The Bosch Communication Center of the Maritime Club of Canido wins the IX Winter Regatta – Generali Trophy

· The boat skippered by Ramón Ojea won the ORC class 1-2 followed by the Fifty del Monte Real and the Aceites Abril of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo

· In the ORC 3-4 class, the podium was occupied by Virazón by Miguel Lago, by Monte Real, Mi Moneda by Jaime García and Plane B by Nuno Ribas

Sunday, April 27, 2014.- The Bosch Communication Center of the Canido Maritime Club was the clear winner of the ninth edition of the Winter Regatta, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne with the sponsorship of Generali Seguros. The boat skippered by Ramón Ojea won gold in the ORC 1-2 category and also became the overall winner of the regatta.

The second and third place in the competition of those of its class were occupied by Rui Ramada’s Fifty, from Monte Real, and Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal’s Aceites Abril, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo.

On the podium of the ORC 3-4 category, the colors of the organizing club stood out. Gold and silver remained in Monte Real thanks to Miguel Lago’s Virazón and Jaime García’s Mi Moneda. The third position went to Plan B by Nuno Ribas, from Clube de Vela Atlántico.

The regatta took place throughout the weekend in the Vigo estuary, and included a coastal one between the Olívico port and Baiona and various windward/leeward races. While there were hardly any incidents on Saturday’s crossing, on Sunday’s tasks, at the Cíes anchorage, the route had to be changed several times due to the wind, which did not stop rolling.

The next appointment with the cruise ships in the south of Galicia will be on May 1, 3 and 4 with the Spring Regatta, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona with the sponsorship of Repsol and the collaboration of the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo and the Nauta Sanxenxo marina.


Aceites Abril prevails on the first day of the IX Winter Regatta – Generali Trophy

Rui Ramada’s Fifty and Ramón Ojea’s Bosch Communication Center ranked second and third in the ORC 1-2 class

· The competition will continue tomorrow, Sunday, with a windward/leeward technical test at the Cíes Islands anchorage starting at noon

The Aceites Abril, the sailboat owned by Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, won the first day of the IX Winter Regatta – Generali Trophy. The wind made it possible for her to sail fast and cover the 14.7-mile beam in just two hours.

At his side, at all times, sailed the Fifty del Monte Real, skippered by Rui Ramada. The two big boats quickly got away from the rest and kept up their dispute until Baiona, with the Aceites Abril finally winning by just one minute in real time and two in compensated time.

The Bosch Communication Center, by Ramón Ojea, from Canido, was third in this class with a narrow margin of difference.

In the ORC 3-4 category, the first position went to Plan B of Nuno Ribas, from CV Atlántico. In second place was the J80 Virazon by Miguel Lago and in third place the J80 Namaste by Luis de Mira, both from Monte Real.

The IX Winter Regatta-Generali Trophy continues tomorrow, Sunday, with several tests at the Cíes Islands anchorage starting at noon. They will be technical tasks, windward/leeward, in which the boats will have to complete a route between buoys. In the afternoon, starting at five o’clock, the prizes will be awarded to the winners at the headquarters of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne.

A regatta between Vigo and Baiona opens the Monte Real competition season this weekend

· The heats of the IX Winter Regatta will be held on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning in the Vigo estuary and the Bay of Baiona

· It is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona with the sponsorship of Generali Seguros and the collaboration of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo

The IX Winter Regatta – Generali Trophy, which opens the Monte Real competition season, will leave this Saturday from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo marina. At four in the afternoon, the regatta committee will give the starting signal to a crossing test in which the boats will make a coastal tour of the estuary to the bay of Baiona.

On Sunday, the tests will take place from noon at the Cíes Islands anchorage. They will be technical tasks, windward/leeward, in which the boats will have to complete a route between buoys. The Monteferro peninsula, in Nigrán, will be one of the places with the best visibility for the public that wants to follow the race from the ground.

Once the competition is over and the compensated times of the different sleeves have been verified, the final classification will be published. The prizes for the winners will be delivered at the Monte Real headquarters, in Baiona, starting at five in the afternoon, in a ceremony that will include a tasting of Nordés gin and tonics and Nordic Mist.

With the celebration of the IX Winter Regatta – Generali Trophy, the competition season of the Monte Royal Yacht Club of Bayonne officially begins, which will include several regattas until next September. The next appointment will be on May 1, 3 and 4, with the Spring Regatta – Repsol Trophy.

The Vigo estuary will host the IX Winter Regatta – Generali Trophy on April 26 and 27

· The race is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona with the sponsorship of Generali Seguros y Turismo de Galicia, and the collaboration of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo

· The trophy will include various sporting events and will combine routes along the Vigo estuary and the Bay of Baiona

The Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne kicks off the 2014 competition season with the celebration of the now traditional winter regatta, which this year celebrates its ninth edition sponsored by Generali Seguros, one of the world’s largest insurers and the largest provider of life insurance in Europe.

