“Monte Real is more alive than ever”

After learning of the announcement of the suspension of the prestigious sailing SUPER SERIES in Baiona due to COVID19, we reviewed with the president of the Monte Real Club de Yates, José Luis Álvarez, the impact that the pandemic has had on one of the clubs with the most History of Spain.

While many other yacht clubs saw how COVID made them lose members, reduce income, forced them to suspend regattas and the activity of their schools, the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona not only managed to stay afloat, but also signed one of its best years, with record numbers of influx of members and students in its Sailing School.

About a year after the declaration of the state of alarm derived from the coronavirus, the president of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona, José Luis Álvarez, takes stock of what these last months of confinement and restrictions have meant for the club; and of the actions that have allowed them to be an exception in a bleak panorama.

The organization of the SUPER SERIES has just announced the suspension of the Baiona Sailing Week, which next June was going to bring these “formula 1 of the sea” to Galicia. It will have been a very hard blow for the club…

It has been, without a doubt, quite a hit, since we were very excited about the arrival of the SUPER SERIES in Galicia, but we perfectly understand the decision of the organization and we are glad that they have us for 2022. Right now the situation derived from COVID19 did not give them the security they needed and they have preferred to minimize the risks by reducing the trips and suspending the closest regattas in time. From the club, the only thing we hope is that next year the situation will be much better and we can see these outstanding players in Galicia, in a year that will also continue to be Xacobeo, so it will undoubtedly be a good year to receive them as they deserve .

The truth is that the COVID19 crisis has generated numerous losses in the economic activity of many sectors (the nautical sector has not been an exception) and it is still not very well known what the impact will be in the short and medium term. How has this situation affected the Monte Real Club de Yates?

At Monte Real we are lucky that the vast majority of places are occupied by club members, so we manage to keep the pontoons full throughout the year. But we have noticed a huge drop in the number of transits, due to mobility restrictions. The drop in figures has been tremendous, but of course, they could not cross borders. There has been an impact, without a doubt, but much less than what other clubs have possibly suffered, which have also had many membership losses.

In Monte Real they have not suffered those casualties?

The truth is that no. Every year there are some, for different reasons, but the few casualties that have occurred in these months of pandemic have been covered by the entry of new members and we continue with the same number as before. What’s more, there are still people on the waiting list to join the club, because not all applications are accepted. We want to maintain a stable number, around 700 members, which guarantees the comfort of the facilities, and that is why we do not grow exponentially, not because there is no demand, there is.

How has the club member experienced these months of restrictions and prohibitions?

The truth is that the club has been more alive than ever. In the moments in which they have left us, yes. In the months of the strictest restrictions we had to cancel social events, close the restaurant, paralyze the regattas and the school… but when they allowed us to open in the summer, albeit with restrictions, we had an influx of members, students and sailors that we had not seen in years. .

What do you think was due to this unexpected influx of people during the summer?

At first it caught us a bit by surprise, because we weren’t expecting it, but then we understood what was happening: the club had become a safe place where we could spend some leisure time without worrying about the coronavirus. The partners understood all the control measures put in place, some of which were not even required by the authorities, and they felt comfortable and safe with them.

What other older measures did you put in place to avoid COVID?

We always try to go one step further than what the authorities ask of us. All the requirements of closures, capacity, cleaning, control… and we also bought ozone machines and thermometers to control the temperature at the entrances, distributed masks, and even hired external personnel to guarantee that everyone complied with the regulations. They were months of a lot of control and restrictions that made everything a little more uncomfortable and generated some complaints, but at the same time, they created a bubble, a security environment in the club that was not there outside. And that was the reason why we believe we had more influx than ever, and without, that we know of, cases of COVID, which was what really mattered to us.

One of the aspects that most affected Spanish yacht clubs, closely linked to tourism, was a large drop in the number of visitors, something that had a direct impact on their direct income. Did you also notice it in Baiona?

At Monte Real we are lucky that the vast majority of our places are occupied by club members, so we manage to keep the pontoons full, but in the rest of the places we did notice a decrease. In fact, the drop in the number of transits, especially international, was drastic, in this we did not manage to be an exception, but of course, nobody could be an exception because the borders were closed, it was impossible. The truth is that these are difficult times, but we believe that as soon as we can return to normality, Monte Real, Baiona, Galicia and Spain in general have more than enough potential to recover the good pre-COVID tourism figures.

Tourists were lost and regattas were suspended, many regattas, even when they were allowed to take place. Was it a wise decision?

It is difficult to generalize and each club will have to take stock of their decisions based on the reasons that led them to make them. Some would suspend thinking that they would not have sailors, others for fear of contagion, and others simply for comfort. In our case, paralyzing all sporting activity was also valued, but finally we opted to continue promoting sailing. We knew that the decision was going to demand a lot from us, as it did, but we decided to go ahead. And the result was perfect. We held practically all our competitions, including the most popular ones such as the Count of Gondomar and the Prince of Asturias, and we did so without contagion. It was a bet on sailing and it worked out well for us. With a lot of effort, yes.

Last year, in the midst of the pandemic, they announced the celebration of the Super Series, which will have to wait until 2022, and the other great news that the club left us in the months of COVID was its choice as the venue for the 2023 J80 World Cup. , something that they had been pursuing for years. Is this achievement the culmination of your commitment to these monotypes?

I would not know if it is the culmination or not, but of course the fact that they have granted us the celebration of the world championship of a class for which we have been betting for years is a very important milestone. One of the points on our program was, and continues to be, the internationalization of Monte Real, and we are working on that. Bringing these two top-level competitions to Galicia is the result of months and months of work, and the truth is that we are very happy.

One of the projects that they plan to launch this year is VELA EN FEMENINO, aimed at promoting the figure of women in the world of sailing. Tell us more about this proposal.

It is about taking another step in our commitment to women in the world of sailing, because there are still very few women who sail today. 25 years ago we launched, I don’t know if it was the first, but one of the first exclusively female competitions in Spain, the Ladies Cup, and now what we intend to do is launch new lines of action with the same objective, which is none other than to achieve that women have more presence in the nautical world. We have designed a series of proposals for training, competition and also of a social nature, with women victims of gender violence; and we are trying to find a sponsor who shares our same vision and wants to promote this initiative.

The woman will be, then, the protagonist of the future of the club… what other projects do you have in mind for the coming years?

The truth is that we have many projects on the table, although not all of them can be counted because some are still in negotiations or are not completely closed. From what can be counted, training will undoubtedly be one of our bets. We have managed to become a training center of the Royal Yachting Association and in a few months we will be the first club in Galicia and the entire Spanish Bay of Biscay to offer its prestigious courses, which are the most important in the nautical sector worldwide. We will also begin to offer courses to obtain the PNB, the PER and the qualifications of skipper and captain of yachts; and with regard to infrastructure, we are going to improve the club’s facilities, putting fingers in all our seats, which was a demand of many of our visitors, especially international ones. There is also an important advance that is taking place and that we hope to be able to announce in a few weeks, but for now we have to wait.


