Young promises of sailing in Galicia train at Monte Real

· The Monte Real Yacht Club Sailing School resumes its activity during the 2014-2015 school year with the support of ABANCA

· ” Sailing for everyone ” is the motto of a school that aims to bring this sport to people of all ages and conditions, to compete or simply enjoy the sea

· The activities of the yacht club include courses for children and adults, regatta team training and outings to the sea for people with physical and mental disabilities.

With the start of the school year just around the corner, at the Monte Real Yacht Club everything is ready to start a new season of the Sailing School, with which for years we have been training young promises of sailing in Galicia. .

Thanks to the support of ABANCA, the initiative has been gaining momentum over the years, and expectations for this new stage are very good. The goal remains the same as its origins, to bring the world of sailing closer to as many people as possible, whether or not they are members of the club. The motto “ Sailing for everyone ” makes this very clear.

Courses for children and adults, theoretical and practical training, regatta team training and outings to the sea for people with some type of disability are the main proposals for the 2014-2015 Season.

We organize this last activity, for people with physical and mental disabilities, through the Adapted Sailing School, an initiative that, barely two years old, was worthy, in 2014, of a distinction from the Environmental Education Association and the Consumer (ADEAC) for his work in removing barriers.

A recognition of the good work carried out that Carlos Rúa, the head of the school, defines as “ small steps towards big goals ”. Both he and the group of coaches at Monte Real work with great aspirations. They intend to transmit their love for sailing to as many children as possible, so that they can enjoy the sea and its benefits, which go, as they say, far beyond practicing sports.

With these pretensions it seems that, one more season, we will see the bay of Baiona full of boats full of young promises from the world of sailing. Or, simply, of boys and girls enjoying the sea.

The XXIX Trofeo Príncipe de Asturias party will include a “Plymouth afterdock”

The XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy will include, in its traditional party on Saturday night, a Plymouth Afterdock, a meeting point where success after the regatta can be celebrated around the best gin & tonic.

It will be the time and place where sailors can discuss their triumphs at sea with Plymouth Gin , a gin that, throughout its history, has always been closely linked to the sea.

To speak of Plymouth Gin is to speak of oceans, historic ships, the Royal Navy and adventures. From a port, Plymouth, from which pirates, soldiers and adventurers departed. From a gin that keeps in its essence the courage of the Atlantic, with a flavor that differs from the rest because its recipe does not contain any bitter ingredient, and is slightly sweet.

After having been the official gin in the Queen’s (in Valencia) and King’s (in Mallorca) regatta, Plymouth is now also the official gin of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy. It will be present throughout the competition and will be the undisputed star of the party to be held at Monte Real on the night of September 6.

Visit of the Spanish Team of Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015

The Spanish Team that will compete in the next Volvo Ocean Race visited the Monte Real Yacht Club in Bayonne this afternoon.

The crew, headed by the General Director of the Spanish Team, Pedro Campos, and the Olympic champion Xabi Fernández, taught the boys and girls of the club’s Sailing School the ins and outs of the boat. They explained to them how they worked, ate and slept during the competition and encouraged them to continue training and enjoying sailing.

The mayor of Baiona, Jesús Vázquez Almuíña, was present during the visit, and he also got on board the VO65.


The production company A Contracorriente will receive the Mariano Aguado Communication Award at the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards for its film “En Solitario”

· The award recognizes the diffusion that A Contracorriente Films made of the world of sailing through “ En Solitario ”, a story of friendship in the most extreme non-stop regatta in the world

· The film distributor and producer, one of the most important in the Spanish market, has specialized in European and independent cinema, with films such as the award-winning “Intocable”

· The Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards will be presented on September 6 at a gala that will be held from 8:00 p.m. at the Monte Real Yacht Club in Bayonne

The film producer and distributor A Contracorriente Films will receive the 2013 Mariano Aguado Communication Award at the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards , which will be presented on September 6 at the Monte Real Yacht Club in Bayonne, as part of the celebration of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy.

Born in 2010 with the aim of “ doing things in a different way ” A Contracorriente has been involved with European and independent cinema since its inception, promoting films such as the world-renowned and award-winning “ Intocable ”.

In 2013, two years after that great success, one of the most ambitious projects in European cinema hit the screens, “ En Solitaire ” (Solo), a Franco-Belgian-Spanish co-production (by Gaumont, Les Filmes du Cap, A Contracorriente Films and Scope Pictures) described by critics as “ an ode to the sea ”. Directed by Christophe Offenstein and starring François Cluzet, it tells the story of Yann, a sailor who unexpectedly manages to make his dream of participating in the Vendée Globe, a solo, non-stop sailing round the world, come true. The competition becomes an unforgettable human adventure when Yann is brought aboard his ship by a young stowaway who, in addition to forcing him to change his navigation courses, will change his way of seeing life.

