Dear friends and friends:

A few days before the end of the year, I wish to send you, on behalf of the Board of Directors and all the workers of the Club, our best wishes for this Christmas and the coming Year 2022.

As you all know, it has been a better year, but not without difficulties due to the pandemic situation. A year that has allowed us, once again, to continue with our sports programs and carry out our most emblematic regattas. Unfortunately it has not been possible to recover social events, because health protocols have not allowed it.

I would like to thank once again all those who have made it possible for Monte Real to continue to be a benchmark for their good work. Of this we can feel proud.

To the sponsors, both institutional and private. To the sailors, they are always ready to compete. To the students of our sailing schools for their interest in getting to know and delving deeper into our sport. To the media that, with their help, make it possible for the sport of sailing to reach society in general.

Our memory, too, for those who have left us, and for the families who have lived through a year of difficulties and uncertainties, our most sincere affection.

Thank you all and Happy Holidays,

Jose Luis Alvarez

President of the MRCYB



The Marias, King of Autumn J80


· The Marías of the Cunha family won the final victory of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League held since last October in Baiona

· The Okofen of Javier de la Gándara from Vigo tried to revalidate the title achieved in the previous edition but finally had to settle for silver

· Completed the winners’ podium of the one-design championship organized by the MRCYB el Cansino led by the young woman from Vigo Alejandra Suárez

· With the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, the Monte Real Club de Yates puts an end to a regatta season that included a total of 11 trophies


This Saturday, the Marías became the winner of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, the one-design championship that had been held in the waters of Baiona since last October under the organization of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

El Marías, winner of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Cunha family’s sailboat, armed by José Valentím Cunha, skippered by Manel Cunha and crewed by José María Cunha, Vasco Tinoco and Marta Ramada, managed to prevail over the total of 20 with partial 2-2-1-1-2 participants.

Crew of the Marías winner of the Autumn League AEDAS Homes J80 – Photo Yago Crespo

Especially significant for the Portuguese team was having beaten its most direct rival, Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, from Vigo, who had come ready to revalidate the victory achieved in the previous edition of the Autumn League, but who finally had to settle for the competition silver.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen took silver in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

“Having beaten Javier, who for us is an idol, and from whom we have also learned a lot, is a milestone,” said Manel Cunha, crew leader, at the end of the competition. “Our goal is to continue preparing for the World Class to be held in Baiona in 2023 and this victory encourages us and drives us to continue training and improving” .

Javier de la Gándara collecting the Okofen prize, second classified in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo Yago Crespo

The Marías and the Okofen, which alternated the provisional podiums during the five days that the competition lasted, finished first and second with 8 and 9 points, a minimal separation of just one point that demonstrates the great quality of both crews, who fought until the end to hang the laurels.

El Cansino came third in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The bronze of the championship went to the Cansino, another of the boats that knew how to maintain itself throughout the league in the positions of honor thanks to the balance that involved the good work of the young Alejandra Suárez from Vigo and the boards and experience of Nano Yáñez and Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui.

Cansino crew, third in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo Yago Crespo

El Cansino came third in the standings and on the last day consolidated that position with 22 points, 16 points above fourth-placed Luis de Mira’s Namasté (38 points). Fifth place went to Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo, with 41 points.

Marías, Okofen, Cansino, Namasté and Mondo finally made up the TOP 5 of a competition that experienced very complicated days due to the weather, with suspensions, postponements, shortenings, waiting times, route changes, calls to the general classification, protests… there were everything from the beginning and the end was no different.

In the last stage, held this Saturday, only one of the three tests on the program could be held. A second was started, but could not be completed due to a drop in the wind. The winner of the sleeve was Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Fuss.

20 sailboats competed in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League ended with a fraternization dinner organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates for all the crews. Previously, the award ceremony for the winners was held, in which the General Secretary for Sports of the Xunta de Galicia, José Ramón Lete Lasa, participated; the deputy mayor of Baiona, Óscar Martínez; the president of the MRCYB, José Luis Álvarez and the directors of AEDAS Homes Pablo Rodríguez-Losada and Pablo de la Torre.

With the closing of the one-design championship, Monte Real put an end to its 2021 sports calendar, which included the celebration of the traditional Prince of Asturias, Count of Gondomar, Repsol and Comunica Trophies, a new edition of the National Awards for Sailing, the Autumn and Winter Leagues, the Galician Two-Handed Championship, the Spanish Optimist Championship and the Final of the National Women’s Sailing League. This year the club also organized the Ruta Rías Baixas, to complete the Camino de Santiago by sea; and suffered the postponement due to COVID19 of the 52 SUPER SERIES, which will finally arrive in Baiona in 2022.

AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League Final – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Final overall ranking TOP 10


….. up to 20 classifieds that can be consulted at


The J80 will play for the championship title this weekend in Baiona


· The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League comes to an end with the fifth and last day of competition this Saturday starting at three in the afternoon in Baiona

· Except for last minute surprises, the final victory will be debated between Manel Cunha’s Marías and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen

· The Portuguese and the Vigo lead the classification separated by just two points and with a margin of 13 and 11 points over the third-placed team

· After the last heats that are disputed in the water, Monte Real will host the awards ceremony for the winners and a dinner for the crews

Manel Cunha’s Marías is the leader of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo
Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen is second in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The J80 fleet that has been competing in the AEDAS Homes Autumn League since last October will compete this weekend in Baiona for the title of champion of the one-design competition organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club.

Starting at three in the afternoon, the twenty J80s that aspire to the final victory will compete in the last tests that will take place in the bay of Baiona. If the wind allows it, forecasts will be played in the program and a discard will come into play that will allow the crews to eliminate their worst result from the classification.

Despite this possibility, and barring any last-minute surprises, victory will be debated between Manel Cunha’s Marías and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen. The Portuguese and Vigo have alternated the provisional podiums in the different days held so far and lead the table separated by just two points. They also have a wide margin of 13 and 11 points respectively over Alejandra Suárez’s Cansino, who is third.

The Portuguese Manel Cunha, leader of the Marías – Photo © Rosana Calvo
Javier de la Gándara from Vigo leads the crew of the Okofen – Photo © Rosana Calvo

In intermediate positions they are grouped in a handkerchief the Mondo de Bernardo Macedo, with 41 points; Francisco Martínez’s SND Cormorant, with 45 points; Luis de Mira’s Namasté, with 46 points; and Yago Marquina’s Miudo, with 47 points.

