The Fleur de Passion moored at Monte Real


· The 33-meter-long sailboat arrives in Baiona thanks to the Foundation Pacifique and the Ocean Mapping Expedition that commemorated the fifth centenary of Magellan and Elcano’s first circumnavigation of the world, replicating their journey

· For four and a half years, the ship followed in the footsteps of sailors carrying out science, education and culture activities in its wake with the aim of explaining the human impact on the ocean

· The ship, moored this Monday at the Monte Real Club de Yates, will continue its journey as of tomorrow, Tuesday, towards Lisbon, Faro and Cádiz, the last stages planned on its navigation route.


The Monte Real Club de Yates hosts these days on its pontoons the Fleur de Passion, the 33-meter-long Swiss sailboat that for the last four and a half years has sailed around the planet replicating the first circumnavigation of the world by Magellan and Elcano.

The Baionese club has been chosen by the Fondation Pacifique (the non-profit organization based in Geneva that leads the Ocean Mapping Expedition ), as a stopover in the last stages of the sailboat’s navigation, which will continue tomorrow, Tuesday, towards Lisbon, Faro and Cadiz.

During its stay at Monte Real, the boat has remained open to the public who wished to visit it and the students of the club’s Sailing School have been able to learn more about its characteristics, getting on board and listening to the crew’s explanations.

The main objective of the Fleur de Passion in its journey around the world is to offer data on the impact of man on the oceans, while trying to raise awareness of the need to implement actions to prevent their deterioration.

Microplastics, noise pollution, greenhouse gases or the state of health of coral reefs are some of the problems that were addressed in the different scales of the sailboat.

The Fleur de Passion is the largest Swiss sailing ship, a former minesweeper of the German Navy, built in 1941 and converted into a sailing ship in the 1970s.

History of sailing in Baiona

· In the year in which the twenty-fifth anniversary of “Galicia 93 Pescanova” is celebrated, TPC Events brought together Javier de la Gándara, Chuny Bermúdez de Castro, Ñaco Eraso and Guillermo Altadill at Monte Real

· The skipper and the three crew members of the great Galician ocean sailing project for the Whitbread Round the World 93-94 participated today together with Pablo Iglesias and Jorge Lorenzo in an activity framed in the Team Sailing program of the Baionese club

· The renowned skippers were in charge of leading a group of crews from a major multinational company who participated in coaching and team building training activities

Five greats of sailing in Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

In the year that marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the historic “Galicia 93 Pescanova” , TPC Events brought together today at the Monte Real Club de Yates four of the sailors who were part of the great Galician ocean sailing project: Javier de la Gándara, Roberto “Chuny” Bermudez de Castro, Ignacio “Ñaco” Eraso and Guillermo Altadill.

Part of the Galicia 93 crew with a replica of the ship inside the Monte Real Yacht Club – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The skipper and the three crew members who competed in the Whitbread Round the World 93-94 were in charge of leading, together with Pablo Iglesias and Jorge Lorenzo, a group of six crews from an important multinational company that, aboard six of the club’s sailboats, They participated in various coaching and team building training activities in the waters of the Vigo estuary.

Gándara, Altadill, Chuny, Iglesias and Eraso at the Monte Real Yacht Club – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The activity organized by TPC Events at Monte Real included activities from the Team Sailing project of the Monte Real Yacht Club, launched in 2017. It is a program with which the club expanded the activities offered to the general public beyond training at its Sailing School or participation in regattas.

Through 6 different proposals, Monte Real offers sectors not directly related to nautical the possibility of approaching the world of sailing with the aim of extracting personal and professional benefits from it.

Of the 6 activities proposed, 3 have a more playful nature, which includes living the experience of a regatta, participating in a competition to get to know the Cíes Islands or discovering Baiona by sailboat. The other half of the offer is based on training elements closely related to coaching , including workshops for companies, team building sessions to improve performance or workshops to optimize teamwork.

Compete in a regatta with coworkers in one of the most beautiful spots on the Atlantic coast, visit the only marine national park in Spain, train leadership skills to improve team performance and the work environment within a company, redefine the course personal and work of workers or improve the use of time are some of the possibilities offered by the program Team Sailing of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

The lack of wind forces to suspend the first stage of the Pornic-Baiona-La Rochelle

· The low intensity of the wind in the last days of the competition forced the regatta committee to suspend the first stage between Pornic and Baiona

· The sailboats arrived by motor at the Monte Real Club de Yates from where they will try to resume the test tomorrow, Tuesday, heading to La Rochelle

· Some thirty boats participate in the first edition of a test that was born from a change of course from the previous Pornic – Baiona – Pornic


The wind played a trick on the thirty sailboats participating in the Pornic-Baiona-La Rochelle Atlantic regatta and forced the suspension of the first stage, which was scheduled to end this Monday in Baiona with the award ceremony for the winners.

The barely 3-4 knots that were registered during the last day prevented the fleet from sailing and the crews had to turn on the engine to reach the Monte Real Club de Yates, co-organizer of the race and end point of the first stage of 455 miles nautical between Pornic and Baiona.

At the facilities of the Baiona club, the more than 30 participating crews take advantage of this Monday to rest and regain strength before trying to start, tomorrow, Tuesday, the second stage of the competition, which will take them, if the wind allows it, to the French town La Rochelle, where the end of the regatta will be held on the 13th.