With a budget that exceeded 17 million euros, this great story of friendship in one of the most extreme regattas served to spread and bring the world of sailing closer to the general public, something that the jury of the National Sailing Awards wanted to recognize Terras Gauda, by awarding A Contracorriente Films the 2013 Mariano Aguado Communication Award.

Those responsible for the production company will receive the award at a gala to be held on September 6 at eight in the afternoon at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne.

The Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards will distinguish Solventis and Movistar as the best ORC boats of the 2013 sailing season

· The Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards will distinguish Alberto and Pablo Moro’s Solventis in the ORC 0-1 class and Pedro Campos’ Movistar in the ORC 2-3 class as the best boats

· Both were made, during the past year, with the victories of a large part of the competitions in which they participated, both at regional and national level

· The Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards will be presented on September 6 at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne, coinciding with the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy

The National Sailing Awards will distinguish Solventis and Movistar as the best ORC boats of the 2013 sailing season.

Solventis, owned by owners Alberto and Pablo Moro, achieved victory in almost all the regattas in which it participated in 2013, wearing the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne pendant.

Skippered by Malalo Bermúdez de Castro, the crew stood on the podium of their class in the Aguete Cruise Regatta, the Martín Códax Rías Baixas Regatta, the Infanta Elena Regatta, the Prince of Asturias Trophy, the El Corte Inglés Master Trophy and the President of the Xunta.

The boat, which Solventis has sponsored for 6 years, is characterized by maintaining a practically identical crew base, which gives the team great stability.

The Movistar of the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo highlights, above all, the figure of Pedro Campos, a well-known from the National Sailing Awards, in which he has been awarded on numerous occasions, as owner, skipper and sailor.

During 2013, the boat became champion in the SM la Reina Trophy, the Copa del Rey MAPFRE and the Martín Códax Rías Baixas. With a pendant from the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo, the crew also won the Infanta Elena Regatta, the Prince of Asturias Trophy, the El Corte Inglés Master Trophy and the Xunta President Trophy.

Solventis and Movistar will receive, next September 6 at the Monte Real Club in Bayonne, the prizes for the best boats in the ORC 0-1 and ORC 2-3 categories, respectively. It will be at the 2013 National Sailing Awards ceremony, which will be held within the framework of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy.

The “MAPFRE Challenge” recognized as the Best Project of the year 2013 by the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards

· The Volvo Open 70 MAPFRE set a new record on Christopher Columbus’ Route of the Discovery of America, between Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) and San Salvador (Bahamas)

Directed by Pedro Campos from Galicia and captained by Fernando Echávarri, the crew spent 11 days, 7 hours, 38 minutes and 40 seconds crossing the Atlantic

· The awards ceremony will take place at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona on September 6 as part of the celebration of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy

On February 22, 2013, 11 days 7 hours, 38 minutes and 40 seconds after leaving Palos de la Frontera, and 521 years after Christopher Columbus stepped on it in 1492, the Volvo Open 70 MAPFRE, with flags from the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo and the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona, arrived in San Salvador (Bahamas).

The crew did not shout the famous “Land in sight!”, but the sailors were aware of their feat. With 5,296 miles traveled at an average speed of 19.5 knots, the Desafio MAPFRE had fulfilled its objective.

The Royal Spanish Sailing Federation was in charge of registering, endorsing the times, and declaring the new Atlantic record on the Route of the Discovery of America achieved by the Desafío MAPFRE team. A crew led by the 14-time world champion Pedro Campos and captained by the Olympic champion Fernándo Echávarri, which also included the commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club, Miguel Lago, who had already participated in the first edition of the Route Discovery in 1984, aboard the “Santa María”.

The MAPFRE Challenge was also an ambassador for the Colombian Peoples (Baiona, Santa Fe de Granada and Palos de la Frontera) candidacy for World Heritage status, promoted with the aim of giving international projection to the places of discovery and preserving their artistic and cultural heritage.

For all these reasons, the jury of the National Sailing Awards decided to distinguish Desafío MAPFRE as the Best Project of 2013. The crew of the Volvo Open 70 will collect the award at the ceremony that will take place on September 6 at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne, within the framework of the XXIX Trofeo Príncipe de Asturias.

Photo: Maria Muina

The Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards will distinguish Alex Pella as the best ocean sailor of 2013

· The 41-year-old Catalan navigator and sailor won first place in the Tour of Europe “ Route des Princes ” and was second in the Transoceanic “ Transat Jacques Vabre

· Known by many as the “Diable Espagnol ”, Pella is the first and only Spaniard to win a stage in a solo transoceanic regatta, he has crossed the Atlantic up to 15 times and his next challenge is the Rum Route, a solo route of more than 3,000 miles

· The awards ceremony will be held at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona on September 6 as part of the celebration of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy

The Catalan sailor and sailor Alex Pella, 41, will be recognized on September 6 at the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards as the best ocean sailor of 2013.

The jury of the awards decided to recognize Pella for her great successes during the past year, among which the first place in the Tour of Europe regatta ” Route des Princes “, aboard the trimaran ” Prince de Bretagne 80 ”, by Lionel Lemonchois. Pella was the only Spaniard to participate in this event in the Gallic country, where he is already known by the nickname ” Diable Espagnol “.

