Enxuto, Náutico Cormorán and Erizana win in the second stage of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy

· Pablo Conde’s Enxuto won the two races held today and placed the Galway Bay Sailing Club flag in first position in the ORC 4 class

· The crew of the Náutico Cormorán skippered by Rodrigo Alonso won the stage victory in the J80 category

· In the Figaro class, the Erizana del Monte Real Yacht Club won, skippered by Carlos Hernández and with a crew made up of students from his Sailing School

Baiona, July 25, 2015.- After the Storax Stage was held yesterday, Friday, the Rías Baixas hosted this Saturday the second day of tests for the Conde de Gondomar Trophy – SabadellGallego Grand Prix, a competition that the Monte Real Yacht Club has been organizing continuously for forty years.

In today’s stage, the ORC 4 class boats, and the J80 and Fígaros monotypes competed for a route that began at eleven in the morning in the Bay of Baiona and ended around half past four in the the Cies. The crews had to leave Carallones and La Negra behind to go up to Camouco, in Las Ons, and turn around to the finish line. In total, 28 miles of distance from which a double score came out: a first result based on the route of the climb and a second including the total distance.

In the ORC 4 class the victory went to Enxuto, from the Galway Bay Sailing Club. Skippered by Pablo Conde, the crew achieved victory in the two contested races and placed first overall in its category. Second and third place go to Margem do Azul III, from the Monte Real Club de Yates, with Frederico Lópes at the helm; and for the Rui Peixoto smoker, from the DFH Guimaraes.

The J80 one-design competition was, without a doubt, one of the most exciting parts of the regatta, due to how close it was. The boats competed in real time and sailed closely together for much of the course. Rodrigo Alonso’s Náutico Cormorán and Jacobo Vecino’s Mi Moneda fought hard for victory. The Mi Moneda, from the Monte Real Yacht Club, won the first test, and those from the Cormorant Club in the second. Finally the victory went to Rodrigo Alonso’s men, who left the provisional silver to Mi Moneda, and the bronze to Luna Nueva of Juan Luis Tuero, also from Monte Real.

In the Figaros category, the Erizana boat, skippered by Carlos Hernández, and with a crew made up of students from the Monte Real Sailing School, won both races and placed first. Second and third place went, respectively, to Genoveva Pereiro’s Bouvento and Victor Calviño’s Silleiro, both from the Baiona club.

Today’s stage was developed with ideal conditions for navigation, with sun, good sea and a wind of about 14 knots on average.

Tomorrow the podium of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy will be decided

The Conde de Gondomar Trophy – SabadellGallego Grand Prix ends tomorrow, Sunday, with the last two tests of the competition, which will be held from midday at the Cíes Islands anchorage. There will be two windward-leeward routes.

The expertise and good work of the sailors in the different maneuvers will determine the final result and define the general classification of the trophy. After a day of competition for the ORC 1, 2 and 3 classes and a second for the ORC 4 class and the J80 and Fígaros monotypes, all the boats will go to sea on the last day of the Count of Gondomar.

Once the regattas are over, the Monte Real Club de Yates will host, starting at six in the afternoon, the awards ceremony for the winners.



  1. Enxuto Pablo Conde Galway Bay Sailing Club
  2. Margem do Azul III Frederico Lopes Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. Iumar Rui Peixoto DFH Guimaraes


  1. Cormorant Yacht Club Rodrigo Alonso Cormorant Yacht Club
  2. My Coin Jacobo Vecino Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. New Moon Juan Luis Tuero Monte Real Yacht Club


  1. Erizana Ramón Palao Monte Real Yacht Club
  2. Bouvento Genoveva Pereiro Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. Silleiro Victor Calviño Monte Real Yacht Club


Javier Durán’s Corsair VI wins the Spanish Storax Height Championship

· The Club de Mar de Vilagarcía boat won the ORC 2 class and leads the overall of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy – SabadellGallego Grand Prix

· In the ORC 1 class, the leader after the first two tests of the competition is the April Oils of the brothers Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo

· The Fend la Bise by Jean Claude Sarrade with the Yacht Clube do Porto pendant won the ORC 3 class

Baiona, July 25, 2015 .- The Corsair VI, skippered by Javier Durán, won the Spanish Storax Height Championship this morning, played as part of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy – Sabadell Gallego Grand Prix. Wearing a necklace from the Club de Mar de Vilagarcía, the boat holds provisional gold in the ORC 2 class and leads the competition overall.

In second position, with the provisional silver, is the Aceites Abril, owned by the brothers Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo; and third place goes to Pairo 8, from the Monte Real Club de Yates, with Luis Bugallo at the helm. These two boats are also first and second, respectively, in the ORC 0-1 class, in which the Castrosúa ranks third.

In the category of the ORC 2, after the Corsair VI, are the Bosch Service Solutions of the Club Marítimo de Canido, skippered by Ramón Ojea; and the Zamoranos from DKV Seguros, led by Juan Carlos de Ana.