The weather forecasts for this weekend are good and everything indicates that the regattas will be able to take place and that the sailboats will be able to navigate comfortably. Light winds are announced that will blow from the south component with the possibility of turning to the east as the afternoon progresses.

Once the water tests are over, the crews will meet on land to applaud the winners at the awards ceremony and to share a fellowship dinner and end of the event at the Monte Real facilities. Both events will be attended by different managers from AEDAS Homes, sponsor of the league.


The Monte Real Yacht Club joins the best yacht clubs in the world


· The historic club from Baiona has become part of the exclusive International Council of Yacht Clubs (ICOYC), the association that brings together the 44 clubs -now 45- most prestigious in the world

· The social responsibility activities that the MRCYB promotes through its Adapted Sailing School and the maritime route created to complete the Camino de Santiago by sea were two of the most valued aspects for its inclusion.

· Entering the ICOYC was an old aspiration of Monte Real to have its own voice in one of the most important nautical forums in the world where experiences about the world of sailing are debated and shared

The historic Monte Real Club de Yachts de Baiona joins the best yacht clubs in the world after being included in the exclusive International Council of Yacht Clubs (ICOYC), the association that brings together 44 clubs (now 45 with the MRCYB) most prestigious in the world.

The social responsibility activities that the Baiona club promotes through its Adapted Sailing School for people with functional diversity, children with behavioral problems, the elderly or women victims of sexist violence were one of the most valued aspects for their inclusion in the ICOYC.

The member clubs were also attracted by the maritime route that Monte Real organizes to complete the Camino de Santiago by sea, a route that can generate important tourist-sports synergies with other clubs in northern Europe attracted by the Jacobean route.

Joining this prestigious nautical entity was an old aspiration of the club directed by José Luis Álvarez, who was always interested in having his own voice in the best forums worldwide. “The incorporation of Monte Real to the ICOYC is not only -says Álvarez- good news for the club but also for all of Galicia, because we will echo everything that is done here and may be interesting for the rest of the world” . “We will be the transmitters -concludes the president of Monte Real- of culture, sports, gastronomy and the good work of the Galician people” .

The International Council of Yacht Clubs is an association created to promote sailing and improve the organization of nautical activities and events worldwide. It includes, among others, prestigious clubs such as the San Diego Yacht Club (USA), the Clube Naval de Cascais (Portugal), the Yacht Club de Monaco, the Societe Nautique de Marseille (France), the Royal Yhames Yacht Club (London), the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (New Zealand), the Royal Natal Yacht Club (South Africa) or the Royal Canadian Yacht Club (Canada).

In the list of member clubs there are two Spanish clubs: the Real Club Náutico de Palma and the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona, which last October was in charge of organizing the ICOYC 2021 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE, in which Monte Real participated as speaker from the club’s commodore, Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui.

It was precisely the presentation made at that event that gave the final impetus for the ICOYC to accept the inclusion of the Baiona club among its members. “This arrives -says Otaegui- in a very important year for the club, at the gates of hosting the 52 SUPER SERIES and the World Championship of the J80 class ”. For the commodore of Monte Real “sharing experiences with these prestigious clubs, which also have a great commitment to sport and major sporting events, will be a great boost to continue working and bringing the best sailing to Galicia” .

In the letter in which the International Council of Yacht Clubs announces its inclusion in the association to Monte Real, the president of the ICOYC, David Mead, highlights the synergies and opportunities that can be created with the inclusion of such an outstanding club as the MRCYB .



Monte Real promotes the campaign “Baiona clean” to clean up the seabed


((( Note 11/26/21: ? POSTPONED “BAIONA EN LIMPO” ? We have waited until the last day to see if the forecast improved somewhat, but it has not been possible and, given the difficulties that carrying out the activity with rain would entail, we have been forced to postpone it. Tomorrow, Saturday, the “Baiona clean” activity will NOT finally be held, but we hope to be able to do it as soon as possible. We will keep you informed through our website and social networks so that you are encouraged to participate ))))


· A group of between 15 and 20 divers will submerge this Saturday in the club’s dock to remove all the waste that may have been deposited underwater

· It is the first performance of an environmental initiative in collaboration with the city council that will later be extended to other areas of the bay

In addition to cleaning the seabed, the campaign seeks to draw attention to the need to protect the underwater world

· For every kilo of rubbish that is collected, the Monte Real Yacht Club will donate one kilo of food to the NGO Help the World in Need

The Monte Real Club de Yates and the Baiona City Council are launching the “Baiona Clean” program this weekend, a seabed cleaning campaign whose main objective is to remove all the waste that may have been deposited under water.

Next Saturday, the 27th, a group of between 15 and 20 professional divers from the BaySub diving center, directed by David Hidalgo, will dive into the club’s dock to carry out the first performance of a campaign that will later be extended to other areas of Bay of Bayonne.
In addition to cleaning the seabed, the “Baiona Clean” program seeks to draw attention to the need to protect the underwater world, something that was influenced by the president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, José Luis Álvarez.

“We seek to make society aware of the importance and need to conserve and keep the oceans clean, as a way to enjoy -he said- the privilege of living in a place open to the sea and to educate, raise awareness and leave a good legacy to future generations” .

José Luis Alvarez president of the Monte Real Yacht Club – Photo Antía Martínez

In this sense, thinking about the future of the planet, the club will also try to involve the little ones in the waste collection campaign. Thus, parallel to the performance of the divers under the sea, students from different schools in Baiona and students from the Monte Real Sailing School will be in charge of collecting rubbish from the beaches surrounding the club. All those who wish to do so, whether or not they are residents of Baiona, may also collaborate in this process.

By sea and by land, the objective is to leave the area impeccable and draw attention to the need to be careful with the environment, protecting the sea and the seabed. Making responsible use of the polluting materials we use, disposing of waste in its proper place, reducing the use of plastics, reusing or recycling them, or not leaving litter on the beaches are some of the many actions that we can all easily adopt in our day daily for the good of the planet.

“We must all collaborate hand in hand -said the president of Monte Real- because the sea does not understand ages, conditions or political colors” . Proof of this was the presence, at the presentation of the campaign, of representatives of the Baiona Town Hall, the Pontevedra Provincial Council and the Xunta de Galicia.