During 2013, Pella also achieved second place in the Transoceanic regatta “ Transat Jacques Vabre ”, aboard the “ Tales II ” owned by Gonzalo Botín from Santander, together with Pablo Santurde from Cantabria.

Currently, with more than 150,000 nautical miles sailed, the Catalan sailor is preparing to take part in the tenth edition of the Rum Route, a transatlantic crossing between the French port of Saint Malo and Point a Pitre, the capital of the Caribbean island from Guadalupe. A route of 3,540 nautical miles (about 6,560 kilometers), which Pella will face alone from next November 2.

The Rum Route will serve as a preparation for the Barcelona sailor for the Vendée Globe 2016-2017, the solo round the world trip without stops or assistance, in which Pella hopes to be able to participate. This will not be the first time that the sailor has sailed around the world. He already did it in the last edition of the Barcelona World Race, and has crossed the Atlantic on up to fifteen occasions.

Merits are not lacking for Alex Pella to be worthy of the prestigious award for Sailor of the Year 2013, which he will receive at the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards, to which he has already confirmed his attendance. The appointment, next September 6 at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona, within the framework of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy.

(Image: Alex Pella receives from King Felipe VI the record trophy New York – Barcelona)

Interview with Alex Pella · 2013 Ocean Navigator Award

Alex Pella is one of the best sailors of his generation. There are those who say that he learned to navigate even before he learned to walk, and that the blue of his eyes has a bit of the blue of all the seas in the world through which he has sailed, which are not few. Born into a family of professional sailors, he has spent practically all his life on a boat. He has sailed around the world on a sailboat and crossed the Atlantic up to fifteen times. He accumulates trophies of all kinds, but he still aspires to achieve one of the ones he most desires, the Vendée Globe, a solo round-the-world trip without stops or assistance. Quite a sporting challenge, of overcoming and survival for which the “Diable Espagnol” has been preparing for years.

Ocean sailor, solo sailor, Diable Espagnol , lover of the sea and adventure… Who is Alex Pella and how do you like to be defined?

Well, honestly, it’s hard to define oneself… But I think there’s a bit of all that. I like the sea, ocean regattas, and I am passionate about solo sailing.

The “Diable Español” thing came during my stage in the Mini 650 Class, when I got two podiums and a stage victory in the mythical Mini-Transat. I think that today I am still the only non-French person with those results and the truth is that when they remind me of the “Diable Español” it brings back very good memories. I hope to repeat that this year on the “Route du Rhum” and get to Guadeloupe as soon as possible.

You were born into a family of sailors, in which practically everyone is related in one way or another to the world of sailing, how has this reality influenced your qualities as a sailor?

In almost all. In my house everyone surfs. Neither my brothers nor I have any knowledge of when we started sailing. For my parents, the normal thing is to go out to sea as a family and spend weekends and summer vacations on board the family boat.

Later, with my brothers, when we grew up, we began to join professional regatta teams, almost always due to our qualities of ” handymen ” and ” good sailors ” rather than great sailors. And there we began to train, first technically and then, as soon as the opportunity arose, sportingly. So my training is more like a “ shipyard ” than a “ high performance center ”.

In the Mini 650 stage, due to the lack of means, you rely a lot on family and friends. Now over time I realize that I was lucky to have a fantastic environment in that sense. It is clear that I would never have achieved anything alone, without the help and experience of my brothers David, Borja, and Nacho. Our friend Luis Guervós is also very much to blame for this and it was lucky to be able to count on him all those years.

2013 was, without a doubt, a great year for you. First place in the Tour of Europe regatta “ Route des Princes ” and second place in the Transoceanic regatta “ Transat Jacques Vabre ”. How do you rate these successes?

Last year was fantastic. I was a member of the French team of the Maxi-Trimaran ” Prince de Bretagne 80 “. I had never sailed in these fantastic boats before, and sailing at almost 30 knots averages over 24 hours on the open sea is amazing. The way of sailing these ships is absolutely different from all the ships in which I had sailed before.

Also, sharing a team with people like Lionel Lemonchois, Fred Le Petrec and Jean luc Nelias is a real luxury. I have to especially thank Lionel for calling me and giving me that opportunity, because it is very difficult for a Spaniard to become part of a crew in an oceanic Maxi-Trimaran.

Then jump to the ” TALES II “, a Class 40 entirely Spanish and of an extraordinary level. Armed by Gonzalo Botín, designed by his brother Marcelino, built by Ximo Lopez, and with the technical and sports management of Antonio Piris…almost nothing! We ran the Transat Jacques Vabre with Pablo Santurde with great success, and despite our stop in Coruña to repair our battered rudders, we managed to finish second, in the first year of the boat.