It is an interview with Rosana Calvo, head of communication at the MRCYB


Marías wins the first stage of the Baitra J80 Winter League


· The sailboat skippered by Manuel Marías was placed leader of the Monte Real one-design league sponsored by Baitra Accesorios Navales

· The low wind that did not exceed 5 knots only allowed one of the three tests planned for the opening day to be held

· The Baitra J80 Winter League will hold the second of the five scheduled days on March 20


The Marías, led by Manuel Marías, was the winner this Saturday in Baiona of the first stage of the Baitra J80 Winter League, the one-design winter competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates that will take place over five days until next month of May.

The Portuguese sailboat, with Tiago Morais, Marta Ramada, Vasco Tinoco and Antonio Marías completing the crew, managed to win the only test that could be disputed due to the wind, which blew with very little intensity, always below 5 knots, and it prevented to celebrate the three anticipated sleeves in the program.

The Marías started as one of the favorites in the pools and did not disappoint. The team of young Portuguese sailors proved to be very involved in the maneuvers and managed to outperform the rest of the fleet in the double course between buoys designed by the regatta committee for this inaugural stage.

Juan Luis Tuero’s Luna Nueva tried to beat the Portuguese but finally had to settle for second place and Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino came third in the provisional standings.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, another of the J80 with clear aspirations to the title, did not have much luck on this first day and dropped to fourth position; followed by Santiago Estevez’s Spaco, who is fifth, and Rafael Blanco’s Due, from Portosín, who is sixth.

The second day of the Baitra J80 Winter League will be held on March 20.


Classification after the first day held on February 27



The SUPER SERIES will arrive in Baiona in 2022


· The COVID19 situation has led the organization to cancel the regattas scheduled for the start of the 2021 season (Saint Tropez, Baiona and Cascais)

· The organizers maintain their commitment to Galicia and announce the celebration of Baiona Sailing Week in 2022

· From the Monte Real Yacht Club they regret the decision of the 52 SUPER SERIES but are happy to be able to celebrate them next year in the framework of the Xacobeo


The 52 SUPER SERIES will finally arrive in Baiona in 2022. The organization of the circuit, one of the three most important nautical events in the world, has decided to cancel all the regattas scheduled for the start of the 2021 season, including those that were to be held in Galicia .

The situation derived from COVID19, the numerous restrictions that are still in force in numerous points and the great efforts necessary to guarantee a safe event in the midst of the pandemic are behind a decision that the Monte Real Club de Yates, which was going to host of the event next June, they greatly regret.

For the president of the historic Baion club, José Luis Álvarez, it is a shame not to be able to count on this prestigious circuit this year in Galicia, but he is confident – he said – that the COVID situation will improve in the coming months and allow the BAIONA to be held SAILING WEEK in 2022.

Álvarez said he understands the circumstances that have led the organization to make this decision and conveyed to the organizers the club’s commitment to the circuit. “In 2022 -said the president of Monte Real- We will be more prepared than ever to receive the SUPER SERIES and it will be an equally special edition, since it will coincide with the Xacobeo extended by COVID until next year”.

With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world, along with the America’s Cup and the World Sailing Tour. They are considered the “Formula 1 of the sea” and their impact reaches figures of up to two million euros of investment in local companies and services. The organization of each of the stages involves the movement of some 500 people, up to 12 megayachts and numerous support boats.

“The suspension of the Saint Tropez, Baiona and Cascais regattas has been a very difficult decision to make, but the circuit attracts teams from all over the world and there is still not enough certainty to ensure a safe and competitive event. In this changing situation, it is our obligation to minimize possible risks and with this new plan, travel and transportation are minimized and we ensure greater security” said the CEO of the 52 SUPER SERIES Agustín Zulueta.



The regattas return to Monte Real with the Baitra J80 Winter League


· The J80 one-design competition sponsored by Baitra Accesorios Navales inaugurates the sports calendar of the Baion club, which in this 2021 starts later than usual due to the COVID19 restrictions

· The first day will be played this Saturday from three in the afternoon in the waters of the Vigo estuary and four more stages are scheduled for March 20, April 10 and May 15 and 29

The Spanish Finn Champion Miguel Fernández Vasco and the Portuguese Snipe Champion Miguel Leite are two of the sailors who join the nearly 100 participants in two new sailboats


The Monte Real Club de Yates inaugurates its 2021 sports calendar this Saturday with the Baitra J80 Winter League. The one-design competition reaches the water a month later than initially planned due to the COVID19 restrictions, which forced its start to be postponed on several occasions.

Finally, the green light given by the Xunta to regional sports competitions, the opening of a large part of the perimeter closures and the granting of permits for sports practice will allow the return to the water of the J80 Baioneses, who have not sailed since last month of November.

There will be nearly 100 sailors that we will see compete in the waters of the Vigo estuary in five days to be played until next May; the first this Saturday and the following on March 20, April 10 and May 15 and 29.

In addition to the regulars in the Monte Real one-design competition, on this occasion the Spanish champion of the Finn class, Miguel Fernández Vasco, will join the J80 league. The man from Coruña, with several national titles and numerous awards to his credit, will lead a crew made up of members of the regatta team from the Sailing School of the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña aboard La Galera.

Another national champion, in this case of the Snipe class in Portugal, Miguel Leite, returns to Monte Real where he is often seen in the great cruiser competitions such as the Conde de Gondomar Trophy or the Príncipe de Asturias. Some time ago we could see him carrying the Miudo by Storax rod, also in the J80 league; and on this occasion another of the new additions to the Baiona J80 fleet will board Joao Nuno Allen’s Ifaclinic.com.

Also with a Portuguese accent, Manuel María Cunha’s Marías (with José Valentim Cunha, José María Cunha, Antonio María Cunha and Vasco Tinoco) will participate in the Baitra J80 Winter League; whom we will foreseeably see giving war to Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, aspiring to revalidate the title achieved in 2020. It is the boat that has the most titles in J80 del Monte Real leagues and will take Gándara’s sons Jaime and Javier, and Diego Fernández on board.

The crews that last year won silver and bronze in the winter one-design competition, Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto and José Luis Pérez’s Maija, also repeat in this new edition and will be, if they manage to maintain their good track record, two of the boats that we will surely see in the highest positions of the classification.

Juan José Lago and Javier Lago remain in the Alboroto de Juan Carlos Ameneiro, and another historical sailor in Galicia is added as a novelty, Miguel Lago, who for a long time sailed in J80 and who lately is common to see with the fleet of the 6 meters.