Jean Claude Sarrade’s Fend la Bisse, with the Yate Club do Porto’s gable, is first in the ORC 3 class, followed by Luis Manuel García Trigo’s Unus, and Unai Basurko’s Pottoka.

The Conde de Gondomar Trophy- Sabadell Gallego Grand Prix continues this Saturday with a circumnavigation of the Ons Islands archipelago that will be contested, starting at 11 in the morning, by the ORC 4 class boats and the J80 and Fígaros monotypes.


  1. Corsair VI Javier Durán Club de Mar de Vilagarcía
  2. April Oils Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal Real Club Náutico de Vigo
  3. Pairo 8 Luis Bugallo Monte Real Yacht Club

ORC 0-1

  1. April Oils Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal Real Club Náutico de Vigo
  2. Pairo 8 Luis Bugallo Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. Castrosúa Willy Alonso Monte Real Yacht Club


  1. Corsair VI Javier Durán Club de Mar de Vilagarcía
  2. Bosch Service Solutions Ramón Ojea Maritime Club of Canido
  3. DKV Seguros · Juan Carlos de Ana · Zamora Yacht Club


  1. Fend la Bise Jean Claude Sarrade Yacht Clube do Porto
  2. Unus · Luis Manuel García Trigo · Punta Lagoa Yacht Club
  3. Pottoka Unai Basurko Club Pakea


El Gran Jotiti leads the Storax Stage of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy

Ernesto Cortina’s boat from the Monte Real Yacht Club was in first position from the start and is sailing at a good pace towards Carrumeiro, with the option of breaking the record

At a certain distance from its stern, it is followed by the Pairo 8 and the Aceites Abril, which are having an interesting duel for second position, and somewhat further back, the Arroutado and the Castrosúa

· After the Storax Stage that takes place today, the Conde de Gondomar Trophy – Sabadell Gallego Grand Prix continues this weekend with four new tests

Baiona, July 24, 2015.- Wearing a pendant from the Monte Real Yacht Club and with Ernesto Cortina at the wheel, the Gran Jotiti, a 62-footer made of carbon fiber, leads in real time the first stage of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, which is also the Spanish Championship for Storax height.

The boat, which seeks to beat the Carrumeiro record and has options to do so, was in the lead from the first moments of the regatta and was marking distances with respect to the rest of the fleet. The crew always chose the option furthest from the coast, and made the entire journey around the outside of the Cíes, Ons and Sálvora islands at a very good pace, pushed by winds with peaks of 22 knots.

At her stern, at a certain distance, a very interesting duel is taking place between Pairo 8, also from the Monte Real Club de Yates, with Luis Bugallo at the helm, and José Luis Freire and Laureano Wizner among the crew; and Aceites Abril, by the brothers Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal, with a pendant from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo. A little further back, another pair of boats, the Arroutado and the Castrosúa, are trying to advance positions to gain a foothold on the Storax Stage podium.

This first test of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy – SabadellGallego Grand Prix began with a slight delay over the scheduled time and with a somewhat light wind, which increased in intensity as the fleet moved away from Carallones. From the initial 7 knots, it went to an average of 18-20, with peaks of 22-23 knots, and the boats, despite the fact that there was a lot of sea, were able to navigate more easily.

At this time, the fleet continues at a very good pace towards Carrumeiro and it is expected that the first boats will begin to round the lighthouse shortly. Once they carry out this maneuver, the crews will set off again towards Baiona, where most of them will arrive, predictably, well into the morning.

At this stage, the only boat that has had problems has been Rui Ramada’s MBA Atlántico, which was forced to withdraw from the competition shortly after starting after suffering a broken backstay.

The Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues this weekend

The Conde de Gondomar Trophy continues tomorrow, Saturday, the Santiago Apóstol holiday, with the second day of tests, in which the ORC 4 class boats and the J80 and Fígaros monotypes will compete. The crews will face a route of about 30 miles, starting in Baiona and circumnavigating the Ons archipelago. From the test, which will start at eleven in the morning, a double score will be obtained for the general classification: a first based on the Baiona-Ons route and a second taking into account the complete Baiona-Ons-Cíes route.

After the sports competition, which is scheduled to end around six in the afternoon, an anniversary party will be held to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the trophy, created in 1976 by the Monte Real Yacht Club. It will include a seafood dinner with a tasting of Raffles gin and Nordic tonic, starting at nine at night in the facilities of the Baionese club.

A day later, on Sunday the 26th, the third and last day of tests will be held, in which the thirty registered boats will participate. Starting at noon, the crews will compete in two windward-leeward races at the Cíes Islands anchorage. That same day, in the afternoon, the awards ceremony will take place for the winners.