La Pornic – Baiona – La Rochelle was born from the previous Pornic-Baiona-Pornic, launched three years ago in 1997 after the twinning of both towns, which share numerous similarities in terms of their fishing, tourist and nautical sports activities. After turning 11 years old in 2016, the regatta changed its format and in 2019 it became the Pornic – Baiona – La Rochelle.

The test is organized by the municipality of Pornic with the collaboration of the municipalities of Baiona and La Rochelle, and the participation of the Monte Real Club de Yates, the Club Náutico do Pornic and the La Rochelle Yachtsmen’s Association. The marinas of Pornic and La Rochelle also collaborate.

Monte Real receives sailors from the historic Royal Cruising Club in Baiona

· The Baiona club receives these days the 25 boats that participate in a rally organized by the prestigious British association of sailors

· The Monte Real Club de Yates has been chosen as the culmination of the route that the 60 sailors have completed over the last two weeks

· Since its creation in 1880, the historic and exclusive Royal Cruising Club’s main objective is to promote sailing among its 400 members

The Royal Cruising Club ships will finish arriving in Baiona today – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Monte Real Club de Yates receives these days in Baiona the 25 boats that participate in one of the rallies of the historic Royal Cruising Club, one of the most important cruise associations in the world. Some 60 sailors arrived at the Baiona club to put an end to a two-week journey.

They are mostly British cruisers with an average age of 55 who travel with friends or family on sailboats of about 13 meters in length, driven mainly by their love of the sea. They belong to the select and exclusive group of 400 members of a club created in 1880 under the leadership of Arthur Underhill to promote sailing through rallies such as the one held this summer in Galicia or the launch of different publications on navigation.

The crew of the Ruby Star – Photo © Rosana Calvo

After passing through Coruña, Portosín and the Cíes Islands, and visiting the cathedral of Santiago, the Pazo de Rubianes or the Castro de Baroña, among other highlights, the cruise passengers, who chose the Monte Real Club de Yates as the culmination of their journey through sailing, enjoy these days in Baiona and its surroundings.

Michael and Jonathan Griffiths enjoying the tranquility of Monte Real – Photo © Rosana Calvo

This afternoon, the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez, will participate in an act in which members of the boards of directors of Monte Real and the Royal Cruising Club will carry out an exchange of pendants as a symbol of friendship between both entities. On behalf of the British association will be his commodore and vice commodore, Paul Heiney and Nick Chavasse; and on behalf of the Baionese club, the vice-president Alejandro Retolaza, and the vice-commodore and the secretary, Genoveva Pereiro and César Fernández-Casqueiro.

General view of the pontoons of the Monte Real Yacht Club – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Once the event is over, the sailors will participate in a small party organized by Monte Real exclusively for them, in which they will be able to taste various typical products of Galician gastronomy, such as seafood, Padrón peppers, Santiago cake or Terras Gauda wines. .



ORC cruisers, Monotypes J80 and Figaros
July 25 to 28, 2019


The 44th COUNT OF GONDOMAR – BANCO SABADELL TROPHY, will be held in Galician waters on July 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2019, being organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club (MRCYB), by delegation of the Royal Spanish Federation Sailing (RFEV).

This event appears in the Official Calendar of the RFEV as a qualifying regatta for the Spanish Cruiser Height Championship in the Galicia Zone, “Memorial Ángel Zorrilla”, in its Baiona – Carrumeiro Chico – Baiona stage, which will take place on July 25 and 26. of 2019.



The regatta will be governed by:

  1. 1.The regatta rules as defined in the World Sailing (WS) Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2017 – 2020.
  2. The 2019 Cruise Technical Regulation and its annexes, in force.
  3. The Rules of the ORC Rating System
  4. The IMS Measurement Regulation, the Habitability and Equipment Rules.
  5. [DP]The J80 Class Regulations, with the specifications of the Galician Class Association.
  6. [DP]The MRCYB Regulation for monotype Figaro.
  7. The Special Rules for High Seas regattas of the WS, Category 3 (Height to Carrumeiro Stage) and Category 4 reduced for the other Stages.
  8. In the rules that govern this regatta, the notification[NP] refers to the fact that an infraction of this rule will not be a reason for protests between boats (modifies RRS 60.1 (a)).



2.1 Participants must meet the eligibility conditions reflected in Regulation 19 of the WS, and in the Prescriptions of the RFEV to said Regulation.

2.2. Participants of nationality or with legal residence in Spain or who compete in boats attached to a Spanish club, must be in possession of the sports federation license for the year 2019. The License must be issued by the Armed Forces where the club has its headquarters, as well as where the athlete, coach or judge are registered or can demonstrate that they have a direct link with the practice of sailing. (RFEV 11.4 license regulation)

For foreign athletes who do not have a federal license or athlete medical insurance that insures them in the event of an accident, they must prove that they have valid accident and illness insurance in Spain.



3.1 Participants in the Spanish Championship of Height Galicia Zone may display advertising in accordance with Regulation 20 of the WORLD SAILING, the Technical Regulation of Cruises and the prescriptions of the RFEV to said Regulation.

3.2 In accordance with regulation 20.4 of the WS, participants may be required to display advertising on the front 20% of the hull, on each side of the boat and on the sides of the boom, as well as possible advertising pennants on the backstay of each boat. All this would be provided at the regatta office once your registration is confirmed.

