Okofen wins the J80 Comunica Trophy


· The sailboat armed by Javier de la Gándara chains a new victory in the regattas held in Galicia in this 2020 after winning the Galician Two-Way Cruise Championship just a few days ago

· Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto and José Luis Pérez’s Maija won silver and bronze in a competition that kept the pulse going until the final day in which the winners’ podium was decided

· The Comunica Trophy marked the closure of the J80 League with which the Monte Real Club de Yates inaugurated its sports calendar this year and which had to be suspended during the state of alarm derived from COVID19

The Comunica Trophy sentenced the J80 Winter League – Photo Carlos Hernández

The Okofen, armed and skippered by the prominent sailor from Vigo Javier de la Gándara, won the Comunica Trophy this afternoon in Baiona, with which the Monte Real Club de Yates was able to finally close the J80 League that had had to suspend last month of March due to the state of alarm motivated by COVID19.

After three months of competition and another three of break, the one-design championship promoted by Monte Real said goodbye to Baiona with the fourth and last day of tests, in which the J80s competed in the last two regattas that ended up defining the podium of winners.

They were two sleeves that were held in complicated conditions due to the wind, which had many ups and downs, even disappearing at times, and which forced the area of the regatta field to be changed several times.

In the Okofen De la Gándara and Manel María Cunha alternated at the cane – Photo Carlos Hernández

After having won the Galician Two-Way Cruise Championship a few days ago and reaching the final as a clear contender for the title, the Okofen did not disappoint. With Javier de la Gándara leading the team, the usual crew that Manel María Cunha joined on this last day, signed two first places in the two contested races and sentenced the championship.

Javier de la Gándara and his son Jaime collected the award for the winner of the Comunica Trophy – Photo Carlos Hernández

With 13 points he won gold in the Comunica Trophy, leaving Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto, who finished with 28 points, the silver medal. The Fuss was quite far from the first place they had aspired to since January, when they started winning on the first day of the league. He was, without a doubt, the best rival for Okofen and the one that came closest to beating him, although in the end he was quite a few points behind him.

The crew of Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto came second -Photo Carlos Hernández

Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino, who came third in the final, was unable to consolidate that third position, which was finally snatched away by José Luis Pérez’s Maija, with 40 points. Those of Yáñez, with 42 points, stayed just outside the podium, with a meritorious fourth position.

José Luis Pérez’s Maija took bronze in the competition – Photo Carlos Hernández

Present at the award ceremony, held at the end of the tests at the Monte Real Yacht Club, were, among others, the Vice President and Commodore of Monte Real, Alejandro Retolaza and Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui; and the executive director of Comunica Comunicación Visual, Roberto Lira, as sponsor of the event.




The Comunica Trophy puts an end to the Monte Real J80 League

The Comunica Trophy will decide tomorrow, Saturday in Baiona, the winners of the Monte Real J80 League, which was suspended last March due to the health situation caused by COVID-19

· The Okofen skippered by Javier de la Gándara, who a few days ago won the Galician A Dos Championship, is leading the standings and aspires to revalidate the title it won in the previous edition of the J80 Winter League

· El Alboroto by Juan Carlos Ameneiro and El Cansino by Fernando Yáñez occupy second and third place in the provisional classification, followed by El Maija by José Luis Pérez and Namasté by Luis de Mira

· The final victory will be played in four double courses of the windward-leeward type tomorrow, Saturday, starting at three in the afternoon in the bay of Baiona

The Comunica Trophy will decide tomorrow, Saturday in Baiona, the winners of the J80 League of the Monte Real Club de Yates, the one-design competition of the Baiona club that was suspended last March due to the health situation derived from COVID-19.

Starting at three in the afternoon, the waters of the bay will be the scene of the last four tests of the competition, from which the design of the final classification and the winners’ podium will come out. The J80s will have to complete four double courses of the windward leeward type, between 2 and 3 miles of course with close hauls, two sterns and several maneuvers on buoys.

The weather forecast announces a typical summer day, with temperatures approaching 30 degrees and a wind that will blow from the north with an average of 5 or 6 knots and gusts of up to 10 knots at times.

The competition will be in real time and with direct judgment in the water, thanks to the presence of a judge who will rule in situ on the protests that may arise during the events. This will speed up the resolution of possible conflicts between sailboats without having to wait for the end of the races for their resolution on land, thus avoiding delaying the publication of the classifications.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen is the one with the best chance of winning the Comunica Trophy – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Okofen skippered by Javier de la Gándara, who just a few days ago won the Galician Two-Handed Championship, is leading the standings and aspires to revalidate the title it won in the previous edition of the J80 Winter League.