Completing the list of contenders to win the Baitra J80 Winter League are Santiago Estévez’s Spaco (with Pablo Franco, José Quiñones and Javier Martínez), Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino (with Manuel Fernández, Alejandra Suárez, Pilar Fernanda Amaro and Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui ), Juan Luis Tuero’s Luna Nueva (with Miguel Cidras, Rogelio Torres and Pedro Núñez), Rosario García’s Ferralemes (with Jaime García, Oswaldo Álvarez and Roberto Montero), Luis de Mira’s Namasté (with Susana Baena, Amparo Molla, Luis Gutierrez and Javier Torroja), the Pazo de Cea by Iago Carballo (with Rita Hernández, Cristina González, María González and Carolina Terrón) and the SND Cormorán by Francisco Javier Martínez (with Julio Hidalgo, Alfonso Otero, Miguel Alonso). The last to enter the competition are Jaime Barreiro’s Petrilla, Rafael Blanco’s Due and Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo.

This Saturday’s regatta day in Baiona, the inaugural stage of the Baitra J80 Winter League, will begin at three in the afternoon in the waters inside the bay. The weather forecast announces a sunny day with northerly winds that will move between 5 and 8 knots. The regatta committee, chaired by Carlos Villar, will try to start 3 tests of the windward leeward type.

Discounting for the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week


Sixteen years after the milestone that marked the start of the Sailing Tour of the World from Vigo in 2005, Galicia will once again focus the world nautical scene with the celebration in Baiona, by the Monte Real Yacht Club, of the Baiona Sailing Week 2021 , a stop on the circuit of the prestigious 52 SUPERSERIES .

With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world , along with the America’s Cup and the Sailing Tour of the World, and next June they will stop in Baiona. We start discounting!


Monte Real will be the first club in Galicia to offer the prestigious RYA nautical courses


The courses of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) are the most prestigious and recognized worldwide in the nautical world

· The programs that will be taught in Baiona will allow obtaining different official international qualifications

· Monte Real will also offer the possibility of obtaining the Navigation License, the PNB, the PER or the Skipper and Yacht Captain qualifications


The Monte Real Club de Yachts de Baiona will become this year the first yacht club in Galicia and the entire Spanish Bay of Biscay to offer in its facilities the prestigious courses of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), the most recognized worldwide within the nautical world.

They will be a series of training programs, mainly practical, in which students will be able to acquire different skills and knowledge related to navigation and thus obtain official certificates of competence valid for sailing in numerous countries around the world.

The Royal Yachting Association , based in the United Kingdom, is today the most prestigious international training organization, and obtaining one of its qualifications gives sailors the necessary certification to navigate foreign waters. It also facilitates procedures such as boat rental or the processing of nautical insurance in other countries.

Its training method is eminently practical, focused on real navigation, and a student-instructor ratio that does not exceed 5 to 1, which guarantees a more complete training and personalized attention. International certificates are also awarded through a demanding practical test with a qualified examiner on board.

Courses on “Competent crew” (course for crew members who want to go from being passengers to being active members of the crew, which is carried out on board a sailboat for 5 days, learning navigation techniques, and which enables them to navigate daytime crossings in familiar waters), “Day skipper” (course for aspiring skippers with experience in sailing equivalent to the PER qualification but more practical and in English, which enables day and night coastal navigation), “Coastal skipper” (course that requires a greater number of requirements to obtain the title and that provides theoretical knowledge equivalent to a yacht skipper, to navigate day and night voyages without losing sight of the coast) and that of “Yachtmaster offshore” (course for expert sailors who will be able to act as skippers in sailboats of up to 200gt and 150 miles from the coast),

The Baionese club will be able to offer these courses thanks to an agreement signed with the Julio Verne Náutica company, which will be in charge of providing training, both theoretical and practical, at the Monte Real facilities.

The process of homologation of the courses has suffered a delay due to the situation derived from COVID19, but it is expected to culminate in the near future and it will be this year when they begin to be taught in Baiona.

In addition to turning it into an RYA training center, the agreement signed with Julio Verne Náutica will also allow Monte Real to complement its training offer with the possibility of obtaining the Navigation license , the GNP , the PER , the extension of the powers of the PER or the qualifications of Skipper and Yachtsman .

Also, at the club’s Cruise Sailing School, new training will begin on route planning, meteorology, night navigation and watchkeeping, or electronic aids, among others . In all of them, as in the RYA courses and in obtaining the rest of the qualifications, Monte Real members will have priority access to the courses and special discounts on their prices.

More information: 986 385 000 / secretaria@mrcyb.com

The tightening of COVID restrictions in Galicia forces the temporary suspension of the activity of the Monte Real Sailing School

(Photo © David Fontan)


· The new regulations approved by the Xunta de Galicia further restrict the practice of sports in our community

· The impossibility of maintaining courses and training normally has forced the Sailing School to temporarily suspend its activity

· The restrictions published this Tuesday in the Official Gazette of Galicia will last until next February 17


The tightening of the restrictions derived from the serious situation of COVID19 in Galicia has forced the temporary suspension of the activity of the Monte Real Club de Yates Sailing School.

The new regulations approved by the Xunta de Galicia and published yesterday, Tuesday, in an extraordinary edition of the Official Gazette of Galicia , further restrict the practice of sports in our community and make it impossible to maintain courses and activities as usual.

To the obligation to maintain the safety distance, wear a mask at all times, not exceed the perimeter closures of the municipalities, comply with the “curfew” set at 10:00 p.m. and not use changing rooms or classrooms, now add the demands that all activities be exclusively outdoors, keeping all indoor facilities closed; and are practiced only individually.

The obvious repercussions that this has on the Sailing School have forced the club to suspend its activity until the restrictions are relaxed and allow courses and training to resume normally, at which time an attempt will be made to recover the classes that have been lost during this January.

The Baitra J80 Winter League, included in the group of regional sports competitions that have been suspended due to COVID19, is also still on standby without having a return date set for the moment.

From the Monte Real Club de Yates we hope that you are all well and that the serious health situation in which Galicia finds itself today can be resolved, with the support and help of all, as soon as possible.

DOG No. 16-Bis / Tuesday, January 26, 2021 / Page 4683


3.15. Sports activity and federated sports competitions and their training.

1. The practice of non-federated physical and sports activity may only be carried out outdoors individually or with people living together and with the use of a mask.

2. Sports competitions at the regional level are suspended. The corresponding training sessions will be subject to the same limitations as the rest of the physical and sports activity provided for in this point, and the existing entry and exit limitations in certain territorial areas and the limitations established on the freedom of movement of people must be respected during regular hours. night.

3. The federated sports competitions at the national level and their training will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the competent Administration and in accordance with the limitations established in the corresponding federative protocols.

4. The federated sports competitions at the national level and their training sessions will take place without an audience in accordance with the provisions of the competent Administration and in accordance with the limitations established in the corresponding federative protocols.