The Count of Gondomar Trophy begins – Sabadell Gallego Grand Prix

Some thirty boats will fight for victory in the fortieth edition of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy

· The competition begins tomorrow, Friday, with the most exciting test of the trophy, a route of more than 90 round trip miles between Baiona and Carrumeiro Chico

· A circumnavigation of the Ons archipelago is scheduled for Saturday, and two windward-leeward races will be held on Sunday

· The awards ceremony will be held on Sunday at six in the afternoon at the facilities of the Monte Real Club de Yates

Baiona, July 23, 2015.- This Friday begins in Baiona the fortieth edition of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, a competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of SabadellGallego and Storax .

The first of the stages, one of the most exciting in the trophy, is the Storax Spanish Offshore Championship, and is reserved for ORC class 0, 1, 2 and 3 boats. This is the mythical ascent to Carrumeiro Chico, a round trip of more than 90 miles from Baiona, with the added difficulty that the crews will have to complete part of the route at night.

This year around twenty boats arriving from different parts of Spain and Portugal will face the challenge. Among them, boats like the Pottoka, from the Basque Country, skippered by Unai Basurko, winner of the National Sailing Award in 2012 for his Pakea Bizkaia project. Also at this year’s Conde de Gondomar will be the Gran Fisgón, from the Real Club Náutico de Palma de Mallorca, and the Gran Jotiti, recently arrived in Baiona from the Canary Islands.

Along with them, Portuguese and Galician crews who are regulars at the Monte Real competitions, such as the Fend la Bise, of the Yacht Clube do Porto; or the Aceites Abril, by Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal, which in the previous edition of the Conde won the title of Champion of Spain in Height. The Salseiro or the Pairo 8 are other boats that will fight this year to successfully complete the most difficult stage of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy.

Once the Carrumeiro stage is over, there will still be two more tests to complete the fortieth edition of the trophy. On Saturday, the Santiago Apóstol holiday, the ORC 4 class boats, and the monotypes J80 and Fígaros, will take to the water for a 30-mile journey around the Ons archipelago. For the evening, the program includes a seafood dinner with Raffles gin tasting and Nordic tonic.

On Sunday, the third and last day of regattas, two windward-leeward races are scheduled in which all the participating crews will test their strength. That same day, once the competition is over, the awards ceremony for the winners will take place at the facilities of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

With the distribution of trophies, the end will be put to the fortieth edition of the Count of Gondomar, the countdown will begin for the next great sporting event of the Baionese club, the thirtieth edition of the Prince of Asturias Trophy, which will be held on days 4, 5 and 6 of September.





The Conde de Gondomar Trophy celebrates 40 years as one of the most charismatic regattas on the Spanish nautical scene


· The historic competition of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona will be held on July 24, 25 and 26, sponsored by SabadellGallego and Storax

· The test program, which is the Spanish Height Championship, includes the Carrumeiro Chico challenge

· To commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the trophy, Monte Real will hold a big party on the night of July 25 at the club’s facilities

Bayonne, July 13, 2014.- Created in 1976 by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona and disputed without interruption since then, the Conde de Gondomar Trophy celebrates its fortieth birthday this year with three major novelties. The sports program of the regatta is reduced from four to three days of competition, a big party will be held to commemorate its fortieth anniversary, and the registration of participants will be, for the first time in the history of the trophy, completely free.

Sponsored by SabadellGallego and Storax, the 2015 Conde de Gondomar Trophy will be held on July 24, 25 and 26. The first day features one of the most attractive events on the Spanish nautical scene, the ascent to Carrumeiro Chico from Baiona, a challenge for the most experienced sailors, who will have to complete almost 100 miles of travel to what is known as the Greek Cemetery . It is a test that is also the Spanish Storax Height Championship.

After this first stage, reserved for the largest boats, the smaller boats will take to the water. They will do it on Saturday, July 25, the Santiago Apóstol holiday, the second day of competition. For that day, a crossing regatta of about 30 miles around the archipelagos of the Cíes and Ons Islands is scheduled, and at the end of it, a great party at the Monte Real facilities, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the regatta.

The Conde de Gondomar Trophy – SabadellGallego Grand Prix will end on Sunday 26 in the Bay of Baiona with two windward-leeward races in which all sailboats will participate starting at noon. The final point of the competition will be the awards ceremony for the winners, which will be held at six in the afternoon at the Monte Real Club de Yates facilities.

Registration at the Monte Real Yacht Club

The boats that wish to participate in the fortieth edition of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy must register before six in the afternoon of July 20, presenting the registration form duly completed along with the required documentation. This year, as a novelty, and for the first time in the history of the competition, the registration of the participants is completely free.

The next appointment of Monte Real: the Prince of Asturias Trophy

The next appointment with the regattas of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne is one of the highlights of the season, the 2015 Prince of Asturias Trophy, which this year will take place on September 4, 5 and 6. Held continuously since 1985, the competition celebrates its thirtieth anniversary in 2015 with its traditional sporting events for all types of boats.