With 11 points, it is six ahead of its most direct rival, Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto, which is, with 17 points, the other sailboat with the best chance of winning the final victory.

Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Rampage will try to take first place from Okofen – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Behind Okofen and Alboroto, although separated by quite a few more points, are Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino, which occupies third place in the provisional classification with 32 points, and José Luis Pérez’s Maija and Luis de Mira’s Namasté , who are fourth and fifth with 35 and 40 points respectively.

Once the tests in the water have finished, the Monte Real Club de Yates will host the awards ceremony for the winners, which will be held at around eight in the afternoon at the club’s facilities. It will be attended, among others, by several members of the board of directors of Monte Real as the organizing club, the Baiona city council and Comunica, the company sponsoring the event, a visual communication firm that offers its services throughout Galicia from the municipality of A Guarda, where its main headquarters are located. The firm will be represented by its executive director, Roberto Lira.

The Comunica Trophy will conclude the J80 League postponed by COVID19 – Photo © Rosana Calvo


Monte Real manages to bring the 52 SUPER SERIES to Baiona in 2021


· After months of negotiations and hard work to meet all the requirements demanded by the organization, the Monte Real Club de Yates manages to make the 52 SUPER SERIES land in Galicia in 2021, coinciding with the Xacobeo Year

· For 8 days in June, the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week will bring together in the Rías Baixas some of the best sailors in the world aboard boats with cutting-edge technology, competing in the so-called “Formula 1 of the sea”.

With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world, along with the America’s Cup and the Sailing Tour of the World

Its impact reaches figures of up to two million euros of investment in local companies and services in each of the nautical events and one billion impacts in different media and online channels


Fifteen years after the milestone that the departure of the Sailing Tour of the World from Vigo in 2005 meant for Galicia, the Monte Real Club de Yates once again puts the Galician community in the spotlight of the world nautical scene by including Baiona in the circuit of the prestigious 52 SUPER SERIES.

After months of negotiations and hard work to meet all the requirements demanded by the organization, the historic club from Baiona has just confirmed that the considered “Fórmula 1 del mar” has agreed to compete in one of its events in the Galician Rías Baixas in June 2021, coinciding with the celebration of the Xacobeo Holy Year.

The MRCYB will host one of the world’s great sailing competitions in 2021 – Photo © Nico Martínez

With high performance and great international prestige, the 52 SUPER SERIES are one of the three most important nautical events in the world, along with the America’s Cup and the World Sailing Tour. Between 10 and 12 teams of more than 8 nationalities of sailors from the 5 continents compete aboard boats with cutting-edge technology in tests that are held for months in different ports around the world.

The Baiona Sailing Week will be held in the unique setting of the Galician Rías Baixas – Photo © Baiona Tourism

Next year, one of those stages will be the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week , which will be held for 8 days, between June 3 and 10, both inclusive. The first two days, on days 3 and 4, the crews will compete in training regattas in the area set aside for the competition, a place very close to the Atlantic Islands National Park, just in front of the Cíes Islands. The third day, June 5, is reserved for training in an already official regatta, although not scoring; and in the last 5 days, from 6 to 10, the competition itself will be held, with the regattas that will define the final classification from which the winners will emerge.

Jose Luis Alvarez, President MRCYB – Photo © MRCYB

In addition to the sporting events, the Monte Real Club de Yates will organize multiple social events, such as meetings with the sailors, visits to the participating boats, conferences and talks about the competition or parties with the crews, among many others. It will also be a unique opportunity to rediscover Monte Real, one of the oldest clubs in Spain, with a long and prolific journey on the international nautical scene.

What was once the first Spanish club to present a challenge to the Copa América de Vela currently organizes some of the most outstanding regattas in Spain, such as the Príncipe de Asturias Trophy or the Conde de Gondomar Trophy. Recently, Monte Real has also announced the celebration in Baiona, in 2023, of the J80 Class World Cup, which will become the eighth World Cup event that the club has organized throughout its more than 50-year history.