In the field of official non-professional sports competitions at the state level of sports modalities that may involve contact that are held in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, the following measures will apply:

a) Galician teams and athletes participating in said competitions must carry out training and competition in groups of stable composition and, in any case, must carry out serological tests or similar tests every 14 calendar days.

b) All the members of the expedition of the teams and athletes from other autonomous communities who travel to the Autonomous Community of Galicia to participate in said competitions must carry out serological tests or similar tests at origin for at least between 72 and 24 hours prior to the event/match/competition.

At the same time, they must notify the autonomous health authorities with the same advance notice of the list of the people who are part of the expedition transferred to Galicia, the date and time of arrival in the Galician Autonomous Community and the place of accommodation, as well as the type of test. COVID-19 detection tests to which said persons have been subjected.

The planned measures must be understood within the necessary respect for the powers of the state sports and health authorities, so they will be applicable as long as they are compatible with those adopted by said authorities and as long as there are no mandatory measures arising from them that offer a level of protection. equivalent or similar.


Monte Real adapts its activity to the new restrictions derived from COVID19


· The suspension of all regional sports competitions forces the start of the Baitra J80 Winter League scheduled for this Saturday to be delayed

The club’s Sailing School will remain active, introducing changes to adapt to the new regulations that require, among other things, to reduce the number of crew members per boat

The Monte Real Club de Yates hopes that the application of the new restrictions will help improve the health situation in Galicia and allow the recovery, as soon as possible, of the club’s usual sports activity


The new restrictions approved by the Xunta de Galicia make it necessary to delay the start of the Baitra J80 Winter League, scheduled for this Saturday the 23rd in Baiona.

The competition, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Baitra Accesorios Navales, is postponed sine die (but with the intention of recovering all the days of regatta) pending future opinions from the clinical committee of the regional government.

In its last meeting, the group of experts in charge of deciding the measures to be applied to prevent the advance of the coronavirus in Galicia, recommended suspending all regional sports competitions, which include the Monte Real monotype regattas.

In the case of training sessions, the guidelines require that they be carried out respecting the closures of the different municipalities and those related to the “curfew”, set at 10:00 p.m. In addition, locker rooms and classrooms may not be used.

Thus, the Monte Real Club de Yates Sailing School may only be attended by students residing in Baiona, since the municipality is affected by a perimeter closure. The courses and trainings will continue, but with modifications, to adapt to the regulations.

Individual boats such as the Optimist are not affected by the new restrictions, but collective boats such as the Figaros and Cyclones used by the club are, in which only 4 people and 1 coach can sail, so there will be restructuring in the crews.

In this new phase, the obligation to wear a mask at all times and also to maintain a safe distance continues to be maintained. As a novelty, from now on, changing rooms and classrooms are closed.

Due to the complexity in the restructuring of the courses and training sessions and the bad weather conditions forecast for these days, Monte Real has decided to suspend the activity of the Sailing School this weekend to resume it, with everything already reorganized, on the 30th and January 31.

In this sense, the Sailing School recommends that students contact the club as soon as possible, writing an email to escuela@mrcyb.com , to facilitate the reorganization process.

In the case of athletes who are training to qualify for national championships and carry out their training outside their municipalities of residence, they must wait for the Xunta de Galicia to authorize their transfers through the Royal Galician Sailing Federation.

From the club it is expected that the application of these new restrictions will help improve the complicated situation in which Galicia finds itself today and allow the recovery, as soon as possible, of the club’s usual sports activity.


· Baitra J80 Winter League – Its start is postponed until the Xunta de Galicia approves the holding of regional sports competitions.

MRCYB Sailing School – Continues with its usual activity but applying certain restructurings to comply with the new regulations

· Sailing School training and courses – Students residing in Baiona may attend them. They must always wear masks, comply with the safety distance and will not be able to use changing rooms or classrooms.

· Optimist students – They will be able to continue browsing without problems

· Students of Figaros and Cyclones – Only 4 students and 1 coach can sail on these boats, so there will be restructuring of the crews

· Athletes training for national championships – If they train outside their municipalities of residence, they must wait to obtain mobility authorization.

· January 30 and 31 – Weekend in which the activity of the Sailing School is resumed to facilitate its reorganization

· IMPORTANT: All students of the Monte Real Yacht Club Sailing School should contact the club as soon as possible to reorganize the courses and activities. They can do so by writing an email to escuela@mrcyb.com



The BAITRA J80 Winter League will be held in the waters of the Bay of Baiona on February 27, March 20, April 10, May 15 and 29, 2021 , being organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates.



The regatta will be governed by:

to. The rules as defined in the WS Racing Rules of Sailing 2021–2024 (RRS).

b. J80 class monodesign regulations and their special adaptations of the J80 Galicia Fleet[NP][DP] .

c. Announcement and Instructions of Regatta.

d. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies Rule 60.1(a) RRS.

and. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .

F. The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] they will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Race Committee, in the most recently completed race, applied as indicated in Rule 44.3 RRS (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).

g. [NP] [DP] Annex A Security protocol in relation to COVID-19.



2.1. Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of WS Regulation 20.

2.2. The Organization may require the participants to display the sponsor’s publicity in the form that is convenient and that will be provided to them before the regatta, not being able to manipulate or modify said material under any circumstances.



3.1. Boats of the J80 class that comply with the regulations of point 1 and all the requirements demanded in point 4 of this AR may participate. As long as each and every one of them is not fulfilled, their registration as a participant in the Regatta will not be considered. Depending on the circumstances, the Organizing and Race Committee may grant a special extension in a particular way to the boat that requests it in writing.

3.2. Owners and skippers must be members of the National J80 Class Association and be registered at http://www.j80measurement.com.

3.3. Skippers who are not owners must be in possession of Sailor Classification Grade 1. See the following link:



4.1. Registration will be mandatory, at a cost of €50 per boat, and the following documentation must be sent or presented before January 22:

• Duly completed registration form.
• Updated boat insurance.
• Federal licenses for 2021 for all crew members.
• Proof of transfer of registration rights.

Submitted or presented in:

Mount Royal Yacht Club
Recinto del Parador, s/n, 36300 Baiona E-mail: secretaria@mrcyb.com Tel. + 34 986 385 000

And the transfer of registration rights made in:

. account: ES92 2080 0559 2330 4000 3658 SWIFT: CAGLESMMXXX

4.2. Registration and registration confirmation:

The owner or person in charge of each boat must register and personally sign the registration form at the Regatta Office before 11:00 a.m. on January 23, 2021.

February 27, March 20, April 10, May 15 and 29


5.1. The competition will take place on the following days:

  • February 27 15:00 Coastal or windward-leeward courses
  • March 20 15:00 Coastal or windward-leeward courses
  • April 10 15:00 Coastal or windward-leeward courses
  • May 15 15:00 Coastal or windward-leeward courses
  • May 29 3:00 p.m. Coastal or windward-leeward tours / 8:30 p.m. Trophy ceremony and fellowship dinner

5.2. This program may be modified if circumstances so require (postponement to other dates due to suspension due to storms, etc., or modification of schedules according to forecast weather conditions or other causes).

