· More than 100 boys and girls from Galicia will participate starting tomorrow in the last Optimist qualifier prior to the national championship of the class
· In addition to the sports events, a dramatized track race has been organized so that the little ones have fun discovering Baiona
· The Baiona City Council, the Navigation Museum, the Baiona Theater Classroom, the Cenor Group and the Monte Real Yacht Club collaborate in the initiative.
Baiona raises the curtain on the Cenor Regatta tomorrow, Saturday, with a sailing and games program for the more than 100 young sailors who, coming from different parts of Galicia, will participate in the last Optimist qualifying round prior to the national class championship, a competition sponsored by the home appliances and technology group Cenor.
In addition to the usual sports events, which will start at half past one in the afternoon, the novelty of this competition will be a special entertainment program that the Baiona council has prepared, hand in hand with the Casa de la Navegación Museum and the Baiona Theater Classroom, so that children can have fun discovering Baiona.
It is a dramatized track race that will take the little ones through the main tourist attractions of the fishing village. A tour that, with the aim of solving a riddle, will allow you to discover the ins and outs of discovery, to figures as prominent as Diego Carmona, Vasco Gallego, Isabel la Católica or Pinzón; and places like the Church of Santa María, the Monolito de la Arribada, the nuns’ fountain or the Pinta caravel, among others.
To avoid crowds and be able to maintain COVID safety distances, the game will start at six in the afternoon, taking advantage of the forced closure of the hotel industry. It will start from the music box in Parque de la Palma, where an actress, symbolizing Baiona, will give the little ones the first clues to start playing.
Divided into teams, the children will have to solve different riddles that will take them through some of the most outstanding points of the fishing village, where there will be actors representing some of the most important characters in the history of Baiona. They will be the ones who, explaining different historical episodes, will give the participants the following clues to continue with the tour. The winning team will win an optimist candle courtesy of the company Filtros Navales Jesús Betanzos.
“It is the perfect combination of sport, tourism and fun” says the sports director of the Baiona city council, Javier F. López, who thanks the members of the Casa de la Navegación Museum and the Baiona Theater Classroom for having made possible. “For just over an hour, children will be able to discover the history and wonders of Baiona while having fun following clues and solving riddles” – he continues – “And this will only be the appetizer of what we will prepare at Easter for the Spanish Optimist Championship”.
Theatrical performance on board the caravel – Photo courtesy of the Baiona City Council
The dramatized track race will start once the sports program in the water has finished, which includes holding up to three tests if the weather permits. In them, more than 100 young sailors from the yacht clubs of Vigo, Coruña, Canido, Ribeira, Rodeira, Aguete, Oza, Sanxenxo, Panxón, Ferrol and Baiona will fight for the best results in order to move up in the Galician ranking. The first 20 athletes from that regional list will be automatically selected to represent Galicia in the Spanish Optimist Championship.
9:00 Opening of the race office 11:00 Meeting of coaches and team managers 13:30 Start of the first test of the day 18:00 Theatrical track race in Baiona
10:00 Start of the first test of the day 18:00 Awards ceremony
After learning of the announcement of the suspension of the prestigious sailing SUPER SERIES in Baiona due to COVID19, we reviewed with the president of the Monte Real Club de Yates, José Luis Álvarez, the impact that the pandemic has had on one of the clubs with the most History of Spain.
While many other yacht clubs saw how COVID made them lose members, reduce income, forced them to suspend regattas and the activity of their schools, the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona not only managed to stay afloat, but also signed one of its best years, with record numbers of influx of members and students in its Sailing School.
About a year after the declaration of the state of alarm derived from the coronavirus, the president of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona, José Luis Álvarez, takes stock of what these last months of confinement and restrictions have meant for the club; and of the actions that have allowed them to be an exception in a bleak panorama.
The organization of the SUPER SERIES has just announced the suspension of the Baiona Sailing Week, which next June was going to bring these “formula 1 of the sea” to Galicia. It will have been a very hard blow for the club…
It has been, without a doubt, quite a hit, since we were very excited about the arrival of the SUPER SERIES in Galicia, but we perfectly understand the decision of the organization and we are glad that they have us for 2022. Right now the situation derived from COVID19 did not give them the security they needed and they have preferred to minimize the risks by reducing the trips and suspending the closest regattas in time. From the club, the only thing we hope is that next year the situation will be much better and we can see these outstanding players in Galicia, in a year that will also continue to be Xacobeo, so it will undoubtedly be a good year to receive them as they deserve .