“Portos de Galicia -said the president of the entity, Susana Lenguas- is fully committed to the sustainable development of ports, which must be economic engines of their environment -he said-, but being one hundred percent respectful of him. That is why we focus our efforts on sustainability and cleaning actions like this one”.

On behalf of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, the deputy for the environment, Iria Lamas, thanked the council of Baiona and Monte Real for the implementation of this action, which implies, she said, “an impulse to take care of the ports, which are both tourism and economy, two basic pillars for our society, which must be aware of environmental care ”.

The activity will start around eleven in the morning and is expected to end around one in the afternoon. Once the waste has been recovered from the bottom of the sea, it will be placed on some counters in Monte Real so that everyone can see it and a record will be made of everything extracted. In addition, for every kilo of rubbish that is collected, the yacht club will donate a kilo of food to the NGO Help the world in need, chaired and coordinated by Juani Alonso.

Authorities attending the presentation of Baiona clean – Photo Rosana Calvo

Also present at the official presentation of the campaign were the director of Portos de Galicia, Roi Fernández; the commodore of Monte Real, Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui; the patron saint of the Baiona fishermen’s brotherhood, Susana González; and the mayor of the fishing village, Carlos Gómez, who said that from the city council “We work daily to raise awareness in society to achieve a more sustainable space and this is one more step on this path.” “It is important -said the councilor- that the campaign reaches as many people as possible so that everyone becomes aware of the importance of caring for our sea” .

This is not the first time that the Monte Real Club de Yates has launched an initiative to care for and protect the environment. Every year, the students of its Sailing School participate in specific garbage collection days on the beaches. The club also organized an environmental awareness workshop on the impact of plastic on the marine environment in which boys and girls from schools in Baiona participated; and a group of students from the Adapted Sailing School for people with functional diversity planted 200 native carballos in a land that had been burned in the wave of fires of 2017. In addition, Monte Real brought the double Olympic sailing champion and president of the Ecomar Foundation, Theresa Zabell, to give a talk on sustainable practices and environmental protection through sport.

It should also be noted that the blue flag has been flying uninterruptedly for years at the Baiona club, a badge that recognizes the environmental care of the infrastructures, the quality of the waters and the excellence of the Monte Real’s nautical services. It is one of the 5 marinas in the province of Pontevedra that hold this recognition.


The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League will be decided on the last day


· A weak wind that failed to gain intensity or stabilize prevented the fourth scheduled day from being held this Saturday in the bay of Baiona

· The twenty monotypes competing for the Monte Real Club de Yates championship will meet again on December 18 in the final day

· Manel María Cunha’s Marías and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen are the ones with the most ballots to win the league

Manel María Cunha’s Marías will try to consolidate their lead on the decisive day – Photo © Rosana Calvo

What the forecasts had been announcing for days was finally confirmed this Saturday in the bay of Baiona. The low wind predicted by the maps failed to gain intensity or stabilize enough for the fourth -and penultimate- day of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League to be played.

The regatta committee started a test but the boats could only complete the first of the two beats of the scheduled windward-leeward course, and shortly after starting the stern, a large role of wind forced the task to be suspended.

A new location was then sought for the regatta field with the aim of finding the long-awaited wind, but the attempts ended up being unsuccessful and the day was considered suspended.

Okofen is the J80 that has won the most MRCYB leagues so far – Photo © Rosana Calvo

With no points to add to the standings, the table remains intact with Marías of the Portuguese Manel María Cunha and Okofen of Javier de la Gándara from Vigo in the lead, occupying the first and second position with 9 and 11 points respectively. In third place we find Alejandra Suárez’s Cansino, with 22 points.

Alejandra Suárez’s El Cansino will reach the final in third position – Photo © Rosana Calvo

They will thus arrive at the fifth day to be held on December 18. It will undoubtedly be an exciting stage, not only because it is the last of the competition, but also because, if one more event is played, a discard will come into play, which will allow the crews to eliminate their worst result to date.



The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League faces its outcome in Baiona


· The one-design championship organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates celebrates its penultimate day this weekend with a very tight classification in the top positions

· The Marías of the Portuguese Manel Cunha and the Okofen of the vigués Javier de la Gándara lead the league separated by just two points and the Cansino of Alejandra Suárez follows closely

· With the next valid test, the crews will be able to eliminate their worst result from the classification, which could cause changes in the positions and reduce the gap between the teams aspiring to the podium


Twenty sailboats compete in Baiona for the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo


The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League faces its outcome in Baiona with the celebration this Saturday of its fourth day, the penultimate of those scheduled in the one-design championship organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates.

The competition heads into the final stretch with a very tight classification in the top positions, in which are the Marías of the Portuguese Manel Cunha, with 9 points; and the Okofen of Javier de la Gándara from Vigo, with 11 points. Somewhat further away, although without losing their podium options, we find El Cansino, led by the young Alejandra Suárez, with 22 points.


The crew of the Marías is made up entirely of Portuguese sailors – Photo © Rosana Calvo –


With the next valid test, the sixth since the league began, a discard will come into play that will allow the crews to eliminate their worst result from the classification, which could cause changes in the positions and reduce the separation between the aspiring teams. the ultimate victory.


Jaime Gándara (in the foreground) and his father Javier de la Gándara lead the crew of the Okofen – Photo © Rosana Calvo


The first places are very tight, with a separation of just two points, and we also find the next part of the table very tight, with the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh classified in a handkerchief of 6 points. They are Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo, with 41 points; Francisco Martínez’s SND Cormorant, with 45 points; Luis de Mira’s Namasté, with 46 points; and Yago Marquina’s Miudo, with 47 points.

Nor should we lose sight of boats such as Juan Luis Tuero’s Luna Nueva, Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto or Santiago Estévez’s Spaco which, although they are in lower positions in the classification, are usually candidate crews for the podium.

The regatta day tomorrow, Saturday, for which the forecast announces light northerly winds, will begin at three in the afternoon and will include, in addition to the competition, a briefing with coach Carlos Llamas, who is in charge of preparing the fleet for future competitions.


