 100-mile round-trip challenge between Baiona and Carrumeiro Chico inaugurates this Friday the forty-sixth edition of the competition

April, Pairo, Magical or Solventis oils are some of the contenders for victory in the star test of the Zelnova Zeltia Banco Sabadell Grand Prix

· The departure will be given at 11 in the morning from the interior of the bay of Baiona and the end is not expected until well into the morning

The first round of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy is held this Friday from 11 a.m. – Photo José Ramón Louro

The forty-sixth edition of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy – Zelnova Zeltia Banco Sabadell Grand Prix, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates, brings to the stage this Friday on its opening day the great test of the Carrumeiro Chico, a regatta close to 100 miles considered as one of the most complex sailing crossings in Galicia.

Created in 1981 from an idea by Fernando García Tobío and in honor of Jesús Valverde, the race celebrates 40 years of life with more validity than ever, since there are many who aspire to achieve the record of the regatta, which has remained intact since 2011. That year, the Cenor & De Dietrich, a Farr 50 from the Real Club de Regatas Galicia led by Martín Bermúdez de la Puente, completed the journey in 11 hours, 56 minutes and 57 seconds, a mark that has not been broken since then.

Regardless of what happens in this edition, what is clear is that the Carrumeiro Chico test is quite a navigation challenge and one of the most exciting tests of the Spanish sailing season. The round trip regatta between Baiona and the lighthouse located in the Corcubión estuary will begin, if the weather permits, at 11 in the morning, with the start honk from inside the Bay of Baiona.

From then on, the sailboats that will dare with the test will head north along a route not marked in advance. The crews will be able to choose to sail closer to the land or more open towards the sea, outside the Cíes and Ons archipelagos.

In the last edition of the competition, the Portuguese skipper Rui Ramada and his crew, aboard the Swan 45 Yess Too, were the first to reach the Carrumeiro, eight hours after leaving Baiona. They were the fastest (they had already achieved it in 2019), but the time compensation gave the stage victory to Magical de Julio Rodríguez, who would also win the final victory of the Conde de Gondomar in 2020.

On this occasion, the Portuguese from Ramada will not go out on the water, but we will see the Magical from Vigo, trying to defend their title. In front of them, some of the most outstanding teams of the current Galician nautical scene, such as the Aceites Abril of the brothers Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal; the Marías of the Portuguese Manel Marías; Alberto Moro’s Solventis, with Manuel “Malalo” Bermúdez de Castro at the wheel; the Sea of Frades Marine Ronautics by Jorge Carneiro; or Corsair by Jorge Durán, from Vilagarcía.

In this edition of the Count we will surely see again the classic hand in hand between Aceites Abril and Pairo – Photo José Ramón Louro

José Luis Freire’s Pairo, the owner and skipper with the highest number of wins at the Conde de Gondomar, will also enter the competition. Add a total of 6: three in the eighties (1983, 1984 and 1988) and another three in the first years of the new millennium (2003, 2007 and 2009). At the controls of his boat, one of his trusted men, the young Luis Bugallo, who has already completed the Carrumeiro stage with very good times on several occasions.

The 46th edition of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy – Zelnova Zeltia Banco Sabadell Grand Prix will last for three days, from Friday to Sunday. The development of the first two stages (Carrumeiro test, on Friday 23; and Ons test, on Saturday 24), can be followed live through the Monte Real Club de Yates website , at the following link:

Monte Real Yacht Club 23, 24 and 25 July 2021

:::::::::::::::::::::::: THURSDAY, JULY 22 ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::



::::::::::::::::::::::::: FRIDAY, JULY 23 ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::

(Baiona – Carrumeiro Chico – Baiona)


::::::::::::::::::::::::: SATURDAY, JULY 24 ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::

12:00> Hedgehog Regatta
(Return to Ons / Baiona – Camouco – Baiona)


:::::::::::::::::::::::: SUNDAY, JULY 25 ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::

(Tests windward – leeward at the Cíes anchorage)

18:30> AWARDS

Follow the tests of the 46th Conde de Gondomar Trophy live



All those who want to follow live the evolution of the Carrumeiro Chico climb on the first day of the 46th Conde de Gondomar – Zelnova Zeltia Banco Sabadell Grand Prix, on Friday, July 23, starting at 11:00 , can do so from here:


On Saturday, July 24, starting at 12:00 , the second stage of the 46th Conde de Gondomar – Zelnova Zeltia Banco Sabadell Grand Prix will be held, and it can be followed live from here:

REPORT: 46 years of high-altitude sailing on Monte Real


Created in 1976 by the Monte Real Club de Yates and disputed without interruption since then, the Conde de Gondomar has established itself over the years as one of the most charismatic regattas on the Spanish nautical scene, with a history full of great names in sailing in Galicia that should not be forgotten, and one of the most exciting tests of Atlantic sailing: the Baiona-Carrumeiro Chico-Baiona, almost 100 miles. In 2020 not even COVID19 could stop it and in 2021 it will celebrate its forty-sixth edition in Baiona under the name of Zelnova Zeltia Banco Sabadell Grand Prix. It will be on July 23, 24 and 25.

Report by Rosana Calvo, head of communication at the MRCYB


Although the history of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy begins to be written in 1976, with the birth of the competition, we must go back several centuries to discover the true origin of its name, which arises from an alleged tribute to the figure of Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, first Count of Gondomar.

Son of the governor of Galicia, in military command of the Portuguese border and the Galician coast, Sarmiento was the key figure in the 5,000-man army who, despite being hastily recruited, managed to contain the attack that the most famous pirate of history, Francis Drake, was going to perpetrate against Baiona.

On October 8, 1585, the Count of Gondomar signed one of the most important chapters in the history of the Galician fishing village, forcing the withdrawal of the 30 ships and 1,500 men with which Drake intended to take over the town, and he was named “Governor of the war people of Baiona and the Castle of Monterreal” .

The Count of Gondomar was thus forever linked to the Monte Real peninsula, where the Parador Nacional is located today, which also bears his name; and the Monte Real Club de Yates, which in 1976 decided to baptize the Conde de Gondomar Trophy for a race that, over the years, would become the deep-sea regatta par excellence in Galicia.

Thus was born one of the most important competitions on the Spanish nautical scene, under the mandate of Rafael Olmedo Limeses as president of the club; and with Admiral Rafael Lorenzo (Commodore), Humberto Cervera “Piruchi” (sailing delegate) and Alfonso Paz Andrade, as key figures in its creation; along with Jesús Valverde, José Ramón Fontán, José de la Gándara and Rui Moreira.

On August 19 of that year, 29 boats accepted the challenge and set sail for the Cabo Silleiro area, where an Olympic triangle was scheduled to be held, but in the end it did not take place due to fog. The second of the three scheduled tests, a route between Baiona and Muros, was also suspended, this time due to lack of wind; and the premiere of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy was reduced to a single test that won the “Ardora” (Contention 33) by Alfonso Paz Andrade and Julio Babé, skippered by Gonzalo Romero.

It was the first of the four consecutive victories that the “Ardora” would chain in the first four editions of the Conde de Gondomar, taking among its crew sailing history in Galicia such as Fernando Massó or Gonzalo Romero.

