The Monte Real Yacht Club (MRCYB), by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation (RFGV), organizes the GALICIAN DOUBLE CHAMPIONSHIP – MRW TROPHY – VII RAFAEL OLMEDO MEMORIAL for ORC cruisers and J80 one-designs, to be held in the waters of the Galician Rías Baixas on Saturday, June 5, 2021 .


The GALICIAN TWO-SIDED CHAMPIONSHIP – MRW TROPHY – VII RAFAEL OLMEDO MEMORIAL will be held under the following regulations:

2.1 The “rules” as defined in the WS Racing Rules of Sailing 2021/24.

2.2 The IMS Measurement Regulation. [NP]

2.3 The ORC Rating System Regulations.

2.4 The Regulations with the adaptations made by the MRCYB for this regatta, of the J80 one-design class. [NP]

2.5 The WS Special Safety Rules for offshore racing (OSR) for category 4, reduced, special for this regatta. 2020-[26824] .pdf

2.6 The Regulations of the RFGV Galician Championship for Two in force and for the Rías Baixas Circuit for Two.

2.7 Special rules of the RFGV and SDX (Secretaría Xeral para o Deporte de la Xunta de Galicia) for COVID19 prevention, specified in ANNEX I. [DP]

2.8 This Notice of Race (AR) and the Sailing Instructions (IR), the latter prevailing in case of discrepancy between the two.

2.9 The infraction of the rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies rule 60.1(a) RRS.

2.10 The infraction of the rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .

2.11 The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] They will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Regatta Committee in each test infringed during the day. (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).


3.1 Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of World Sailing Regulation 20, the RFEV Competition Regulations and the RFEV prescriptions for said regulations.

3.2 In accordance with World Sailing regulation 20, participants may be required to display advertising on the forward 20% of the hull on each side of the boat and on the sides of the boom, as well as possible advertising pennants on the backstay of each boat. All this would be provided at the regatta office once your registration is confirmed.

3.3 Modifications to the stickers provided by the Organizing Committee are not allowed.

3.4 The Monte Real Club de Yates reserves the right to demand the elimination or substitution of any type of publicity, message or image displayed during the event of the boats or equipment of their crew members, which does not comply with the regulations. generally accepted moral and ethical standards (World Sailing Regulation 20) or contravene the interests of the organizing club. This includes holding races on the regatta course, at the club’s facilities or while at the regatta committee’s disposal.

3.5 The owner or skipper of the boat with advertising will be asked to indicate or show the type of advertising that will be displayed during the celebration of the regatta, for the approval of the organizing committee.

3.6 The participating owners and crews grant their authorization to the MRCYB so that any photograph, image or video of people or boats taken during the days of the regatta may be published in any medium, such as television advertisements, editorial comments, information, advertising etc.


Participants must meet the eligibility requirements reflected in the WS regulations and in the prescriptions of the RFEV to said regulations.


5.1 Any single-hull sailing cruiser with a minimum length of 6.49 m may participate. and with an ORC International or ORC Club measurement certificate valid for the year 2021. Vessels with a GPH greater than 780 sec./mile will not be admitted.

5.2 The skippers of the boats must be of legal age accredited by means of a photocopy of their DNI and, in the event of carrying a minor as a crew member, they must provide, together with the documentation for registration, the corresponding written authorization from their parents or guardians. , as the responsibility of the minor during the regatta falls to the skipper of the boat where he is embarked.

5.3 There will only be a TWO division (necessarily with two crew members).

5.4 In view of the registrations made and as soon as their effective participation in the regatta is verified, the Regatta Committee and Organizing Committee, if they deem it appropriate, will establish within the TWO division, the classes and cuts of the same that consider necessary seeking the greatest fairness possible, not admitting claims in this regard.

5.5 The J80 boats will participate in the Galician A2 championship category of this monotype.

5.6 The minimum number of boats to form a Galician division and champion plate of each class and category will be:

– Absolute 5 boats
– Female 4 boats (in the same category)
– Mixed 4 boats (in the same category)


6.1 Registration will be mandatory and will be done through the official platform of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, ESCORA, before 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 2, 2021.

6.2 Also attaching files with the following documentation to:

– Valid ORC measurement certificate for 2021.
– Necessary qualification of the skipper to be able to govern the boat.
– Certificate of navigability in force.
– Advertising permission if you have it.
– Current insurance policy, which covers civil liability (damage to third parties and property) or extension of coverage of civil liability and damage to third parties up to a minimum amount of 330,556.66 euros.
– Proof of payment of registration fees.