I Solidarity Vertiathlon of Baiona

· The sports competition will have the design of a sprint triathlon and will include three swimming, cycling and running events that will take place in the bay of Baiona and in several streets of the fishing village on September 12

· The solidarity event is organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club and the Baiona council with the sponsorship of Verti Seguros and the collaboration of the Galician Triathlon Federation

· All the money that is raised with the inscriptions of the participants will go to the Adapted Sailing School for people with disabilities of the Monte Real Yacht Club

Baiona, July 3, 2015.- Baiona will host the I Solidarity Vertiathlon on September 12, an event organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates and the Baiona council with the sponsorship of Verti Seguros and the collaboration of the Galician Federation of Triathlon.

This is a sports competition that will have the design of a sprint triathlon and will include three swimming, cycling and running events that will take place in the bay of Baiona and in various streets of the fishing village. Participants must complete a 750-meter swim, a 20-kilometer bike ride and a 5-kilometer run.

The registration fee is 25 euros, and all the money raised will go entirely to the Adapted Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club, which has been serving various associations of disabled people in Galicia for years.

The registration period will open on July 15 through the website of the Galician Triathlon Federation . There will be several general categories and a special category for those registered in the Concello de Baiona.

The absolute first male and female classified will receive, as a prize, an annual car insurance courtesy of Verti Seguros; and among all the participants, eight other insurances will also be raffled.

A tour of the town of Baiona

The I Solidarity Vertiathlon of Baiona will begin with the swimming test, in which the participants must swim the distance that separates the beaches of Barbeira and A Ribeira. Both sandbanks are located in the urban center of the town of Baiona, at the foot of the wall that surrounds the Monte Boi peninsula, separated by the facilities of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

At the end of the swim, the participants will pick up their bikes on the basketball courts in the La Palma area and prepare for the second of the tests, the cyclist, which will include four laps between two of the roundabouts that give access to Baiona , that of Baredo and that of Santa Marta.

The last of the sprint triathlon tests will be the foot race, and it will be held in one of the most visited places in Baiona, the Parador Nacional. Athletes must complete two laps of the walled enclosure of the Monterreal peninsula, also known as the Monte Boi peninsula.

The competition will begin at five in the afternoon and the awards ceremony will be held at eight in the facilities of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

The Adapted Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club

The money raised from the registrations for the I Baiona Solidarity Vertiathlon will go entirely to the Adapted Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club, created in 2012 to bring the world of sailing closer to people with disabilities.

After the first few years serving associations and groups in Val Miñor, Tomiño and A Guarda, the school is currently seeking to expand with the aim of being able to offer these adapted navigation courses to centers throughout Galicia.



Informative talk: How to protect your eyes from the sun

· The Monte Real Yacht Club and Óptica Real organize an informative talk on the importance of protecting the eyes from the sun next Friday in Baiona

· UV rays can cause tumors, cataracts, macular degeneration or visual fatigue among other eye problems

· The first 40 people who arrive will receive a Tablet case as a gift and polarized sunglasses will be raffled among all attendees

The Monte Real Yacht Club and Óptica Real organize an informative talk on Friday, July 17 in Baiona on the importance of protecting the eyes from the sun.

The optician-optometrist and member of the training team of the Varilux Institute, Noelia Suárez, will be in charge of explaining to the attendees the dangers that UV rays can pose to the sight. It will also offer a series of recommendations to protect the eyes from the sun and avoid future eye problems and injuries.

Although there is increasing awareness of the dangers that the sun poses to the skin, there are still many who are unaware of the impact that excess UV rays can have on their eyes. Ultraviolet radiation is related to the development of tumors, cataracts and macular degeneration. In addition, exposure to sunlight can also cause eyestrain, as the pupil works to keep the amount of light reaching the retina at an optimal level.

Wear suitable sunglasses that block UV rays and avoid excess light on the retina; wear hats, caps or visors; or using sun protection around the eyes are some of the tips from the experts, but there are many more, which will be announced in the talk organized by Monte Real and Óptica Real.

The appointment is next Friday the 17th at seven in the afternoon at the club’s facilities in Baiona, and the first 40 attendees will receive a tablet case as a gift. In addition, polarized sunglasses will be raffled among all attendees.

The ABANCA del Monte Real Sailing School closes its season in the bay of Baiona

· Nearly 50 Initiation, Optimist, Cadet and 420 students took part this weekend in the last Social League regattas organized by the Baionese club

· Teresa Infante and Pedro Salgado won in Optimist, Vera Bernárdez and Nerea Rodríguez in Cadete, and Jorge González and Pablo Carneiro in 420

With the closing of the annual season, the summer activities begin at Monte Real, which include all kinds of courses and leisure activities.

Baiona, June 28, 2015.- The Abanca Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club closed its 2014-2015 season this weekend in the bay of Baiona with a regatta in which all the students competed. of the different categories.

About 50 sailors between the ages of 7 and 16, from Initiation, Optimist, Cadet and 420 went out on the water to compete in the final tests of the club’s Social League, an internal competition that the school’s students have been competing for months.

