Royal Cork Yacht Club – Monte Real Yacht Club: Exchange agreement between clubs


The Monte Real Yacht Club and the Royal Cork Yacht Club (Ireland) have just signed an exchange agreement between clubs with the aim of promoting international tourism.

The commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club, Fernando Yáñez, and his counterpart from the Royal Cork Yacht Club, Pat Farnan, were in charge of ratifying an agreement whose main objective is to strengthen relations.

The agreement will make it possible to promote joint actions related to international nautical tourism between Ireland and Spain, applying significant discounts to the members of both clubs on their visits to both facilities.

The Royal Cork Yacht Club is one of the most important yacht clubs in the world and is considered one of the oldest. It was founded in 1720 and is currently located in Crosshaven (Cork). Every year it organizes the biennial Cork Week, one of the most important sailing events in Europe, and its partners include renowned sailors and Olympic athletes.


In addition to the Royal Cork Yacht Club , the Monte Real Yacht Club has other correspondence agreements with:


  • Yacht clubs in Spain:




  • Sailing clubs abroad:







  • Nautical associations:







MRCYB members who want to know the conditions of correspondence agreements in order to benefit from their advantages can request information from the club secretary (986 385 000 /

The Monte Real Yacht Club celebrates the Arrival from the sea


· The Baionese club joins the celebration of the Fiesta de la Arribada for yet another year, programming parallel activities and offering discounts on moorings .

· Monte Real offers sailing trips lasting two hours to navigate the bay and watch the shows from the sea

· The club also offers 20% discounts on its moorings for all those who want to approach Baiona on their own boat

All the proposals will be on March 2, 3 and 4, coinciding with the main events of the Arribada 2018


Once again this year, the Monte Real Club de Yates joins the celebration of the Fiesta de la Arribada, organizing boat trips to enjoy sailing and the festivities of the fishing village, declared of international tourist interest.

On March 2, 3 and 4, coinciding with the twenty-third edition of the Fiesta de la Arribada, the Baiona club will offer anyone who wants it the chance to get on one of its sailboats to sail around the bay and see the shows from the sea, while enjoying the atmosphere of the villa.

Two-hour outings will be scheduled on the afternoons of Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th. On Friday the departures will be from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and on Saturday and Sunday there will be two sailing times, from 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

During the first hour, the crew, accompanied by a skipper from Monte Real, will be able to tour the Bay of Baiona and enjoy the thrill of sailing. In the second hour, the crew will be able to choose between continuing to sail through the waters of the bay or staying in the vicinity of Ribeira beach to see the shows of the Arribada or the atmosphere of the town.

All those interested in reserving a place or requesting more information can contact the club by sending an email to or by calling 986 385 000. The price of each trip is 25 euros per person (20 euros for MRCYB members) and a maximum of 6 people can go out on each boat.

In addition to departures on the club’s sailboats , the Monte Real Club de Yates will offer, during the days of the Arribada, discounts of 20 percent on its moorings , for all those who have their own boat and want to sail to Baiona.



  • WHAT? / QUE? / WHAT?

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION is the first European nautical tourism congress to be held in the Galician autonomous community. It seeks to address the current and future challenges of nautical tourism, paying special attention to the situation in Galicia.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION is the first Summit focused on nautical tourism at European level that will be held in the Galician region. It will address the current situation and future trends of the nautical tourism paying special attention to the situation of this field in Galicia.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION is the first summit focused on nautical tourism at the European level that will be organized in the Galician region. The summit will be focused on the tableau current and future trends of tourisme nautique en veillant in particular to the situation of this sector in Galicia.

  • WHOSE? / QUIEN? / WHO?