The TP52s are guaranteed action and spectacle – Photo © Nico Martínez

A prestigious circuit considered the “Formula 1 of the sea”

The 52 SUPER SERIES were born from the hands of three businessmen in love with the sea and enthusiastic sailors: the American Doug DeVos (co-president of the prestigious marketing company Amway and owner of the Orlando Magic NBA basketball team), the Swedish Niklas Zennström (creator of numerous companies such as Skype or Kazaa) and the Argentine Alberto Roemmers (founder of Laboratorios Roemmers, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Argentina).

In 2012 they created a circuit that each year goes through five or six of the best places on the planet to haggle in tests in which an unparalleled fleet competes, made up of the best sailors in the world. On board the TP52, a type of 52-foot (15.85 m.) boat that is almost identical in its performance, the crews must make a difference with the technological innovations that they apply to sailboats and the expertise and skills of their teams. .

The organization of each of the stages of the 52 SUPER SERIES involves the movement of some 500 people, up to 12 megayachts and support boats. All that logistics, along with flight reservations, accommodation and restaurants; service companies and teams; they represent an expense that reaches more than 3 million euros, of which about two million stay in local companies and services in the place where they compete.

Monte Real is the first club to bring the 52SS to Galicia – Photo © Nico Martínez

The extensive media coverage, both national and international, of the nautical event, reaches figures that, according to data from the organization, are around one billion hits in different media, with more than one million views on live television in the competition and close to 10 million impressions on the online channels of social networks. The regatta is also followed all over the world, with live images or through virtual reality systems from the website www.52superseries.com.

Another aspect to highlight of the 52 SUPER SERIES and the MRCYB will be their firm commitment to sustainability. The competition and its collaborating organization in this matter, 11th Hour Racing, will promote a series of actions in each of the regattas aimed at promoting environmental awareness through education and action. The commitment is to achieve a zero footprint of ecological impact, an effort that will be redoubled in the waters of the Ría de Vigo as it is of a very high environmental value.


Authorities attending the presentation at the MRCYB of the 52 Super Series Baiona Sailing Week – Photo © MRCYB

The official announcement of the achievement of the 52 SUPER SERIES for Galicia by the Monte Real Yacht Club was made this morning at a press conference held in Baiona, which was attended by the General Director of the competition, the Spanish Agustín Zulueta, who signed the contract for the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week together with the president of Monte Real, José Luis Álvarez.

“Just a month ago we revealed that we had been chosen to organize the 2023 J80 World Championship and today’s news is undoubtedly another of the great announcements that will mark 2020 for Monte Real. That the 52 Super Series land in Baiona is great news only for us as a club, or for Baiona as a town, but for all of Galicia, which for weeks will become the focus of the world nautical scene. Many years have passed since we presented, for the first time in the history of Spain, that Challenge to the America’s Sailing Cup, and those of you who follow us closely know that we have never abandoned our desire to write new chapters in the history of sailing. Today, in front of a blank page, we begin to write a new one”

José Luis Álvarez President of the Monte Real Yacht Club

Agustin Zulueta CEO 52 Super Series – Photo © MRCYB

“For us, announcing the Baiona regatta in 2021 is something that excites us. We have been looking for a location that joins the one in Cascais for some time to take advantage of the movement of ships to the Atlantic from our usual headquarters in the Mediterranean. It is the first time in the ten seasons of the 52 SUPER SERIES that we go to Galicia and it was like a debt that we had as organizers. Baiona is the ideal place. June is the best time to sail, it is an exceptional town with great infrastructures and services, with incredible scenery and ideal sailing conditions. We are facing a completely new destination for our shipowners who like to discover new places and we are convinced that Baiona and Galicia are going to love it. The Monte Real Club de Yates has been very receptive to the proposal from the first moment and we want to thank its president, José Luis Álvarez, and its board of directors for the facilities they have shown to bring the 52 SUPER SERIES to Baiona”

Agustín Zulueta General Director of the 52 Super Series

Diego Torrado from Vigo also took part in the press conference, a regular in the 52 SUPER SERIES who has been on the circuit for years as boat captain, previously with the Russian Bronenosec Gazprom and currently with the South African Phoenix 12. As the voice of the experience, Torrado explained to those attending the presentation the main characteristics of a competition that he described as unique and spectacular.