In the Optimist class, the winners were Teresa Infante and Pedro Salgado, who train in the green and blue categories respectively. In Cadet, the gold of the competition went to the team formed by Vera Bernardez and Nerea Rodriguez; and Jorge González and Pablo Carneiro took victory in the 420 Class.

Those responsible for delivering the prizes to the winners were the person in charge of the ABANCA area, Enrique Marticorena; the councilor for maritime activities of Baiona, Raúl Costas; the vice-commodore of the club Fernándo Yáñez; and the head of the Sailing School, Carlos Rúa.

The Social League of the Monte Real Club de Yates will begin to be played again next September, when the usual school activity resumes. Until then, the club’s summer program will be developed, which includes all kinds of activities for children and adults. A nautical camp, light sailing and cruise courses, getaways to the Cíes Islands or sunsets on a sailboat are some of the proposals on offer.



The Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club closes its 2014-2015 season

Nearly 50 Initiation, Optimist, Cadet and 420 students will go out on the water this weekend to compete in the last regatta of the club’s Social League

With the closing of the annual season, the summer activities begin at Monte Real, which include various courses for children and adults.

· The Abanca Sailing School also has other activities scheduled for this summer such as Getaways to the Cíes Islands or Sunsets aboard a sailboat

Bayonne, June 26, 2015.- The Abanca Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne closes its 2014-2015 season this weekend, with the celebration of a regatta in which all the students from the different categories.

Nearly 50 sailors between the ages of 7 and 16, from Initiation, Optimist, Cadet and 420 will go out on the water in the bay of Baiona to compete in the final tests of the Monte Real Social League, an internal competition that the school’s students They have been fighting for months.

The tests will be held on Saturday and Sunday morning, and on Sunday afternoon, starting at five o’clock, prizes will be awarded to the winners and diplomas to all participants.

With the closing of the annual season, the summer activities begin at Monte Real, an extensive program that includes all kinds of proposals so that people of all ages can enjoy the sea in the bay of Baiona.

The Sailing School in summer

Next July 6 begins the first of the four shifts of the Summer Nautical Camp that the club organizes together with Wetsports Ladeira. In it, boys and girls between 7 and 16 years old can enjoy a few days at sea learning sailing, kayaking, windsurfing and paddle surfing.

For the little ones, Monte Real also has light sailing courses scheduled during the months of July and August, in the morning or afternoon. And for the older ones, cruising sailing courses.

The club also organizes getaways to the Cíes Islands from Baiona, with which to spend a whole day sailing with friends or family through one of the most charming places in Galicia.

And for those who have less time available but do not want to miss the opportunity to navigate the bay, there are the sunsets on a sailboat. They are 3-hour outings, from eight in the afternoon to eleven at night, with which to enjoy the sunset aboard one of the club’s boats.

The registration period for all these activities is now open. You can contact the club by calling 986 385 000 / 625 261 586 or writing an email to escuela@mrcyb.com

Cruising sailing courses

During the summer months, the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne organizes cruising sailing courses for all those who want to learn to sail, improve their technique or simply spend a different kind of holiday, enjoying the sea with friends.

The courses are weekly, from Monday to Friday , with three and a half hours of navigation each day, in the morning (10:00 – 13:30) or in the afternoon (16:00 – 19:30) .

Although the classes are essentially practical, to learn how to maneuver and make decisions at sea, they also include theoretical knowledge to become familiar with nautical nomenclature, the parts of the boat and how it works, and the basic concepts of sailing. Always with a coach on board, you start sailing in the calm waters of the Bay of Baiona and end up heading out to the open sea.

The courses are suitable for people of any age and no special material is required, although it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes, a jacket that protects from the cold and wind, sunglasses and sunscreen. Boarding takes place at the Monte Real Club de Yates facilities, located within the walled enclosure of the Parador de Baiona.

The price of the courses, both in the morning and in the afternoon, is 125 euros , with a special discount for club members. To register or receive more information, you can call 986 385 000 / 625 261 586 or send an email to secretaria@mrcyb.com . The courses will be held as long as there is a minimum of 4 people signed up.

sailboat sunsets

During the summer months, the Monte Real Yacht Club organizes sailing trips to enjoy the sunset in Baiona.

For three hours, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all those who wish can sail on a Figaro Beneteau (10-meter-long sailboat) accompanied by a skipper from the club.

The outings, suitable for people of any age, will take place from the pontoons of Monte Real (located in the Parador Nacional de Baiona grounds). NNo special material is needed, although it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes, a jacket that protects you from the cold and wind, sunglasses and sunscreen. Boarding will take place at the Monte Real Club de Yates facilities, located within the walled enclosure of the Parador de Baiona.

The price of the getaways is 30 euros per person , and they will be organized as long as there is a minimum of 4 participants .