Galicia will open the 2022 season of the 52 SUPER SERIES with the “Baiona Sailing Week”


· After suffering the cancellation of the event in 2021 due to COVID19, the Monte Real Club de Yates already has a date to host the most important one-design circuit in the world in 2022

· From May 23 to 28, coinciding with the celebration of the Xacobeo Year, Galicia will be in charge of opening the 52 SUPER SERIES season with the “Baiona Sailing Week”

· The considered “Formula 1 of the sea” will bring to the Rías Baixas between 10 and 12 teams of more than 8 nationalities with sailors from the 5 continents to compete in boats with cutting-edge technology



Galicia will be in charge of opening the 52 SUPER SERIES circuit season in 2022 with the “Baiona Sailing Week”. After suffering the cancellation of the event in 2021 due to COVID19, the Monte Real Club de Yates already has a date to host, next year, the most important one-design circuit in the world.From May 23 to 28, coinciding with the celebration of the Xacobeo Year, the so-called “Formula 1 of the sea” , in which between 10 and 12 teams of more than 8 nationalities compete with sailors from the 5 continents aboard boats with cutting-edge technology.

In the first two days, the crews will compete in training regattas in the area set aside for the competition, a place very close to the Atlantic Islands National Park, just in front of the Cíes Islands. In the program for the third day there is a training session in a regatta that is already official, although not scoring; and the last dates are reserved for the competition itself, with the regattas that will define the final classification from which the winners will emerge.


The Rías Baixas will be the scene of the spectacular competition – Photo © Nico Martínez


With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world, along with the America’s Cup and the World Sailing Tour. In 2022 they will launch tests in 5 ports on the planet: Baiona, Cascais, Puerto Portals, Scarlino and Barcelona.

Only the organization of the event moves about 500 people, up to 12 megayachts and support boats. A logistics that, along with flight reservations, accommodation and restaurants; service companies and teams; they represent an expense that reaches more than 3 million euros, of which about two million stay in local companies and services in the place where they compete.


The Baiona Sailing Week will be held in 2022 coinciding with the Xacobeo Holy Year – Photo © Nico Martínez


From the Monte Real Club de Yates they speak of a historic milestone for the club, Baiona, the Rías Baixas and Galicia in general, not only for entering the international circuit of high competition, but also for the world projection that it will mean for the community, both sports and tourism.

“It is about -says the president of the MRCYB, José Luis Álvarez- of one of the most important events in the world and we are very proud to have managed to bring it to Galicia. For several days we will be the focus of international attention and that will have a very positive impact on the club and on everything around us. People from all over the world will see the spectacular nature of Baiona and Rías Baixas, they will discover everything that Galicia can offer them in terms of tourism, gastronomy, culture and sports”.

And it is that the extensive media coverage of the 52 SUPER SERIES, both nationally and internationally, reaches figures that, according to data from the organization, are around one billion impacts in different media, with more than one million views in the live broadcasts of the competition and close to 10 million impressions on social networks.


The Monte Real Club de Yates will host one of the most important nautical events in the world – Photo © Nico Martínez


For the president of the historic club in Baiona, the “Baiona Sailing Week” will also allow “tourism to be adjusted seasonally, give a boost to the economy, and create a hobby and youth pool in the world of sailing” . It is, in short, Álvarez concludes, “an event that will go down in the history of Galicia and in one as special as the Xacobeo Holy Year” .

In addition to hosting the different sporting events, the Monte Real Club de Yates will organize multiple social events, such as meetings with the sailors, visits to the participating boats, conferences and talks about the competition or parties with the crews.



Marías overtakes Okofen in the J80 Autumn League


· The Portuguese sailboat led by Manel Cunha won on the third day of the one-design championship organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates and snatched the lead from Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen

· Both crews maintain an intense hand in hand for the podium since the start of the competition and cross the halfway point in the league separated by just two points in the general classification

· The Spaco de Santiago Estévez skippered this Saturday by Javier Martínez Valente and the Alboroto de Juan Carlos Ameneiro were the other two outstanding boats of the regatta day

The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League crossed its equator today – Photo © Rosana Calvo

After two days trying to overcome it without success, the Marías of the Portuguese Manel Marías managed to overtake this Saturday the Okofen of Javier de la Gándara in the general classification of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates.

Both crews have been in an intense hand-in-hand fight for the podium since the start of the competition, and Marías’ victory on matchday three of the league was what allowed them to take the lead from Okofen, who this Saturday achieved fifth place in the only test disputed.

It was without a doubt a very complicated day due to the wind, which took a long time to settle and did not blow with the desired intensity. This caused delays in the start of the competition, the cancellation of a test halfway through and the shortening of the only sleeve that could be played. There were also two general calls with the consequent repetition of the outputs.

Marías is the leader of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

A very mixed scene for a fleet that left many surprises in the water. The main one, the promotion of Marías to the first place in the classification over Okofen, who this Saturday entered fifth on the finish line. The Portuguese achieved victory after a heart-stopping finish with Spaco, whom they managed to overtake in the final meters.

Spaco was about to win the stage – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The people from Vigo, who were led by Javier Martínez Valente before Santiago Estévez was absent due to injury, were just a few seconds away from the stage victory. Behind them entered another of the outstanding boats of the day, Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto, which was damaged by the cancellation of the first test, in which they were first.

The Rampage of Juan Carlos Ameneiro signed a third in today’s session – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Marías, Spaco and Alboroto were the winners of the third day of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, but of them only Marías holds a podium position in the general classification.

They are first with 9 points, closely followed by Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, with 11 points; and a little further away, with 22 points, is Alejandra Suárez’s Cansino. In the middle of the table, a group of four boats are grouped with very little separation. They are Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo, with 41 points; Francisco Martínez’s SND Cormorant, with 45 points; Luis de Mira’s Namasté, with 46 points; and Yago Marquina’s Miudo, with 47 points.

In addition to competing, the fleet that is competing in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League received this Saturday the first instructions from the Olympic coach Carlos Llamas, who made his debut as a coach of the Baionese one-designs for the class world championship that the Monte Real Club of Yachts will organize in 2023.

After observing the crews in the water and recording videos of their maneuvers, Llamas held a briefing with the different teams at the club’s facilities in Baiona. It was his first contact with the sailors, with whom he will gradually delve into possible improvements.

The man from Malaga will continue with the training of the crews on the next regatera day, scheduled for the 20th. It will be the fourth of the five stages scheduled for the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, the end of which is scheduled for December 18.

Classification after the third day

….. up to 20 classifieds.