5.3. Exit signals may be given up to 60 minutes before sunset each day.



6.1. It will be navigated in fleet format, in real time.

6.2. 15 tests are scheduled.

6.3. There will be no more than 3 tests per day.



7.1. The responsibility of attending this regatta having previously updated its Measurement Certificate, measuring the material with which it is intended to participate, is exclusively the registered skipper.

7.2. The number of crew members on board may be changed during the course of the regatta, but not on each day where it must end with the same number as the start.

7.3. The safety of this regatta will be considered as category 4 (reduced) in accordance with the Special Rules for High Seas Regatta of the WS and adapted to the particular regulations of the Galician J80 Fleet.

7.4. All boats will have to be equipped with a VHF radio with channels 16, 09, 71 and 72.

7.5. It will be the responsibility of the owner or skipper of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and in particular for their government, dispatch and security.



8.1. The Low Score system described in Appendix A of the RRS will apply.

8.2. There will be one (1) discard from 6 or more races held and two (2) discards from 11 or more races held.



Prizes will be awarded to at least the top 3 classifieds, the award ceremony will take place on May 29 at 8:00 p.m. at the club.



Participants in the J80 Winter League do so at their own risk and responsibility.

The MRCYB or any person or body involved in the organization of the event, reject any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participation in the tests covered by this race announcement.

Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4, Decision to Race, of part 1 of the RRS, which states: “It is the sole responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a race or to continue racing”.



[NP][DP] Annex A

Security protocol in relation to COVID-19

to. Access to the regatta facilities is subject to the control of body temperature.

b. Participants and support people are required to wear a mask:

1º: At all times while in the Club facilities, except in the cases established by law.

2º: At all times while they are afloat, except in the cases provided by law.

3rd: when embarking on any Organization vessel: Regatta Committees, Referees and maintenance boats, etc. The masks must be thrown only in the containers provided for it, duly marked.

c. Participants and support people are obliged to respect the capacity and access shifts, where appropriate, to:

1st changing rooms and showers. It is strictly forbidden to deposit clothing and bags, these must be located in the places designated for it (lockers, etc.) avoiding common areas and must be removed from the venue every day at the end of the activity, as well as walking barefoot. Showers will remain closed.

2nd Bar, restaurant and social lounges.

d. Participants and support people are required to wash their hands frequently and, where appropriate, to use hydrogels when accessing rooms and closed areas.

and. Participants and support persons are required to use the one-way lanes when traveling within the facility.

F. All participants are recommended to download and activate the App Radar Covid19.

Link Android (Reviewed and Validated) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.gob.radarcovid&hl=es

Link APPLE (reviewed and validated)



Dear friends and friends:

Just a few words to send you our most cordial Christmas greetings and our best wishes for the coming year 2021.

I am sure that this year 2020, which ends in a few days, has filled us with uncertainties, doubts and endless sensations that we will hardly forget.

It has also allowed us to verify that, when the commitment and quality of a team is firm, things can be done, albeit with greater difficulties. And this is the commitment that makes Monte Real great.

With the effort of each and every one of the sailors, from the youngest to the most experienced, we have been able to carry out the scheduled regattas and the most emblematic of the Club. Their support has been decisive in assuming that Monte Real should be, once again, leading our sport: sailing.

Our most sincere thanks to the sponsors and institutions that have not hesitated to support, especially this year, our firm challenge so that the sport we practice at sea could continue.

To the media, always willing to convey to society the beauty of a sport such as sailing: thank you very much for it.

And to all those with whom this year has been especially hard, and to their families, our warmest hug.



Jose Luis Alvarez
President of the Monte Real Yacht Club




RCN Valencia wins the II Spanish Sailing League – State Lotteries and Betting Trophy


  • Great final day in the State Lotteries and Bets Trophy with wind between 15 and 20 knots
  • The Real Club Náutico de Arrecife fails to defend the title and finishes in second position
  • Impressive comeback of the host club, the Monte Real Club de Yates, which finishes on the third step of the podium


(Information: Royal Spanish Sailing Federation Helena de la Gándara – Macarena Lainez / Photos: María Muiña RFEV / Video: Ugo Fonollá RFEV)

The State Lotteries and Betting Trophy has had a magnificent day today to close the 2020 edition of the Spanish Sailing League, with wind and emotion until the last moment to define the final classification.

The eleven teams that have participated this year began the day with a series of clashes to complete the qualifying rounds, thus clearing up the mystery of who would be the six teams that would participate in the Grand Final.

Today the estuary was full to animate these last bars of the competition, with a wind that at times was capricious in intensity and direction before the entrance of a shower, but that in general contributed to the good development of the tests scheduled for this last day.

The crew of the Real Club Náutico de Valencia arrived with a comfortable advantage but without being able to trust, because the rhythm of the regattas and the impetus of the teams to win a place on the podium left no room for error.

Complying with the planned program, adjusted to the orange alert announced for 3:00 p.m. on the Galician coast, once the confrontations of all the teams were finished, the first six classified that would go on to the Grand Final were announced: RCN Valencia, RCN de Arrecife , RCN Torrevieja, RCN de Gran Canaria, MRCY Baiona and CN Altea.

It was the turn of the three final regattas, with double points. So far, all had shown their usual regularity. All but one, the Monte Real Club de Yates team that has been superior from the beginning in its waters and with a one-design that shows they know perfectly. The regattas of the crew led by Manuel María Cunha, together with Jaime de la Gándara, Antonio María Cunha, Vasco Tinoco and Marta Ramada, have been counted by victories throughout the qualifying series, ascending from eighth to fifth position in the provisional upon completion of these.

The moment of truth had arrived. Arrecife won the first of the final regattas, followed by Valencia and Baiona, which did not alter the positions in the table but brought the team from Monte Real a little closer to fourth position. Those from Cunha pressed the accelerator again and a new first in their locker, a third from Gran Canaria and a fifth from Torrevieja put those from Gran Canaria on the third step of the podium, those from Monte Real in fourth position and dropped to those of Torrevieja up to the fifth.

The first two places were decided, the Real Club Náutico de Valencia was the virtual winner of the Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy ahead of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife, but the third step of the podium was still up in the air and three teams with a margin of two points between them.

The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona won the last regatta followed by the RCN de Arrecife and the RCN Gran Canaria, thus signing a splendid final and achieving a deserved third place in the general classification.

The team from the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife, led by Gonzalo Morales together with Fátima Diz, Roberto Molina, Tomás Fuentes and Ricardo Terrades, were unable to retain the title, but did secure a convincing second place.

And the Real Club Náutico de Valencia sealed its first participation in the Spanish Sailing League with a victory cultivated from the first bars. Axel Rodger, Pau Chirivella, Antonio Puig, Quicorras Urios and Mª José Algarra received their well-deserved winner’s trophy from the president of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, Julia Casanueva, and the president of Monte Real, José Luís Álvarez.