The competition will begin on Saturday 26 at four in the afternoon in the port of Vigo, where the starting signal will be given to a coastal route along the estuary, with arrival in the bay of Baiona.

It will be a cross-country regatta with several highly visible points for the public who want to come and see it. They are the beaches of the Vigo parish of Alcabre, the Monteferro peninsula (Nigrán) and the Monte Boi promenade, in Baiona.

This test will be followed by other more technical ones, windward/leeward (routes between buoys), which will be held on Sunday 27, starting at noon, at the Cíes Islands anchorage.

In addition to these tasks, on this second and last day of the Generali Seguros Trophy, the award ceremony for the winners will also be held at the headquarters of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne, starting at five in the afternoon.

All those who wish to participate in this IX Winter Regatta – Generali Trophy must register before 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 26, sending the required documentation to the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne. On the club’s website ( ) you can download the registration sheet, as well as check the schedules and routes of the tests. During the morning of Saturday 26 there will also be a boat from Monte Real in the marina of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo to facilitate the registration process.

Spanish Championship 420

The Spanish Championship of the 420 class is being disputed in the waters of Murcia. We have traveled there with a team made up of Jorge Gonzalez Silva and Pablo Carneiro Claro, and at the head of the expedition Carlos Hernández, double class coach of the MRCYB.

Two more crews accompany us on the trip, Irene and Paula from the Punta Lagoa Sailing School and Luis Bugallo with Adán as a crew member.

It is being a great event for our sailors, since it is the first major championship that they dispute with the aim of learning and growing, although without giving up on doing a good job.

They have already passed measurement and today the tests begin.

Good luck to all and especially to our sailors.


The MRCYB and Fundación Repsol bring the world of sailing closer to people with disabilities to promote their social integration

Officials from the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne (MRCYB) and Fundación Repsol presented the new boats of the Adapted Sailing School on Monday, an initiative whose main objective is to bring this sport closer to people with disabilities to promote their social integration.

They are accessible boats that allow people with disabilities to enjoy the sea and the sport of sailing under equal conditions. They have been designed by the naval architect from Ferrol, Javier González Cela, and acquired thanks to the collaboration of Fundación Repsol.

They are stable, safe and easy-to-handle boats, of the GOS 16 model. They are 5 meters long and one meter wide. The crew go on ergonomic seats from which they have full access to fully control the boat. This allows them both to walk and learn, as well as to compete.

The MRCYB Sailing School

The Adapted Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne was born in 2012 with the aim of bringing people with disabilities closer to the world of sailing, a sport with countless benefits, both physical, mental and sensory.

Since its launch, several associations of people with disabilities in the region have carried out activities in the club. They are the Encaixamos del Val Miñor Association, the students of the Juan María de Nigrán Center and the Avelaíña de Gondomar group.

Currently, the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne organizes outings to the sea with people with disabilities every 15 days, and seeks new support to increase the number of participants and activities in the future.

Presentation and launching of the Repsol Foundation sailboats of the Adapted Sailing School of Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne

Next Monday, April 7, 2014, the heads of Fundación Repsol and the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne will present the sailboats of the MRCYB Adapted Sailing School, an initiative whose main objective is to promote the practice of sports as a tool for integration and bring the sport of sailing closer to people with disabilities.

They intervene:

Mr. Rafael Olmedo Limeses · President of the Mount Royal Yacht Club of Bayonne

Mr. Gonzalo Vázquez Deputy Director of Social and Cultural Projects at F. Repsol

Mr. Jesús Vázquez Almuiña · Mayor of Baiona

Qualifying Club de Mar de Aguete

Mixed results in the last qualifying where the good results of two of our sailors from the Optimist team have stood out above all.

Rosalía Martínez and Sandra Trigo have disputed a magnificent regatta in which in the end they have managed to classify tenth and fourteenth respectively, and thus be able to ascend to the GOLD group.

This shows that the line of work of their coaches Samuel Montouto and David Fontán is correct and that little by little it will bear fruit.

Congratulations to all and keep improving.

Adapted Sailing School Encaixamos Val Miñor

Another Thursday we have had the boys and girls of the Encaixamos Val Miñor Association. On this occasion, we have trained with more technical routes with training with buoys.

A very positive evolution is noted in the control of the boats and we highlight above all the enthusiasm and desire of the boys and girls.

BAITRA Trophy Final Day – J80 League

The BAITRA TROPHY – MRCYB J80 League ends

With perfect conditions for navigation, the last three tests of the Baitra trophy for the J 80 class were held last Saturday, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne with the collaboration of the Baitra Naval Supplies company.