Roll of Honor of the first winners of the Count of Gondomar

In 1980, the competition introduces changes to the layouts that had been initially designed, with a new 120-mile test between Baiona-Povoa de Varzim-Baiona, which is added to the Olympic triangle and an average regatta with a figure-nine route between the Cies and Ons Islands. The victory went to the Irish “Moonduster” (Swan 441), owned by Dennis Doyle, who had arrived in Galicia with the Lymington-Baiona regatta and decided to make his debut in the Conde as well.

In 1980, at the 5th Conde de Gondomar Trophy, the winner of the Conde was Irishman Dennis Doyle’s Moonduster – Photo Archive MRCYB

In 1981 a new modification in the routes takes place. From an idea by Fernando García Tobío (of the club’s Regatta Committee together with Alfonso Paz Andrade, Estanislao Durán and Jacobo Fontán) and in honor of Jesús Valverde, the Baiona – Carrumeiro Chico – Baiona was born, a historic race that continues until currently as one of the most exciting on the peninsular racing calendar.

The winner of that edition, and also of the following one (1982), was a boat from another of those historical sagas that emerged from Galician nautical: the “Vento” by Manuel Fernández, who many years later would receive the gold medal from the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, the highest award in Spanish sailing.

The VII Conde de Gondomar Trophy was held in 1982 with the victory of Vento de Manuel Fernández – Photo Archive MRCYB

After the victories of the “Ardora” and the “Vento” , the different Pairos of José Luis Freire begin to embroider their name on the honor roll of the Count of Gondomar. The “Pairo Tres” won for the first time in 1983, repeated in 1984, and the following models with the Freire the Conde competed for, all under the same name would give him another 4 more wins.

The Pairo III (which gave the first two victories of the Count to JL Freire) in a promotional image of the competition

Until now, José Luis Freire is the one who has achieved the greatest number of victories in the competition. Add a total of 6: three in the eighties (1983, 1984 and 1988) and another three in the first years of the new millennium (2003, 2007 and 2009). Currently, at 84 years old, “Tibu” continues to participate in the Conde (not only as an owner, but also aboard its boats) and, although he has not achieved any more victories, he is always among the favorites.

– The different Pairos of José Luis Freire (one of them in the foreground) are the ones that have won the Conde de Gondomar Trophy the most times – Photo Jacobo Bastos
Very protected with a mask and screen José Luis Freire participated at the age of 83 in the last edition of the Count of Gondomar held in 2020- Photo José Ramón Louro

Following in its wake we find “April Oils” by Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal; that add up to 4 victories, the same ones that Paz Andrade’s “Ardora”, “Castrosúa” led by Willy Alonso and Julio Martínez Gil’s “Alaxe” achieved in their day. The boat of the Ourense brothers has been the undisputed protagonist of the most recent years, taking the grand prize in 2013, and chaining three consecutive golds in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The April Oils of the Pérez Canal brothers are missing 2 victories to reach the record of the Pairo of José Luis Freire – Photo Archive MRCYB 2018
Willy Alonso (in the photo collecting the 2002 Count of Gondomar winner’s award) is one of the most successful skippers in the competition
Julio Martínez Gil’s Alaxe is one of the boats with the most victories in the history of the Count of Gondomar with a total of 4

In the last two years, the winners were the team of the Portuguese Rui Ramada, who in 2019 repeated with the “Yess Too” the triumph he had achieved in 2014 with the “Fifty ”; and the “Magical” by Julio Rodríguez, who in 2020 rewrote his name in the history of winners of the Count, who had already signed in 2001 with the “Starfisher” .

Nearly 40 boats participated in the last edition of the Count of Gondomar (held in 2020 in the framework of the COVID19 pandemic) – Photo José Ramón Louro
The Magical of the owner and skipper Julio Rodríguez was the winner of the last edition of the Count of Gondomar – Photo Clara Giraldo

Paz Andrade, Julio Babé, Gonzalo Romero, Manuel Fernández, José Luis Freire, Jaime Rodríguez Toubes, José María Lastra, Pedro Campos, Julio Martínez Gil, Gonzalo Araújo, Willy Alonso, Javier de la Gándara… are some of the most outstanding figures in the history of sailing in Spain who have passed (and continue to pass) the Conde de Gondomar Trophy.

Contested without interruption since 1976, the Monte Real Club de Yates competition has established itself as one of the most charismatic regattas in Spain and in 2021 it will celebrate its forty-sixth edition under the presidency of José Luis Álvarez. It will be held in Baiona on July 23, 24 and 25 under the name of Zelnova Zeltia Banco Sabadell Grand Prix.

It will include, as has become a tradition, the historic test of the Carrumeiro Chico, about 100 miles away, whose record is held by “Cenor & De Dietrich” , a Farr 50 from the Real Club de Regatas Galicia, which in 2011 smashed the figures that the Basque sailboat “Zorongo” maintained since 1992. The crew from Arousa, led by Martín Bermúdez de la Puente, completed the ascent and descent to the Carrumeiro Chico from Baiona in just 11 hours, 56 minutes and 57 seconds, lowering the numbers achieved by the Basques 19 years earlier by more than 30 minutes.

One of the boats of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy turning the Carrumeiro Chico in 2008 – Photo H.Blein
The mythical lighthouse of Carrumeiro Chico (in the Corcubión estuary) where the sailboats must turn in the long stage of the Count of Gondomar


is a report by Rosana Calvo, head of communication at the MRCYB // THE PHOTOS included BELONG TO THE HISTORICAL ARCHIVE OF THE MRCYB



1976 ARDORA / Owner: A.Paz Andrade – J.Babé / Skipper: Gonzalo Romero

1977 ARDORA / Owner: A.Paz Andrade – J.Babé / Skipper: Gonzalo Romero

1978 ARDORA / Owner: A.Paz Andrade / Skipper: Fernando Massó

1979 ARDORA / Owner: A.Paz Andrade – J.Babé / Skipper: Gonzalo Romero

1980 MOONDUSTER / Owner: DNDoyle / Skipper: Denis Doyle

1981 VENTO / Owner: M.Fernández / Skipper: M. Fernández

1982 VENTO / Owner: M.Fernández / Skipper: M. Fernández

1983 PAIRO TRES / Owners: JLFreire / C.Freire / B.Logares/E.Durán / Skipper: JL Freire

1984 PAIRO TRES / Owners: JLFreire / C.Freire / B.Logares/E.Durán / Skipper: JL Freire

1985 CUTTY SARK / Skipper/owner: J. Lastra / J. Gándara

1986 KOCHAB / Owner: Armada Española / Skipper: Carlos Pardo

1987 XEITO – J&B / Owner: JM Piñeiro / Skipper: JM Piñeiro

1988 PAIRO CUATRO / Owner: JL Freire / C. Freire / B. Logares / Skipper: JL Freire

1989 PALACIO DE ORIENTE / Owner: JL Freire / C. Freire / Skipper: JL Freire

1990 COTE / Owner: Armada Española / Skipper: Jaime Rodríguez Toubes

1991 SONY / Owner: Castor Alonso / Skipper: Castor Alonso

1992 FARO FINO 3000 / Owner: Antonio Roquette / Skipper: Javier Gándara

1993 DEAR HENRY (IOR) / Owner/skipper: Jean Claude Sarrade // RABISCO (IMS) / Owner: Rafael Olmedo / Skipper: Rafael Olmedo Jr.