The truth is that the COVID19 crisis has generated numerous losses in the economic activity of many sectors (the nautical sector has not been an exception) and it is still not very well known what the impact will be in the short and medium term. How has this situation affected the Monte Real Club de Yates?
At Monte Real we are lucky that the vast majority of places are occupied by club members, so we manage to keep the pontoons full throughout the year. But we have noticed a huge drop in the number of transits, due to mobility restrictions. The drop in figures has been tremendous, but of course, they could not cross borders. There has been an impact, without a doubt, but much less than what other clubs have possibly suffered, which have also had many membership losses.
In Monte Real they have not suffered those casualties?
The truth is that no. Every year there are some, for different reasons, but the few casualties that have occurred in these months of pandemic have been covered by the entry of new members and we continue with the same number as before. What’s more, there are still people on the waiting list to join the club, because not all applications are accepted. We want to maintain a stable number, around 700 members, which guarantees the comfort of the facilities, and that is why we do not grow exponentially, not because there is no demand, there is.
How has the club member experienced these months of restrictions and prohibitions?
The truth is that the club has been more alive than ever. In the moments in which they have left us, yes. In the months of the strictest restrictions we had to cancel social events, close the restaurant, paralyze the regattas and the school… but when they allowed us to open in the summer, albeit with restrictions, we had an influx of members, students and sailors that we had not seen in years. .
What do you think was due to this unexpected influx of people during the summer?
At first it caught us a bit by surprise, because we weren’t expecting it, but then we understood what was happening: the club had become a safe place where we could spend some leisure time without worrying about the coronavirus. The partners understood all the control measures put in place, some of which were not even required by the authorities, and they felt comfortable and safe with them.
What other older measures did you put in place to avoid COVID?
We always try to go one step further than what the authorities ask of us. All the requirements of closures, capacity, cleaning, control… and we also bought ozone machines and thermometers to control the temperature at the entrances, distributed masks, and even hired external personnel to guarantee that everyone complied with the regulations. They were months of a lot of control and restrictions that made everything a little more uncomfortable and generated some complaints, but at the same time, they created a bubble, a security environment in the club that was not there outside. And that was the reason why we believe we had more influx than ever, and without, that we know of, cases of COVID, which was what really mattered to us.
One of the aspects that most affected Spanish yacht clubs, closely linked to tourism, was a large drop in the number of visitors, something that had a direct impact on their direct income. Did you also notice it in Baiona?
At Monte Real we are lucky that the vast majority of our places are occupied by club members, so we manage to keep the pontoons full, but in the rest of the places we did notice a decrease. In fact, the drop in the number of transits, especially international, was drastic, in this we did not manage to be an exception, but of course, nobody could be an exception because the borders were closed, it was impossible. The truth is that these are difficult times, but we believe that as soon as we can return to normality, Monte Real, Baiona, Galicia and Spain in general have more than enough potential to recover the good pre-COVID tourism figures.
Tourists were lost and regattas were suspended, many regattas, even when they were allowed to take place. Was it a wise decision?
It is difficult to generalize and each club will have to take stock of their decisions based on the reasons that led them to make them. Some would suspend thinking that they would not have sailors, others for fear of contagion, and others simply for comfort. In our case, paralyzing all sporting activity was also valued, but finally we opted to continue promoting sailing. We knew that the decision was going to demand a lot from us, as it did, but we decided to go ahead. And the result was perfect. We held practically all our competitions, including the most popular ones such as the Count of Gondomar and the Prince of Asturias, and we did so without contagion. It was a bet on sailing and it worked out well for us. With a lot of effort, yes.
Last year, in the midst of the pandemic, they announced the celebration of the Super Series, which will have to wait until 2022, and the other great news that the club left us in the months of COVID was its choice as the venue for the 2023 J80 World Cup. , something that they had been pursuing for years. Is this achievement the culmination of your commitment to these monotypes?