3.3 Modifications to the stickers provided by the organizing committee are not allowed. If carried out, the organizing committee may impose penalties.

3.4 The MRCYB reserves the right to demand the elimination or substitution of any type of publicity, message or image displayed during the celebration of the event of the boats or the equipment of their crew members, which does not comply with the moral standards and generally accepted ethics (World Sailing regulation 20) or contravene the interests of the organizing club. This includes holding races on the regatta course, at the club’s facilities or while at the regatta committee’s disposal.

3.5 The person in charge of each boat with advertising will be asked to indicate or show the type of advertising that will be displayed during the regatta, for the approval of the organizing committee.

3.6 Those responsible for each participating boat grant their authorization to the MRCYB so that any photograph, image or video of people or boats taken during the days of the Regatta may be published in any medium, such as television advertisements, editorial comments, information , advertising, etc…



4.1 Participation in ORC for the Galicia Zone Spanish Height Championship in this Regatta is limited to boats with a valid ORC Certificate for 2019 and with a GPH of less than 650 s/mile, and there must be a minimum of 6 boats registered.

4.2 Participation in general for the 44th Count of Gondomar – Banco Sabadell Trophy, will be for cruisers with an ORC and ORC CLUB Certificate valid for 2019 whose GPH does not exceed 780 s/mile, as well as the J80 and Figaro Monotype classes.

4.3 For the 44th Count of Gondomar – Banco Sabadell Trophy, the ORC fleet will be divided into Classes, as long as there is a minimum of registered boats according to the criteria of the Organizing Committee. If any of the classes do not form, their ships will go to the class where the GPH comes closest to it, being the following

4.4 In the Stage “Baiona – Carrumeiro Chico – Baiona” (Spanish Height Championship “Memorial Ángel Zorrilla”) only boats of Classes 0-1, 2 and 3 of the previous table may participate.

4.5 The Figaro and J80 classes will race in real time and will only be classified within their own class.

4.6 To form the Monotype classes there must be a minimum of 5 registered.



5.1 Entries

5.1.1 The inscriptions will necessarily be formalized in the attached form and must be sent together with a photocopy of the valid Measurement Certificate and a photocopy of the Certificate of Habitability (if applicable) before July 24, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. to:

Mount Royal Yacht Club
Conde de Gondomar Parador Enclosure
36300 Bayonne
phone + 34 986 385.000

5.1.2 Entry fees are set per boat, at €120 for ORC 0-1-2-3 classes and €80 for the others. Registrations that are formalized before July 20 will have a 25% discount, remaining at €90 for the ORC 0-1-2-3 classes and €60 for the others.

5.1.3 The payment of the registration fees will be evidenced by the delivery of a nominative check in the name of Monte Real Club de Yates, or the presentation of the photocopy of the transfer made where it must reflect the name of the boat or sail number to:

Account number: ES80 0081 2308 6100 0108 3014

In addition, it is recalled that every boat participating in each and every one of the following regattas organized by the MRCYB: Comunica Trophy, Repsol Trophy and Conde de Gondomar Trophy, will obtain free registration for the 43rd Prince of Asturias Trophy.

5.2 Confirmation of registration.

5.2.1 The person in charge of each boat must register and personally sign the Form at the Race Office before 10:00 a.m. on July 25, 2019.

5.2.2 The registration is conditioned to the presentation before the appointed time of the following documents:

a) Valid ORC Measurement Certificate for the year 2019 (ORC fleet only).

b) Valid insurance policy, which covers civil liability (damage to third parties and property) or extension of coverage of civil liability and damage to third parties up to a minimum amount of 336,556 euros.

c) In case of displaying advertising, authorization from the corresponding Federation. In case of not being presented, the boat will not classify in the Galician Zone Cruisers Height Spanish Championship.

d) For Spanish crew members, sports federation license for the year 2019. For participants in the Spanish Height Championship, License enabled by the RFEV 2019. It is recalled that for a license to be valid it must be issued by the Armed Forces where the club has its headquarters, as well as where the athlete, coach or judge are registered or can demonstrate that they have a direct link with the practice of sailing ( license regulation RFEV 11.4).

5.3 Entries of boats for which requests for the issuance or modification of their rating certificate have been made to the RFEV after 6:00 p.m. of the day prior to the closing of the registration of participants and confirmation of the entry will not be accepted.


6.1 The program of the event is as follows:


7.1 The classifications for ORC will be established, in accordance with rule 204 of the RTC (Implied Wind Composite course or Ocean PCS for coastal; and Implied Wind Composite course or Inshore Tod in windward/leeward events).

7.2 For J80 and Figaros, the classification will always be in real time.

7.3 a) The 44th Conde de Gondomar – Banco Sabadell Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the Joint General Classification of ORC classes 0-1-2-3 (only for those who have completed the Carrumeiro Stage)

b) There will be a classification for each of the classes that are finally formed of ORC and Monotypes

7.4 For the Spanish Cruiser Height Championship “Angel Zorrilla Memorial” Galicia Zone, only the Baiona – Carrumeiro – Baiona Height Stage will score points.