The sports delegate of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, Gorka Gómez, accompanied the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez, in the delivery of the trophy to the second-placed Real Club Náutico de Arrecife.

And the head of the Provincial Sports Service of the Xunta de Galicia, Daniel Benavides, together with José Luís Álvarez, handed over the third-placed prize to the Monte Real Yacht Club team.

Julia Casanueva, president of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, recognized the success of this new edition of the Spanish Sailing League and the achievement of its objectives: “The RFEV had been trying to start this project for several years and thanks to State Lotteries and Bets last year we managed to start it.

It is a great initiative, the proof is in the incorporation of new crews this year. With the complex year we are experiencing, we have 11 teams that have opted for La Liga. In addition, it is noteworthy that there are many very young crew members who are joining older crews and this is very important; we are achieving what we wanted: to connect sailing between the different generations. There is a great projection also at European level because this league will continue in the European League and this greatly encourages all athletes “.

Axel Rodger, skipper of the RCN Valencia team, was proud of the success of his crew and was grateful for the celebration of the State Lottery and Betting Trophy, the Spanish Sailing League, “because it has been a complicated year in which we have sailed very little. We appreciate the courage shown by the RFEV, the CN of Calpe and the MRCY of Baiona, in addition to the support of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado for this event”.


Classification II SPANISH SAILING LEAGUE – State Lottery and Betting Trophy

1 RCN Valencia/ Axel Rodger: 57.20 pts
2 RCN Arrecife / Gonzalo Morales: 63 pts
3 MRCY Baiona / Manuel Maria Cunha: 74.95 pts
4 RCN of Gran Canaria / Onán Barreiros: 77 pts
5 RCN Torrevieja / José Manuel Ballester: 82 pts
6 CN Altea / Alejandro Arroyo: 103.20 pts
7 RCN Calpe / Juan Carlos Albelda: 80.25 pts
8 RCN Palma / Albert Torres: 82.45 pts
9 RCR Alicante / Nacho Campos: 83.50 pts
10 CN El Balís / Bárbara Cornudella: 87.20 pts
11 CN Campello / Iván Moreno: 106.95 pts

The RCN Valencia defends leadership in the Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy

Fair wind and calm sea to inaugurate the State Lottery and Gambling Trophy in the waters of the Monte Real Yacht Club

· The RCN Valencia maintains the leadership and the classifications tighten behind him at the gates of the final

RCN de Arrecife, RCN Torrevieja, RCN Gran Canaria, CN Altea and MRCY will seek a podium position on the last day

· Samuel Beneyto prevails in the eSailing version of the State Lottery and Gambling Trophy

(Information: Royal Spanish Sailing Federation Helena de la Gándara – Macarena Lainez / Photos: María Muiña RFEV / Video: Ugo Fonollá RFEV)

After the storm comes calm and the weather today has shown its other face in the waters of Baiona to start the second phase of the State Lotteries and Bets Trophy, with winds that have not exceeded 7 knots of intensity, unstable in direction and calm sea .

The day was used to the maximum to close the day with four almost complete clashes, after which the Real Club Náutico Valencia team, skippered by Alex Rodger, remains at the top of the table with a good cushion of points over Real Club Nautical Reef Gonzalo Morales.

But it is the Club Náutico Torrevieja, owned by José Manuel Ballester, who now occupies the third step of the podium, unseating the Real Club Náutico Gran Canaria owned by Onán Barreiros.

The classifications tighten up to sixth position, which is reached by the host team, skippered by Manuel María Cunha, who flaunts his good knowledge of the one design by adding today the best partials with three first places, which is enough to move up two places in the table and enter that compact group that tomorrow will give everything to get on the podium.

The satisfaction and drive of the Monte Real Club de Yates team are clear in the words of Jaime de la Gándara, crew member of the team led by Cunha: “The truth is that we have done three tests and fought three victories, we have fought until the end. In Calpe we did not know the boat or the conditions, but here it is different. Today we have all made mistakes: the field is difficult and we have all had problems, but we have been able to solve them quickly”.

Regarding the options for the final day, the Galician crew member shows caution: “The level is very high and it is quite difficult to stay in the top positions because there is a lot of fighting. For tomorrow the part is complicated, everything is going to be more difficult due to the wind, the sea and the cold. We want to be in the final, whatever happens, and put the name of Baiona as high as possible”.

The Sailing Instructions indicate 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, Monday, as the start time for the first tests, with a weather forecast that announces more wind, and a program that foresees the holding of more qualifying tests until 12:30 p.m. to proceed then to the finals, with three regattas that score double and to which the top six finishers will access.

And after an exciting final, Samuel Beneyto has been proclaimed the individual winner of the Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy, the Spanish Sailing League in its eSailing version, beating Miguel Cruz, second classified, and Joan Ravie, third.

Ranking Trophy Lotteries and State Bets

1 RCN Valencia/ Axel Rodger: 38.21 pts
2 RCN Arrecife / Gonzalo Morales: 47 pts
3 RCN Torrevieja / José Manuel Ballester: 51 pts
4 Gran Canaria RCN / Onán Barreiros: 52.78 pts
5 CN Altea / Alejandro Arroyo: 62.49 pts
6 MRCY Baiona / Manuel Maria Cunha: 66.45 pts
7 RCN Palma / Albert Torres: 75.45 pts
8 RCN Calpe / Juan Carlos Albelda: 77.32 pts
9 RCR Alicante / Nacho Campos: 78.50 pts
10 CN El Balís / Bárbara Cornudella: 84.20 pts
11 CN Campello / Iván Moreno: 101.28 = 80.95 pts

Contact with the Figaros in the Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy


· The orange alert due to the Dora storm prevents the dispute of the first regattas of the Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy

· The teams take advantage of the day to make contact with the Figaro, monotypes with which the regattas will be carried out

(Information: Royal Spanish Sailing Federation Helena de la Gándara – Macarena Lainez / Photos: María Muiña RFEV / Video: Ugo Fonollá RFEV)

The Dora storm has forced the start of the tests of the second and final phase of the State Lotteries and Betting Trophy to be postponed until tomorrow, which will be held until next Monday 7 in the waters of the Vigo estuary, based on Mount Royal Yacht Club.

The poor state of the sea advised the authorities to declare an orange alert throughout the Galician coast, thereby preventing the holding of sports competitions. But sheltered by the estuary, the eleven teams participating in this second edition of the Spanish Sailing League have held a free practice session, thus familiarizing themselves with the Figaro monotypes with which the tests will be held starting tomorrow.

During the first phase of the 2020 edition of the State Lotteries and Bets Trophy, held at the Real Club Náutico Calpe, the matches were held in Tom28 units, very different from the Figaros, as Axel Rodger, patron of the Real Club team, told us. Náutico Valencia, current leader of the general classification: “It is one more cruise ship, it is heavier, it has more displacement, it is larger, which requires more physical strength. We are a light crew, so with skill we will have to make up for our lack of strength and weight.”.