To facilitate the organization, it is essential to book two days in advance, by calling 986 385 000 or 625 261 586 , or writing an email to secretaria@mrcyb.com

Andarias wins his fifth national title in Baiona

· The sailor from Jávea achieved victory in the Spanish Championship Class 2.4mR – Vitaldent Adapted Sailing Regatta organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club

· Borja Melgarejo was his main rival in the four races held this weekend in the bay of Baiona and finally came second overall

· Of the Galician sailors, Fran Piñeiro, from Club de Vela Escota, was the one who obtained the best results, achieving fourth place in the competition

Baiona, June 21, 2015.- At just 25 years old and with an enviable record of prizes, Rafa Andarias won his fifth national title this afternoon in Baiona by winning the 2.4mR Class Spanish Championship – Vitaldent Adapted Sailing Regatta, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club.

The sailor from the Club Náutico de Jávea revalidated his title after the two days of competition held this weekend in the bay of Baiona and is much closer to fulfilling one of his dreams, that of participating in the Paralympic Games. After going as a reserve sailor to London 2012, where he was finally unable to go out on the water, the Valencian’s objective is now Rio 2016, where he hopes to be able to compete next year.

In the national championship this weekend, Andarias’s main rival was Sevillian Borja Melgarejo, from Club de Mar Puerto Sherry, who finally finished second in the general classification. Thanks to his silver in the trophy and the good results achieved on the circuit, he also qualified for the Melbourne World Cup.

The bronze went to Antonio Maestre, from the Real Club de Regatas de Cartagena, and the Galician Fran Piñeiro, who was about to sneak onto the winners’ podium, achieved a magnificent fourth place.

The Spanish Championship Class 2.4mR – Vitaldent Adapted Sailing Regatta was characterized by a lack of wind, which did not allow all the scheduled regattas to be carried out. In the two days of competition, a total of 4 tests were held, of which two had to be shortened after registering calms in the course of the route.



Andarias and Melgarejo fight for victory in the Spanish Championship Class 2.4mR

· The sailor from Jávea and current national champion, Rafa Andarias, achieved victory on the first day of the Vitaldent adapted sailing championship

The Sevillian Borja Melgarejo is in second position, tied on points with Andarias, and the Galician Fran Piñeiro has the provisional bronze of the trophy

· The competition continues tomorrow, Sunday, with the second day of tests and will end with a prize-giving ceremony at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne

Baiona, June 20, 2015.- The Jávea Yacht Club sailor and current national champion Rafa Andarias won the first day of the 2.4mR Class Spanish Championship – Vitaldent Adapted Sailing Regatta, which is held this weekend in Baiona, under the organization of Monte Royal Yacht Club.

The third and first place that the Valencian sailor achieved in the two tests held this afternoon in the bay of Baiona gave him the provisional gold of the competition and placed him very close to obtaining his fifth national title.

Behind Andarias, tied on points, is Sevillian Borja Melgarejo, from Club de Mar Puerto Sherry. Galician Fran Piñeiro, from Club de Vela Escota, occupies the third place on the provisional podium of the trophy.

Today’s was a very complicated day at sea due to the lack of wind, which delayed the start of the competition by more than two hours and forced the third of the planned regattas to be suspended once it had started. With a maximum of 7 knots and drops in intensity of up to 1 knot, the sailors fought for victory in two identical tests, which included several windward-leeward courses located in the Bay of Baiona.

Tomorrow, Sunday, on the second and last day of competition, the regatta committee will try to carry out, if the wind allows it, another three tests. In the afternoon, starting at five o’clock, the award ceremony for the winners will be held at the facilities of the Monte Real Club de Yates, which organizes the competition with the sponsorship of Vitaldent.



Baiona hosts this weekend the Spanish Championship Class 2.4mR of Adapted Sailing

· It is the third year that the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes, with the support of Vitaldent, a competition of these characteristics

· One of the favorites to win is the current Spanish champion, the sailor from Xábia Rafa Andarias, who will fight for his fifth national title

· Representing Galicia will be four athletes, among whom is the sailor of the pre-Olympic team Fran Piñeiro

Baiona, June 19, 2015.- The Monte Real Club de Yates organizes this weekend in Baiona, with the sponsorship of Vitaldent, the Spanish Championship Class 2.4mR Adapted Sailing. It is the third year that the Baionese club hosts a test of these characteristics, an experience valued by the 2.4mR class when entrusting the organization of the event.

There will be three days of competition in which sailors from different parts of Spain, with and without disabilities, will compete under equal conditions. The championship will start this Friday with a training regatta prior to the scoring tests, which will be held on the weekend starting at noon. The final touch will be the awards ceremony for the winners, on Sunday at five in the afternoon at the facilities of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

One of the favorites to win is the 24-year-old sailor from Xábia, Rafa Andarias, current Spanish champion, who will fight for his fifth national title. Defending the Galician flag will be four Galician athletes, including the pre-Olympic team sailor Fran Piñeiro.