Appendix A and the Low Point System described in rule A 4.1 of the RRS will be applied, with the following specifications:

8.1 No races will be excluded in the scoring of each boat.

8.2 The coefficient in the long test Baiona – Carrumeiro – Baiona will be 2.0, in the Vuelta a Ons Stage it will be 1.5, while in the rest of the tests it will be 1.0.



9.1 Safety and Measurement controls will be carried out daily by the Technical Committee.

9.2 The responsibility of attending this regatta having previously updated its Measurement Certificate, measuring the material with which it is intended to participate, is exclusively the registered skipper.



10.1 The safety of this regatta will be considered as Category 3 for the Carrumeiro stage and 4 for the other stages (see categories on the RFEV website, cruise documents) in accordance with the Special Rules for High Seas Regattas of the RFEV. W.S.

10.2 All boats must be equipped with a VHF radio with channels 16, 71 and 72.

10.3 It will be the obligation of the person in charge of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and special, for their government, dispatch and security.

10.4 Wake Tracking and Safety Program

All participants must be connected to the live monitoring program of the Regatta, through the free application that they will download on their mobiles, during the completion of all the tests. In this link you can follow the instructions

For any information about the application, please contact us by phone at 608 823 036.
It will be very important to provide mobile battery chargers or mobile connection to the ship’s battery to charge.



They will be indicated in the TOA before the departure of the first test.



Royal Decree 62/2008 has the conditions of maritime safety, navigation and human life at sea applicable to nautical-sports events.

Participants are warned, before the start of the tests, that the boats can only participate if they are legally dispatched to navigate the waters through which the test will take place and if their skippers have sufficient qualifications for their government.

Participants must declare, adequately in advance of the start of the race, the insurance taken out, if applicable, including the risks covered and the limits of liability in accordance with the Notice of Regatta, being covered for participation in nautical races. -sports.



The image rights of the regatta are the sole and exclusive property of the MRCYB and the RFEV.

Any advertising action that does not have the express authorization of the organizers is prohibited.



All regatta participants do so at their own risk and responsibility.

The Organizing Committee or any person or body involved in the organization of the event, rejects any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participation in the tests covered for this Notice of Race.

Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4, DECISION TO RACE, of Part 1 of the RRS which states:

“It is the sole responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or continue racing.”

MRCYB – June 2019




The trophy delivery ceremony will take place on the terrace of the MRCYB, once the final general classifications have been published, after finishing the tests on Sunday, July 28 (6:00 p.m. approx.).

The schedule for the various events will be as follows:


The boats whose registration is accepted in this regatta will have a reserved and free mooring or anchoring place (mooring under the exclusive responsibility of the owner or skipper) during the celebration of the event, from July 21 to 28. See attached plan.

The MRCYB reserves the right to assign berths to vessels in strict order of registration, based on their size and draft.


  • Contact the crew on VHF 71 before docking.
  • Free mooring from July 21 to 28.

Pablo Marquina wins the Baitra Social League for the second consecutive year


· The young 12-year-old sailor from Vigo managed to prevail in the final of the Optimist competition, beating Martín Montes and his brother Yago Marquina who finished second and third respectively

· The youngest of the Marquina family thus revalidates the triumph achieved in 2018 when he won the championship for the first time that Monte Real organizes every year in Baiona with the help of Baitra

· The closing of the Baitra Social League puts an end to the 2018-2019 season of the Monte Real Yacht Club Sailing School and marks the beginning of its summer program that offers multiple proposals

Pablo Marquina repeated victory in the Baitra Social League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The young 12-year-old sailor from Vigo, Pablo Marquina, was the winner, this Sunday in Baiona, of the Baitra Social League of the Monte Real Club de Yachts, a competition that the Baion club organizes from September to June for children between 7 and 17 years old .

After the final tests held this weekend, Marquina prevailed over the rest of the sailors who competed in the Optimist class. In this way, he managed to revalidate the triumph achieved in 2018, when he won for the first time the victory of the championship that Monte Real organizes every year in Baiona by Baitra Accesorios Navales.

The Baitra Social League ended with several tests this Sunday in Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

And he did it with superiority, since, with 38 final points, he established a difference of 7 points with his most direct rival. The one who was his coach throughout the year, Samuel Montouto, assures that little Marquina’s final victory is the result of continuous progression based on the great work done by the athlete in recent months. His methodical, controlled and orderly attitude, and his desire to achieve perfection are, according to Montouto, the keys to his good results.

Second and third place in the Social League went to Martín Montes and Pablo’s older brother, Yago Marquina, aged 11 and 13 respectively, who took silver and bronze with 45 and 58 points.

Martín Montes shone with 4 first places in the 5 tests held this weekend – Photo © Rosana Calvo
Yago Marquina was another standout in the Baitra Social League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Both maintained a very good trajectory throughout the season and did not disappoint in the last two days played this weekend. In fact, Montes was the best of the weekend, achieving 4 first places in the last 5 races held.

The Marquina brothers and Martín Montes on the podium of the Baitra Social League – Photo © Óscar Calero

In the awards ceremony for the winners, held this Sunday in Baiona, participated, in addition to numerous relatives and friends of the sailors, the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; and the commodore and vice commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club, Fernando Yáñez and Genoveva Pereiro. Also Susana Méndez, from Baitra Accesorios Navales, sponsor company of the event and one of the main promoters of children’s sailing in Galicia.