“For me it is a ‘luxury’ that the 52 SUPER SERIES come to Baiona. It is one of the most nautical places in Spain with a history linked to the sea for many centuries. That a class like ours comes to the MRCYB, which was the first port where the announcement of the discovery of America arrived in 1492, shows that it is a place with an excellent seafaring tradition and culture. Baiona’s life is focused on the sea and a competition like this deserves. The 52 SUPER SERIES is the largest annual circuit format regatta in the world. It is the top in the world of sailing where the best sailors in the world are. Due to the quality of the sailors and the event, there is no similar circuit. I think that for all the boats sailing on the Galician coast is going to be a challenge when leaving the Mediterranean due to the different conditions. The Vigo estuary area, being protected, provides wonderful sailing conditions, but we must not forget that we are in the Atlantic”

Diego Torrado Sailor of the 52 Super Series

“From this moment we acquired an important commitment hosting one of the tests of the 52 Super Series, and we do it with tremendous enthusiasm, passion and dedication. We are not only committed to making this event a success in the organization, but also to leave the deepest mark possible on this club, in Galicia and in sport. We want the promotion of the practice of sailing to be marked by the 52 Super Series. It is an exceptional opportunity for the projection of Baiona and Galicia, but also to create a quarry and fans and we are going to work hard to achieve it”

Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui Commodore of the MRCYB

The Xunta de Galicia (autonomous administration), the Diputación de Pontevedra (provincial administration) and the Baiona City Council (local administration), regular supporters of the competitions and initiatives of the Monte Real Yacht Club, also did not want to miss the official presentation of the event . Everyone praised the magnificent qualities of the Monte Real Club de Yates for organizing great events like this one and predicted the greatest success for the 52 SUPER SERIES Baiona Sailing Week.

“What nature has given us has helped us to carry out all these types of events, but we must also highlight the capacity and human quality of the MRCYB. Baiona is proud of this club for its commitment to our people, and I am especially proud to co-participate in all these events in which we demonstrate that, when all the administrations are united, we can do very important things for our people. In my name and in the name of all the men and women of Baiones, welcome to all and congratulations”

Carlos Gómez Mayor of Baiona

“I love the passion with which everyone talks about these water sports because, as you well know, one of our goals is to promote the sport and every time Monte Real asks us for help, we are there. Be grateful that there are clubs like this one that carry out the organization of these activities. We hope that this activity has the welcome it should have and thank Monte Real again for having summoned us”

Raquel Giraldez Deputy of the Pontevedra Provincial Council

“The link between Baiona and this club to the sea is evident, and this regatta is important because it will surely be in the top three in the world along with the America’s Cup and the Volvo Ocean Race. It is good for Galicia because it once again puts the world focus here and on sailing at an extraordinary moment for Galicia and for the world, coinciding with Xacobeo 2021, and having been able to stop the pandemic and be the first Autonomous Community to leave of the State of Alarm. Congratulations to the club, this magnificent club, and to all the sailors for this event. The departure of the Volvo Ocean Race 2005 marked a before and after and I am sure that this event will allow us to take another step to continue making a real commitment to the sport of sailing, which is strategic for the Xunta de Galicia”

José Ramón Lete Lasa General Secretary for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia


The Okofen of Javier de la Gándara and Diego Fernández, Galician cruiserweight champion A Dos in the MRW Trophy in Baiona

  • De la Gándara and Fernández won the regional title after winning with total authority in the championship held today Saturday under the organization of the Monte Real Yacht Club.
  • In addition to the Galician title, the event put the MRW Trophy at stake with victory for Okofen in ORC 1, Alechu Retolaza and Roy Alonso’s Tutatis in ORC 2 and José Luis Pérez and Miguel Larrán’s Maija in J80.
  • The event in Baiona also paid tribute for the sixth year to Don Rafael Olmedo, president of Monte Real for more than four decades, and marked the restart of the regatta calendar in Galicia.
The fleet arriving at Carallones – Photo © Clara Giraldo

Great day of competition in the waters of Baiona. The Monte Real Club de Yates today launched the Galician regatta calendar after the break due to the health crisis, putting the Galician A Dos Cruise Championship into play, a test that is part of the MRW Trophy and in which thirty of Equipements. The Okofen of Javier de la Gándara and Diego Fernández has been the winner of the event and has become the new Galician champion of the class.

As predicted by the weather reports, the day dawned very cloudy, with light rain and light winds early in the morning that increased as the day progressed, reaching an average intensity of 18 knots and with peaks of more than 25 at the height of Cíes, conditions that decreased again in the middle of the afternoon for the final leg of the regatta.

