I Trophy BAITRA- League J80 MRCYB

With a southerly wind, quite shifty and with intensities between six and fifteen knots, the second day of the J80 Baitra trophy was held last Saturday, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne with the collaboration of the Baitra company.

At half past three in the afternoon, the first of the three tests of the day began, in which, after different position changes, the victory went to Miguel Lago’s Virazón, followed by Luis de Mira’s Namasté and Third being Luna Nueva by Juan Luis Tuero.

This was followed by the start of the second test, which was very competitive, with arrivals with a difference of one second, in which the victory went to Namasté, Virazón being second and Luna Nueva de Tuero third.

In the test that closed the day of competition, held with similar conditions to the previous two although with a pick up of wind, the victory was again for the Virazón, followed by the Namasté de De Mira and closing the podium the Luna Nueva de Tuero.

Thus, and pending discards, the general classification is headed by Virazón de Lago, second being Luna Nueva by Juan Luis Tuero and closing the podium, Namasté by Luis de Mira.

The next day of competition, in which new units will be incorporated, will be held on March 8.

Baiona SPORT Gala 2013

This past Saturday, the III Baiona Sports Gala was held in the Baiona V Centenario auditorium, in which Jorge González Silva was nominated for Best Base Sportsman 2013.

This is his second candidacy, and he has not been able to win, since the award has gone to another great athlete, in this case in wrestling, Omar.

From the MRCYB and his sailing school we want to congratulate Jorge on his second nomination and encourage him to continue working in this line that little by little gives good results.

Many congratulations George.

weekend of regattas

This past weekend has been very busy in terms of activities at the MRCYB.

The 420 regatta team has moved to the qualifying regatta at the Liceo de Villagarcía with Carlos Hernández. There has been a slight improvement in the team’s performance, but we have to continue working to improve the results.

Jorge Gonzalez Silva has been nominated, for the second time in a row, as the finalist for the best base athlete in Baiona in 2013 at the III Gala del Deporte de Baiona. He has not been able to win and the award has been taken by Omar for his career in the sport of Fighting.

The Optimist teams, both Green and Blue, have played one more day of the 2013/2014 Social Regatta. To highlight the performance of Rosalía Martínez in the blue and Anxo Carril in the green.

The classifications are still commanded in the blue by Pedro Salgado and in the Green by Lucía Arana.

Adapted Sailing School

Today, Thursday, a new sailing class has taken place at the MRCYB with the boys from the Encaixamos Val Miñor Association with the GOS 16 boats.

We have been lucky with the weather and have sailed with unbeatable conditions. Very good feelings and with so few classes you can see progress and desire to continue improving and learning.

New shellfish tank in the MRCYB restaurant

Dear partners:

We are pleased to inform you that the new seafood hatchery at the MRCYB restaurant is now up and running. With it, we intend to further expand and improve the range of shellfish that is already on offer, more specifically with regard to shellfish from the coast: Norway lobster, red lobster, blue lobster and spider crab. However, to facilitate the anticipation and adequate availability of these products, it is advisable to make a reservation and order in advance.

As always, you can contact the restaurant by calling 986 35 62 26 or through restaurant@mrcyb.com .

A greeting and good profit.

Second day with the Juan María Center

On Wednesday the 5th we were lucky enough to have the boys and girls from the Juan María Center in our facilities to continue their training in the world of nautical sports and sailing.

Due to the weather conditions they have not gone out on the water, they have taken advantage of their trainers to give a theoretical-practical class in which they have shown great desire and that day after day they show more nautical knowledge.

A pleasure to be able to enjoy with them everything that the sea can bring us.

Optimist Joint Training

This weekend a fantastic joint training session was held at the MRCYB with the Optimist regatta teams from RO Yachts Club Combarro, CVVC and MRCYB.

It has been two intense days, with all kinds of weather conditions, in which there has been time for tactical/technical classes in the classroom and at sea.

We must highlight the great work of the sailors and especially the coaches of all the participating clubs.

A great job has been done fostering relationships between clubs and between boys and girls.

Congratulations to all for the great work.

Adapted Sailing School

We are pleased to announce that the Monte Real Club de Yates has started its sailing courses for people with physical and mental disabilities.