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION is promoted by the Xunta de Galicia through the Galician Tourism Agency, Portos de Galicia and the Monte Real Yacht Club. Representatives of the main nautical clubs and associations in Europe, as well as journalists from different countries, will participate in the summit. The event will have the collaboration of the Concello de Baiona, the municipality that hosts it.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION is promoted by Xunta de Galicia thanks to the support of Agencia de Turismo de Galicia, Portos de Galicia and Monte Real Club de Yates. The summit will count on the participation of representatives of the most relevant yacht clubs and cruising associations in Europe, as well as specialized press officers coming from different countries. The event will be organized in collaboration with the city council of Baiona, a municipality that will host the Summit.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION is promoted by the Xunta de Galicia thanks to the support of the Agence de tourisme de la région galicienne, Portos de Galicia and Monte Real Club de Yates. The summit complies with the participation of representatives of the most relevant yacht clubs and the association of croisières d’Europe, as well as the press specialized in sales of different countries. The event will be organized in collaboration with the Mairie de Baiona, the municipality that opens the summit .

  • WHEN? / WHEN? / WHEN?

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION will be held during the days of Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October 2017.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION will be held on Friday the 27 th , on Saturday the 28 th and on Sunday the 29 th October.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION aura lieu le vendredi 27, samedi 28 et dimanche 29 octobre.


GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION will include the participation of a group of experts in nautical tourism and public representatives of the tourism areas who, with their participation in several round tables, will present the current situation of the sector and the tourist potential of Galicia to attract sailors from all over Europe. Specialized journalists from different parts of Spain and Europe will also be present.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION will count on the participation of a panel of experts on nautical tourism and representatives of the public Administration in the tourism field. The experts will share, during the development of different round-table discussions, relevant content on the current situation of the nautical tourism and tourism potential of Galicia addressed to attract sailors from all Europe. In addition, specialized journalists from different locations in Spain and Europe will attend the event.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION welcomes the participation of a panel of experts and representatives of the Public Administration in the tourism department, which is partageront, pendant le développement de différentes tables rondes, du pertinent content sur le current context du tourisme nautique et les Galice tourism potentialities directed to the attraction of navigateurs de toute l’Europe. Également, professionnels de la presse de différents lieux de l’Espagne et de l’Europe participated in the event.

  • WHY? / WHY? / WHY?

With 1,700 kilometers of coastline, Galicia is a maritime community par excellence, a port of passage and a stopover point for a large number of vessels that travel to the Mediterranean each year from northern Europe. With 72 coastal municipalities, some of the most important ports in Spain, hundreds of navigable kilometers and locations of special interest for maritime activities, Galicia acquires a strategic position to attract a large percentage of European nautical tourism.

With 1,700 km of coastline, Galicia has a privileged maritime location that offers several transitory ports and scale points to a high number of sailing boats that, each year, travel to the Mediterranean coming from the north of Europe. Galicia has 72 coastal municipalities, among which, there are some of the most important ports in Spain. With hundreds of kilometers suitable for navigation and locations of special interest for the maritime activities, Galicia has acquired a strategic position to attract a high percentage of the European nautical tourism.

Grâce aux 1,700 km from the coast, Galicia is a privileged lieu that offers different ports of transit and points of call to a high name of embarkations that, chaque année, voyagent vers la mer Méditerranée en venant du nord de l’Europe. Galice to 72 municipalities that include certains of the most important ports of Spain. With the centaines de kilomètres appropriées à la navigation et localités d’intérêt spécial pour les activités maritimes, Galice a gagné une strategic position pour attirer à un elevée pourcentage du tourisme nautique Europeen.


GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION will be attended by representatives of the main clubs and nautical associations in Europe, whose sailors account for 78 percent of the ships that transit the Galician coast each year. Journalists from the different invited countries will also be present.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION will be attended by representatives of the most significant yacht clubs and cruising associations of Europe that represent the 78% of the sailing boats that transit each year along the Galician coast. Journalists coming from the invited countries will attend the event.

GALICIA, ATLANTIC DESTINATION will be integrated by the representatives of the most relevant yacht clubs and associations of croisières that constitute 78% of the boats that travel by the coast of Galicia. Different journalists in venant des pays invited were present at the event.


2025 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