1994 CONSERVAS MIAU (IMS Regatta) Owner/skipper: José María Lastra // ALAXE (IMS Cruise) / Owner/ skipper: Julio Martínez Gil

1995 CONSERVAS MIAU (IMS Regatta) / Skipper: José María Lastra // GALICIA CALIDADE (IMS Cruiser) / Skipper: Alberto Viejo

1996 TERRAZOS RIEGO (IMS Regatta) / Skipper: Carlos Monclús // CUTTY SARK (IMS Cruise) / Skipper: Pablo Boiznet // ALAXE (IMS Amateur Cruise) / Owner: Julio Martínez Gil

1997 GALICIA CALIDADE (IMS Regatta) / Skipper: Pedro Campos // ALAXE (IMS Cruiser) / Skipper: Julio Martínez Gil

1998 PORTOS DE GALICIA (IMS Regatta) / Skipper: Javier de la Gándara // ARROUTADO (IMS Cruiser Regatta) / Skipper: José María Pérez // NORO (IMS Cruiser) / Skipper: Gonzalo Araújo

1999 PORTOS DE GALICIA (IMS B) / Skipper: Javier de la Gándara // ARROUTADO (IMS C) / Skipper: José M. Pérez

2000 TELEFÓNICA MOVISTAR (IMS B) / Skipper: Gonzalo Araújo // ALAXE (IMS C) / Skipper: Julio M. Gil

2001 STARFISHER (IMS – B) / Skipper: Julio Rodríguez

2002 TELEFONICA MOVISTAR (IMS 600) / Skipper: Guillermo Alonso // SALSEIRO (CRUISE) / Skipper: Manuel Blanco

2003 PAIRO IX / Skipper: Francisco Moret

2004 CASTROSÚA – CARSA (IMS 600) / Skipper: Guillermo Alonso

2005 CASTROSÚA – CARSA / Skipper: Guillermo Alonso

2006 SWISS NATIONAL INSURANCE / Patron: Javier de la Gándara

2007 PAIRO VIII / Patron: José Luis Freire

2008 CASTROSÚA – CARSA / Skipper: Guillermo Alonso

2009 PAIRO VIII / Skipper: Laureano Wizner

2010 SOLVENTIS / Patron: Manuel Bermúdez de Castro

2011 XPLOSION / Skipper: Carlos Mendonça

2012 CASTROSÚA / Skipper: Willy Alonso

2013 APRIL OILS / Patron: Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal

2014 FIFTY / Pattern: Rui Ramada

2015 CORSAIR VI / Skipper: Javier Durán

2016 APRIL OILS / Patron: Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal

2017 APRIL OILS / Patron: Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal

2018 APRIL OILS / Patron: Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal

2019 YESS TOO / Pattern: Rui Ramada

2020 MAGICAL / Patron: Julio Rodríguez


“The Monte Real Sailing School is one of the most complete in Spain”


Two years after the arrival of Roy Alonso at the Monte Real Club de Yates, the former Olympic coach of the Laser Radial class, coordinator of the Santander High Performance Specialized Center and technical director of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, we He talks about how the sports management of the Baionese club has changed.

New boats, new strategies and new actions that have already begun to give the expected results. The Monte Real Club de Yates Sailing School currently has 123 students in its different modalities of light sailing and cruising, most of them from Baiona and other points in the province of Pontevedra. It also provides services to numerous associations and entities of people with functional diversity, offering adapted sailing activities and courses to nearly 50 people throughout the year.

We would like to start this interview by looking back so that you can tell us how these last two years have been in Baiona, what balance do you make of the changes introduced in the Sailing School?

The assessment is very positive at all levels. When the possibility of being able to work at Monte Real came to me, the board of directors was always very proactive in the sport of sailing, and that was something that encouraged me a lot to take on this project. In addition, the coaching staff that the club had was very good, it was only necessary to redirect each one towards what they were really specific about; and with the new additions we were able to increase the technical capacity of the school in a very short time. Now we have a structured school with planning within each work group with the school’s students, which is giving us very good results.

One of the biggest changes to the School has been the introduction of a new type of ship, the Cyclone. Why the bet on this boat?

I was looking for a collective boat that was more complete than those currently being used in Galicia, and that could be used by both children and adults. And this boat had the features he was looking for. The important thing is that it was a fast, simple and easy-to-handle boat in which the closest thing to the boats that are later used when leaving a school could be taught. With this we get more fun and learning for the students, who leave more prepared for any type of boat.

From what I see, one of the objectives is still for children, the more the better, to come to the sea and enjoy the world of sailing, but the truth is that there are many who continue to think that it is an elitist sport. Is it possible to demystify this idea?

When a student enters a school, be it a child or an adult, they can come to enjoy and learn sailing or they can have the bug of the competition. When you only come to sail to learn and have fun, you only have the monthly expenses, which range between 50 and 65 euros, depending on age. Well, and then the clothes you buy to navigate comfortably, and here we already know that there are companies that sell sports brands at more affordable prices. When someone is bitten by the competition bug and wants to go further, there are two possibilities. The first is to buy a ship and the material, and here everything depends on how optimized it is. The example is very clear if we compare it with bicycles. To walk and play sports you have them from 200 euros, but if you want better material or something to compete, prices can easily exceed 6,000 euros. Well, the same thing happens with sailing. The second option is that you like to compete and do not have or do not want to spend that money. In this case, if you manage to enroll in a regatta boat that needs crew members, you will only have the cost of the federative license and the specific clothing.

Another problem is that many clubs have ended up becoming purely social entities with very little connection with the sea, mainly due to the lack of fans of their members. What is the situation of Monte Real with respect to this issue?

Unfortunately it is something that usually happens in yacht clubs. I believe that we are on the right track and every day there are more partners who are involved in the sport of sailing, through the school part with family members or helping in the progression of the school’s students. The club has invested in the last two years in sports material and work equipment and with this we have managed to involve the member more in the sport and we hope to continue advancing in this line. Today, the percentage of members in the Sailing School is 25 percent. The remaining 75 percent of the students are not members of the club, a figure that is also very important for us, because it implies opening Monte Real to the outside, to Baiona, to the province of Pontevedra and to anyone who wants to practice sailing with us. .

When you arrived at the club you said that “in Monte Real there is great potential dormant and it is my intention to awaken it and promote it, take advantage of the greatness of this historic club to lay the new foundations for a promising future”. How do you carry that goal?

I keep thinking the same thing and little by little we see that the evolution is very good. We are increasing the number of events and boats in the different competitions that we carry out and we achieve satisfaction on the part of the athlete who comes to the club to compete. And on the side of the school we have much more demand and a great activity both on weekends and on weekdays. Our desire is always to improve and we will continue in this line, because it fills us with satisfaction when both the sailor and the students are happy with all the activities carried out in the club.

What does the Monte Real Club de Yates currently offer to anyone who wants to sail?