The Real Club Náutico Valencia team is seven points ahead of its closest rival, Gonzalo Morales’ Real Club Náutico de Arrecife, and thirteen over Onán Barreiros’ Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, a superiority that, however, doesn’t allow Rodger’s team to relax: “We are happy to start as leaders, but there are many tests ahead of us and for us this is a new championship. It is a boat in which we have never sailed, the sea is very different from the Mediterranean and there are very good competitors, so we have to face it as if it were starting over, with an advantage, obviously, that we value”.

After having made good use of this opportunity to get to know their mounts, the teams are ready to begin the clashes, having in many cases reinforced their crews with a view to this final battle to win the Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy, the Spanish Sailing League, and be one of those designated to represent Spain in the European League.

As planned, the regattas for tomorrow, Sunday, will begin at 11:00 a.m. and, as the regatta director, Luky Serrano, comments, “The intention is to do as many regattas as possible to recover today’s, although with the “tight” schedule it is very complicated. On Monday we will start soon with qualifying regattas and, starting at 12:30 p.m., the finals, with three regattas that score double and to which the top six finishers have access”.

Classification Lotteries Trophy and State Bets -Real Club Náutico Calpe-

1 RCN Valencia/ Axel Rodger: 1.2-2.25-2.25-2-1-3-1-1-1-3-2-1-4-2.25-2 = 28.95 pts
2 RCN Arrecife / Gonzalo Morales: 3-1-1-2-2.25-2-2.25-2.25-3-1-3.5-2-2-4.75 = 36 sts
3 Gran Canaria RCN / Onan Barreiros: 6-3.5-6-4-4-1-3.5-2-2.25-2-1-1-1-1-4 = 42.25 pts
4 RCN Torrevieja / José Manuel Ballester: 1-1-3-1-1-4-1-5-4.75-4-2.25-6-4.75-1-3.5 = 43.25 pts
5 CN Altea / Alejandro Arroyo: 6-1.2-3-5-3-4.75-3.5-2-1-4-1-2.25-3-4.75-1 = 45.45 pts
6 RCN Palma / Hugo Ramón: 2.2-5-5-6-2.25-6-3-3.5-3-1-6-4.75-1-2-3 = 53.7 pts
7 RCN Calpe / Lara Sabina: 4.75-4.75-2-3-5-1-1-5-2-5-4.75-4-6-3-6 = 57.25 pts
8 MRCY Baiona / Manuel Cunha: 3.5-4.95-3.5-4.75-4.75-6-2.25-6-4.75-3.5-3-2.25-5 -3.5-2.25 = 59.95pts
9 CN El Balís / Bárbara Cornudella: 4,2-6-2-3,5-3,5-3,5-4-6-6-7-6-3-5-1-5 = 65,7 sts
10 RCR Alicante / Diego Campos: 5-4-4-6-1-6-4.75-4.75-4-2.25-4-3.5-6-6-5 = 66.25 pts
11 CN Campello / Ángela Andugar: 2.25-6.2-6-6-6-5-6-6-6-5-5-3.5-6-6-6 = 80.95 pts


Photos: María Muiña – RFEV / Videos: Ugo Fonollá – RFEV

Galicia will decide the winner of the Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy

(Information: Royal Spanish Sailing Federation Helena de la Gándara – Macarena Lainez / Photos: María Muiña RFEV)

The Monte Real Club de Yates has hosted this noon the presentation of the second phase of the State Lotteries and Betting Trophy that will begin this Saturday, December 5.

The event, which was attended by José Luís Álvarez, president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, Alejandro Retolaza, vice president of the MRCY, José Ramón Lete Lasa, general secretary for sports of the Xunta de Galicia, Gorka Gómez, deputy for sports from the Pontevedra Provincial Council, Óscar Martínez, deputy mayor of Baiona, and Marta Fernández-Tapias, territorial delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Vigo.

The president of the host club was in charge of opening the presentation, the last test of the sports calendar of the Monte Real Club de Yates, emphasizing the rigor with which the entity applies the required security protocols and affirming that it “It will be, without a doubt, a great competition that we encourage you to enjoy from land, since the regattas can be seen from many points around the bay”.

After the intervention of the rest of the authorities, José Ramón Lete Lasa, General Secretary for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia, closed the act highlighting that “The commitment of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado to sport and to this Spanish Sailing League, in its second edition, is one more example of the entity’s commitment to sport, with which it has always been very committed, promoting so many and so many competitions” .

11 teams meet in the waters of Baiona –Pontevedra– to fight for the final victory in the State Lotteries and Bets Trophy, La Liga de Vela. If the first of the two events that make up this league –the one held in the waters of the Valencian Community (Real Club Náutico Calpe)– made it clear that the competition was going to be tighter than in the previous edition, Galicia –Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona– will write the name of the winning team.

Unlike in the first edition of this League (2019), the town of Pontevedra will be in charge of organizing the grand final – in 2019 it hosted the opening act.

The teams will have a handicap in this final and that is that the boats selected to compete in the final will not be the same as in the first round. On this occasion the Tom28 will be replaced by the Figaro that the Galician club has, so the experts in the first boats will have to make an effort to get the most out of these monotypes.

The Real Club Náutico de Valencia team, with Axel Rodger as leader, has already made its potential clear in Mediterranean waters, finishing with a margin of more than six points over the winner of the first edition of the State Lotteries and Bets Trophy, the RCN of Arrecife skippered by Gonzalo Morales.

Everything is in a fist between the second and fifth classified and it is that between the RCN of Arrecife, the RCN Gran Canaria -with Onan Barreiros as skipper-, the RCN Torrevieja, with Jose Manuel Ballester as skipper, and the Club Náutico Altea there is hardly nine points.

If the weather conditions allow it, the Regatta Committee of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation will try to finish all the scheduled rounds –in two groups of 6 boats– after the first 15 tests completed in fleet Round-Robin format.

Sharing dates with the outcome of the State Lotteries and Gambling Trophy in its natural environment, the waters of Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona, the eSailing version of the event will also experience its individual final phase, which will be held on Saturday, December 5 from 9:00 p.m.