In this championship, the athletes play for at least one place to attend the World Cup that will be held next December in Australia. It will be there where the Spanish sailors will try to qualify Spain for the Paralympics.





Closure of the adapted sailing course 2014-2015


· At the closing of the course, the Minister of Labor and Welfare, Beatriz Mato, highlighted the great work carried out by Monte Real to make Galicia a more inclusive society

· The president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, Gabriel Baltar, thanked Fundación Repsol for its support in making this initiative a reality

· The president of Portos de Galicia and the mayor of Baiona were in charge of raising the blue flag that will fly over the club for the next year

Baiona, June 17, 2015.- The Regional Minister of Labor and Welfare of the Xunta de Galicia, Beatriz Mato, presided this morning in Baiona at the closing ceremony of the 2014-2015 Adapted Sailing Course of the Monte Real Yacht Club, in which students from various associations of disabled people participated of Redondela and the Val Miñor.

In her speech, Beatriz Mato, who was accompanied by the General Secretary for Social Policy, Coro Piñeiro, highlighted the great work carried out by Monte Real to achieve -she said- that Galicia is a more inclusive society. The head of the Xunta also had a special memory for the former president of the club, Rafael Olmedo, who died last February.

The president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, Gabriel Baltar, spoke on behalf of the club, thanking Fundación Repsol for its support in making this initiative a reality, and encouraged public administrations and other companies and institutions to join the project with the aim of can be maintained over the years.

As explained by the vice president of the club, Alejandro Retolaza, the Monte Real Adapted Sailing School was born in 2012 under the motto of “a sea of everyone and for everyone ” and with the aim that people with physical and mental disabilities could practice sailing under equal conditions. Currently, he recalled, there are several associations in the region that participate in the initiative, and the club’s intention is to continue expanding it throughout Galicia with the support of companies and institutions.

Spanish Adapted Sailing Championship

As part of its plan to bring the world of sailing closer to people with disabilities and promote adapted sports, the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes next weekend in Baiona, with the sponsorship of Vitaldent, the Spanish Adapted Sailing Championship for the 2.4mR class. There will be three days of tests in which sailors with and without disabilities, coming from different parts of Spain, will compete under equal conditions.

The championship will begin on Friday the 19th with a training regatta prior to the scoring tests, which will be held on the weekend starting at noon. Two days of competition in the bay of Baiona that will culminate in the awards ceremony for the winners, on Sunday 21 at five in the afternoon at the Monte Real Club de Yates facilities.

I Solidarity Vertiathlon of Baiona

During the act, the vice-president of Monte Real, Alejandro Retolaza, announced the celebration, on September 12, of the I Solidarity Vertiathlon of Baiona. It is a test organized by the club and the town hall in which all athletes who wish to participate can participate. The money raised from the inscriptions will go entirely to the Adapted Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

Blue flag to the Monte Real marina

The president of Portos de Galicia, José Juan Durán, and the mayor of Baiona, Jesús Vázquez, were in charge of hoisting, during the certificate delivery ceremony for the adapted sailing course, the blue flag that will fly in the club on next year.

The Association for Environmental and Consumer Education awarded the Monte Real marina this distinction for the environmental care of its infrastructure, the quality of its waters and the excellence of its nautical services.

The prestigious award, which has the support of UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization, recognizes the good management that the club carries out in its facilities through a specific environmental plan, which includes actions related to water, waste, energy consumption, safety or health, among other actions.

The councilors for accessibility and maritime activities of Baiona, Policarpo Vilar and Raúl Costas, were also present at the closing ceremony of the adapted sailing course and raising the blue flag of Monte Real.

Getaways to the Cíes Islands

During the summer months, the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayona organizes getaways to the Cíes Islands from Baiona, where you can enjoy a whole day sailing through one of the most charming places in Galicia.

At ten in the morning , all those who wish to can embark from the club’s pontoons (located within the grounds of the Parador Nacional de Baiona) in a Figaro Beneteau (a sailboat 10 meters long) accompanied by a skipper from Monte Real, who will take them to the archipelago.

Once there, the possibilities are multiple. Participants will be able to get off at one of the islands to tour it or enjoy a day at the beach, stay on board the sailboat anchored in the vicinity of the islands, or circumnavigate the archipelago.

At eight in the afternoon the boat will be back at Monte Real, to disembark the sailors on the club’s pontoons.

The outings are suitable for people of any age. No special material is needed, although it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes, a jacket that protects you from the cold and wind, sunglasses and sunscreen.

The price of the getaways is 49 euros per person , and they will be organized as long as there is a minimum of 4 participants .