I think I can say that we were the sensation of the regatta. In Itají, port of arrival, all the best ocean racers passed by the boat, asking to visit it and asking all kinds of questions about the design, construction, driving and trim modes… A total success. I think that never before has a 100 percent Spanish boat made up entirely of Spaniards reached so high in a regatta of this type, almost always dominated by the French and English.

Everyone knows you for your facet as a navigator, but the truth is that you also did your first steps in the world of cinema, as a skipper and advisor on maneuvering and navigation issues on the Imoca 60, where some of the sequences of the film “In lonely”. How do you rate your cinematographic experience? Would you like to repeat?

For me it was a surprise and an honor that a Spaniard was called to take all the maritime themes and skipper the boat in a film about the Solo Round the World regatta “ Vendée Globe ”. It was undoubtedly an incredible experience, different from anything I had been doing in recent years, and very enriching.

I was working on this project for six very intense months, with great pressure and responsibility. You only have to watch the videos of the making of that are on YouTube to assess what that shooting was like. 50 days at sea, with 9 hours on the water each day, and with 18 crew members with all their work material on a boat designed for solo sailing. Now that was an adventure!

These super productions (17 million euros) require a very tight schedule, and at sea what rules are the weather conditions and the skipper of the boat, which in this case was me. That meant that I had a lot of responsibility for the safety and viability of the project.

I was very lucky because Jean Cottin, the producer, and François Cluzet, the main actor, fully trusted me when it came to making decisions and how far to push the limits of filming. It was honestly a great experience, but I don’t know if I would repeat it.

Returning to competitive sailing, among your next challenges is the tenth edition of the Rum Route, a solo transatlantic crossing of more than 3,500 miles. How does one prepare physically and psychologically to participate in a test of this type?

Physically the fitter I am the better, what happens is that due to the lack of means I don’t have a complete team and I have to do a little of everything. Sailing to understand the boat, to know where the limits are, and to know a little about everything, electronics, computers, ropes, sails, composite, energy…because then in the regatta I am completely alone and I have to know how to handle myself in any situation.

The truth is that I try to stay in shape, living a healthy life and aerobic exercise a day. I go for a run, or to the gym, or take out the windsurf board. The latter is obviously what I like the most. Psychologically, the same. Ideally, go out to these regattas rested, and with your homework done.

I am also motivated by thinking that it may be the last regatta I will do, due to the difficulty of finding resources to prepare at this level. We are talking about trying to win regattas historically dominated by the French and English, and doing it from Spain.

The Rum Route is your next big date with the regattas, but you will already have your sights set on the Vendée Globe 2016-2017, one of your dreams since you were a child. Do you think it is possible to participate in that edition? How’s the sponsorship thing going?

Yes, it is clear that participating in the Vendée Globe is my goal. In the past I was very close. I was a substitute for the French skipper Kito de Pavant, with the boat “ Groupe Bel ”, and I was sailing with them all season, qualifying for the Vendée Globe 2012. Then I also made the movie “ Solo ”, so I was very close.

For the next edition I am, at the moment, pre-registered. I need to find sponsors and I’m working on it. This is undoubtedly the most difficult task for me. And I know that the moment is not right, but I’m going step by step. Now, for now, I have the Route du Rhum in front of me, and I’m going to try to go for it.

Next September you will collect in Baiona the award for Best Oceanic Sailor 2013 within the framework of the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club. What does this recognition mean to you?

It is very nice for me to collect this award again. I was named “ Best Sailor of the year 2003 ” for my podium finish in the mythical Mini-Transat in my first participation, which was also the first podium finish for Spain in a Solo Transoceanic regatta.

Now, to receive this award from the Monte Real Club de Yates again, 10 years later, is a pride and an honor, for everything I have lived and sailed these years. I sincerely have to thank Monte Real and everyone who has supported me during these years in my career.

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A book… “Cañamin, an unexpected journey”

A movie… “Solo”

An album or song… “Valiente”, by Vetusta Morla

An unforgettable memory… The beginning of my sports career, in the Mini Class, with my brothers, friends. It is a class where camaraderie and the marine environment reign.

A scary moment… In my first big transoceanic race, running third, I almost lost my mast 200 miles from the finish…it was horrible.

A boat… The “Pepus IV”, a puma 34 from 1976, in which we spent the summer vacations and ran the club regattas with my parents and brothers.

A place to sail… Sariera, a cove in Begur, on the Costa Brava. It is our summer town and we sailed in everything that floats! Optimist (cruise version, with oars, fishing equipment…), windsurfing, Catalan skate, hobbie cat…

A place to anchor… Cala Tuent, on the north coast of Mallorca, between Sóller and Cabo Formentor. It was our beginning and end of vacation aboard the “ Pepus IV ”, and a bit of a secret corner in the seventies and eighties.

A feeling in the sea… Feeling the water pass under your feet… and a feeling of freedom.

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It is an interview with Rosana Calvo. The photograph is by Alex Pella (selfie between Azores and Fisterra).