Olympic coach Carlos Llamas will prepare Baiona’s J80 fleet for the 2023 World Cup


· The Monte Real Club de Yates has just signed the Olympic coach Carlos Llamas to prepare the J80 fleet for the Spanish and World Championships to be held in Baiona in 2022 and 2023

· The coach from Malaga will make his debut with the monotypes based in Baiona this weekend on the third day of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, in which Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen leads the standings

· The three tests that will be held on Saturday will be Llamas’ first contact with the 8-meter fleet, which he will analyze on the water and which he will later offer a briefing at the club’s facilities


The J80 fleet returns to the water this Saturday with the third day of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League – Photo © Rosana Calvo


The Monte Real Club de Yates has just hired the Olympic coach Carlos Llamas to prepare its J80 fleet for the Spanish Championship and the World Championship of the class to be held in Baiona in 2022 and 2023.

The coach from Malaga will train the Galician monotypes in the different days of the leagues that the club from Baiona celebrates during the autumn and winter months. He will go out on the water with the 8 meter crews to analyze their maneuvers and at the end of each day he will offer them a briefing aimed at improving their competition techniques and tactics.

The sports director of Monte Real, Roy Alonso, assures that the incorporation of Carlos Llamas will mean “a great boost for a fleet that can give a lot to talk about both in the national and world championships that the club will organize the next two years”. “There are two appointments -says Alonso- very important for Monte Real and, although there is still time ahead, we want to start now with the preparation so that the fleet is one hundred percent” .

The Andalusian Carlos Llamas stands out for having trained some of the most outstanding sailors on the Spanish nautical scene, such as Támara Echegoyen, Fernando Echávarri, Diego Botín or Jordi Xammar, among many others. He has been an Olympic trainer twice (Athens and Rio) and among the achievements of his athletes there are European championships of 470, J70, 49er and Star; and medals in J80 world championships.

Llamas will debut with the Baiona monotypes this weekend on the third day of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, in which Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen leads the standings with 6 points, closely followed by Marias de Manel Cunha (8 points). The third provisional position belongs to Cansino de Alejandra Suárez, with 16 points.

The forecast for the racing day, in which three races are scheduled, announces light winds from the north on a sunny but cool day.

Marías goes to assault Okofen in the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League


· The Portuguese crew led by Manel Cunha won the regatta held this Saturday in Baiona and closes the gap with Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, who continues to lead

· With three days to go until the end of the championship, only two points separate two of the favorite boats to win the competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of AEDAS Homes

· El Cansino, skippered by the young woman from Vigo, Alejandra Suárez, remains in third position, 8 points behind the second and 10 behind the first.

Start of the only test that could be held this Saturday in Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Portuguese crew of the Marías was the winner of the second day of the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League that was played this Saturday in Baiona. The boat led by the young Manel Cunha, with an entirely Lusitanian crew completed by Marta Ramada, Vasco Tinoco, Gonzalo Hipólito and José Cunha, prevailed decisively in the only test that could be disputed.

Manel Cunha’s Marías was the winner of the day- Photo © Rosana Calvo

Despite the fact that three tasks were scheduled to be put into play in the day’s program, the wind did not blow with sufficient intensity and only allowed the first test to be held. It was also done with a shortening of the route that announced what would happen shortly after, when the second test had to be canceled due to a total drop in the wind.

With little hopeful prospects that the situation would improve, the regatta committee decided to end the day with that only contested race, a task allowed the distance between the two leading boats to be shortened, leaving the third in an assault position and grouping the rest of the fleet in the middle of the table.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen crossing the finish line – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The classification continues to be headed, with 6 points, by Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, who, due to a not-too-good start, prevented him from signing what would have been his fourth first place finish in the championship partials. With 1-1-1-3, they remain leaders of the classification, but with their most direct rival, Marías, hot on their heels. The Portuguese, with partial runs of 3-2-2-1, showed this Saturday that they are going for it all and with 8 points they are close to the lead.

Alejandra Suárez manages to keep El Cansino in the top positions – Photo © Rosana Calvo

In third position, with 16 points, El Cansino repeats, skippered by Alejandra Suárez from Vigo, who not only manages to stay in the positions of honour, not too far from the two leaders, but also distances herself from the rest of the competitors. In fourth position is Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo with 29 points and fifth place, with 35 points, goes to La Galera from Coruña, led by Miguel Fernández.

El Alboroto made a third in the day this Saturday in Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League returns to Baiona in November to play its third and fourth days, on the 6th and 20th. The fifth and final stage will be left for December, to be held on the 18th, together with the award ceremony for the winners.

Classification after the second day

….. up to 20 classifieds.


Weekend of regattas in Baiona with the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League


· This Saturday the second day of the one-design championship organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates will be held in Baiona

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen leads the standings followed by Portuguese Manel Cunha’s Marías and Alejandra Suárez’s Cansino from Vigo

· The regattas will begin at three in the afternoon in the bay of Baiona


Start of one of the tests of the first day – © Juan Caballero


This Saturday the regattas return to Baiona thanks to the AEDAS Homes J80 Autumn League, which will live its second day starting at three in the afternoon in the waters of the bay. The Galician fleet of 8 meter monodesigns will face, if the weather permits, three new tests that will continue to define the classification of the championship organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates.

With three victories in the three races played on the first day, Javier de la Gándara placed his Okofen, with 3 points, at the top of the provisional classification. With 7 points, he is followed, in second position, by the young Portuguese Manel Cunha’s Marías, another of the prominent names among the J80 fleet and one of those who will give the most trouble, for sure, to achieve the final victory.

Closing the provisional podium in third position, with 12 points, we find El Cansino skippered by Alejandra Suárez, one of the women who is giving the most impetus to the women’s section of the J80 fleet, since just a few days ago she managed, also on board of an 8 meters, the silver medal in the final of the National Women’s Sailing League.

Except for last minute changes, the forecast for the sailing day is quite good. Winds from the southwest of between 9 and 10 knots with peaks of up to 12 are expected, which initially should allow the three scheduled races to be held.

They will be, as usual, windward leeward double lap courses and, if they are completed successfully, the participants will have the option of discarding their worst result, which could leave surprises in the classification.