6.3 Entry fees will be €60 per boat.
Those boats that register before May 20, 2021, will have a 50% bonus.

The payment of the registration fees will be proven through the Escora platform payment gateway or bank transfer with proof of the transfer made, which must reflect the name of the boat or sail number, to the account of the Monte Real Yacht Club:

Account number: ES92- 2080-0559-2330-4000-3658

6.4 The winning boat of the GALICIAN CHAMPIONSHIP OF TWO in 2020, will be exempt from the registration fee, in the GALICIAN CHAMPIONSHIP OF TWO – MRW TROPHY – VII MEMORIAL RAFAEL OLMEDO this year.


The definitive admission of a registration is subject to the complete presentation of the required documents, BEFORE 8:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021, as well as the safety review form completed and signed by the Measurement and/or Regatta Committee and the personal signature of the person in charge of the boat, the written waiver of responsibility and authorization to the club and Organizing Committee to disseminate all of the images collected from the event in any media without territorial limit.


8.1 In accordance with the RFGV Galician Two-Handed Championship Regulations, the planned distance and itinerary will be adapted to the prevailing weather conditions, for the safety of the participants.

8.2 Initially the planned route will be: Departure in the Bay of Baiona – Beacon to unmark if necessary – Beacon of Carallones Er. – Beacon of La Negra Er. – Illas Cíes Br. – Lighthouse Tower Camouco Er. turning it – Beacon Islote dos Viños in Cíes, Br. – Beacon of La Negra Br. – Beacon of Carallones Br. – Arrival. This route may vary depending on the weather conditions on the day of the test.

8.3 In the Sailing Instructions the possible alternative courses will be specified according to said meteorological conditions.


Friday, June 4

08:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Registration confirmation. Delivery of documentation.

4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Checking the monitoring and security system. Security reviews.

7:00 p.m. – Employers meeting.

Saturday, June 5

9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. – Photocall participant photography.

11:00 a.m. – Exit attention signal.

8:00 p.m. – Award ceremony.


The responsibility of going to this regatta with its correctly updated measurement certificate, material measured and sealed correctly, as well as the maximum number of sails that can be carried on board and the required safety elements is exclusively the skipper of the registered boat.


11.1 For safety purposes, this regatta is considered a reduced category 4, in accordance with the WS Special Rules for High Seas Regatta (OSR) and specified in the security sheet attached to the registration, both of which are mandatory.

11.2 It will be the responsibility of the owner or the person in charge of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and especially for their government, dispatch and security.

11.3 Do not forget that it is very important:
 VHF radio with channels 16, 71 and 72, support mobile phone, as well as enough batteries and spare parts for the entire duration of navigation.
 Bring on board all the updated regulatory documentation of the boat, including insurance and the necessary qualifications of the skipper.
 Mandatory GPS, at least one (1) per boat.
 Perfect condition of navigation lights and radar reflector.
 The use of the autopilot in regatta will be allowed. You must carry enough fuel to be able to navigate at maximum power for four (4) hours, as well as one (1) safety harness per crew member or registered skipper, approved vests, clothing and water shoes.
 Permanently installed lifelines.
 Throughout the duration of the regatta, mandatory passage controls and position notices will be established throughout the entire route.
11.4 Wake Tracking and Security Program. [NP] [SP]
During the completion of the test, the participants must MANDATORY be connected to the live monitoring program of the regatta, through the application that they will download to their mobiles for free. In this link you can follow the instructions

It is very important that they provide mobile battery chargers or mobile connection to the ship’s battery to charge. Participants who disconnect or do not directly connect to the program at all times, without just cause, may be penalized with a minimum of 2% of their real time, with no claims being accepted in this regard.


12.1 The absolute winner of ORC A2, J80 A2, female A2 or mixed A 2 that meets the requirements of the Galician Championship Regulations (all its crew members have a Galician federation license for the current year and the boat runs for a Galician club ) will receive the Galician Champion plaque for the year 2021.

12.2 The complete list of prizes will be exposed in the TOA before the start of the Regatta.


The boats formally registered in this regatta that do not belong to the MRCYB fleet will have a free mooring or anchoring place (mooring under the exclusive responsibility of the owner or skipper) reserved at the MRCYB from Sunday, May 30 to Sunday, June 6.