The Monte Real Yacht Club will host the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards ceremony on September 6

· The awards, one of the most prestigious in the Spanish nautical scene, were created 22 years ago to recognize the work of people and institutions in favor of the world of sailing

· The delivery ceremony will take place at the facilities of the Baionese club during the celebration of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy

· The winners will receive a reproduction of the Monte Real signal mast, which since last December bears the name of its president, Rafael Olmedo Limeses

Once again this year, the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne will host the awards ceremony Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards , awards created 22 years ago with the aim of recognizing the work of different people and institutions in favor of the world of sailing, as well as its human and sporting values.

The prizes will be awarded at the club’s facilities next Saturday, September 6, at a gala sponsored by Terras Gauda and part of the celebration of the XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy .

In the previous edition the boats were awarded you elbowed and Cenor , for its relevant and successful participation in the main ORC cruising regattas; the Pontevedra Provincial Council , for its continuous work in promoting tourism through Rías Baixas Tourism; the Production Company Panorama , for its dedication and specialization in the coverage and dissemination of the sport of sailing; the Plis Play Team , for its successes in different national and international regattas; the Pakea Bizkaia , for promoting the defense of the natural environment, sustainable development and respect for the environment; and Tamara Echegoyen , for all her sporting successes, including the Olympic gold she won at the 2012 London Olympics.

The winners of this new edition of the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards, whose names will be announced shortly, will receive as a trophy a reproduction of the central signal mast of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne, which since last December bears the name of its president, Rafael Olmedo Limeses.

The gala will be held on September 6 at eight in the afternoon at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne. At the end of the event there will be a dinner in honor of the winners.

The Fifty wins the XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy

· The boat of the Portuguese Rui Ramada and grímpola of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne won in Class 1 and in the general

· El Corsario, from Club de Mar de Vilagarcía, skippered by José Durán, took the victory in Class 2, and Unus de Luis García Trigo, from Club Náutico Punta Lagoa, was the first in Class 3 – 4

· The lack of wind and fog were the protagonists of the last two days of competition, delaying one of the regattas and forcing the last test to be suspended

· The April Oils, owned by Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal received a double congratulations after finishing second in its category and winning the Spanish Height Championship

The Fifty of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona managed to climb to the top of the podium of the XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy. The crew, led by Rui Ramada, took victory in Class 1, and this elevated them to the highest position in the competition.

The Portuguese took the gold of a trophy marked by adverse weather. If on Saturday it was the wind that made it difficult for the sailboats to navigate, forcing many to abandon the race, today it was intense fog that caused the windward-leeward race that was going to take place from noon to be suspended.

Thus, the classification was established based on the results of the tests of the previous three days. In the category of large boats, the Fifty took first place, leaving the second and third for the Castrosúa of Willy Alonso, also from Monte Real, and for the Aceites Abril, of Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal. The latter, from the Club Náutico de Vigo, received a double congratulations, also winning the Spanish Height Championship.

In Class 2, the places of honor were occupied by the Corsair, from the Club de Mar de Vilagarcía, with José Durán at the helm; the Bosch Services Solutions, from the Club Marítimo de Canido, skippered by Ramón Ojea; and the Fend La Bise, by Jean Claude Sarrade, from the Porto Yacht Club.

Luis García Trigo’s Unus, from the Club Náutico Punta Lagoa, won the gold of the class 3-4 boats. The silver went to Marías, owned by Manuel María Cunha, from Monte Real, and the bronze also went to the Baionese club, thanks to Juan Luis Tuero’s Luna Nueva.

The victory in the real-time competition of the J80 went to Marías, owned by Manuel María Cunha.

The awards ceremony for the XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy was held this Sunday at the Monte Real facilities, with the presence of the club’s president, Rafael Olmedo; the mayor of Baiona, Jesús Vázquez Almuíña; the president of the Galician Sailing Federation, Manuel Villaverde; the R&D director of Marine Instruments, François Pino; and the vice-commodore of the club, Alejandro Retolaza.

The next competition at Monte Real is one of the great events for sailing lovers, the Príncipe de Asturias Trophy. It will be held between September 5 and 7. This is the most important competition organized by the Baiona club, which has been held continuously since its creation in 1985, and which attracts the elite of the national and international fleet to the waters of Baiona.




  1. fifty
  2. Castrosua
  3. Oils April


  1. Corsair VI
  2. Bosch Service Solutions
  3. Fend La Bise


  1. Unus
  2. Marias
  3. new Moon


  1. Marias
  2. new Moon
  3. namaste


The lack of wind stars in the third stage of the Count of Gondomar

· The low force of the wind forced the departure to be delayed and made it difficult for some sailboats to navigate, which remained stopped in various sections of the route and were even forced to abandon

· Laureno Wizner’s Pairo led the race until the final moments, in which it was caught up and overtaken by Willy Alonso’s Castrosúa, first to cross the finish line and winner of the regatta

· The XXXIX Count of Gondomar continues tomorrow, Sunday, with a technical test, a route between buoys in which the expertise of the crews will be decisive

The lack of wind was the star of the third day of the XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy, which has been held since last Thursday in the Rías Baixas. The weak force of the wind forced the departure to be delayed and made it difficult for some sailboats to advance, which were stopped in various sections of the route. There were also those who were forced to abandon the test.

