Galician J80 Championship

The Monte Real Club de Yates is the club in charge of organizing, in this 2019, by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, the Galician J80 Championship, which will be held on August 31 and September 1 in the waters of the bay of Baiona with the sponsorship of Engel & Völkers.
The regatta will be governed by:
to. The rules as defined in the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2017–2020 (RRV).
b. J80 class monodesign regulations and their special adaptations of the J80 Galicia Fleet[DP] .
c. WS Appendix Q (RRV) adapted to this Championship
d. RFGV Competition Regulations.
and. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies Rule 60.1(a) RRS.
F. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .
g. The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] they will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Race Committee, in the most recently completed race, applied as indicated in Rule 44.3 RRS (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).
2.1. Participants must meet the eligibility conditions reflected in Regulation 19 of the WS and in the Prescriptions of the RFEV to said Regulation.
2.2. Participants of nationality or with legal residence in Spain or who compete in boats attached to a Spanish club, must be in possession of the sports federation license for the year 2019. For foreign athletes who do not have a federal license or athlete medical insurance that insures them in the event of an accident, they must prove that they have valid accident and illness insurance in Spain.
2.3. The Championship is considered Open, but only the boat whose crew members hold a federative license issued by the Royal Galician Sailing Federation will be eligible for the title of Galician Champion.
3.1. Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of WS Regulation 20.
3.2. The Organization may require the participants to display the sponsor’s publicity in the form that is convenient and that will be provided to them before the regatta, not being able to manipulate or modify said material under any circumstances.
3.3 Those responsible for each participating boat grant their authorization to the MRCYB so that any photograph, image or video of people or boats taken during the days of the regatta may be published in any medium, such as television advertisements, editorial comments, information , advertising, etc…
4.1. Boats of the J80 class that comply with the regulations of point 1 and all the requirements demanded in point 5 of this AR may participate. As long as each and every one of them is not fulfilled, their registration as a participant in the Championship will not be considered.
4.2. Owners and skippers must be members of the National J80 Class Association and be registered at
4.3. Skippers who are not owners must be in possession of Sailor Classification Grade 1. See following link:
5.1. Registration will cost €50 per boat, with the obligation to send or present the following documentation before August 28:
• Duly completed registration form.
• Updated boat insurance.
• 2019 federative licenses for all crew members.
• Proof of transfer of registration rights.
• Proof of payment of the J80 Class Association fee for 2019.
Submitted or presented in:
Mount Royal Yacht Club
Parador Enclosure, s/n, 36300 Baiona
phone + 34 986 385 000
And the transfer of registration rights made in:
. account: 2080-0559-23-3040003658
5.2. Registration and registration confirmation:
The owner or person in charge of each boat must register and personally sign the registration form at the Regatta Office before 11:30 a.m. on August 31, 2019.
6.1. The competition will take place on the following days with this program:
6.2. No more than three tests per day will be sailed, except if the Regatta Committee deems it necessary to do so to complete the planned test program.
6.3. For the Championship to be valid, at least three valid tests must be held.
7.1. It will be navigated in fleet format, in real time.
7.2. The routes to be carried out will be to the wind (windward / leeward) that will be specified in the IR
8.1. The responsibility of attending this regatta having previously updated its Measurement Certificate, measuring the material with which it is intended to participate, is exclusively the registered skipper.
8.2. The number of crew members on board may not be changed during the course of the Championship.
8.3. The safety of this regatta will be in accordance with the requirements of the official Class Regulations and adapted to the particular regulations of the J80 Galician Fleet.
8.4. All boats must be equipped with a VHF radio with channels 16, 71 and 72, as a minimum.
8.5. It will be the responsibility of the owner or skipper of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and in particular for their government, dispatch and security.
9.1. The Low Score system described in Appendix A of the RRS will apply.
9.2. The worst test score from 4 or more valid tests held will be excluded.
Prizes will be awarded to at least the top 3 classified in the regatta, in addition to the RFGV accrediting plaque to the champion.
The image rights of the event belong exclusively to the Monte Real Club de Yates. Any advertising action that does not have the express authorization of the organizers is prohibited.
Participants in this Championship do so at their own risk and responsibility.
The MRCYB or any person or body involved in the organization of the event, reject any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participation in the tests covered by this race announcement.
Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4, Decision to Race, of part 1 of the RRS, which states:
“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or to continue racing.”