Classification after the first day


………………………. UP TO 20 CLASSIFIED





The Monte Real Club de Yates presents its adapted sailing project before the prestigious ICOYC


· The club from Baiona was chosen as the speaker at the ICOYC 2021 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE to present the adapted sailing project that it has been developing for almost 10 years

· The ICOYC (International Council of Yacht Clubs) is an association that brings together the 44 main yacht clubs in the world with the aim of promoting sailing and improving the organization of activities and events

· The Commodore of Monte Real, Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui, was in charge of explaining the different activities that Monte Real organizes for people with functional diversity

A moment from Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui’s speech at the ICOYC European Conference 2021 – Photo © Óscar Torveo

The Monte Real Club de Yachts de Baiona was chosen this year to participate as a speaker at the ICOYC 2021 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE, the forum that the members of the prestigious ICOYC (International Council of Yacht Clubs) celebrate biannually in different European countries.

Invited by the directors of the prestigious association that brings together the 44 main yacht clubs in the world, Monte Real went to Barcelona, the venue chosen this year for the forum, represented by the club’s commodore, Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui.

It was he who was in charge of presenting to the delegates of the member clubs the different activities that Monte Real carries out within the framework of its program “Sailing for all” , launched almost a decade ago with the aim of offering people with functional diversity the possibility of practicing sailing under equal conditions.

A project that, although at first it was born only for people with different disabilities (physical, sensory, intellectual or mental), has been expanding over the years and currently also offers activities to older people, children in care and women victims of gender violence.

All these initiatives powerfully called the attention of the attendees, who raised numerous questions about their execution and results. The Monte Real, without a doubt, one of the most interesting talks on the event’s program, in which the promotion of women in sailing or the future of the Olympic classes, among other topics, was also discussed.

Once the ICOYC 2021 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE was over, the MRCYB Commodore was very satisfied with the experience. “Being present at one of the most important nautical forums in the world, such as the ICOYC, is an honor for the Monte Real Club de Yates. It means -he said- that the club continues to be very relevant on the international scene and that what we do from Baiona has an echo beyond our borders” .

The ICOYC (International Council of Yacht Clubs) is an association that brings together the 44 main yacht clubs in the world with the aim of promoting sailing and improving the organization of activities and events.

It includes, among others, the San Diego Yacht Club (USA), the Clube Naval de Cascais (Portugal), the Yacht Club de Monaco, the Societe Nautique de Marseille (France), the Royal Yhames Yacht Club (London), the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (New Zealand), the Royal Natal Yacht Club (South Africa) or the Royal Canadian Yacht Club (Canada).

In the list of member clubs there are two Spanish clubs: the Real Club Náutico de Palma and the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona. It was precisely the latter who was in charge of organizing the ICOYC 2021 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE.

Valencia’s Dorsia Covirán wins the 2021 National Women’s Sailing League


· The Marina Burriananova team, made up of Ana Pujol and Nuria Sánchez and skippered by Marta Garrido, was the winner in the national women’s sailing circuit promoted by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation

· The state competition included three stages (Basque Country – Mallorca – Galicia) and the victory of the Valencian women in the first two phases allowed them to win the final victory of the National Women’s Sailing League

· The Decoexa of the Real Club Náutico de San Sebastián took victory in the last stage of the league held this weekend in Baiona under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates and with the sponsorship of Grupo Isonor

Part of the fleet in the Bay of Baiona – Photo Jacobo Bastos

The Dorsia Covirán of Marina Burriananova (Castellón) was finally the winner of the 2021 National Women’s Sailing League which, after passing through the Basque Country and Mallorca, held its last and definitive tests this weekend in Galicia.

The women’s national circuit promoted by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation arrived in Baiona with the Valencian team as the favourite, after having won in the two initial phases, and none of the other crews in contention managed to snatch the final victory.

After knowing that she was the winner, the point guard Nuria Sánchez was very satisfied with having achieved the victory in a season that has been, she said, very good for her team and for women. “We are very happy with the great season we have had. The team has done a tremendous job to get to where we are, and in a very important year for women in the sport of sailing. Our commitment to equality is to continue to be clear ambassadors of values in favor of women and in a sport that is changing, although there is still a long way to go. Thanks to the RCMASC, the RCNP and the MRCYB for betting on women’s sailing and helping us get here”.

The Dorsia Covirán of the Marina Burriananova won the National Women’s Sailing League – Photo Leticia Acero

The team that came closest to snatching victory from the Dorsia girls was Decoexa from the Real Club Náutico de San Sebastián, led by Olatz Muñoz. The Basques were the winners of the last tests of the league, played this Sunday in Baiona under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Grupo Isonor.

Decoexa (in the foreground) was the winner of the phase held in Galicia – Photo Jacobo Bastos

After a blank first day due to wind and fog, this Sunday the weather conditions were favorable for the regatta committee to put into play the last four races of the competition.
Although it was planned to hold only three, the good wind conditions (from the north-northeast with an average of 7 knots and peaks of 10) and the fact of not having been able to compete on Saturday, encouraged the organization to put one more race into contention, which also led to the entry into play of a discard. The navigation was, in almost all the tests, quite agile and some very tight buoy steps, which favored the show.

Aerial view of one of the tests held this Sunday in Baiona – Photo Jacobo Bastos

In the four disputed races, Decoexa signed two first and two second, and automatically became the winner of the Galician phase. In second position, with partial 2-2-4-3, was Cansino, by Alejandra Suárez, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo; and Helena Alegre’s AGD, from the Real Club Náutico de Palma, was third, with 3-4-7-1 on their scoreboards.

Decoexa won in the last phase of the national circuit held in Baiona – Photo Leticia Acero
El Cansino skippered by Alejandra Suárez of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo came second in Baiona – Photo Leticia Acero
The AGD Desamiantados of the Real Club Náutico de Palma achieved bronze in Baiona – Photo Leticia Acero

Once the classification of the last phase held in Baiona was resolved and the points were added to the general classification of the National League, Dorsia Covirán was the winner, leaving the silver and bronze of the women’s circuit to AGD Desamiantados de Helena Alegre (RCN Palma). and Decoexa by Olatz Muñoz (RCN San Sebastián) respectively.