Despite the fact that the most favorable conditions for navigation did not exist, there were three ships that were able to reach sufficient speed and separate themselves at a great distance from the rest of the fleet.

El Pairo led the test for practically the entire route. Laureano Wizner’s tactic worked from the start and his crew took the lead as soon as they passed the off-marking buoy. Once it reached Cíes, the Monte Real boat took very good advantage of a moment in which the wind increased in intensity and moved further away from the rest of the fleet.

They only managed to get close to Pairo, although always at a certain distance from him, Willy Alonso’s Castrosúa and Rui Ramada’s Fifty, who covered a good part of the track in second and third position. Finally, Castrosúa managed to overcome it, be the first to cross the finish line and win the stage. El Pairo entered second and Fifty third.

In class 2, Ramón Ojea’s Bosch stood out, who made a fantastic climb to Cíes. The smallest boats, of classes 3 and 4, were the ones that suffered the most from the lack of wind. All the boats withdrew except the Unus of Luis García Trigo and the J80, which sailed together led by the Marías of Manuel María Cunha.

The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues tomorrow, Sunday with the El Corte Inglés Stage, the last of the tests planned in the competition. Starting at noon, the entire fleet will measure their forces in a windward-leeward, a route between buoys in which the skill of the crews will be decisive. The distance of the tour will depend on the wind and sea conditions.

The boats of the Monte Real Club de Yates and the Real Club Náutico de Vigo prevail in the first days of the Count of Gondomar

· The Fifty, the Aceites Abril and the Siradella lead the general classification of Classes 1 and 2 after disputing the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage with the climb to Carrumeiro Chico

· The Unus, the Marías and the Namaste achieved the positions of honor in the Vitaldent Stage held this Friday for classes 3 and 4

· The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues tomorrow with the El Corte Inglés Stage, in which the entire fleet will circumnavigate the Cíes and Ons archipelagos

The boats of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona and the Real Club Náutico de Vigo managed to prevail in the first two days of the XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy.

The largest boats, from classes 1 and 2, competed on Thursday in the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage, the longest of the entire competition, with a climb to Carrumeiro Chico, on the Costa da Morte. Rui Ramada’s Fifty, and a champion of the Baiona club, completed the route in 14 hours and 16 minutes and managed to win the stage and first place overall.

The Aceites Abril, owned by Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, took 3 seconds longer to arrive than the Portuguese, and came second. Siradella, from the Real Club Náutico de Portosín, was in third position, tied on points with Abril. Led by César Álvarez and Pachicho Gude, the crew made a magnificent climb to Carrumeiro, being the second to turn it.

As for the ORC-2 class boats, first place in the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage went to the Corsair VI, from the Club de Mar de Vilagarcía. In second place was Cachete, from the Club Náutico de Sada, and in third place was Fend La Bise, from the Yacht Club Porto.

The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continued this Friday with the Vitaldent Stage for classes 3 and 4, including the J80. They made a coastal tour with passes through Carallones, Subrido, Bondaña, La Negra and the Islet of Viños. Just over 23 miles that were covered in just over four hours, thanks to the intensity of the wind, which blew with an average of 15 knots, reaching gusts of 18 at times.

Unus, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, skippered by Luis García Trigo, was the first to cross the finish line, and won first place overall. In second and third position were two J80s, the Marías and the Namasté, both from the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne.

The two also managed to place themselves at the top of the J80 real-time ranking. The third position went to Mi Moneda with a pendant, also, from the Baionese club.

The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues tomorrow Saturday with the El Corte Inglés Stage, in which the entire fleet will sail some 32 miles circumnavigating the Cíes and Ons archipelagos.


  1. fifty
  2. Oils April
  3. Siradella


  1. fifty
  2. Oils April
  3. Siradella


  1. Corsair VI
  2. cheek
  3. Fend La Bise


  1. Unus
  2. Marias
  3. namaste


  1. Marias
  2. namaste
  3. My coin


The Fifty, the April Oils and the Siradella lead the Count of Gondomar

· Fifty took victory in the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage, completing the round trip to Carrumeiro Chico in 14 hours and 16 minutes

· Aceites Abril and Siradella are second and third overall, tied on points.

· The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues today with the Vitaldent Stage for classes 3 and 4, including the J80

The Fifty del Monte Real Club de Yates won the first day of the Conde de Gondomar. The boat, skippered by the Portuguese Rui Ramada, completed the round trip to Carrumeiro Chico in 14 hours and 16 minutes.

The Aceites Abril, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, took 3 seconds longer to arrive than the Fifty, and took second place overall. Siradella, from the Real Club Náutico de Portosín, is in third position, tied on points with the Aceites Abril, which made a magnificent climb to the Carrumeiro and managed to be the second to turn it.