We try to offer courses that people who want to enjoy them learn and enjoy sailing. In the annual courses we have light sailing and regatta teams for children. They are courses that are taught during the weekends for minors with very affordable prices, between 40 and 60 euros. In addition, we work with several associations of people with functional diversity, children in care and minors with behavioral problems. And for adults we have light sailing and cruising, both on weekends and during the week, with a price of 65 euros per month. In this group, in addition to teaching sailing, there are many night navigation dynamics, learning to anchor, dock, coastal navigation, etc. We also offer private classes, in case any student needs different schedules than those marked or if they have their own boat and want to learn more about it. And in summer we have much more recreational and leisure offer.

This year, as a novelty, you have also included PNB, PER, Skipper and Yachtsman courses in the school, and the well-known RYA (Royal Yachting Association) courses, for which you still have to wait for homologation. It will be, without a doubt, a great qualitative leap, what expectations do you have for this type of training?

So is. We signed an agreement to be able to carry out ENAL nautical qualifications, the national pleasure boat management titles; and also the famous RYA courses. We will also give courses on high-altitude navigation, handling electronics, and many other things. The truth is that we have one of the most complete schools in Spain.

With the launch of the RYA courses, Monte Real becomes the first club in Galicia and in the entire Cantabrian Sea to offer this type of training. Do you think that the rest of the Galician schools will end up offering them as well or is there not as much demand as it happens, for example, in the Mediterranean?

They are very specific courses, with a majority of foreign clientele, so an academy in the north of Spain should be more than enough. These qualifications are in greater demand in the Mediterranean because the yachts do require their crews to obtain the RYA qualifications. In Galicia at the moment we do not have so much tourist demand. If only.

How do you see the situation of sailing schools in Galicia?

I think there are clubs that are doing well and others that could improve. There are schools with very old material and thus it is difficult to offer something interesting. To make sailing an attractive sport, you have to renew materials, be up-to-date and offer variety.

And in that scenario that you just drew for us… where is the Monte Real School located? What is your situation compared to other schools?

I don’t like to compare myself with any school, but I do believe that at Monte Real we are moving towards a very complete and modern school. Every time we bring more boats and new products to make it more attractive and we also look for an environment of comfort and fun.

And now that we know a lot about what is being done and will be done at the MRCYB School, tell us why we should participate in one of your courses or activities?

I can give you several reasons. The first is that, for sailing, the Rías Baixas have perfect sea and wind conditions. On the other hand, the courses we teach have very affordable prices and that allow anyone who wants to sail to stay without doing it for money. And finally, we have such a wide variety of candle making products that you can get hooked on so many different things. I’m sure you like some.


It is an interview with Rosana Calvo, head of communication at the MRCYB

FEATURE: Women with full sail astern



In this 2021, after more than 40 years of competition, the Galician A Two Championship , held at the beginning of the month, had its first Galician champions. For the first time in the history of the trophy , women were able to opt for a specific title for them, a distinction that was requested from the Royal Galician Sailing Federation by the Monte Real Club de Yates within the framework of its Women’s Sailing project. It is an initiative that, through different proposals, seeks to end the inequalities that girls and women have suffered in the world of sailing in particular and the nautical world in general. Some inequalities and injustices that go back centuries…

Not long before the Revolution there was a royal ordinance in France that prevented women from embarking on Crown ships. As in many other sectors of society, in the nautical world women were considered to be less intelligent and capable beings than men, and having one on board supposed -according to what they said- a clear ballast for expeditions. There were even those who, relying on an ancient seafaring superstition, claimed that women brought bad luck to ships, which is why they had to stay on land.

Luckily, already at that time there were those who did not want to accept these inequalities and dared to break the rules, even running the risk of being discovered and punished. Disguised as a man, the French botanist Jeanne Baret embarked, in 1767, on one of the ships that, under the command of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, would form the first Gallic expedition to circumnavigate the planet. Baret thus became the first woman to go around the world through its oceans, also bringing with her a collection of more than 6,000 species of plants (which are now kept in the National Museum of Natural History in Paris), which earned him the congratulations of King Louis XVI himself.

Photograph by Jeanne Baret and illustration of the French botanist dressed as a man

We will never know how many women have had to go to sea dressed as men over the centuries or how they managed to fool the sailors on board during the long months that the expeditions lasted, but the truth is that there were and that the Most of them do not appear in the history books.

Doodle that Google dedicated to the French botanist Jeanne Baret

Among those great women who have not received the recognition they deserve is the Galician Isabel Barreto de Castro . Born in Pontevedra around the year 1567, she was a pioneer in world navigation when she became the first admiral of the Spanish Navy. In 1595 she assumed command of the expedition that left for the Solomon Islands but, despite having a chronicler on board (the Portuguese Pedro Fernández de Quirós), little or almost nothing is known about the great chapter that this woman wrote in the era of the discoveries.

Isabel Barreto de Castro, the first woman to hold the title of admiral in the history of Spanish navigation

These are just two examples of the many that have gone virtually unnoticed in the history of navigation, in which the domain has been and continues to be clearly male. We had to wait until the 20th century to begin to see women occupying prominent positions on ships. The Russian Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina became in 1935, at the age of 27, the first female captain of the merchant navy.

Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina, the first female captain of the merchant navy

In Spain, it was not until after the 1978 Constitution (which established equality before the law for men and women, without gender discrimination) that women were able to enroll, for the first time, in the nautical careers of the higher schools of the Civil Navy.

The Asturian Ángeles Rodríguez was the first student in 1979 and graduated as the first officer of the Merchant Navy in 1984. The Canarian Mercedes Marrero was the first captain in 1992, Idoia Ibáñez the first commanding captain, María Cardona the first engineer officer and Macarena Gil , the first woman to work as a port pilot, a profession in which until 2015 -basically until the day before yesterday-, only men worked.

The fact that in Spain women were not allowed access to nautical training until 1979 caused many of them to join the labor market very late and this is one of the causes, added to many others also related to discrimination ( such as the belief that women are less physically capable or prepared for the danger of the activity), that their presence in the maritime sector is much lower than that of men.

Despite being fully involved in the 21st century and all the advances experienced in recent decades, women are still a minority and They barely reach 2 percent of the almost one and a half million sailors that exist throughout the world , according to data from the International Labor Organization. They are not only few, but also rarely (they do not even reach 1 percent) occupy positions of high hierarchical rank.

The sea has remained for centuries linked to the figure of the man, who went out to fish while the woman stayed on land waiting, as a housewife or as a redeira, fishmonger, canner, marketer… in professions that were practiced outside of the sea (and had a much lower prestige), although they were closely linked to it.

In the most playful and sporty section, the one related to the sport of sailing, the balance also falls sharply towards the masculine side. Currently, the number of federated athletes in Spain exceeds 17,000, of which almost 14,000 are men, with the female presence reduced to just 3,500 athletes. They are barely 21 percent of the total , and the figure falls below 15 percent if we count those who participate in official regattas.

36 sailors from Spain and Portugal compete each year in the Monte Real Ladies Cup – Photo Lalo R Villar

Although it is true that important steps have been taken towards equality in the sport of sailing, the truth is that, as was the case in the maritime sector, there are still very few women who have obtained worldwide recognition for their feats . Of most of them, only those really interested in the subject will know how to recognize their names and their achievements.