The closure of the Baitra Social League marks the end of the 2018-2019 season of the Monte Real Sailing School and marks the beginning of its summer programming , which offers multiple leisure options so that children and adults can learn to sail and enjoy the sea in Baiona.

Daytime sailing camps and weekly dinghy sailing courses are the proposals aimed at the smallest of the house, between 7 and 16 years old. For adults, the Baionese club offers the possibility of taking weekly cruise sailing courses and courses to learn to sail in one day. The summer program is completed with sailing activities at sunset or sailing to the Cíes Islands, aimed at a more familiar audience or groups of friends.


Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, June 22 and 23, 2019




Pablo Marquina caresses the victory of the Baitra Social League

· The youngest of the Marquina brothers is at the head of the Optimist classification in the absence of the final tests tomorrow, Sunday

· After achieving two first places in the two regattas held today, Martín Montes is second, closing the gap with the leader

· The competition will be decided tomorrow at 11:30 in the morning and the awards ceremony will be held in the afternoon

Pablo Marquina caresses the victory of the Baitra Social League of the Monte Real Yacht Club, which this weekend celebrates its final in the waters of the Bay of Baiona. The youngest of the Marquina brothers is at the head of the Optimist classification in the absence of the final tests that will be held tomorrow, Sunday.

The twelve-year-old sailor from Monte Real finished second and fourth in the regattas held today, but the good results obtained throughout the season, on which the final classification is established, allow him to remain in highest on the provisional podium.

The best of the day was, without a doubt, little eleven-year-old Martín Montes, the first to cross the finish line in the two races held, also achieving a great advantage over his most direct competitors. He was the most outstanding sailor and managed to close the gap with respect to the leader, but he still remains in second position.

The third place and provisional bronze of the competition goes to Yago Marquina, 13 years old, who did not have a very lucky day, with a fifth and a sixth place in the two races held, but who is still a firm contender for the podium.

In addition to the competitive section, the Final of the Baitra Social League organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates is having a more playful part, aimed at bringing the public closer to the world of regattas so that they can get to know it first-hand. Thus, the Baionese club took two Omegas out into the water today, in which a group of boys and girls were able to perform a baptism of the sea and see the development of the regattas.

The Baitra Social League will be decided tomorrow, Sunday, with the second and last day of tests, which will be held at half past eleven in the morning in the Bay of Baiona. The regatta committee, chaired by Samuel Montouto, will try to start three tasks that would maintain the trapeze design of the first day.

Once the competition in the water is over, Monte Real will host the award ceremony for the winners. It will be around half past four in the afternoon and will be attended by the manager of Baitra Accesorios Navales, Juan Carlos González, as sponsor of the event; the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez, representing the city council; and the president and commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club, José Luis Álvarez and Fernando Yáñez.


In the absence of a day for the end of the competition




The Baitra Social League is decided this weekend in Baiona

· The Monte Real Club de Yates closes the 2018-2019 season of its Sailing School with the celebration of the last tests of the Baitra Social League that has been held since last September

· Laser, Optimist and Initiation sailors will meet in the bay of Baiona to compete on Saturday from half past two in the afternoon and on Sunday from half past eleven in the morning

· With the end of the Baitra Social League, the starting signal will be given to the activities of the summer program that the club has prepared for this summer, which include proposals for all types of audiences


The Monte Real Club de Yates closes this weekend the 2018-2019 season of its Sailing School with the celebration of the last two days of the Baitra Social League, a competition that has been taking place since last September in Baiona.

Some thirty sailors between the ages of 7 and 17 from the Laser, Optimist and Initiation classes will meet in the bay of Baiona on Saturday from half past two in the afternoon and on Sunday from half past eleven in the morning to measure strength in the last six rounds of the championship.

There will be six regattas in a field of buoys in the shape of a trapezoid in which laserists and optimists must complete a single lap, and which will be shortened for beginner sailors. If the forecast is fulfilled, they will do so with good wind, from the south and intensities above 10 knots on Saturday and somewhat weaker on Sunday.

The brothers Marquina and Martín Montes, reach the final in the highest positions in the classification and with many ballots to make a place for themselves on the winners’ podium, since they maintain a certain distance with the rest of the competitors.

In the lead, with 31 points, is Pablo Marquina, who won the Social League last year, and his brother Yago comes third in the final with 45 points. Martín Montes holds the provisional silver with 42 points.

With the end of the Baitra Social League, the starting signal will be given to the activities of the summer program that the Monte Real Yacht Club has prepared for this summer, which include proposals for all types of audiences .

Daytime sailing camps and weekly dinghy sailing courses are the proposals aimed at the smallest of the house, between 7 and 16 years old. For adults, the Baionese club offers the possibility of taking weekly cruising sailing courses and courses to learn to sail in one day. The summer program is completed with sailing activities at sunset or sailing to the Cíes Islands, aimed at a more familiar audience or groups of friends.