13.1 All boats participating in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility.

13.2 The Monte Real Club de Yates, the Organizing Authority or any other person or body involved in the organization of the event, rejects any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participating in the tests covered by this Notice of Race.

13.3 Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4 RACE DECISION, part 1 of the RRS which states:

“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or to continue racing”


MRCYB, May 2021






A1) The interpersonal separation of 2 m and/or the use of physical protection measures are established as fundamental measures, as established by the regulations, in addition to constant hand washing.
A2) Before attending the activity, participants must undergo a SELF-TEST to confirm symptoms. Do I have a fever, cough or shortness of breath?
A3) All participants must bring their own mask and hydroalcoholic gel with them for all activities.
A4) All participants who have any symptoms of COVID19 or have been in contact with someone infected, will not be able to access the facilities or carry out activities. In addition, they must immediately notify the technical manager of the facility or competition.
A5) It will be mandatory to wash hands at all entrances to the facilities with hydroalcoholic gel or soap, for at least 40 seconds and constantly, before and after each activity that is carried out.
A6) It will not be allowed to share food or drinks between participants, users and/or staff.
A7) All coaches and assistance personnel in water must carry an FFP2 mask and their own bottle of hydroalcoholic gel.
A8) The use of changing rooms is not recommended and they will be used only when necessary. Personal items will not be allowed in the changing rooms.
A9) The use of a mask will be mandatory at all times.
A10) In navigation situations in which the mask cannot be used, in the event of: harsh sea, wind and/or rain conditions, the wetsuit will be used to cover the nose and mouth.

In addition, before sailing, special attention should be paid to the rest of the measures to minimize the risk of contagion:

– Take temperature prior to activity.
– Frequent hand washing.
– Do not exchange positions on the boats during the same day of Activity.
– Disinfection of shared material.


B1) Mandatory use of masks and a safety distance of 1.5 m. during the actions of lowering and raising boats.
B2) Keep the crews in their own boat whenever they are on the jetty.
B3) Maintain a constant safety distance of 1.5 m interpersonally when circulating or being on the slipway and pontoon.
B4) Mandatory mask use at all times.
B5) Hand washing with hydroalcoholic gel in all accesses.
B6) Carry hydrogel on board for constant handwashing of the crew.
B7) Daily disinfection of the boat.
B8) Obligation to use their own water bottle for each crew member. Do not share bottle
B9) Obligation for each athlete to carry their own supplies on board. Do not share food.
B10) Carry a minimum of 5 masks on board to be able to replace those that are damaged.

Cruise ships return to Baiona this Holy Saturday

· More than twenty boats will compete for the Comunica Trophy organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club

· The start will be given at two in the afternoon in front of the transatlantic pier in Vigo and the finish line will be placed inside the Bay of Baiona

· The awards ceremony for the winners will be held at seven in the afternoon at Monte Real


More than twenty boats will compete this Holy Saturday in the Vigo estuary for a new edition of the Comunica Trophy, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club.

The regatta committee, chaired by Fernando Giraldo, will start the race at two in the afternoon in front of the transatlantic dock in Vigo, from where the sailboats will begin a journey of about 15 miles that will take them to the outskirts of Baiona.

After turning at an unmarking mark, the fleet must comply with several obligatory steps, located at the La Negra, Subrido and Carallones marks, to finally reach the bay of Baiona, where the finish line will be installed.

Among the clubs that will compete in this new edition of the Comunica Trophy, are the Ro Yachts Club, represented by the Abal Lawyers-Lagar de Pintos-Fanautic de Mariano Dios; the Bouzas Maritime Lyceum, with the Salao by Juan Carlos Sigre; the Maritime Club of Canido, with the Bosch Service Solutions by Ramón Ojea; the Rías Baixas Maritime Club, with the Galopín by José Luis Mosquera; the Royal Nautical Club of Vigo, with La Burla Negra by Juan José Martínez; the Monte Real Yacht Club, with the Yess Too by Rui Ramada; or the Nautical Club of Portonovo, represented by the Albarellos , by Fernando Rey.

After opening the season with the J80 Winter League, the Comunica Trophy is the first cruise competition on the Monte Real calendar, which has seven more competitions planned for 2019, including the famous Conde de Gondomar Trophy (in July) and the Prince of Asturias Trophy (in September).

2025 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