Cover of the first edition of Alone with the sea by Naomi James

Women like the New Zealander Naomi James , the first who, in 1977, sailed around the world, solo and non-stop, also beating all speed records; or Dee Caffari, that 2006 did the same thing but in reverse, from east to west, along the considered “wrong path”, against the prevailing winds and currents on the globe; and that in 2009, after winning the Vendée Globe (the solo round-the-world sailing without stops or assistance), she became the first woman who, alone and propelled by the wind, hugged the planet in both directions.

Dee Caffari celebrating victory at the Vendée Globe in 2009

Women like Tracy Edwards who, at just 23 years old, had to dodge the ridicule of all those who laughed at her for dreaming of an all-female team in the Whitbread Round the World Race (sailing around the world), in which managed to participate in 1989.

Tracy Edwards aboard the Maiden in which she made history

He fulfilled his dream aboard the Maiden. She did not win, but she became the first woman to receive the trophy for the best sailor of the year and managed to make 12 women the focus of the world nautical scene for months.

Her decision and her courage made it possible to build a door that would open up to four more times, thanks to four teams that took to the sea to show that women had a lot to say around the world. Tracy Edwards’ Maiden was the first all-female boat in what is now known as The Ocean Race, and was followed by Nance Frank and Dawn Riley’s Heineken (US Women’s Challenge) in 1993, Christine Guillou’s EF Education in 1997, Lisa McDonald’s Amer Sports Too in 2001; and Sam Davies’ Team SCA in 2014.

Since the first edition of the round the world race in 1973 there have been teams -few- made up solely of women, and women -increasingly- forming part of teams, the most notable case being that of Carolinjn Brouwer and Marie Riou , the first to proclaim themselves champions of a Sailing Tour of the World aboard the Dongfeng in 2018.

And so, although with ups and downs, the evolution of the presence of women in the world of sailing has not stopped there. Without going any further, in 2020 they participated in the Vendée Globe , the most demanding regatta in ocean sailing, 6 women, a record that had never been set before in this challenge. They were the English Samantha Davies, Miranda Merron and Pip Hare; the French Clarisse Crémer and Alexia Barrier, and the Franco-German Isabelle Joschke.

The progress in terms of equality is evident but the work is not – far from it – complete in the world of sailing. Proof of this are the multiple initiatives that, especially in recent years, have been launched through federations, clubs and teams. Women’s leagues, women-only crews, training and specialization activities designed especially for them… what is sought is to give women a greater role in a sector that has historically relegated them to a secondary position .

The Ladies Cup is a 100 percent female competition – Photo Lalo R Villar

The Women’s Sailing project of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona is also part of this struggle, thanks to which an entirely female team was formed to participate in the main regattas of the Galician Rías Baixas, the Royal Galician Sailing Federation was able to create a specific prize for women in the Galician Two-handed Championship, sailing activities were organized specifically for women, will be held the 25th anniversary of the Ladies Cup and several more initiatives are expected to be launched in 2021.

From Monte Real we believe that the woman-sea binomial continues to need support and encouragement, that the female presence in the world of sailing needs and deserves to continue making its way, and that this will only be achieved through everyone’s commitment to promoting the sport egalitarian. The sails are already hoisted, all that remains is to fill them with wind.

It is a report by Rosana Calvo, head of communication at the MRCYB


13 women aspire to the title of Galician Champions of A Dos


· For the first time in the history of the competition, specific prizes are put up for the best female and mixed crews

· The 72 sailors participating in the race will compete this Saturday in a regatta of about 30 round trip miles between Baiona and Ons

· The appointment framed in the MRW Trophy is held for the tenth consecutive year under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates


13 women aspire to become, this Saturday, the new Galician A Dos Champions in the regional event that the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation and is part of the MRW Trophy. For the first time in the history of the competition, in 2021 specific prizes are put up for the best female and mixed crews, and there will be several teams of each type competing in the different classes.

In J80, 4 exclusively female teams will go for the title, made up of: Alejandra Suárez and Pilar Amaro, María Campos and Rita Hernández, Marta Ramada and Dunia Reino; and Carlota Hernández and Carolina Terron. The crew members of this last team, Hernández and Terrón, who will sail aboard the “Gordita”, agreed on the importance of continuing to take steps to increase the number of women sailing.

“Having a prize for women within the general competition is very important since the percentage of men who participate is always higher and, statistically, they have more chances of winning, so these prizes – says Carlota Hernández – they allow women to stand out in some way, and they also serve to promote sports among women” .

For Carolina Terrón, the fact that there are more and more women in the regattas is a very good sign, “but there is still a lot of work to be done” , she says. “These types of initiatives give women much more visibility than they usually have and that is very important to continue attracting more female sailors. I think that a very strong commitment is being made in this sector, more and more, and that it is working, but we have to continue working”

In the class in which they compete, that of J80, there will also be a mixed team, that of the couple formed by Luis de Mira and Susana Baena, but they will have to face the male teams since it has not been possible to form a mixed class due to lack of boats (the committee required the participation of at least 4).

The Galician A Dos Championship is part of the MRW Trophy – Photo Clara Giraldo

Where there will be a mixed section will be in the ORC class, in which 4 crews made up of men and women have signed up to participate. They are those of Carolina Martínez and Miguel Ángel Fernández (RCN A Coruña), Víctor Carrión and Ana Sardiña (CN Beluso), Elena Raga and Miguel Sterner (MRCYB); and Miguel Barros and Paula Rey (MRCYB).

In total, 36 sailboats (at this time the registration period has not yet closed) manned by only two sailors, will compete this Saturday in the Rías Baixas in a regatta that will begin at eleven in the morning from inside the bay of Baiona. It will be there that the starting horn will be given for a route of about 30 miles that will take the participants, if the wind allows it, to the Ons area, to return again to Baiona.

The more than 30 participating sailboats must sail to Ons – Photo Clara Giraldo

Faced with a complicated weather forecast, which could make the intensity of the wind drop, the committee has also prepared an alternative that would involve taking the sailboats through the interior of the Vigo estuary towards the Rande bridge, placing various points of possible return in case it were necessary to shorten or even finish the route earlier than planned.

Once the competition is over, the Monte Real Club de Yates will host the awards ceremony for the winners, in which the president of the MRCYB, José Luis Álvarez, and the Director of the South Galicia Zone of MRW, Santos Almeida, will participate, among others. event sponsor.

Among the participating fleet in 2020 there was only 1 woman – Photo Clara Giraldo



11:00> Start of the regatta (bay of Baiona)
20:00> Awards



The MRW Trophy will elevate the new Galician champions of A Dos


· With crews reduced to the maximum (2 sailors) the sailboats that participate in the MRW Trophy – Galician Championship for Two will compete in one of the most exciting and demanding races of the nautical season in Galicia

In addition to the titles of Galician Champion of Two in the ORC and J80 classes, this year, for the first time in the history of the competition, distinctions will be awarded to the best women’s and mixed teams.

· The appointment that the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes for the tenth consecutive year will be dedicated to its president for more than 40 years, Mr. Rafael Olmedo

From the organization they expect the participation of about thirty boats – Photo Clara Giraldo

The Rías Baixas will host next Saturday the celebration of a new edition of the Galician Two-handed Championship, a test that the Monte Real Club de Yates will be in charge of organizing by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation.