The fleet sailing towards the La Negra buoy – Photo © Clara Giraldo

Thus, after a few minutes of waiting around the scheduled time for the wind to finish picking up in the Bay of Baiona, the Regatta Committee honked the start at 11:15 a.m. for a route that would take the fleet to the mark del Camouco –previously passing Carallones, La Negra and Cíes- and turning south to take the finish line located finally in front of the Cíes Islands. In total, 28.8 miles of course for a highly disputed edition in which the fleet had to make a maximum effort from the first section and until the end of the regatta.

Okofen, Galician champion of A Dos – Photo © Clara Giraldo

The first to cross the finish line was Ignacio Sánchez and Pablo Franco’s Txole (MRCYB) at the stroke of 4:00 p.m., although on this occasion the victory was finally won by Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen and Diego Fernández with an advantage of up to fifteen minutes over the second classified and twenty over the third. With this result, de la Gándara and Fernández were proclaimed winners with full authority of the Galician Cruiser Championship A Dos ahead of ¡Ay Carmela! from Juan Martínez and Ignacio Correa (CM Liceo de Bouzas), who was second, and from Orión with Javier Pérez and Esteban Gañete (MRCYB), who closed the podium in third place.

In addition to the regional title, the event in Baiona decided the winners of the MRW Trophy in the ORC 1, ORC 2 and J80 categories. Victory in the one-design category, which was undoubtedly one of the closest of the event with just two minutes difference between the first three teams, went to José Luis Pérez and Miguel Larrán’s Maija ahead of Nano Yáñez’s Cansino and Manuel Fernández and del Picacho de Margarita Cameselle and Alberto García, second and third respectively in the general of J80. The three teams representing Monte Real.

Tutatis, winner of the MRW Trophy in ORC 2 – Photo © Clara Giraldo

In ORC 1, meanwhile, the podium remains the same as for the Galician Championship with Okofen in the lead, followed by ¡Ay Carmela! and Orión, while in ORC 2 the win went to Tutatis led by Alechu Retolaza and Roy Alonso (MRCYB) with a notable advantage of over seven minutes over Silleiro led by Bruno Gago and César Conde (MRCYB), who were seconds. Third place on this occasion went to the team from the Club Náutico de Boiro, the Piko Norte of José Manuel Castro and Lucas Piñeiro.

Maija, winner of the MRW Trophy in J80 – Photo © Clara Giraldo

After the regatta, the awards ceremony will be held on the terrace of Monte Real at 8:00 p.m. and will be attended by Manuel Villaverde, president of the RFGV; Carlos Gómez, mayor of Baiona; Marta Iglesias, delegate of the Xunta de Galicia; Gorka Gómez on behalf of the Pontevedra Provincial Council; Mauro Olmedo; José Luis Álvarez, president of the MRCYB; Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui, Commodore of the MRCYB and Santos Almeida representing MRW, main sponsor of the regatta.



Okofen · Javier de la Gándara and Diego Fernández (MRCYB)



  1. Okofen · Javier de la Gándara and Diego Fernández (MRCYB)
  2. Ay Carmela! · Juan Martínez and Ignacio Correa (CM Liceo de Bouzas)
  3. Orion Javier Pérez and Esteban Gañete (MRCYB)


  1. Tutatis Alejandro Retolaza and Roy Alonso (MRCYB)
  2. Silleiro · Bruno Gago and César Conde (MRCYB)
  3. Piko Norte · José Manuel Castro and Lucas Piñeiro (CN Boiro)


  1. Maija José Luis Pérez and Miguel Larrán (MRCYB)
  2. Cansino · Nano Yáñez and Manuel Fernández (MRCYB)
  3. Picacho Margarita Cameselle and Alberto García (MRCYB)


Okofen · Javier de la Gándara and Diego Fernández (MRCYB)

Everything ready in Baiona to compete tomorrow in the MRW Trophy for cruise ships A Dos

  • The test will define the new Galician champion of the class and will inaugurate the regatta season in Galicia after the break caused by the Covid-19 health crisis.
  • A total of 31 teams have confirmed their participation in what is already one of the most anticipated events of the season.

Everything is ready so that tomorrow, Saturday, June 27, the MRW Trophy will be held in Baiona, an event that will put the Galician Two-Handed Championship at stake and that will mean the return to competition sailing in Galicia after the break caused by the health crisis. The pace of work at the Monte Real Club de Yates is already at its most intense this afternoon with security checks, formalization of registrations, the skippers’ meeting scheduled for 8:00 p.m. and the final preparations for tomorrow’s race one of the most anticipated regattas of the season.