I would not know if it is the culmination or not, but of course the fact that they have granted us the celebration of the world championship of a class for which we have been betting for years is a very important milestone. One of the points on our program was, and continues to be, the internationalization of Monte Real, and we are working on that. Bringing these two top-level competitions to Galicia is the result of months and months of work, and the truth is that we are very happy.
One of the projects that they plan to launch this year is VELA EN FEMENINO, aimed at promoting the figure of women in the world of sailing. Tell us more about this proposal.
It is about taking another step in our commitment to women in the world of sailing, because there are still very few women who sail today. 25 years ago we launched, I don’t know if it was the first, but one of the first exclusively female competitions in Spain, the Ladies Cup, and now what we intend to do is launch new lines of action with the same objective, which is none other than to achieve that women have more presence in the nautical world. We have designed a series of proposals for training, competition and also of a social nature, with women victims of gender violence; and we are trying to find a sponsor who shares our same vision and wants to promote this initiative.
The woman will be, then, the protagonist of the future of the club… what other projects do you have in mind for the coming years?
The truth is that we have many projects on the table, although not all of them can be counted because some are still in negotiations or are not completely closed. From what can be counted, training will undoubtedly be one of our bets. We have managed to become a training center of the Royal Yachting Association and in a few months we will be the first club in Galicia and the entire Spanish Bay of Biscay to offer its prestigious courses, which are the most important in the nautical sector worldwide. We will also begin to offer courses to obtain the PNB, the PER and the qualifications of skipper and captain of yachts; and with regard to infrastructure, we are going to improve the club’s facilities, putting fingers in all our seats, which was a demand of many of our visitors, especially international ones. There is also an important advance that is taking place and that we hope to be able to announce in a few weeks, but for now we have to wait.
It is an interview with Rosana Calvo, head of communication at the MRCYB
Sixteen years after the milestone that marked the start of the Sailing Tour of the World from Vigo in 2005, Galicia will once again focus the world nautical scene with the celebration in Baiona, by the Monte Real Yacht Club, of the Baiona Sailing Week 2021 , a stop on the circuit of the prestigious 52 SUPERSERIES .
With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world , along with the America’s Cup and the Sailing Tour of the World, and next June they will stop in Baiona. We start discounting!
The courses of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) are the most prestigious and recognized worldwide in the nautical world
· The programs that will be taught in Baiona will allow obtaining different official international qualifications
· Monte Real will also offer the possibility of obtaining the Navigation License, the PNB, the PER or the Skipper and Yacht Captain qualifications
The Monte Real Club de Yachts de Baiona will become this year the first yacht club in Galicia and the entire Spanish Bay of Biscay to offer in its facilities the prestigious courses of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), the most recognized worldwide within the nautical world.
They will be a series of training programs, mainly practical, in which students will be able to acquire different skills and knowledge related to navigation and thus obtain official certificates of competence valid for sailing in numerous countries around the world.
The Royal Yachting Association , based in the United Kingdom, is today the most prestigious international training organization, and obtaining one of its qualifications gives sailors the necessary certification to navigate foreign waters. It also facilitates procedures such as boat rental or the processing of nautical insurance in other countries.
Its training method is eminently practical, focused on real navigation, and a student-instructor ratio that does not exceed 5 to 1, which guarantees a more complete training and personalized attention. International certificates are also awarded through a demanding practical test with a qualified examiner on board.
Courses on “Competent crew” (course for crew members who want to go from being passengers to being active members of the crew, which is carried out on board a sailboat for 5 days, learning navigation techniques, and which enables them to navigate daytime crossings in familiar waters), “Day skipper” (course for aspiring skippers with experience in sailing equivalent to the PER qualification but more practical and in English, which enables day and night coastal navigation), “Coastal skipper” (course that requires a greater number of requirements to obtain the title and that provides theoretical knowledge equivalent to a yacht skipper, to navigate day and night voyages without losing sight of the coast) and that of “Yachtmaster offshore” (course for expert sailors who will be able to act as skippers in sailboats of up to 200gt and 150 miles from the coast),
The Baionese club will be able to offer these courses thanks to an agreement signed with the Julio Verne Náutica company, which will be in charge of providing training, both theoretical and practical, at the Monte Real facilities.