This is the tenth consecutive year that the club from Baiona has staged, within the framework of the MRW Trophy, one of the most exciting sailing events in Galicia, and also one of the most demanding, since skippers can only take on board a crew member

With the teams reduced to the maximum, the participants will have to complete a route that will take them from Baiona to the vicinity of Ons. They will have as obligatory steps the beacons of Carallones, La Negra and Cíes to the Camouco Lighthouse, where they will have to turn to return to the bay of Baiona passing through the islet of Viños, in Cíes; and again by La Negra and Carallones.

With the crews reduced to the maximum, the sailboats must sail to Ons – Photo Clara Giraldo

In addition to the awards of the MRW Trophy, the titles of Galician Champion of A Dos, both in the ORC class and in the J80 class, will come into play in the competition. And this year, as a novelty, a distinction will also be awarded to the Galician Champions of A Dos, which will go to the best women’s team; and another to the Mixed Galician Champion, who will receive the sailboat that, manned by a man and a woman, obtains the best results in the test.

These new titles will be awarded as long as there is a minimum number of boats registered in each category, something that will not be known until the closing of the registration period next Friday the 4th. So far, 17 double teams have already confirmed their participation in the event, including 12 contenders for the ORC title and 5 J80 monotypes.

From the organization they hope to have around thirty sailboats and establish all the divisions of the classes called for the test, which will be dedicated one more year to the president of the Monte Real Yacht Club for more than 40 years, Don Rafael Olmedo.

The winners of the last edition of the Galician A Dos Championship were Javier de la Gándara and Diego Fernández, who on board the Okofen proclaimed themselves winners with full authority. They managed to get 15 and 20 minutes ahead of the second and third classified: Ay Carmela! (Bouzas Maritime Lyceum) manned by Juan Martínez and Ignacio Correa; and the Orion by Javier Pérez and Esteban Gañete (MRCYB).

The Galician A Dos Championship is one of the most exciting events on the calendar – Photo Clara Giraldo



Friday, June 4
8:00 – 19:00> Security reviews, registrations and delivery of documentation
19:00> Pattern meeting

Saturday, June 5
11:00> Start of the regatta (bay of Baiona)
20:00> Awards

Okofen rises with the victory of the Baitra J80 Winter League


· The sailboat led by Javier de la Gándara and crewed by his son Jaime, Iago Carrera and Diego Fernández was the winner of the one-design winter league

· The Okofen (10 pts) took the gold, leaving the silver and the bronze for the Alboroto by Juan Carlos Ameneiro (16 pts) and the Marías by Manel Marías (26 pts)

· The award ceremony for the winners put an end to the competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Baitra

Javier de la Gándara, Diego Fernandez and Jaime Gándara aboard the Okofen – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen sentenced this Saturday the Baitra J80 Winter League after winning on the last day of tests and taking the final victory of the competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Baitra Accesorios Navales

The sailboat led by the navigator from Vigo and crewed by his son Jaime together with Iago Carrera (who replaced Javier on the last day, the other of Gándara’s sons who competed in the previous days) and Diego Fernández, achieved the laurels of the league of monotypes after signing 5 first places in the 8 races disputed.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen crossing the finish line – Photo © Rosana Calvo

In the last stage, held this Saturday, De la Gándara and his team, who had been in first position since the second day of testing, managed to maintain their good numbers. They crossed the finish line ahead of the entire fleet in the two regattas of the day, one held inside the Bay of Baiona and the other in the Carallones area, both with a north-westerly wind that moved between 7 and 14 knots.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen winner of the Baitra J80 Winter League – Photo Leticia Acero

Okofen finished with 10 points in the general classification, with 6 and 16 points ahead of the second and third classified, demonstrating once again why it is one of the best J80 currently sailing in Galicia.

The Rampage of Juan Carlos Ameneiro took the silver – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The silver of the competition went to the Alboroto de Juan Carlos Ameneiro, in which the Spanish J80 champion, Javier Aguado, sailed again this last day. With two second places in the partials of the last day, he did not manage to snatch the victory from Okofen but he did stay in the second place on the podium. It was another favorite and it did not disappoint.

The Fuss of Juan Carlos Ameneiro second in the Baitra J80 Winter League – Photo Leticia Acero

The Marías of the Portuguese Manel María, who came third from the previous day, managed to consolidate the bronze position, leaving few surprises in the top positions of the Baitra J80 Winter League, with a trio of aces that barely gave his competitors a break, occupying practically from the beginning the highest positions in the classification.

The Marías de Manel María third in the Baitra J80 Winter League – Photo Leticia Acero

Among the rest of the 19 participants, Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino and José Luis Pérez’s Maija were the most outstanding. They slipped into the Top 5 with 26 and 31 points respectively, quite far from the rest of the sailboats.

Further down the table, with numbers starting at 45 points, were Santiago Estévez’s Spaco, Rafael Blanco’s Due, Juan Luis Tuero’s Luna Nueva, Miguel Fernández’s La Galera, Rosario García’s Ferralemes, SDN Cormorán by Francisco Martínez, Namasté by Luis de Mira, by Joao Nuno Allen, Petrilla by Jaime Barreiro, Luxoconf by Jean Claude Sarrade, Miudo by Nacho Salgueiro, Pazo de Cea by Iago Carballo, Picacho by Yago Marquina and Mondo by Bernardo Macedo.

Baitra J80 Winter League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

After the dispute of the last tests in the water, the crews met on land to participate in the awards ceremony for the winners, which was attended by the general manager of Baitra Accesorios Navales, Juan Carlos González, sponsor of the event. Awards were also presented by the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; the delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Vigo, Marta Fernández, and the sports deputy of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, Gorka Gómez.

The Baitra J80 Winter League is one of the two competitions that the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes exclusively, each year, for the J80 fleet. The second date will be in October with the Autumn League, but beforehand the 8-meter monotypes will also be able to participate in the Galician Two-Fold Championship (June 5), the Conde de Gondomar Trophy (July 23, 24 and 25) and the Prince of Asturias Trophy (3, 4 and 5 September).

The Baitra J80 Winter League was held in Baiona for 4 months – Photo © Rosana Calvo







De la Gándara caresses the final victory


· Aboard Okofen, the skipper from Vigo has the best results in the Baitra J80 Winter League, which celebrates its last day in Baiona this Saturday

· De la Gándara and his crew reach the final stage in first position with 8 points followed by Alboroto with 12 points and Marías with 17 points

· The last three tests of the competition will be played from three in the afternoon and at half past eight the prizes will be awarded to the winners

Baitra J80 Winter League Fleet- Photo © Rosana Calvo

The sailor from Vigo Javier de la Gándara and his crew from Okofen caress the final victory of the Baitra J80 Winter League, as they reach the last day of the competition, which is held this Saturday in Baiona, as leaders.

De la Gándara, his sons Jaime and Javier, and Okofen regular Diego Fernández lead the provisional standings with 8 points and, except for big mistakes or unexpected surprises that prevent them from maintaining the good track record up to now, they have many ballots to take the final victory.