Baitra Social League Final
Bayonne, June 22 and 23, 2019

14:30 First day of the Baitra Social League Final

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2019
11:30 Second day of the Baitra Social League Final
4:30 p.m. Award ceremony for winners

The Monte Real Yacht Club continues to consolidate itself as a benchmark for inclusive sailing in Galicia

The club from Baiona closed this morning its seventh adapted sailing course with the delivery of diplomas to the students who were able to practice sailing throughout the year under equal conditions

· More than 100 people with functional diversity can sail each year at the Monte Real Yacht Club thanks to the sponsorship of Fundación Repsol and the support of administrations such as the Xunta de Galicia and the Pontevedra Provincial Council

· Maintaining its line of growth, the Baiona Adapted Sailing School launched this year for the first time in its history specific activities for people affected by serious behavioral disorders


The Monte Real Club de Yates continues to consolidate itself as a benchmark for inclusive sailing in Galicia after celebrating seven years of activity in its Adapted Sailing School, through which more than 100 people with functional diversity pass each year to sail under equal conditions.

The club from Baiona closed this morning the seventh course that it has organized since, in 2012, it inaugurated a project aimed at bringing people with physical, psychosocial, cognitive and sensory disabilities closer to the sea. An initiative that has only grown and that in recent months has taken up a new challenge, that of bringing people affected by serious behavioral disorders closer to the sea.

The Panxón Special Education Center, in Nigrán, thus joined the list of associations that, over the last seven years, have passed through Baiona to offer its users the possibility of being able to enjoy the sea beyond its limitations. Groups such as the CAPD of Redondela , ASEM Galicia or the Juan María Center , which this morning were also present at the closing ceremony held at Monte Real.

The Minister of Social Policy of the Xunta de Galicia, Fabiola García, was in charge of presiding over an event in which she highlighted the work carried out by the Monte Real Yacht Club by taking advantage of the wealth of the sea -she said- to launch activities that promote the full integration of people with disabilities. Along these lines, he claimed that ” in order to make Galicia a community that is increasingly welcoming to everyone, the joint involvement of social entities, companies and public administrations is necessary” . Likewise, the councilor thanked the centers and associations participating in this adapted sailing course and congratulated its users for demonstrating that ” there are no barriers if enthusiasm and desire go ahead” .

In addition to the regional head of Social Policy, other members of the Xunta de Galicia, the Diputación de Pontevedra or the Baiona city council were present at the event, habitual supporters of the Monte Real Yacht Club in its different initiatives. Also several members of Fundación Repsol, the main sponsor of the Adapted Sailing School.

The vice president of the club, Alejandro Retolaza, thanked all of them for having supported the adapted Sailing School since its inception, which has allowed it -he said- “to grow year after year to become the benchmark it is today in Galicia ” . Retolaza extended the gratitude of Monte Real to the monitors and companions of the different associations, to the specialized coaches of the club, to the patrons and other personnel who work in the school.

Students with reduced mobility, autistic spectrum, down syndrome, neurodegenerative or neuromuscular problems are some of the beneficiaries and main recipients of the Monte Real adapted sailing courses, which, since its inauguration seven years ago, includes both theoretical and practical activities.

In addition to the usual classroom sessions and sailing trips on different types of boats, mainly Figaros Beneteau and Gos 16, other types of proposals have been added over the years such as seminars on adapted sailing, sailing on inflatable boats or modernization programs for future participation in competitions.

Numerous improvements that the Monte Real Club de Yates has been introducing in the last seven years in a sailing school that maintains the same mission and the same objective with which it was born: to offer anyone who wishes the possibility of sailing and enjoy the sea in equal conditions.

200 athletes will be able to participate for free in the Solidarity Vertiathlon of Baiona

· The high-quality paper company for domestic use Foxy will collaborate with the Monte Real charity event by paying the registration fees of athletes who want to participate in the event that will be held on September 14

· The Galician Triathlon Federation has just opened the deadline to register for a triathlon that will once again be a sprint (750m swim, 20km bike ride and 5km run) and will be limited to the participation of 200 athletes

· This is the fifth year that the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes, with the support of Verti, an event whose main objective is to raise funds so that people with functional diversity can sail under equal conditions

200 athletes will be able to participate for free in the fifth edition of the Solidarity Vertiathlon that will be held next Saturday, September 14, in Baiona under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates and sponsored by Verti Seguros.

The high-quality paper company for domestic use Foxy will support the event by paying the registration fees of the athletes who want to participate in the event, with which funds will be raised so that people with functional diversity can navigate under equal conditions.

The only thing that the athletes who want to participate will have to do is register before the quota of 200 participants closes, an established limit given the characteristics of the test, which will once again be a sprint, with 750 meters of swimming, 20 kilometers of bicycle and 5 kilometer run.

The Galician Triathlon Federation, which is in charge of the logistics of the event, has just opened the registration period through the Rock the sport platform.



Monte Real launches 6 summer proposals to learn to sail and enjoy the sea in Baiona

· The Monte Real summer campaign includes six proposals so that children and adults can learn to sail and enjoy the sea in Baiona

· Daytime sailing camps and weekly dinghy sailing courses are the proposals aimed at the smallest of the house between 7 and 16 years old

· For adults, the Baionese club offers the possibility of taking weekly cruise sailing courses and courses to learn to sail in one day.

Sailing activities at sunset or sailing to the Cíes Islands are aimed at a more familiar audience or groups of friends

The Monte Real Club de Yates has just launched its summer sailing campaign, which includes six proposals with which children and adults can learn to sail and enjoy the sea in Baiona during the months of July, August and September.

For the youngest members of the household, aged between 7 and 16, the Baionese club organizes Weekly light sailing courses , in the morning or afternoon, so that children can have a first contact with sailing or improve their technique with different types of boats if they already know how to sail.