As for the ORC-2 class boats, first place in the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage went to Corsario VI, from Vilagarcía. In second position was Cachete, from Sada, and in third place was Fend La Bise, from Porto.

The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues today with the Vitaldent Stage for classes 3 and 4, including the J80, which will compete from noon on in the Vitaldent Stage.


  1. fifty
  2. Oils April
  3. Siradella


  1. fifty
  2. Oils April
  3. Siradella


  1. Corsair VI
  2. cheek
  3. Fend La Bise

Rui Ramada’s Fifty heads the regatta to the Carrumeiro del Conde de Gondomar

· The boat of the Portuguese Rui Ramada and grímpola of the Monte Real Club de Yates leads the navigation with the Pairo and the Aceites Abril a short distance from its stern

· Most of the fleet chose the route outside the Cíes Islands to climb Carrumeiro Chico, which they will reach after midnight

· Today’s stage, in which only the boats of classes 0, 1 and 2 compete, scores for the Spanish Championship of Height

· The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues tomorrow Friday from noon with the Vitaldent Stage, reserved for classes 3 and 4, including J80

The Fifty del Monte Real Club de Yates leads the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage of the XXXIX Count of Gondomar, with a round trip between Baiona and Carrumeiro Chico, also known as the Greek Cemetery.

The boat, skippered by the Portuguese Rui Ramada, sails at this time through the Ons area. He leads the regatta closely followed by the Pairo 8, the Aceites Abril and the Castrosúa. All of them chose the route around the outer part of the Cíes Islands, an option to which most of the fleet joined.

The Rías Baixas Tourism Stage began this Thursday a little later than expected. The lack of wind inside the bay made it necessary to modify the starting point one mile to the outside, towards the Carallones area.

Once there, the wind made an appearance and facilitated the navigation of the sailboats, which quickly picked up the pace with a northwesterly wind of about 15 knots pushing their sails. At this time they continue their course at a good speed and it is expected that Carallones will begin to turn from midnight.

Once the mythical lighthouse, known as the Cemetery of the Greeks, has been turned around, the boats will once again set sail for Baiona. With the night upon us, there will be complicated hours due to the little or no visibility, and the expertise of the crews will be what marks the distance and determines who wins the stage, which also scores for the “Memorial Ángel Zorrilla” Spanish Height Championship.

Tomorrow, Friday, the Vitaldent Stage takes place

The boats that compete in the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage today will rest during the day tomorrow, Friday, in which only classes 3 and 4 will go to sea, including the J80.

They will compete, starting at noon, in the Vitaldent Stage. They must complete a coastal route of about 22 miles with a layout that the Regatta Committee will design shortly before the start of the test, depending on the wind and sea conditions.

The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues on Saturday and Sunday with the El Corte Inglés Stage and the Don Pedro de Soutomaior Stage, in which the entire fleet will compete.


The Conde de Gondomar Trophy opens the season of the great summer regattas in Galicia

· The competition, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne, celebrates its thirty-ninth edition this year

· It takes place from July 24 to 27 and scores for the Spanish Championship of Height, the Atlantic Cruise Circuit and the Spanish Cruise Cup of the Galicia Zone

· The test program includes the Carrumeiro Chico challenge, a journey of more than 100 round trip miles between Baiona and what is known as the Greek Cemetery

The Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona is organizing this week one of its most emblematic regattas, the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, which this year celebrates its thirty-ninth edition. The competition, which takes place from Thursday 24 to Sunday 27, will pass through different points of the Galician Atlantic coast and will include three crossing stages and a windward-leeward task.

The first of the tests, the Rías Baixas Tourism Stage , is one of the most exciting in the trophy, due to its distance and complexity. There is a 100-mile round trip from Baiona to the Carrumeiro Chico lighthouse, known as the Greek Cemetery . A route with the added difficulty that part of the stage must be done at night, with reduced or no visibility. This test will be disputed only by the largest boats, on Thursday 24.

The smaller sailboats will go out to sea on the 25th, the feast of Santiago Apóstol, starting at noon, to complete the Vitaldent Stage , a coastal route with a route yet to be determined, which will be marked according to the sea and wind conditions.

On Saturday 26, the third day of competition, the entire fleet will tackle the El Corte Inglés Stage , a 32-mile route starting in Baiona and circumnavigating the Cíes and Ons archipelagos.

Sunday 27, the last day of testing, will be a decisive day. The boats must complete the Don Pedro de Soutomaior Stage , a windward-leeward stage in which the technique and good work of the crews will mark the differences between the boats. The day will culminate with the awards ceremony at 5 pm at the Monte Real Club de Yates.

A scoring trophy for other competitions

The tests that take place in the XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy score points for the II Atlantic Cruise Circuit , in which crews from Spain and Portugal compete. The Count’s is the second round of a circuit that will end next September with the Prince of Asturias Trophy, also from the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne.