The process of homologation of the courses has suffered a delay due to the situation derived from COVID19, but it is expected to culminate in the near future and it will be this year when they begin to be taught in Baiona.
In addition to turning it into an RYA training center, the agreement signed with Julio Verne Náutica will also allow Monte Real to complement its training offer with the possibility of obtaining the Navigation license , the GNP , the PER , the extension of the powers of the PER or the qualifications of Skipper and Yachtsman .
Also, at the club’s Cruise Sailing School, new training will begin on route planning, meteorology, night navigation and watchkeeping, or electronic aids, among others . In all of them, as in the RYA courses and in obtaining the rest of the qualifications, Monte Real members will have priority access to the courses and special discounts on their prices.
More information: 986 385 000 / secretaria@mrcyb.com
· After months of negotiations and hard work to meet all the requirements demanded by the organization, the Monte Real Club de Yates manages to make the 52 SUPER SERIES land in Galicia in 2021, coinciding with the Xacobeo Year
· For 8 days in June, the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week will bring together in the Rías Baixas some of the best sailors in the world aboard boats with cutting-edge technology, competing in the so-called “Formula 1 of the sea”.
With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world, along with the America’s Cup and the Sailing Tour of the World
Its impact reaches figures of up to two million euros of investment in local companies and services in each of the nautical events and one billion impacts in different media and online channels
Fifteen years after the milestone that the departure of the Sailing Tour of the World from Vigo in 2005 meant for Galicia, the Monte Real Club de Yates once again puts the Galician community in the spotlight of the world nautical scene by including Baiona in the circuit of the prestigious 52 SUPER SERIES.
After months of negotiations and hard work to meet all the requirements demanded by the organization, the historic club from Baiona has just confirmed that the considered “Fórmula 1 del mar” has agreed to compete in one of its events in the Galician Rías Baixas in June 2021, coinciding with the celebration of the Xacobeo Holy Year.
With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world, along with the America’s Cup and the World Sailing Tour. Between 10 and 12 teams of more than 8 nationalities of sailors from the 5 continents compete aboard boats with cutting-edge technology in tests that are held for months in different ports around the world.
Next year, one of those stages will be the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week , which will be held for 8 days, between June 3 and 10, both inclusive. The first two days, on days 3 and 4, the crews will compete in training regattas in the area set aside for the competition, a place very close to the Atlantic Islands National Park, just in front of the Cíes Islands. The third day, June 5, is reserved for training in an already official regatta, although not scoring; and in the last 5 days, from 6 to 10, the competition itself will be held, with the regattas that will define the final classification from which the winners will emerge.
In addition to the sporting events, the Monte Real Club de Yates will organize multiple social events, such as meetings with the sailors, visits to the participating boats, conferences and talks about the competition or parties with the crews, among many others. It will also be a unique opportunity to rediscover Monte Real, one of the oldest clubs in Spain, with a long and prolific journey on the international nautical scene.
What was once the first Spanish club to present a challenge to the Copa América de Vela currently organizes some of the most outstanding regattas in Spain, such as the Príncipe de Asturias Trophy or the Conde de Gondomar Trophy. Recently, Monte Real has also announced the celebration in Baiona, in 2023, of the J80 Class World Cup, which will become the eighth World Cup event that the club has organized throughout its more than 50-year history.
A prestigious circuit considered the “Formula 1 of the sea”
The 52 SUPER SERIES were born from the hands of three businessmen in love with the sea and enthusiastic sailors: the American Doug DeVos (co-president of the prestigious marketing company Amway and owner of the Orlando Magic NBA basketball team), the Swedish Niklas Zennström (creator of numerous companies such as Skype or Kazaa) and the Argentine Alberto Roemmers (founder of Laboratorios Roemmers, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Argentina).
In 2012 they created a circuit that each year goes through five or six of the best places on the planet to haggle in tests in which an unparalleled fleet competes, made up of the best sailors in the world. On board the TP52, a type of 52-foot (15.85 m.) boat that is almost identical in its performance, the crews must make a difference with the technological innovations that they apply to sailboats and the expertise and skills of their teams. .
The organization of each of the stages of the 52 SUPER SERIES involves the movement of some 500 people, up to 12 megayachts and support boats. All that logistics, along with flight reservations, accommodation and restaurants; service companies and teams; they represent an expense that reaches more than 3 million euros, of which about two million stay in local companies and services in the place where they compete.