There are also Day Sailing Camps for them, somewhat more complete than the weekly courses, since they include more hours of sailing, both in the morning and in the afternoon, and food service. It is a proposal aimed above all at those families who find it somewhat more difficult to reconcile during the summer and want their children to enjoy and learn in a relaxed atmosphere.

For those over 16 years of age, Monte Real offers weekly cruising sailing courses , also with the option to choose a morning or afternoon schedule. Always accompanied by a coach from the club, with these courses the students learn to sail in the calm waters of the bay of Baiona and end up going out to the open sea to perfect their knowledge on board the sailboat.

And for those who want to learn to sail but do not have a week to attend the course, Monte Real also offers Courses to learn to sail in one day . During a day, from morning to afternoon, the participants will be able to learn the basic maneuvers to handle a boat.

Sailing to the Cíes Islands or at sunset are other proposals from the Monte Real Yacht Club for this summer, aimed above all at families or groups of friends who want to enjoy sailing while learning sailing concepts.

In the case of Sailing to the Cíes Islands, it is a one-day activity, from eleven in the morning to seven in the evening, which includes a sailing trip to the archipelago during which you learn to sail and disembark on the island to eat and have a guided visit to the natural park.

Between July and September there is also the possibility of Sunset Sailing , an activity with which to discover the keys to handling a sailing vessel as the day falls. It lasts three hours and will be offered from July to September.

There are six proposals for the summer season with which the Monte Real Yacht Club wants to bring the world of sailing closer to all those who want to learn about this sport, improve their practice or simply enjoy sailing along the Vigo estuary.

To receive more information or reserve a place in any of the activities, you can call 986 385 000 or write an email to .

The Monte Real Yacht Club hires Roy Alonso as sports director

  • The former coordinator of the Santander High Performance Specialized Center and technical director of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation and the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation will be in charge of the sports management of the Baionese club
  • His experience as a coach and manager of national and Olympic teams will bring new life to the Monte Real School, through which hundreds of dinghy, cruising and adapted sailing students pass each year
  • Among his objectives as head of the sports structure of the club are to launch a new strategic plan for the Sailing School and the promotion of sporting events at a national and international level.

The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona has just signed Roy Alonso as its new sports director. The former coordinator of the Santander High Performance Specialized Center and technical director of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation and the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation will, from now on, be in charge of the sports management of the Baionese club.

With extensive experience in the world of sailing, Roy Alonso will bring his experience as a coach and head of national and Olympic teams to give new life to the Monte Real Sailing School, through which hundreds of students spend each year in its different modalities of light sailing, cruise and adapted.

The implementation of a new strategic plan for the school and the promotion of sporting events at a national and international level are some of the objectives of this 44-year-old from Vigo, who assumes the maximum position of the sports structure of Monte Real as a challenge to face with great enthusiasm and desire.

“In Monte Real there is a great dormant potential and it is my intention to awaken it and promote it,” says Alonso.“What I want is to take advantage of the greatness of this historic club to lay the new foundations for a promising future,” says the new sports director of Monte Real, who already works in Baiona.


A whole life linked to sailing

Roy Alonso takes the reins of the Monte Real Yacht Club Sailing School to mark a new milestone in a lifetime linked to sailing. Since he got on a cadet for the first time at the age of 7, the Galician has not stopped participating in different ways in projects related to the nautical world, which he entered through his father, Gerardo Alonso.

He has been technical director of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation and the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, coach of pre-Olympic classes, president of the RFEV Dinghy Sailing Committee, coach and head of the Laser Radial pre-Olympic national team, head coach of the Spanish youth team and coordinator of the Santander Specialized High Performance Center. She also achieved, in Miami, the classification of Spain for the London 2012 Olympic Games in Women’s Match Race with Támara Echegoyen, Sofía Toro and Ángela Pumariega.

For him the candle”it is sport, but also leisure, it is competition and one of the best ways to enjoy the sea. It is a sport that forges personalities and offers unique life experiences to everyone who practices it”.


First stop: the Sailing School summer campaign

One of Roy Alonso’s first tasks as the new sports director of Monte Real will be to lead the summer campaign of the club’s Sailing School, which will be launched shortly and will offer courses in dinghy sailing and cruising during the summer months.

July and August will once again turn the Baionese club into a swarm of students willing to learn to sail or improve their technique in the different courses that are taught for people of all ages, from Monday to Friday during morning or afternoon.

What there will not be, during the summer months, will be activity in the Adapted Sailing School for people with functional diversity, which will celebrate the closing ceremony of the 2018-2019 academic year on the 18th.

The lack of wind leaves the Galician Championship of A Dos deserted


· After the wind fell a few miles from the finish, none of the boats that participated in the competition could finish it on time

· The sailboats sailed much of the end of the route driven by just one or two knots of wind

Bosch Service Solutions was just a mile short of being the first to cross the finish line when the time limit ran out

The lack of wind left the Galician Two-Handed Championship – Prima Vinia Trophy, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club and dedicated to its president for more than 40 years, Don Rafael Olmedo, deserted this Saturday.

After falling into a windless hole a few miles from the finish, none of the boats that were competing for the title was able to finish the race within the time limit, so the title of Galician champion of two was left undelivered.

