Reciprocal agreements

Members of the Irish Cruising Club are most than welcome at MRCYB. We offer them a 25% discount for mooring, for a maximum of 30 days (for 7 consecutive days maximum), after showing their member cards. In addition, they can get some discounts in our merchandising products.
Cruising under sail along the coasts of Ireland has a long and colourful history, but it was not until 1929 that the Irish Cruising Club was brought into being to act as a coordinating body for seagoing amateur sailors in all parts of a country which had only recently been partitioned. The inaugural meeting was held in Glengarriff at the head of Bantry Bay on the evening of Saturday July 13th 1929, under the directives of the founder of the Royal Ocean Racing Club, Harry Donegan, and supported by Billy Mooney. The objects of the Club were and are currently to associate sailing yacht people and to encourage cruising with particular emphasis on cruising off the Irish coast. They have edited also the Sailing Directions, a book with instructions for sailing along the coasts of Ireland that in 2016 has published its fourteenth edition. From its origins, the club has been an amateur organisation without any professional administration. Membership is limited to 550, with applications being accepted or refused once per year.