In total there will be 31 teams that will be at the starting line representing the Monte Real Club de Yates, Real Club Náutico de Vigo, Club Náutico Punta Lagoa, Club Náutico Portonovo and the Liceo Marítimo de Bouzas, with the local club having more boats in contention. Each and every one of them must initially complete a route of approximately 35.5 miles and the weather reports point to a perfect day with winds between 12 and 15 knots of intensity.

The start of the regatta is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. and the first to complete the course could start crossing the finish line at around 4:30 p.m. Everything will depend on how the day unfolds, although the Race Committee could decide to shorten the last miles of the course in case the wind dropped towards the end of the afternoon.

Once the regatta is over, the awards ceremony will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the Baiona club, putting an end to a new edition of the Galician Two-Handed Championship, the ninth consecutive organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona and that also pays homage to Don Rafael Olmedo.

Follow the regatta live

The MRW Trophy inaugurates the return to competition in Baiona

  • The event, which will bring the Galician A Dos Cruise Championship into play, will bring together a powerful fleet of more than 30 ships to compete in the first event on the calendar after the break caused by the Covid-19 health crisis.
  • Starting and finishing in the Bay of Baiona, the fleet will have to complete a route of about 35.5 miles in total.
  • In addition to deciding the new regional champion of the class, the test will pay tribute to the president of Monte Real for more than 40 years, Don Rafael Olmedo, and will score points for the Rías Baixas A Dos Circuit.

Competition sailing is back in Galicia and the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona will be in charge of inaugurating the regatta calendar after the break caused by the Covid-19 health crisis. This coming Saturday, June 27, the club from Baiona will celebrate the MRW Trophy, a test that will put the Galician A Dos Cruiser Championship at stake and will pay tribute to Don Rafael Olmedo, who was president of Monte Real for more than 40 years. The event hopes to exceed the figure of thirty boats fighting to win the regional title of the 2020 season, which will also score points for the Rías Baixas A Dos Circuit.

The test will officially begin on Friday with the safety checks, registration confirmation and the skippers’ meeting convened for 8:00 p.m. Already on Saturday, at 11:00 a.m., the Regatta Committee will give the starting honk in the bay of Baiona for a route of approximately 35.5 miles, which will take the fleet to the Camouco beacon passing through those of Carallones , La Negra and Cíes before heading back to the bay. Although everything will depend on the wind conditions, everything indicates that the regatta will last until late in the afternoon.

Among those registered, a whole cast of high-level teams and sailors who promise to put on a show on the regatta field. Names like the Pairo with Luis Bugallo at the cane; the Oh Carmela! of Juan Martínez, current Galician runner-up in the class, or the Bon III of Víctor Carrión, who took the bronze in the last edition of the championship, will be some of those who fight for the precious Galician title.

The J80 fleet will not be missing either, although they usually compete in real time, they will be able to choose in this test to do it in compensated time to fight for the Galician title. Javier de la Gándara’s “Okofen” and Nano Yáñez’s “Cansino”, winner of the last edition in its class, are among the monotypes registered to date.

This is the ninth consecutive year that the Royal Galician Sailing Federation has delegated the organization of one of the most demanding regattas of the season to the club from Baiona and, as usual, the event can be followed in real time via mobile or computer on the website of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

Once the regatta is over, the awards ceremony will be held at 8:00 p.m. on the club’s terrace.

The appointment, how could it be otherwise, will have all the security and prevention measures set by the General Secretariat for Sport and the RFGV to minimize the chances of contagion from Covid-19.

Monte Real adapts its summer sailing courses to the new health situation after COVID-19

· The Monte Real Club de Yates reopens its sailing school this summer adopting special hygiene, health and safety protocols due to COVID-19

· Its summer campaign includes proposals so that children and adults can learn to sail and enjoy the sea in the Rías Baixas

· The Baionese club offers dinghy and cruising sailing courses, courses to learn to sail in one day, sailing activities at sunset or to the Cíes Islands

· Although the courses and activities will not start until June 29, the registration period is now open and you can request a place or information at the club

The Monte Real Club de Yates will reopen its Sailing School this summer adopting special hygiene, health and safety protocols due to COVID-19. Although sailing is a low-risk sport, with hardly any physical contact and always practiced outdoors, the Baionese club has preferred to implement specific measures with the aim of guaranteeing the peace of mind of its users.