The extensive media coverage, both national and international, of the nautical event, reaches figures that, according to data from the organization, are around one billion hits in different media, with more than one million views on live television in the competition and close to 10 million impressions on the online channels of social networks. The regatta is also followed all over the world, with live images or through virtual reality systems from the website www.52superseries.com.
Another aspect to highlight of the 52 SUPER SERIES and the MRCYB will be their firm commitment to sustainability. The competition and its collaborating organization in this matter, 11th Hour Racing, will promote a series of actions in each of the regattas aimed at promoting environmental awareness through education and action. The commitment is to achieve a zero footprint of ecological impact, an effort that will be redoubled in the waters of the Ría de Vigo as it is of a very high environmental value.
The official announcement of the achievement of the 52 SUPER SERIES for Galicia by the Monte Real Yacht Club was made this morning at a press conference held in Baiona, which was attended by the General Director of the competition, the Spanish Agustín Zulueta, who signed the contract for the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week together with the president of Monte Real, José Luis Álvarez.
“Just a month ago we revealed that we had been chosen to organize the 2023 J80 World Championship and today’s news is undoubtedly another of the great announcements that will mark 2020 for Monte Real. That the 52 Super Series land in Baiona is great news only for us as a club, or for Baiona as a town, but for all of Galicia, which for weeks will become the focus of the world nautical scene. Many years have passed since we presented, for the first time in the history of Spain, that Challenge to the America’s Sailing Cup, and those of you who follow us closely know that we have never abandoned our desire to write new chapters in the history of sailing. Today, in front of a blank page, we begin to write a new one”
José Luis Álvarez President of the Monte Real Yacht Club
“For us, announcing the Baiona regatta in 2021 is something that excites us. We have been looking for a location that joins the one in Cascais for some time to take advantage of the movement of ships to the Atlantic from our usual headquarters in the Mediterranean. It is the first time in the ten seasons of the 52 SUPER SERIES that we go to Galicia and it was like a debt that we had as organizers. Baiona is the ideal place. June is the best time to sail, it is an exceptional town with great infrastructures and services, with incredible scenery and ideal sailing conditions. We are facing a completely new destination for our shipowners who like to discover new places and we are convinced that Baiona and Galicia are going to love it. The Monte Real Club de Yates has been very receptive to the proposal from the first moment and we want to thank its president, José Luis Álvarez, and its board of directors for the facilities they have shown to bring the 52 SUPER SERIES to Baiona”
Agustín Zulueta General Director of the 52 Super Series
Diego Torrado from Vigo also took part in the press conference, a regular in the 52 SUPER SERIES who has been on the circuit for years as boat captain, previously with the Russian Bronenosec Gazprom and currently with the South African Phoenix 12. As the voice of the experience, Torrado explained to those attending the presentation the main characteristics of a competition that he described as unique and spectacular.
“For me it is a ‘luxury’ that the 52 SUPER SERIES come to Baiona. It is one of the most nautical places in Spain with a history linked to the sea for many centuries. That a class like ours comes to the MRCYB, which was the first port where the announcement of the discovery of America arrived in 1492, shows that it is a place with an excellent seafaring tradition and culture. Baiona’s life is focused on the sea and a competition like this deserves. The 52 SUPER SERIES is the largest annual circuit format regatta in the world. It is the top in the world of sailing where the best sailors in the world are. Due to the quality of the sailors and the event, there is no similar circuit. I think that for all the boats sailing on the Galician coast is going to be a challenge when leaving the Mediterranean due to the different conditions. The Vigo estuary area, being protected, provides wonderful sailing conditions, but we must not forget that we are in the Atlantic”
Diego Torrado Sailor of the 52 Super Series
“From this moment we acquired an important commitment hosting one of the tests of the 52 Super Series, and we do it with tremendous enthusiasm, passion and dedication. We are not only committed to making this event a success in the organization, but also to leave the deepest mark possible on this club, in Galicia and in sport. We want the promotion of the practice of sailing to be marked by the 52 Super Series. It is an exceptional opportunity for the projection of Baiona and Galicia, but also to create a quarry and fans and we are going to work hard to achieve it”
Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui Commodore of the MRCYB
The Xunta de Galicia (autonomous administration), the Diputación de Pontevedra (provincial administration) and the Baiona City Council (local administration), regular supporters of the competitions and initiatives of the Monte Real Yacht Club, also did not want to miss the official presentation of the event . Everyone praised the magnificent qualities of the Monte Real Club de Yates for organizing great events like this one and predicted the greatest success for the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week.