Baiona provided good conditions today for the final of the Women’s National League – Photo Jacobo Bastos

The end of the competition came with the awards ceremony for the winners in a ceremony held in the gardens of the Monte Real Yacht Club, attended by the president and vice president of the club, José Luis Álvarez and Alejandro Retolaza; the CEO of Grupo Isonor, Jorge González, sponsor of the event; the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; the Deputy for Sports of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, Gorka Gómez; and the provincial head of sports of the Xunta de Galicia, Daniel Benavides.

Family Photo Women’s National Sailing League 2021 – Photo Leticia Acero

The celebration of the last phase of the National Women’s Sailing League at the Monte Real Club de Yates is part of its “Women’s Sailing” program, through which the club seeks to promote women in the world of sailing. Throughout this year, exclusively female crews have been created, the Galician A Dos Championship has had a specific prize for women, teams have been sent to participate in the most outstanding competitions in Spain and initiatives have been launched to navigation with women victims of sexist violence, among other actions.


Definitive final classification (Phases: Basque Country – Mallorca – Galicia)


Final phase held in Baiona (8-10 October 2021)



The final of the National Women’s Sailing League, on standby at the expense of the wind


· The intense fog and a practically non-existent wind left blank the first day of tests of the final of the national circuit that takes place this weekend in Baiona under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates

· The classification led by the Dorsia Covirán of the Marina Burriananova (Valencia) is maintained at the expense of the weather allowing the regattas scheduled for this Sunday to be held

In order for the competition sponsored by Grupo Isonor to be considered valid, at least two of the three scheduled races must be completed.

Family Photo Final of the Women’s National Sailing League 2021 – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The intense fog and the practically non-existent wind that were registered this Saturday in Baiona left in stand by the final of the National Women’s Sailing League that the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and with the sponsorship of the Isonor Group.

Although the weather forecast announced a very complicated day, the regatta committee kept their hopes of being able to contest at least one race until the end, something that was not possible in the end. The crews arriving from different parts of Spain could not go out on the water at the scheduled time and the postponement on land was maintained from noon, the time at which the first departure was scheduled, until the afternoon.

The wind left the final of the 2021 National Women’s Sailing League on standby – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The clock was approaching four in the afternoon when, seeing that the situation was improving somewhat, the postponement was lowered and the fleet began to go out on the water. The intense fog that prevented racing early in the morning due to lack of visibility disappeared almost completely, but with it also the northwest wind, about 7 knots, which was the maximum recorded throughout the day.

The fleet of the Women’s National Sailing League went out on the water but could not take part in any event – Photo © Rosana Calvo

After more than an hour with the boats floating, with conditions that were not ideal and without foreseeing major changes before the deadline, it was decided to cancel the day. The crews returned to land and the sailors were able to enjoy a dinner offered by the Monte Real Yacht Club to all the participants.

Thus, the classification led by the Dorsia Covirán of the Marina Burriananova (Valencia), is maintained at the expense of the regattas scheduled for this Sunday being held. In order for the competition to be considered valid, at least two of the three scheduled races must be completed.

The 2021 Women’s National Sailing League at the Monte Real Yacht Club – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Monte Real Club de Yates regatta, which this Sunday will reveal the names of the winners of the Spanish National Sailing League, is the last stage of the national circuit of the Royal Spanish Federation of Vale after passing through the Real Club Marítimo del Abra – Real Sporting Club and the Real Club Náutico de Palma.


The 2021 National Women’s Sailing League is decided this weekend in Galicia



· The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona organizes, by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and with the sponsorship of the Isonor Group, the final of the state circuit that will elevate the best J80 women’s team

· The Dorsia Covirán of the Marina Burriananova, made up of Ana Pujol and Nuria Sánchez, leads the classification after winning the previous tests held in May in Bizkaia and in August in Mallorca

· With the official presentation held this Friday and the last training sessions for the crews, Monte Real kicks off the final stretch of the competition that will crown its winners on Sunday

After passing through Bizkaia and Mallorca, this weekend the 2021 National Women’s Sailing League arrives in Galicia, the national circuit promoted by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation that will hold its final tests in Baiona under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona and with the sponsorship of the Isonor Group.

The competition will elevate the best women’s crews in the country aboard a J80, one of the fastest growing monotypes in Spain for years, with a significant number of units in Galicia, among which the Monte Real fleet stands out.

The winners of the Women’s National League will come out of the joint classification of the II International Women’s Sailing Cup held in May at the Real Club Marítimo del Abra – Real Sporting Club; the 39th Copa del Rey organized by the Real Club Náutico de Palma; and the last tests this weekend in Baiona.

This final stage, officially presented this Friday at the Monte Real Club de Yates, will include two regatta days, on Saturday from noon and on Sunday from eleven in the morning. There are six events scheduled, three per day, and the regatta will be considered valid once two legs are completed. The J80 will have to face windward – leeward type routes, they will compete in fleet format and will score in real time.

Intervention by Marga Cameselle, responsible for sporting events at the MRCYB – Photo Leticia Acero

The person in charge of sporting events at Monte Real, sailor Marga Cameselle, believes that events such as the National Women’s Sailing League are very necessary to continue promoting women in the world of sailing. “Although it is true that important steps have been taken towards equality -he assured in the official presentation-, the truth is that the effort in this field is still very necessary. And that is why we are here today, betting once again on women”.

Jorge González, CEO of Grupo Isonor at the presentation of the National Women’s Sailing League – Photo Leticia Acero

In similar terms, the sponsor of the event, the general director of the Isonor Group, Jorge González Cuenca, pronounced himself. “For us -said González- The commitment to women is a clear company objective and that is why we have decided to support this competition. We share with this regatta, with sport and particularly with sailing, values of equality, sustainability, self-improvement, success and teamwork; and all of them will be present this weekend in Baiona”.

After its first two stages, the 2021 National Women’s Sailing League is headed by Dorsia Covirán (Marina Burriananova), armed by Ana Pujol and Nuria Sánchez. The sailboat, skippered by Marta Garrido, was the winner in the two previous tests held in Bizkaia and Mallorca, but will be absent from the Galicia regattas due to scheduling problems. “It was our wish to be able to dispute the final in Baiona – says the setter Nuria Sánchez-, but due to team agenda issues we will not be able to attend. It saddens us because it is always especially exciting to compete in Galicia and even more so in a year as good as this one, with so many victories achieved”.