All coaches will be tested for COVID-19, and both they and the students will have to pass a temperature check at the entrance of the club; they will have to wear a mask whenever they are not in the water; after each use, all boats and materials will be disinfected; the boats will be distributed with the required separation; and the theoretical activities will be carried out abroad. It is also planned to promote personal hygiene measures such as hand washing, and the club’s facilities will be systematically disinfected.

Another of the measures to be applied involves a significant reduction in the ratio of students per boat and course, so places will be very limited and will be awarded in strict order of enrollment. Although the courses and activities will not start until June 29, the registration period is now open and you can request a place or information at the club.

The Monte Real summer campaign includes proposals so that children and adults can learn to sail and enjoy the sea in the Rías Baixas during the months of July, August and September. The Baionese club offers dinghy and cruising sailing courses, courses to learn to sail in one day, and sailing activities at sunset or to the Cíes Islands.

For the youngest members of the household, aged between 7 and 16, the Baionese club organizes Weekly light sailing courses , in the morning or afternoon, so that children can have a first contact with sailing or improve their technique with different types of boats if they already know how to sail.

For those over 16 years of age, Monte Real offers weekly cruising sailing courses , also with the option to choose a morning or afternoon schedule. Always accompanied by a coach from the club, with these courses the students learn to sail in the calm waters of the bay of Baiona and end up going out to the open sea to perfect their knowledge on board the sailboat.

And for those who want to learn to sail but do not have a week to attend the course, Monte Real also offers Courses to learn to sail in one day . During a day, from morning to afternoon, the participants will be able to learn the basic maneuvers to handle a boat.

Sailing to the Cíes Islands or at sunset are other proposals from the Monte Real Yacht Club for this summer , aimed above all at families or groups of friends who want to enjoy sailing while learning sailing concepts.

In the case of Sailing to the Cíes Islands, it is a one-day activity, from eleven in the morning to seven in the evening, which includes a sailing trip to the archipelago during which you learn to sail and disembark on the island to eat and have a guided visit to the natural park.

Between July and September there is also the possibility of Sunset Sailing , an activity with which to discover the keys to handling a sailing vessel as the day falls.

To receive more information or reserve a place in any of the activities , you can call 986 385 000 or 615 999 718 or write an email to secretaria@mrcyb.com.


One more year with a blue flag at the Monte Real Yacht Club


· The Monte Real Club de Yates is one of the marinas in Galicia recognized by the ADEAC with a blue flag in 2020

· The club thus consolidates a distinction that it has maintained, uninterruptedly except for one year, since 1988

· The environmental plan launched by the club includes actions related to water, waste, energy consumption, safety or health

· Monte Real currently has 5 environmental and tourist quality distinctions

Puerto Deportivo Baiona, Vigo, Galicia

Once again this year, the Monte Real Yacht Club has renewed its blue flag for the environmental care of its infrastructures, the quality of its waters and the excellence of its nautical services .

The Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC) has included Monte Real in the list of marinas in Galicia that this year obtained the distinction of ‘ blue flag marina ‘.

The club thus consolidates a distinction that it has maintained , uninterruptedly except for one year, since 1988 , with a specific environmental program that includes actions related to water, waste, energy consumption, safety or health, among others. Actions.

Monte Real currently has 5 environmental and tourist quality distinctions :

1) BLUE FLAG – Since 1988
2) Q FOR QUALITY – Awarded to establishments that meet an international standard that evaluates criteria of quality, rigor and professionalism
3) SICTED – Tourism Quality Commitment Seal
4) QUALITY COAST – International award that distinguishes the coastal environmental quality of the area for sustainable tourism
5) GALICIA QUALITY SEAL – Distinction granted by the Xunta de Galicia that guarantees the quality of a facility as a benchmark for leisure and sports



Baiona will host the J80 class sailing World Championship in 2023

· The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona has been chosen to organize a world championship that will be held for the first time in Galicia

· The J80 are one of the most numerous and successful classes in Spanish sailing with 190 units, of which 130 compete in different parts of the country.