“What nature has given us has helped us to carry out all these types of events, but we must also highlight the capacity and human quality of the MRCYB. Baiona is proud of this club for its commitment to our people, and I am especially proud to co-participate in all these events in which we demonstrate that, when all the administrations are united, we can do very important things for our people. In my name and in the name of all the men and women of Baiones, welcome to all and congratulations”
Carlos Gómez Mayor of Baiona
“I love the passion with which everyone talks about these water sports because, as you well know, one of our goals is to promote the sport and every time Monte Real asks us for help, we are there. Be grateful that there are clubs like this one that carry out the organization of these activities. We hope that this activity has the welcome it should have and thank Monte Real again for having summoned us”
Raquel Giraldez Deputy of the Pontevedra Provincial Council
“The link between Baiona and this club to the sea is evident, and this regatta is important because it will surely be in the top three in the world along with the America’s Cup and the Volvo Ocean Race. It is good for Galicia because it once again puts the world focus here and on sailing at an extraordinary moment for Galicia and for the world, coinciding with Xacobeo 2021, and having been able to stop the pandemic and be the first Autonomous Community to leave of the State of Alarm. Congratulations to the club, this magnificent club, and to all the sailors for this event. The departure of the Volvo Ocean Race 2005 marked a before and after and I am sure that this event will allow us to take another step to continue making a real commitment to the sport of sailing, which is strategic for the Xunta de Galicia”
José Ramón Lete Lasa General Secretary for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia
Are you an owner and do you need a crew to register for the competition?
From the Monte Real Club de Yates we want to make it easier for you to participate in the regatta by launching a bag of crew members and shipowners through which you can cover your needs for the Baiona Angra Atlantic Race.
To be part of the bag and for us to put you in contact with other owners/crew members, you simply have to fill out the form that corresponds to you and send it to secretaría@mrcyb.com.
If you are an owner and you are looking for a crew, complete and send the following form:
The registration period to participate in the II Baiona Angra Atlantic Race will remain open until June 1, with 25 percent discounts on fees for those who register before March 1. A maximum of 20 boats may participate in the competition.
It will be borne by the Monte Real Club de Yates (Baiona – Galicia) and the Angra Iate Clube (Angra do Heroismo – Açores) with the authorization of the Royal Spanish SailingFederation and the Portuguese Sailing Federation.
In general, monohulls with a minimum length of 10 meters and full crew . Participants must meet the eligibility conditions of World Sailing.
Cruisers will classify in ORC.
Baiona (Pontevedra, Spain) – Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira Island-Azores, Portugal)
Approximate distance: 865 miles
Start 1st Stage : Baiona, Sunday, July 1, 2018
From the bay of Baiona, with free moorings at the Monte Real Club de Yates from 7 days before departure.
Arrival 1st Stage: Angra do Heroísmo
The arrival will take place in the Angra do Heroísmo Marina, with free moorings until the start of the 2nd stage.
Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira Island-Azores, Portugal) – Baiona (Pontevedra, Spain)
Approximate distance: 865 miles
Start 2nd Stage: Angra do Heroísmo, Thursday, July 12, 2018
From the cove of Angra do Heroísmo.
Arrival 2nd Stage: Baiona
The arrival will take place at the Monte Real Club de Yates (Inlet of Baiona). The participating boats will be able to remain in the Marina of the Club until Monday, July 23, free of charge , one day after the trophy delivery ceremony, which will take place on Sunday, July 22.
The time limit established to complete each stage will be 9 days and 8 hours (224 hours).
The Baiona Angra Atlantic Race Regatta will be governed by:
a) The World Sailing Racing Regulations 2017 – 2020
b) The ORC Measurement Regulation in force
c) The Regulation for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (RIPAM)
d) The rules that each country requires for this navigation zone
e) The safety regulations of World Sailing Special Regulations, Category 2 Reduced.
f) Royal Decree 62/2008 of January 25, 2008.
g) The Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions when they are published
According to the indications of World Sailing, rule 6.01, WS safety training certificates for the crew will be mandatory.