“By complying with all the security protocols required by COVID19, this year we were able to celebrate events as important as the Conde de Gondomar Trophy or the Príncipe de Asturias, and we are going to close the sports calendar with another event of great relevance in the national nautical scene: the Spanish Sailing League. The Royal Spanish Sailing Federation has chosen us again as the organizer of the tests, and from Monte Real we can only thank the trust placed, once again, in our club. It will be, without a doubt, a great competition that we encourage you to enjoy from land, since the regattas can be seen from many points around the bay” – José Luis Álvarez President of the Monte Real Yacht Club

José Luis Álvarez, president of the Monte Real Yacht Club – Photo: María Muiña

“The commitment of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado to sport and to this Spanish Sailing League, in its second edition, is one more example of the entity’s commitment to sport, with which it has always been very committed, promoting so many and so many competitions. And this is something to be thankful for, just as we must also thank the work carried out in Galicia, by all the federations and clubs, to apply the COVID protocols adapting them to the model approved by the Xunta. This has allowed us to be the fifth community with the lowest incidence of coronavirus and to continue celebrating this type of event. Galicia did its homework and we have not stopped. And the Monte Real Yacht Club is a clear example of this. We have shown that working as a team works better” – José Ramón Lete Lasa General Secretary for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia

José Ramón Lete Lasa, General Secretary for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia – Photo María Muiña

“In such an atypical and difficult year, the Monte Real Club de Yates has been able to continue its activity and maintain its competitions and we can only congratulate the club for its work. I would also like to thank all the sponsors and collaborators, especially Loterías y Apuestas del Estado, for their commitment to sports. The synergies between public administrations and private sponsors are essential for the work of the clubs and for sport to be a generator of economy and attract tourism” – Gorka Gómez Deputy for Sports of the Pontevedra Provincial Council

Gorka Gómez, Deputy for Sports of the Pontevedra Provincial Council – Photo: María Muiña

“For Baiona it is a pride to have the Monte Real Club de Yates in our town because it is a clear reference in world sport, and we are sure that this second edition of the Spanish Sailing League will be a new triumph, like everything that the club signature. We live in a place that is a benchmark in the world nautical scene and in a spectacular setting for this type of activity, which values our bay and our surroundings, and we can only support them as we have done so far and will continue to do in the future” – Óscar Martínez Deputy Mayor of Baiona

Óscar Martínez, deputy mayor of Baiona – Photo : María Muiña


Classification Lotteries Trophy and State Bets -Real Club Náutico Calpe-

1 RCN Valencia/ Axel Rodger: 1.2-2.25-2.25-2-1-3-1-1-1-3-2-1-4-2.25-2 = 28.95 pts
2 RCN Arrecife / Gonzalo Morales: 3-1-1-2-2.25-2-2.25-2.25-3-1-3.5-2-2-4.75 = 36 sts
3 Gran Canaria RCN / Onan Barreiros: 6-3.5-6-4-4-1-3.5-2-2.25-2-1-1-1-1-4 = 42.25 pts
4 RCN Torrevieja / José Manuel Ballester: 1-1-3-1-1-4-1-5-4.75-4-2.25-6-4.75-1-3.5 = 43.25 pts
5 CN Altea / Alejandro Arroyo: 6-1.2-3-5-3-4.75-3.5-2-1-4-1-2.25-3-4.75-1 = 45.45 pts
6 RCN Palma / Hugo Ramón: 2.2-5-5-6-2.25-6-3-3.5-3-1-6-4.75-1-2-3 = 53.7 pts
7 RCN Calpe / Lara Sabina: 4.75-4.75-2-3-5-1-1-5-2-5-4.75-4-6-3-6 = 57.25 pts
8 MRCY Baiona / Manuel Cunha: 3.5-4.95-3.5-4.75-4.75-6-2.25-6-4.75-3.5-3-2.25-5 -3.5-2.25 = 59.95pts
9 CN El Balís / Bárbara Cornudella: 4,2-6-2-3,5-3,5-3,5-4-6-6-7-6-3-5-1-5 = 65,7 sts
10 RCR Alicante / Diego Campos: 5-4-4-6-1-6-4.75-4.75-4-2.25-4-3.5-6-6-5 = 66.25 pts
11 CN Campello / Ángela Andugar: 2.25-6.2-6-6-6-5-6-6-6-5-5-3.5-6-6-6 = 80.95 pts




De la Gándara and his Okofen crew win the J80 Autumn League


· The sailor from Vigo, accompanied by his sons Javier and Jaime and his usual winning partner, Diego Fernández, achieved a new triumph in Baiona

· De la Gándara revalidated the success achieved at the beginning of the year in the Winter League and sentenced the autumn championship by taking 27 points from their rivals

· El Cansino by Fernando Yáñez and El Alboroto by Juan Carlos Ameneiro won silver and bronze in the Monte Real monotype league

· Next weekend the bay of Baiona will host a new edition of the Spanish Sailing League – State Lotteries and Bets Trophy

There were no surprises this Saturday in Baiona and the crew led by the sailor from Vigo Javier de la Gándara finally won the J80 class Autumn League, which this afternoon held its last tests in the Bay of Baiona.

On board the Okofen , Javier de la Gándara, his sons Jaime and Javier, and Diego Fernández, the team’s usual teammate in victories; They sentenced a new edition of the one-design championship of the Monte Real Club de Yates, and they did it again forcefully.

Of the 9 tests held in various days during the months of October and November, Okofen signed 7 first places and finished with 9 points in the final general classification. The crew only missed 2 victories in which, in any case, they did not drop from second position.

De la Gándara and his team thus revalidated the victory they had achieved at the beginning of the year in the J80 Winter League and hung their laurels by taking up to 29 points from second-placed Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino . Despite the fact that he suffered a lot in today’s quarters (with an eighth, a tenth and a sixth place), Cansino managed to finish with 36 points and took the silver in the league.

The surprise of the classification came with the bronze, which finally went to the hands of Uproar from Juan Carlos Ameneiro, who with a third, a sixth and a second on the last day, managed to jump from fifth to third place overall and close the championship podium with 40 points.

Manuel María Cunha’s Marías was once again, as it had been on the penultimate day, one of the outstanding boats of the day. He finished second in the first race, managed to beat Okofen in the second race and finished third in the last regatta of the day. Despite these good results, his absences in the first days of the league (he did not compete in the first four days) weighed too much and Marías finished the competition in ninth position.

In this last stage of the one-design league, three tests were completed with a somewhat shifty wind, which forced several route changes; and with the night throwing itself on top of the clock, which prevented the celebration of any test greater than the three initially planned.

In addition to Okofen and Marías, Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto managed to get on the partial podiums this Saturday, with a third and a second; and the Namasté by Luis de Mira, who achieved third place in one of the tests; although only the Fuss managed to sneak into the final podium.

Gold, silver and bronze for the Okofen, the Tired and the Fuss; fourth and fifth position for the New Moon by Juan Luis Tuero and the Maija by José Luis Pérez; and sixth place for Spaco de Santiago Estévez, another of the outstanding boats in the autumn league, which finally could not enter the Top 5.

With the end of the J80 Autumn League, the Monte Real Club de Yates puts an end to its 2020 sports calendar although it has not yet said goodbye to the competitions, since next weekend the waters of Baiona will host a new edition of the Spanish Sailing League – State Lotteries and Bets Trophy .

Organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, the state league returns to the Baionese club -where it had already been in 2019- to celebrate its last tests, some regattas that will reveal the name of the team that will represent Spain in the Sailing Champions League, the league European.




2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