In addition, the longest regatta, between Baiona and Carrumeiro Chico, reserved for boats in categories 0, 1 and 2, scores points for the Spanish Height Championship “Memorial Ángel Zorrilla”, and the whole set of tests add up to the Spanish Cup for Cruisers in the Galicia Zone .

next appointment

The next appointment with the regattas of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne is one of the highlights of the season, the 2014 Prince of Asturias Trophy , which this year takes place between 5 and 7 September.

This is the most important competition organized by the Baiona club, which has been held continuously since its creation in 1985, and attracts the elite of the national and international fleet to the waters of Baiona.


2014 press challenge

The Monte Royal Yacht Club of Bayonne, sponsored by El Corte Inglés held “The press challenge” this Friday, July 18, a day of fraternization in which several crews made up of friends from the media and club staff took part in a regatta in the bay of Baiona.

After carrying out three windward-leeward tests, the victory was won by Bouvento, with Suso Portela, from Faro de Vigo; Miguel Novoa, from Onda Cero; and Octavio Rodríguez and Ana Pérez, from Galician Television, patronized by Commodore del Monte Real, Miguel Lago, and Willy Caamaño.

Tutatis took second place in the competition. At the helm of the boat, the youngest crew member in the regatta, Yago García, barely 11 years old. The team was completed by Antonino García, from the Galician Sailing Federation; Carlos Macía, from Galician Television; and Rosana Calvo, head of communication for the Baiona club, all led by the head of the Monte Real Sailing School, Carlos Rúa, and by Jacobo Uscola.

The bronze, with a narrow margin of difference with respect to the second classified, went to Silleiro, with Xaime Arias, from Alicia Producciones; Pepe Costas, from Baiona TV; Eva Millán, from Radio Voz, and Santiago Gestal, in the crew, skippered by the manager of Monte Real, Miguel Riveiro, together with Iago Carrera.

And although they were left without a prize, the boys from Erizana, with Frederico Lopes, from RTP, deserved a big round of applause from their peers; Juan Caballero, from the RFEV; and Cristina Castro, from V Television, patronized by Victor Calviño and Santiago Meygide.

The president of Monte Real, Rafael Olmedo Limeses, was in charge of delivering the prizes; the Director of communications and external relations of El Corte Inglés, José Manuel Blanco; and Rafael Barreras, from the board of directors of the Baion club. The winners got a trophy and a bottle of Nordés .

The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy this year will be the Spanish Height Championship

· The regatta, one of the most charismatic on the Spanish nautical scene, will be held in Galician waters on July 24, 25, 26 and 27

· Of the four planned stages, one is reserved for large boats, another for small boats, and there will be two more tests for the entire fleet

· The Conde de Gondomar Trophy is organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne with the collaboration of the Spanish Sailing Federation and the Galician Sailing Federation

The Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne is preparing to celebrate one of its most charismatic regattas, the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, which this year will be held on July 24, 25, 26 and 27 in Galician waters.

The regatta will include three crossing stages and a windward-leeward test, a competition design that has been maintained since the creation of the trophy, in 1976.

On this occasion, the novelty is that one of the stages will score points for the Spanish Height Championship. This is the longest test, that of the Carrumeiro Chico, a 100-mile route between Baiona and Fisterra that will be contested by the largest boats, of categories 0, 1 and 2.

The rest of the boats, of categories 3 and 4, including the J80, must complete a coastal route, of lesser distance. There will also be two other tests in which the entire fleet will compete.

The XXXIX Conde de Gondomar Trophy is organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne with the collaboration of the Spanish Sailing Federation and the Galician Sailing Federation. The registration period remains open.

Next Tuesday, July 22, at one in the afternoon, the press conference to present the regatta will take place at the Monte Real facilities.


How and why to protect the skin from the dangers of the sun

· Specialists from the University Hospital Complex of Vigo will give a talk in Baiona about the dangers of the sun and the need to protect the skin

· The meeting, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne, will be attended by the Head of the Meixoeiro Radiation Oncology Service, Victor Manuel Muñoz Garzón, and the dermatology specialist, Carmen Rodríguez Cerdeira

· The talk, open to the public, is next Friday the 11th, at 7 in the afternoon, at the Monte Real facilities

The Head of the Meixoeiro Hospital Radiation Oncology Service, Victor Manuel Muñoz Garzón, and the CHUVI dermatology specialist, Carmen Rodríguez Cerdeira, will give a talk next Friday in Baiona on how and why to protect the skin from the dangers of the sun.

Although it is a very important source of health, in recent years it has been proven that excessive sunbathing, or without the necessary precautionary measures, can pose a danger to our skin.

Promoting the culture of photoprotection, especially among people who sunbathe on the beach, work or play sports outdoors, is one of the objectives with which the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne organized this talk, to which Anyone who wants to can attend.

The appointment is next Friday, the 11th, at 7 pm at the yacht club facilities. The attending public, in addition to listening to the specialists, will be able to consult with them any doubts they may have in relation to this topic.

2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