6.1 Participants in the regatta may display advertising in accordance with rule 20 of the WS.
6.2 Pursuant to Regulation 20.3. d (i) of the RRV, participants may be required to display a sticker, with the logo indicated by the organization on the front 20% of the hull, on each side of the boat, as well as on the boom and backstay flags that will be provided by the organization.
Registrations can be made until June 1, 2018 (one month before departure). The maximum number of boats admitted will be 20.
The cost of registration, which includes a boat tracking system and satellite phone with (limited) calls, is:
Crewed Cruises
• One stage: €800 • Two stages: €1,200
If a boat has a satellite phone (Inmarsat or Iridium), the cost of registration will be reduced by €175 (fixed amount, regardless of the number of stages).
>>> Registrations made and paid until March 1, 2018 (included) will have a 25% discount.
Mount Royal Yacht Club Parador Enclosure s/n 36300 Bayonne phone + 34 986 385 000 secretary@mrcyb.com
The payment of the registration fees or deposit will be made in cash or by bank transfer to the name of Monte Real Club de Yates to the account:
a) Current insurance policy, which covers civil liability up to a minimum amount of €601,012.00, damages to third parties and crew accidents.
b) In case of displaying advertising, authorization from the corresponding national authority
c) List of crew members with passport or DNI number and contact telephone number on land and at sea, indicating the name of the first and second person in charge on board.
d) Certificate of inspection of the life raft.
e) Telephone number that the ships will carry on board.
f) Approval certificate of the radio beacon
g) Photocopy of the airworthiness certificate.
h) Declaration of responsibility signed by the ship’s skipper, as the ship and its crew comply with current regulations.
i) Photocopy of the ORC Measurement Certificate (International or Club).
j) Certificates of completion of the crew survival course according to WS regulations.
To carry out the event it will be necessary that, on May 10, 2018, there is a minimum of 15 participants duly registered . In the event that this requirement is not met, the organizing committee will have the power to cancel the event, in which case it will proceed to the full refund of the amounts paid by the participants registered up to that date.
8.1 The regatta will use a satellite boat positioning system that will be provided by the organization.
8.2 For the communication system, satellite telephones with IRIDUM and INMARSAT systems will be used.
9.1 Appendix A and the Low Point System described in RRS rule A 4.1 will apply. There will be no discards.
10.1 In ORC, the Ocean PCS compensation system will be applied.
The regatta prize list will be published in the TOA and on the regatta website before the start. At a minimum, the following will be awarded:
Winner of each stage in real time
Award for the record of the Baiona – Angra do Heroísmo crossing
Award for the record of the crossing Angra do Heroísmo – Baiona
Top qualifiers of each stage in ORC crews
Winners in general classification of each class Baiona – Angra Atlantic Race
12.1 In regatta it will be allowed to carry on board as many sails as the measurement certificate allows.
12.2 Security controls will be carried out prior to the start of each stage. In these controls, the elements that are detailed in the attached template will be reviewed and that may be independent and not exclusive of those that the regulations require for each boat and crew for this type of navigation.
12.3 The participating boats will be available to the organization, at least, from 48 hours before each respective departure, for their safety inspection.
12.4 Engines may be sealed.
12.5 Likewise, reviews and measurement checks of the participating boats may be carried out at any time during the regatta.
All those who participate in the Baiona – Angra Atlantic Race do so at their own responsibility and risk.
The organization or any body involved in the organization of the event reject any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of their participation.
Attention is drawn to fundamental rule 4, DECISION TO RACE, of part 1 of the RRS, which states:
“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or continue in a regatta”
14. ACTS
• Reception prior to participants at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona on Friday, June 29, 2018.
• Reception for participants in Angra do Heroísmo on July 8, 2018.
• Farewell dinner and awards ceremony for the first stage on July 11 in Angra do Heroísmo.
• Reception and final awards ceremony at Monte Real Club de Yates (Baiona) on Sunday, July 22, 2018.
This Notice of Regatta could be modified with the approval of the RFEV.