The absence of the current leaders will add emotion to a final of the competition in which the second and third provisional classified will be: the crew of the AGD of the Real Club Náutico de Palma, skippered by Helena Alegre; and that of the Decoexa of the Real Club Náutico de San Sebastián, led by Olatz Muñoz. The Balearic Islands and the Basques are separated by 5 and 8 points respectively from the leadership of the circuit held by the Valencians.

The provisional Top 5 of the 2021 National Women’s Sailing League is completed with the Biobizz Women of María Sánchez, from the Real Club Marítimo de Santander, in fourth position; and the Cosentino Group – Les Roches by Eva González, from the Real Club Marítimo de Marbella, in fifth place.

On Sunday, once all the tests planned in Baiona have finished, the Monte Real Club de Yates will host the awards ceremony for the winners, who will receive a pictorial work created specifically for the occasion by the artist Willy Ramos Castro. It is titled “Get air, fly and triumph” , it is made with mixed techniques of acrylic, oil and natural pigments on wood and symbolizes the symbiosis of women with the sea through sailing.

The official presentation of the event, held this Friday in Baiona, was also attended by the president and vice president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, José Luis Álvarez and Alejandro Retolaza, the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; and the deputy for Sports of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, Gorka Gómez.

Speech by the Sports Deputy of the Pontevedra Provincial Council Gorka Gómez – Photo Leticia Acero

The last two agreed on the importance of continuing to support initiatives that fight for equality between men and women. “From the Pontevedra Provincial Council -assured the deputy Gorka Gómez- For years we have been committed to women, equality and feminism. And we do it with real measures, eliminating the differences in contributions to male and female teams that occurred years ago. These are real measures that we are going to continue to apply.”

Carlos Gómez, mayor of Baiona, at the presentation of the final of the National Women’s Sailing League – Photo Leticia Acero

The mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez, especially thanked Isonor for its support. “It is important that the private company -said the councilor- and the administrations collaborate with events that try to fight against the gender gap and fight for equality between men and women. There is still a long way to go, but together we will work better and the effort and results will be greater”.


Monte Real Yacht Club Bayonne

Friday, October 8, 2021

Saturday, October 9, 2021
12:00 RACES

Sunday, October 10, 2021
11:00 RACES

Okofen opens the J80 AEDAS Homes Autumn League with a triplet on the first day


Baptism of sea and wind for the new sponsor of the Yacht Club

· Javier de la Gándara’s sailboat heads the monotypes in Baiona

· Silver for the Marías and bronze for the cansino with 17 units in the water

Start of one of the J80 tests – Photo © Juan Caballero

The Monte Real Club de Yates launched one of its star events this Saturday, the J80 AEDAS Homes Autumn League with a successful call, 17 units in the water on a day in which the intense wind prevailed and the rough sea that They made this first day in the Bay of Baiona an epic day in sports.

Incessant activity at the Yacht Club, with a first appointment at mid-morning where the media covered the launch of the Autumn League, presented at a press conference to welcome the new sponsor who joins the values of quality and excellence of Monte Real, with the arrival of the promoter AEDAS Homes.

Authorities attending the official presentation – Photo © Juan Caballero

This first meeting was attended by Higinio Fernández, Territorial Director of AEDAS Homes, introduced by the club’s Commodore, Ignacio Sánchez Otaequi, at a table which also included the Provincial Sports Deputy, Gorka Gómez, and the Deputy Mayor of Baiona, Oscar Martinez.

“I would like to welcome AEDAS Homes as the new sponsor of this club, explaining that we have already taken the most difficult step, which was to get here. Now we will take great care of them because we want them to stay a long time” , commented Sánchez Otaegui.

“For us it is an honor to be able to collaborate with the Monte Real Club de Yates and a real pleasure to sponsor this J80 Autumn League, because for AEDAS Homes, everything that has to do with sports is very important since we identify with the values that they instill: teamwork, perseverance or fair play among many others, as a pure residential developer that we are”, Fernández explained in detail.

“I would like to congratulate AEDAS Homes and Higinio in particular for supporting this event, which is the fundamental basis for developing the sport in a viable way” , said Martínez.

“We are in luck because everything organized by Monte Real is a success and thanks to the sponsorship of AEDAS Homes, it makes everything possible, since without your support sport would not be possible” , explained Gómez.

Once the presentations were made and after the meeting held by the skippers and technical management of the Yacht Club, the monotypes went to sea to sail to the vicinity of Cabezo de San Juan.

A pair of J80 arriving at the buoy – Photo © Juan Caballero

Near this lighthouse in the Bay of Baiona, the Regatta Committee boat was anchored, awaiting the arrival of the sailboats to start, on time, the first of the three races scheduled for this first day of the AEDAS Homes Autumn League from J80.

Southwest wind, which blew with intensity, injecting 12 knots of stable intensity at three in the afternoon, with gusts reaching 22 and 23 knots at times.

The great protagonist of the day was Javier de la Gándara’s sailboat, the Okofen, which signed three first places in this league start. The experience of the round-the-world racer and calm and deliberate attitude in harsh sailing conditions received their just reward with these first three individual golden scepters.

Part of the participating fleet upwind – Photo © Juan Caballero

But the silver position was not unwise at the beginning of the competition, with a Marías who sealed a third and two second places. The Portuguese boat, skippered by Manel Cunha, becomes another of the contenders to win the League.

The third place went to a Cansino who obtained individual results within the Top 5, with a 4-3-5, an added value for his patron, Alejandra Suárez, taking into account the high number of boats in the water.

The next appointment will be held on October 23, with a honk at 3:00 p.m., which will be the second of the five scheduled until December 18.

TOP 5 Classification after the first day


Monte Real improves its energy efficiency thanks to INEGA


The Monte Real Club de Yates has improved its energy efficiency in 2021 thanks to the installation of a new electrical system that will allow control of the energy used in the facilities.

A grant from the Galician Energy Institute (INEGA), dependent on the Xunta de Galicia, has allowed the club to acquire a measurement, monitoring and control system for the different areas of the marina.

Likewise, specific hardware has been installed in the general electrical panel, which allows different aspects of the club’s day-to-day to be monitored and controlled, such as exterior lighting on pontoons, towers and transit areas and to receive personalized alerts if incidents occur.

With this action, and thanks to the support obtained from INEGA and the Xunta de Galicia, Monte Real improves its energy supply guarantees with greater quality and reliability of service.





2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
