The wind leaves the opening day of the Spanish Optimist Championship blank


· The 150 sailors from 10 Spanish communities who were going to dispute the opening day of the Optimist national in Baiona this Wednesday returned to land without being able to inaugurate the scoreboard

· The regatta committee kept the fleet in the water for several hours in the hope of being able to start at least one race, but the wind did not pick up nor was it strong enough to hold the regatta

· The Spanish Optimist Championship – Cenor Trophy organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club continues tomorrow, Thursday, starting at eleven in the morning with the second of the four scheduled days

The Optimists waited for patients for hours in the water but were unable to open markers – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The wind did its thing this Wednesday in Baiona (Galicia) and left blank the opening day of the Spanish Optimist Championship – Cenor Trophy, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation.

After several hours in the water, the 150 sailors from 10 autonomous communities who were going to compete in the first tests of this national light sailing race returned to land without being able to open the scoreboard.

The fleet returned to land without being able to have disputed a single test – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The regatta committee, with Cristofol Morales at the helm, maintained until the end the hopes of being able to start at least one test with which to open the classification, but the wind did not pick up nor did it pick up enough intensity to celebrate the regatta. Winds were recorded from all four quadrants and, when it seemed that the situation was going to stabilize, half a regatta field was laid, but the attempt was ultimately frustrated.

Measurement after measurement, the wind failed to catch or blow with sufficient intensity – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The opening of a championship that still has three more days on the program was thus watered down and the sights are already set on the weather forecasts for this Thursday, which are announced to be somewhat better. Quite a bit of cloudiness is expected and there is a high probability of rain, even heavy showers, but the wind will blow more intensely, which will make it easier for the Optimists to navigate. If the forecast holds true, it will blow from the southeast in the morning and from the southwest in the afternoon, with between 5 and 8 knots on average and gusts of up to 16.

The Optimist fleet returning towed to land in front of the replica of the Pinta caravel in Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The start time of the tests is set for eleven in the morning but the clock will be, as always, subject to what happens with the wind. In the water will be the 150 sailors from Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, the Valencian Community, Catalonia, Murcia, the Basque Country, Cantabria, Madrid and also the Galicians, who act as hosts.

Galician team of the Optimist Spain Championship – Photo © Rosana Calvo

In dispute, the titles of national champions of Optimist in the categories SUB 16 and SUB 13, and also the Championship by Autonomies, which will reward the territorial federations that obtain the best results.

The 2021 Optimis Spanish Championship is held this year in Baiona organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and thanks to the sponsorship of the Cenor Group.







Galicia receives the best Optimists in Spain

· This Wednesday starts in Baiona the Spanish Optimist Championship 2021 – Cenor Trophy organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates

· More than a hundred young sailors from 10 autonomous communities aspire to win the title of champion in the SUB 16 and SUB 13 categories

· After two days of registration, control of materials and measurements, tomorrow the first of the four days that will decide the competition will be held

· The Championship for Autonomies is also in contention, which will reward the territorial federations that obtain the best results

Optimist from all over Spain will fill the Bay of Baiona with their sails – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Galicia receives, starting tomorrow, Wednesday, the best sailors of the Optimist class in Spain in the national class championship, which the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona organizes in 2021 by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and thanks to the sponsorship of the Cenor Group.

More than a hundred young sailors from 10 autonomous communities aspire to win the title of champion in the SUB 16 and SUB 13 categories throughout the four days that the competition will last, which will take place in the Galician Rías Baixas.

After two days of registration, control of materials and measurements, the first regatera day will be held tomorrow, a stage that will begin, if the wind allows it, at eleven in the morning. The weather forecast announces an easterly wind in the early hours and the possibility that it will roll to the southeast as the day progresses, which will be very covered, although no rain is expected. The intensity, between 7 and 10 knots with peaks or gusts of up to 17, should not make navigation difficult for sailors.

The 12 scheduled tests, divided into three per day, will be held in a regatta field located, predictably, inside the Bay of Baiona. It will be a trapezoidal route with beacons that will mark the pace of the sailors until the final arrival, located inside the ring. Its duration will be approximately 45 minutes.

The Optimists will be divided each day into two different groups -blue and yellow- with the aim that they can compete against each other. They will navigate a qualifying series of 9 tests during the first three days of competition; and a final series, of 3 sleeves, the last day of the championship. With the celebration of 2 tests, the championship will already be valid; and on the fourth round completed, sailors will be given the chance to discard their worst result.

Leading the regatta committee will be Cristofol Morales and the sports director of Monte Real, Roy Alonso, will be the safety coordinator. In total, more than thirty people including committees, beacons, sailors, juries, measurers, office staff, security and the press will be in charge of the entire championship operation.

The historic ocean sailor Javier de la Gándara advised the Galician team that will compete in the Optimist National Championship – Photo Roy Alonso

The competition will start this year without the classic opening ceremony, an act in which all the participants used to parade carrying the flag of their autonomous community. COVID19 has forced the organization to implement numerous prevention measures to avoid possible contagion and this ritual has been suspended.

Other actions stipulated in the coronavirus control protocol are taking the temperature of the participants, the separation of spaces by autonomies, the maintenance of safety distances or the obligation to always wear a mask on land (in the water, since sail alone, they will be able to take it off).

Among the participants of this Spanish Optimist Championship 2021, a total of 150 sailors from 10 communities: Galicia (22 sailors), Andalusia (20), the Balearic Islands (20), the Canary Islands (20), the Valencian Community (20), Catalonia ( 19), Murcia (11), Basque Country (6), Cantabria (6) and Madrid (4).

In addition to the titles of champions SUB 16 and SUB13, the competition also puts in contention the Championship by Autonomies, which will reward the territorial federations that obtain the best results. In this contest, the first classified of each autonomy and category (SUB 16 and SUB 13) will score and the final general classification will come from the sum of the positions of those sailors.

The Galician Rías Baixas will offer a unique setting for the Spanish Optimist Championship – Photo: Jacobo Bastos


Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, March 31 – April 3


11:00> The tests in the water begin


11:00> The tests in the water begin


11:00> The tests in the water begin


11:00> The tests in the water begin
18:00> Awards







2025 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