With the collaboration of the Juan Maria Center and the Encaixamos Val Miñor Association, the first theoretical and practical classes began on January 15.

The coordinator of the Carlos Rúa Sailing School and the coaches Samuel Montouto, Carlos Hernandéz and David Fontán have traveled to the Juan Maria Center, who have given a theoretical class supported by videos and didactic material, with which they have begun to discover the world of sailing and the sea.

In the case of sailing aimed at the physically disabled, the boys from the Encaixamos Val Miñor Association have come to the MRCYB, who have had the opportunity to enjoy a theoretical class and a practice session in which they have already been able to get on the boat and they have dared to handle it enjoying the new sensations that the sea offers them.

This is just the beginning of what we hope will be a long journey with all these groups of boys and girls, since their desire and enthusiasm are great.

Sailing School MRCYB

40th Anniversary of Mr. Rafael Olmedo Limeses as President of the Monte Real Yacht Club

Last Tuesday, the 17th, within the Yacht Club, an event of special singularity was held. An emotional tribute was paid to Rafael Olmedo Limeses, on his 40th anniversary as President of the company. Rafael Olmedo becomes the longest-serving President, at the head of a nautical society in our country. Rafael Olmedo, at 96 years old, continues to direct the club’s activity with effective success. He is unanimously recognized as one of the reformers and innovators of the nautical-sports structures in Spain. Under his mandate, the Baiona Club reached the highest sports levels, both nationally and internationally, becoming the first Spanish club to present a challenge in the Copa América.

During the act, which was offered by Alfonso Paz Andrade, a congratulatory telegram from the Prince of Asturias, Don Felipe de Borbón, was read. Likewise, a plaque was discovered on the central signal mast that from now on will bear the name of Rafael Olmedo.

Joint Optimist training between MRCYB and CM Canido

Great weekend in the bay of Baiona, where a joint training session was held for the CM Canido Optimist regatta teams and the MRCYB.

There have been two days in which both theoretical and practical classes have been developed, taking advantage of the weather conditions on Saturday and Sunday.

From the MRCYB we want to thank CM Canido for his visit to our facilities, as well as the collaboration of his director Emilio Mendez and his trainers David Arambarri and Diego Montouto.

Reopening of the MRCYB cafeteria and restaurant

The Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne has once again re-established the cafeteria and restaurant service. For its management, the Club relies on Agustín Franco who, together with his brother Manolo, has years of experience in the restaurant sector at the head of the Area Grande Restaurant in A Guarda.

Agustín and Manolo come to our club with great desire, enthusiasm and with a lot of good ideas to offer you the best service and we are sure that their experience in the sector will make you enjoy our restaurant to the fullest. From the Club we wish you the best of luck at the head of this project that is also ours.

The restaurant offers a varied menu, quality cuisine with seasonal dishes and suggestions of the day. Even so, we encourage you, for a better service, to use the phone number and email for reservations listed below. Remember that, as usual, for organized meals with guests, it is necessary to submit a request through the club at secretaria@mrcyb.es .

We hope to have you and encourage you to visit us.


(+34) 986 35 62 26


Sailing School

This month of November the municipal sailing school of Baiona has started. We have a group on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, which are already enjoying our boats and the bay.

We still have places available with very good prices, so there are no excuses.

Any questions at school@mrcyb.com or at our offices.

Atlantic Week

This Sunday has concluded the Atlantic Week 2013 with the celebration of the Optimist International Meeting.

It has been 3 very hard days of competition due to the weather and the loss of their coach Nacho Campos, replaced by David Fontan and Samuel Montouto.

The boys and girls have given everything in these circumstances, and there is no other choice but to continue training and working very hard to improve.

Atlantic Week

This weekend the boys and girls of the MRCYB optimist regatta team travel to Vigo to participate in the 2013 Atlantic Week.

Leading the expedition will be Nacho Campos accompanied by sailors Elena Molares, Rosalia Martinez, Emma Arana, Sandra Trigo, Pedro Salgado and Ricardo Salgado.

Good luck boys and girls, and enjoy this great regatta.


This past weekend, the two scheduled days of Open Doors have been held.
There have been more than 25 boys and girls from the area of Baiona, Val Miñor and Vigo who have come to learn first-hand about sailing and how the MRCY Bayona regatta team trains.

2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