This Saturday’s was, without a doubt, a complicated regatta for the sailboats, not only because of the fact of sailing with reduced crews, but above all because of the wind, which met the forecasts and complicated the test in a good part of the 22 miles of route.

In the first part of the test, heading to Ons, the Costa de la Vela became a fatal point for the boats that chose a course closer to land, where they found a difficult exit hole, which forced the Yess Too to leave.

Luckier were the sailboats that opted for a more outward course, where they were able to pick up the wind and climb up to Camouco, with Iago Carrera and Edu Reguera’s Bosch Service Solutions being the first to turn it around and return.

The return was complicated and long past the island of Onza, with a new well that grouped the fleet and made them sail for more than six miles with between one and two knots of wind, which prevented them from crossing the finish line before the fixed time limit. The one that came closest to crossing it was Bosch Service Solutions, which was less than a mile from the end when its time ran out.

The Galician Solitaire and Two-Handed Championship – Inserimos Trophy – V Rafael Olmedo Memorial ended at the Monte Real Yacht Club with a seafood dinner for the participants. The championship prizes could not be given, which will be repeated on a date yet to be decided.

The event was attended by the president of the organizing club, José Luis Álvarez; the manager of Prima Vinia, Milton Fernández, as sponsor of the event; and the president of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, Manuel Villaverde.

After the test, the Monte Real Club de Yates has its sights set on two of its star regattas of the 2019 season, the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, which will be held from July 25 to 28; and the Prince of Asturias Trophy; set for September 6, 7 and 8.

Previously, the club from Baiona will close the seasons of the Adapted Sailing School, with the delivery of diplomas to the students on June 18; and the Dinghy Sailing School, with the celebration of the Baitra Social League Final, on June 22 and 23.


The Rías Baixas host this Saturday the Galician Championship of A Dos


· More than twenty sailboats will compete this Saturday in the Galician Two-handed Championship – Prima Vinia Trophy in the Rías Baixas

The difficulties in completing the 30-mile test without a support crew have left the solo category deserted for another year

· The weather forecasts announce a complicated day due to the low wind that will force the sailors to do their best


More than twenty sailboats will compete this Saturday from eleven in the morning in the Rías Baixas Gallegas in one of the most exciting and complicated tests of the season in Galicia, the Galician Two-Handed Championship – Prima Vinia Trophy, with a round trip between Baiona and the island of Ons.

Although initially it was planned that the Galician Solitary Championship would also be put into contention, the difficulties in completing the event without a support crew have left the solitaire category deserted for yet another year, a regatta not suitable for non-adventurers, who neither It was played in 2018.

Complicated weather will also be added to these difficulties this Saturday, with a fairly low wind that will force the crews of two sailors to do their utmost to complete the 30-mile route before the maximum stipulated time.

It will undoubtedly be a challenge for the participating sailboats, which exceed twenty pending registration, from clubs such as the Monte Real Club de Yates, the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, the Club Marítimo de Canido or the Bouzas Maritime Lyceum.

In the fight for the title we will see some regulars of these more adventurous tests such as the Clínicas Gaias of José María Peinó and Ramón Quiroga, of the Real Club Náutico de Portosín; or to the couples formed by Victor Carrión and Ana Sardiña, aboard the Bon III; and Jacobo Vecino and Brenda Maure in Salaño Dos; both from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo.

The list of outstanding skippers includes, among others, the Portuguese Rui Ramada and the Vigo Ramón Ojea, who on board the Swan 45 Yess Too (Monte Real Club de Yates) and the Elan 37 Bosch Service Solutions (Club Marítimo de Canido) will treat to win the championship.

There will also be a significant number of J80s, most of them from the one-design fleet of the Monte Real Club de Yates. Thus, we will see on the water the Namasté by Luis de Mira and Javier Torroja; Javier Valente and Pablo Franco’s Cunichán; to Luna Nueva by Juan Luis Tuero and Rogelio Torres; the Mondo of the Portuguese Bernardo Macedo and Guillerme Castelo; or Cansino by Fernando Yáñez and Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui; the Maija by José Luis Pérez and Miguel Larrán; or the Pazo de Cea, skippered on this occasion by Willy Camaño and manned by Juan Lago. Jacks from other clubs will also participate, such as Ay Carmela of Juan Martínez Pazó and Rafael Martínez-Almeida, who will run through the Liceo Marítimo de Bouzas.

If the wind helps, the forecast is that the first sailboats will begin to cross the finish line around six in the afternoon. The test, organized by the Baiona club by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, is dedicated to the one who was president of Monte Real for more than 40 years, Mr. Rafael Olmedo Limeses, and can be followed on computers, tablets or mobiles through the website




Follow the Galician Solitaire and A Dos Championship 2019 live

All those who this Saturday, June 1, want to follow live the evolution of the Prima Vinia Trophy · Galician Solitary Championship and A Two · V Rafael Olmedo Memorial, you can do it from here:



The route, which will ultimately depend on the weather conditions, is scheduled to depart from the Bay of Baiona at 11:00 and will have the Carallones and La Negra beacons as a compulsory step, after leaving the Cíes Islands behind, the participating crews They will go to Ons to turn around the Camouco and return to Baiona via the islet of Viños, La Negra and Carallones.


2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

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Subvención INEGA 2023