At 15:30 in the afternoon and with a 14 knot wind from the northwest, the start of the first of the three tests of the day began, in which the Virazón soon took the lead, widening its lead as the rest of the competitors They engaged in a tough fight for the podium positions that was settled in favor of Luna Nueva, which finished second, closing the box with Namaste.

In the second test and with similar conditions, things changed radically, being the winner in this test New Moon by Juan Luis Tuero, second My coin by Guillermo Caamaño with Jaime García at the cane and third, Namaste by Luis de Mira.

The third and last test that closed the day and the championship, maintained its wind conditions although with a small upturn in the wave. Shortly after rising New Moon was forced to retire due to the breakage of his Genoa halyard. On this occasion the victory went to Mi Moneda, with Virazón being second and Namaste third.

Highlight the magnificent start of Mi Moneda that on its first day of competition this season, raised a tough fight that will make things difficult for the rest of the participants in the next regattas.

At 18:30 in the afternoon and as a culmination, the prize distribution was held in the halls of the MRCYB, leaving the general classification:

1 Virazon by Miguel Lago
2 New Moon by Juan Luis Tuero
3 Namaste by Luis de Mira.

New J80 at the Monte Royal Yacht Club of Bayonne

Armed by Willi Caamaño and skippered by Jaime García, the J80 “MIMONEDA”, joins the Baiona fleet to dispute the fourth round of the Baitra regatta that will be held next Saturday 22. With this new unit, this fleet of monotypes is being consolidated.

The “MIMONEDA” will take part in all the races of the Galician Cruise Circuit under the banner of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona and has set itself the goal of attending the class world championship to be held in Sotogrande next year.

Adapted Sailing School

This past Thursday the sailors of the Encaixamos Val Miñor Association went out to carry out a new training.

It has been a good day of sailing in which the sailors transmit great enthusiasm and desire to learn and have fun in a new medium for them such as the sea.

Adapted Sailing School Juan María Center

Today the weather has given a truce and the boys and girls of the Juan María Center have finally been able to go out to sea in the figaros of the MRCYB Sailing School.

They have been divided into 3 boats and have gone out to the Bay of Baiona to enjoy the sea and the sunny day.

It has been a few hours of good atmosphere, maneuvers and sailing.

I Trophy BAITRA- League J80 MRCYB

With a southerly wind, quite shifty and with intensities between six and fifteen knots, the second day of the J80 Baitra trophy was held last Saturday, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne with the collaboration of the Baitra company.

At half past three in the afternoon, the first of the three tests of the day began, in which, after different position changes, the victory went to Miguel Lago’s Virazón, followed by Luis de Mira’s Namasté and Third being Luna Nueva by Juan Luis Tuero.

This was followed by the start of the second test, which was very competitive, with arrivals with a difference of one second, in which the victory went to Namasté, Virazón being second and Luna Nueva de Tuero third.

In the test that closed the day of competition, held with similar conditions to the previous two although with a pick up of wind, the victory was again for the Virazón, followed by the Namasté de De Mira and closing the podium the Luna Nueva de Tuero.

Thus, and pending discards, the general classification is headed by Virazón de Lago, second being Luna Nueva by Juan Luis Tuero and closing the podium, Namasté by Luis de Mira.

The next day of competition, in which new units will be incorporated, will be held on March 8.

Baiona SPORT Gala 2013

This past Saturday, the III Baiona Sports Gala was held in the Baiona V Centenario auditorium, in which Jorge González Silva was nominated for Best Base Sportsman 2013.

This is his second candidacy, and he has not been able to win, since the award has gone to another great athlete, in this case in wrestling, Omar.

From the MRCYB and his sailing school we want to congratulate Jorge on his second nomination and encourage him to continue working in this line that little by little gives good results.

Many congratulations George.

weekend of regattas

This past weekend has been very busy in terms of activities at the MRCYB.

The 420 regatta team has moved to the qualifying regatta at the Liceo de Villagarcía with Carlos Hernández. There has been a slight improvement in the team’s performance, but we have to continue working to improve the results.

Jorge Gonzalez Silva has been nominated, for the second time in a row, as the finalist for the best base athlete in Baiona in 2013 at the III Gala del Deporte de Baiona. He has not been able to win and the award has been taken by Omar for his career in the sport of Fighting.

The Optimist teams, both Green and Blue, have played one more day of the 2013/2014 Social Regatta. To highlight the performance of Rosalía Martínez in the blue and Anxo Carril in the green.

The classifications are still commanded in the blue by Pedro Salgado and in the Green by Lucía Arana.

Adapted Sailing School

Today, Thursday, a new sailing class has taken place at the MRCYB with the boys from the Encaixamos Val Miñor Association with the GOS 16 boats.

We have been lucky with the weather and have sailed with unbeatable conditions. Very good feelings and with so few classes you can see progress and desire to continue improving and learning.

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