Jaime Gándara, Javier Gándara, Diego Fernández and Javier de la Gándara aboard the Okofen – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Albotoro, who was joined on several days by the Spanish J80 champion, Javier Aguado, could avoid his victory. It is another of the J80s that has managed to chain very good results in the six tests held so far and could storm the first position of the league, since it occupies second place just 4 points behind Okofen.

El Alboroto by Juan Carlos Ameneiro in a heads-up match with Marías by Manel María – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Somewhat more difficult to finish as leader will be for the Portuguese crew of the Marías, led by Manel María, who is third with 17 points, 9 behind the leader and 5 behind the second. It will be difficult for him to win the laurels but he will almost certainly be among the top finishers.

Closing the Top 5 of the Baitra J80 Winter League and with aspirations to be able to sneak into a podium position are Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino, with 22 points; and La Galera by Miguel Fernández, with 24 points.

After the suspension of the penultimate day due to bad weather conditions, the Baitra J80 Winter League will celebrate its final stage this Saturday from three in the afternoon. The regatta committee hopes to be able to start the three tests planned in the program, and the sailboats will be left without being able to apply a new discard (of their worst result) because the six tests necessary to do so will not be held.

Once the competition in the water is over, the facilities of the Monte Real Club de Yates will host the awards ceremony for the winners, starting at half past seven. It will be attended by the general director of Baitra Accesorios Navales, Juan Carlos González, as sponsor of the event.

Provisional classification in the absence of the last day





The Baitra J80 Winter League enters its final stretch


· The one-design competition that the Monte Real Club de Yates has been organizing since January enters its final stretch with the dispute this Saturday of the penultimate day

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen is leading the standings after achieving three victories in the six races held to date

· Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto and Manel María’s Marías are in second and third position separated by 4 and 9 points behind Okofen


Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen leads the Baitra J80 Winter League – Photo © Rosana Calvo


The Baitra J80 Winter League that the Monte Real Club de Yates has organized in Baiona since last January enters its final stretch this Saturday with the dispute of the penultimate day of tests.

Starting at three in the afternoon, the 18 sailboats that aspire to the title of the one-design league will meet in the bay of Baiona to compete in three new regattas with which to continue defining positions for the end of the competition, scheduled for May 29.

This Saturday there will be three new tests between buoys, of the windward-leeward type with a double loop, in which Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen has proven to be the best so far. With partials of 4-3-1-1-2-1, the crew of the sailor from Vigo has been at the top of the classification for several days but without being able to relax too much, since there are several candidates to steal the lead.

From second place, Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Rampage is another of the firm contenders for the title. In the last stage, being able to rule out his worst result (12 points), which had been penalizing him a lot in the table, allowed him to rise to the silver position, just 4 points behind the leader.

A little further down, in third position, with provisional bronze, is the Portuguese crew of the Marías, led by Manel Marías. They are separated by 9 points from Okofen, but the team is one of those that usually surprises, so a possible Portuguese victory cannot be ruled out yet.

Somewhat more unstable with the previous scores was Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino who, with very different partials, is in fourth position, closely followed, just 2 points apart, by La Galera from A Coruña, with Miguel Fernández Vasco in front.

The Baitra J80 Winter League is held in the Bay of Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo


Classification after the third day held on April 10









The Monte Real Yacht Club (MRCYB), by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation (RFGV), organizes the GALICIAN DOUBLE CHAMPIONSHIP – MRW TROPHY – VII RAFAEL OLMEDO MEMORIAL for ORC cruisers and J80 one-designs, to be held in the waters of the Galician Rías Baixas on Saturday, June 5, 2021 .


The GALICIAN TWO-SIDED CHAMPIONSHIP – MRW TROPHY – VII RAFAEL OLMEDO MEMORIAL will be held under the following regulations:

2.1 The “rules” as defined in the WS Racing Rules of Sailing 2021/24.

2.2 The IMS Measurement Regulation. [NP]

2.3 The ORC Rating System Regulations.

2.4 The Regulations with the adaptations made by the MRCYB for this regatta, of the J80 one-design class. [NP]

2.5 The WS Special Safety Rules for offshore racing (OSR) for category 4, reduced, special for this regatta. 2020-[26824] .pdf

2.6 The Regulations of the RFGV Galician Championship for Two in force and for the Rías Baixas Circuit for Two.

2.7 Special rules of the RFGV and SDX (Secretaría Xeral para o Deporte de la Xunta de Galicia) for COVID19 prevention, specified in ANNEX I. [DP]

2.8 This Notice of Race (AR) and the Sailing Instructions (IR), the latter prevailing in case of discrepancy between the two.

2.9 The infraction of the rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies rule 60.1(a) RRS.

2.10 The infraction of the rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .

2.11 The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] They will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Regatta Committee in each test infringed during the day. (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).


3.1 Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of World Sailing Regulation 20, the RFEV Competition Regulations and the RFEV prescriptions for said regulations.

3.2 In accordance with World Sailing regulation 20, participants may be required to display advertising on the forward 20% of the hull on each side of the boat and on the sides of the boom, as well as possible advertising pennants on the backstay of each boat. All this would be provided at the regatta office once your registration is confirmed.

3.3 Modifications to the stickers provided by the Organizing Committee are not allowed.

3.4 The Monte Real Club de Yates reserves the right to demand the elimination or substitution of any type of publicity, message or image displayed during the event of the boats or equipment of their crew members, which does not comply with the regulations. generally accepted moral and ethical standards (World Sailing Regulation 20) or contravene the interests of the organizing club. This includes holding races on the regatta course, at the club’s facilities or while at the regatta committee’s disposal.

3.5 The owner or skipper of the boat with advertising will be asked to indicate or show the type of advertising that will be displayed during the celebration of the regatta, for the approval of the organizing committee.

3.6 The participating owners and crews grant their authorization to the MRCYB so that any photograph, image or video of people or boats taken during the days of the regatta may be published in any medium, such as television advertisements, editorial comments, information, advertising etc.


Participants must meet the eligibility requirements reflected in the WS regulations and in the prescriptions of the RFEV to said regulations.


5.1 Any single-hull sailing cruiser with a minimum length of 6.49 m may participate. and with an ORC International or ORC Club measurement certificate valid for the year 2021. Vessels with a GPH greater than 780 sec./mile will not be admitted.

5.2 The skippers of the boats must be of legal age accredited by means of a photocopy of their DNI and, in the event of carrying a minor as a crew member, they must provide, together with the documentation for registration, the corresponding written authorization from their parents or guardians. , as the responsibility of the minor during the regatta falls to the skipper of the boat where he is embarked.

5.3 There will only be a TWO division (necessarily with two crew members).

5.4 In view of the registrations made and as soon as their effective participation in the regatta is verified, the Regatta Committee and Organizing Committee, if they deem it appropriate, will establish within the TWO division, the classes and cuts of the same that consider necessary seeking the greatest fairness possible, not admitting claims in this regard.

5.5 The J80 boats will participate in the Galician A2 championship category of this monotype.

5.6 The minimum number of boats to form a Galician division and champion plate of each class and category will be:

– Absolute 5 boats
– Female 4 boats (in the same category)
– Mixed 4 boats (in the same category)


6.1 Registration will be mandatory and will be done through the official platform of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, ESCORA, before 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 2, 2021.