It is essential to book two days in advance, by calling 986 385 000 or 625 261 586 , or writing an email to secretaria@mrcyb.com

Jesús Pintos alone and Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo in two, new Galician cruiser champions

· On board the Victoria, of the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña, Jesús Pintos, who started as the favourite, won the solo category

· Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo, wearing a pendant from the Monte Real Club de Yates, won the category of two after completing a spectacular regatta

· At the awards ceremony held this morning at Monte Real, the family of Don Rafael Olmedo was present, to whom the championship was dedicated

Baiona, June 14, 2015.- The Monte Real Club de Yates delivered this morning in Baiona the trophies to the winners of the Galician Solitaire Championship and A Dos – I Rafael Olmedo Memorial, held this weekend in the Rías Baixas.

Sailing alone the more than 52 miles of the test, the sailor from the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña, Jesús Pintos, who started as the favorite, emerged the winner, becoming the new Galician Solitary Champion. On board the Victoria, he successfully managed to overcome the complicated sea and wind conditions, which were about to capsize twice, and he led the regatta at all times.

In second and third position in the solo category were Fend la Bise, from the Monte Real Club de Yates, skippered by Jean Claude Sarrade; and the Smaku, from the Liceo Marítimo de Bouzas, with Alfonso Rodríguez at the cane.

In the A Two category, victory went to Mi Moneda, from the Monte Real Club de Yates, in which former America’s Cup sailor Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo competed. They achieved the title of new Galician Champions of A Dos after completing a spectacular test, in which their passage through the Ter, in the Ría de Arousa, stood out five minutes before the rest of the participants.

The podium of the two-person category is completed by Virazón de Miguel Lago and Juan Lago, from the Monte Real Yacht Club; and the U47 of José María Peinó and José Manuel Pérez, of the Real Club Náutico de Portosín.

All wearing pendants from the Monte Real Club de Yates, the Mi Moneda, the Virazón and the Luna Nueva, achieved the top positions in the J80 class.

Once the competition was over, which was characterized by difficult sea and wind conditions, especially in the section between the Picamillo and the entrance to the Arousa estuary, the compensation of times raised the Mi Moneda of Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo as absolute winner of the test. The silver of the trophy went to the Virazón of Miguel Lago and Juan Lago, and the bronze to the U47 of José María Peinó and José Manuel Pérez.

Present at the awards ceremony held this morning at the Monte Real Club de Yates were the widow and children of Don Rafael Olmedo Limeses, former president of the Baiona club, who died last February, to whom the championship was dedicated. Rafael Olmedo Jr. was in charge of delivering the award to the winner of the championship.


  1. My Coin · Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo · Monte Real Yacht Club
  2. Virazón · Miguel Lago and Juan Lago · Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. U47 · José María Peinó and José Manuel Pérez · Real Club Náutico de Portosín


  1. Victory Jesús Pintos Royal Yacht Club of A Coruña
  2. Fend la Bise Jean Claude Sarrade Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. Smaku Alfonso Rodríguez Bouzas Maritime Lyceum


  1. My Coin · Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo · Monte Real Yacht Club
  2. Virazón · Miguel Lago and Juan Lago · Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. U47 · José María Peinó and José Manuel Pérez · Real Club Náutico de Portosín


  1. My Coin · Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo · Monte Real Yacht Club
  2. Virazón · Miguel Lago and Juan Lago · Monte Real Yacht Club
  3. New Moon · Juan Luis Tuero and Rogelio Torres · Monte Real Yacht Club



Pintos, Peinó and Bugallo lead the Galician Solitaire Championship and Two

· At the helm of the Victoria and running through the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña, Jesús Pintos will win, almost certainly, in the solo category

· José María Peinó and José Manuel Pérez aboard the U47 and Luis Bugallo and Gerardo Prego aboard the Pairo 8 fight for victory in the A Two category

· The prizes for the Galician Solitaire Championship and A Dos – I Rafael Olmedo Memorial will be awarded tomorrow, Sunday at one o’clock at the Monte Real Club de Yates

Baiona, June 13, 2015.- Spectacular duel in the water, from the beginning of the race, between two of the contenders for the podium of the Galician Solitary and Two-handed Championship, which will be held this weekend in the Rías Baixas, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne.

The U47 of José María Peinó and José Manuel Pérez, and the Pairo 8 of Luis Bugallo and Gerardo Prego, are fighting for first place in the A Two category. In the solo category, Jesús Pintos, who started as the favourite, is living up to expectations and remains the leader in real time aboard the Victoria. In J80, the good work of Laureano Wizner and Alfonso Crespo placed Mi Moneda as the favorite to win the class.

The Galician Solitaire and Two-Handed Championship – I Rafael Olmedo Memorial began promptly at 11 in the morning in the bay of Baiona, where a route of more than 52 miles was started. Once the clearance was overcome, the boats hoisted spinnakers and sailed with a tailwind at quite a speed through the interior of the Parque Natural de las Atlánticas to the Ter, on the Island of Arousa, where the first ones turned around after two in the afternoon. At this time the boats continue towards the Cíes, where the finish line is set.

The final classification will be known, predictably, this morning, and tomorrow, Sunday, at one in the afternoon, the awards ceremony will be held at the facilities of the Monte Real Yacht Club.



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