6.2 Also attaching files with the following documentation to:

– Valid ORC measurement certificate for 2021.
– Necessary qualification of the skipper to be able to govern the boat.
– Certificate of navigability in force.
– Advertising permission if you have it.
– Current insurance policy, which covers civil liability (damage to third parties and property) or extension of coverage of civil liability and damage to third parties up to a minimum amount of 330,556.66 euros.
– Proof of payment of registration fees.

6.3 Entry fees will be €60 per boat.
Those boats that register before May 20, 2021, will have a 50% bonus.

The payment of the registration fees will be proven through the Escora platform payment gateway or bank transfer with proof of the transfer made, which must reflect the name of the boat or sail number, to the account of the Monte Real Yacht Club:

Account number: ES92- 2080-0559-2330-4000-3658

6.4 The winning boat of the GALICIAN CHAMPIONSHIP OF TWO in 2020, will be exempt from the registration fee, in the GALICIAN CHAMPIONSHIP OF TWO – MRW TROPHY – VII MEMORIAL RAFAEL OLMEDO this year.


The definitive admission of a registration is subject to the complete presentation of the required documents, BEFORE 8:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021, as well as the safety review form completed and signed by the Measurement and/or Regatta Committee and the personal signature of the person in charge of the boat, the written waiver of responsibility and authorization to the club and Organizing Committee to disseminate all of the images collected from the event in any media without territorial limit.


8.1 In accordance with the RFGV Galician Two-Handed Championship Regulations, the planned distance and itinerary will be adapted to the prevailing weather conditions, for the safety of the participants.

8.2 Initially the planned route will be: Departure in the Bay of Baiona – Beacon to unmark if necessary – Beacon of Carallones Er. – Beacon of La Negra Er. – Illas Cíes Br. – Lighthouse Tower Camouco Er. turning it – Beacon Islote dos Viños in Cíes, Br. – Beacon of La Negra Br. – Beacon of Carallones Br. – Arrival. This route may vary depending on the weather conditions on the day of the test.

8.3 In the Sailing Instructions the possible alternative courses will be specified according to said meteorological conditions.


Friday, June 4

08:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Registration confirmation. Delivery of documentation.

4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Checking the monitoring and security system. Security reviews.

7:00 p.m. – Employers meeting.

Saturday, June 5

9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. – Photocall participant photography.

11:00 a.m. – Exit attention signal.

8:00 p.m. – Award ceremony.


The responsibility of going to this regatta with its correctly updated measurement certificate, material measured and sealed correctly, as well as the maximum number of sails that can be carried on board and the required safety elements is exclusively the skipper of the registered boat.


11.1 For safety purposes, this regatta is considered a reduced category 4, in accordance with the WS Special Rules for High Seas Regatta (OSR) and specified in the security sheet attached to the registration, both of which are mandatory.

11.2 It will be the responsibility of the owner or the person in charge of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and especially for their government, dispatch and security.

11.3 Do not forget that it is very important:
 VHF radio with channels 16, 71 and 72, support mobile phone, as well as enough batteries and spare parts for the entire duration of navigation.
 Bring on board all the updated regulatory documentation of the boat, including insurance and the necessary qualifications of the skipper.
 Mandatory GPS, at least one (1) per boat.
 Perfect condition of navigation lights and radar reflector.
 The use of the autopilot in regatta will be allowed. You must carry enough fuel to be able to navigate at maximum power for four (4) hours, as well as one (1) safety harness per crew member or registered skipper, approved vests, clothing and water shoes.
 Permanently installed lifelines.
 Throughout the duration of the regatta, mandatory passage controls and position notices will be established throughout the entire route.
11.4 Wake Tracking and Security Program. [NP] [SP]
During the completion of the test, the participants must MANDATORY be connected to the live monitoring program of the regatta, through the application that they will download to their mobiles for free. In this link you can follow the instructions

It is very important that they provide mobile battery chargers or mobile connection to the ship’s battery to charge. Participants who disconnect or do not directly connect to the program at all times, without just cause, may be penalized with a minimum of 2% of their real time, with no claims being accepted in this regard.


12.1 The absolute winner of ORC A2, J80 A2, female A2 or mixed A 2 that meets the requirements of the Galician Championship Regulations (all its crew members have a Galician federation license for the current year and the boat runs for a Galician club ) will receive the Galician Champion plaque for the year 2021.

12.2 The complete list of prizes will be exposed in the TOA before the start of the Regatta.


The boats formally registered in this regatta that do not belong to the MRCYB fleet will have a free mooring or anchoring place (mooring under the exclusive responsibility of the owner or skipper) reserved at the MRCYB from Sunday, May 30 to Sunday, June 6.


13.1 All boats participating in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility.

13.2 The Monte Real Club de Yates, the Organizing Authority or any other person or body involved in the organization of the event, rejects any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participating in the tests covered by this Notice of Race.

13.3 Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4 RACE DECISION, part 1 of the RRS which states:

“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or to continue racing”


MRCYB, May 2021






A1) The interpersonal separation of 2 m and/or the use of physical protection measures are established as fundamental measures, as established by the regulations, in addition to constant hand washing.
A2) Before attending the activity, participants must undergo a SELF-TEST to confirm symptoms. Do I have a fever, cough or shortness of breath?
A3) All participants must bring their own mask and hydroalcoholic gel with them for all activities.
A4) All participants who have any symptoms of COVID19 or have been in contact with someone infected, will not be able to access the facilities or carry out activities. In addition, they must immediately notify the technical manager of the facility or competition.
A5) It will be mandatory to wash hands at all entrances to the facilities with hydroalcoholic gel or soap, for at least 40 seconds and constantly, before and after each activity that is carried out.
A6) It will not be allowed to share food or drinks between participants, users and/or staff.
A7) All coaches and assistance personnel in water must carry an FFP2 mask and their own bottle of hydroalcoholic gel.
A8) The use of changing rooms is not recommended and they will be used only when necessary. Personal items will not be allowed in the changing rooms.
A9) The use of a mask will be mandatory at all times.
A10) In navigation situations in which the mask cannot be used, in the event of: harsh sea, wind and/or rain conditions, the wetsuit will be used to cover the nose and mouth.

In addition, before sailing, special attention should be paid to the rest of the measures to minimize the risk of contagion:

– Take temperature prior to activity.
– Frequent hand washing.
– Do not exchange positions on the boats during the same day of Activity.
– Disinfection of shared material.


B1) Mandatory use of masks and a safety distance of 1.5 m. during the actions of lowering and raising boats.
B2) Keep the crews in their own boat whenever they are on the jetty.
B3) Maintain a constant safety distance of 1.5 m interpersonally when circulating or being on the slipway and pontoon.
B4) Mandatory mask use at all times.
B5) Hand washing with hydroalcoholic gel in all accesses.
B6) Carry hydrogel on board for constant handwashing of the crew.
B7) Daily disinfection of the boat.
B8) Obligation to use their own water bottle for each crew member. Do not share bottle
B9) Obligation for each athlete to carry their own supplies on board. Do not share food.
B10) Carry a minimum of 5 masks on board to be able to replace those that are damaged.

2025 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