· Spain also has some of the best J80 sailors in the world, such as the five-time world champion Rayco Tabares

· That of 2023 will be the fourth World Cup that lands in Spain after the events held in Santander (2009), Sotogrande (2016) and Getxo (2019)

The Galician fishing village of Baiona will host the J80 class sailing World Championship in 2023. This was announced this morning at a press conference by the president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, José Luis Álvarez, who was very proud that the club had been chosen to organize such a prestigious sporting event.

This will be the first time that the J80 world championship is held in Galicia, a community that has been betting on this class for years with the holding of numerous competitions and the progressive increase in the number of this type of 8-meter boats, which are 29 at present and they have their main fleets in Baiona and A Coruña.

With the year already set on the agenda but with the exact date of the event still to be determined, at the Monte Real Club de Yates they are already beginning to pave the way to guarantee the success of the world championship. Over the next two years, the club’s board of directors plan to launch a full test drive to further push the J80 forward and encourage more owners to join the class.

To its usual J80 Autumn and Winter Leagues, in which the Galician fleet mainly participates; Other regattas of national importance will be added, such as the Spanish Cup or the Spanish Championship, which Monte Real hopes to organize before 2023.

In short, it is about focusing our gaze on the ultimate goal of achieving a world championship with the greatest possible participation of boats from different countries in the world, following in the footsteps of the other J80 world championships previously held in Spain, in Santander (2009 ), Sotogrande (2016) and Getxo (2019).

The president of the MRCYB, José Luis Álvarez, was in charge of making the official announcement of the 2013 Baiona J80 World Championship – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The official presentation of the event was attended this morning in Baiona by the president and commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club, José Luis Álvarez and Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui; the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; the deputy for sports from the Pontevedra Provincial Council, Gorka Gómez; Guillermo Blanco representing the J80 Spain Class; and the president of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, Manuel Villaverde. The General Secretary for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia, José Ramón Lete Lasa, transmitted to the club his congratulations by telephone and his commitment to support the World Cup as he was unable to attend the presentation because he was preparing the protocols for returning to activity for a large part of the sports sector of the Galician community.

A great step to strengthen the “Spanish Navy”

This new world championship awarded to Spain will undoubtedly be a unique opportunity to consolidate a class that is currently one of the largest in the country, with some 190 units (of which 130 compete in different parts of Spain). and very active fleets in Galicia, Cantabria, the Basque Country, Andalusia, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

Spain also has some of the best J80 sailors in the world, such as the five-time world champion, Rayco Tabares from the Canary Islands; the Cantabrian Pablo Santurde, who currently holds the title after winning last year’s world championship in Getxo at the controls of the M&G Tressis; or the world runner-up in 2018, the Basque Iker Almandoz.

MRCYB commodore Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui explained the details of winning the J80 Baiona 2023 World Cup – Photo © Rosana Calvo

MRCYB’s commitment to the J80 class

The concession of the 2023 World Cup is an important accolade to the hard work of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona to promote the J80 class in Galicia, for which it has been betting since 2012.

At that time, the club offered very advantageous conditions to the shipowners for the acquisition and mooring of the boats. It also created two specific leagues exclusively for the competition of these monotypes and included specific regattas for them in the club’s major competitions, such as the Conde de Gondomar Trophy or the Príncipe de Asturias Trophy.

Six years after the appearance of the first J80 in Baiona, the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation granted the club the organization of the 2018 Spanish Championship. And just two years later, this new and great leap arrives, towards the 2023 World Cup. Prior to Baiona, the World Cup event will stop in Denmark (2021) and Newport – United States (2022).

Authorities attending the official presentation of the J80 Baiona 2023 World Championship – Photo © Rosana Calvo



“In 2012 we brought the first J80 to Baiona, we facilitated the purchase of boats and moorings, we created specific competitions for them, we included them in our most important trophies and just six years later, in 2018, we were selected to host the Spanish Championship. They were the first fruits of a great effort that gave us the impetus to continue working and that today allows us to be here announcing that in 2023 we will host the most important competition in the class”

JOSE LUIS ÁLVAREZ President of the Monte Real Yacht Club

José Luis Álvarez, president of the MRCYB – Photo © Rosana Calvo

“We have three years ahead of us in which we hope to nurture the club’s calendar of high-level sports competitions such as the Cup or the Spanish Championship, among others, and thus, in this way, gradually increase the existing J80 fleet. in Galicia and encourage many more shipowners from all over Spain to sail in the J80 class, which is a boat that offers great emotions at sea”

IGNACIO SÁNCHEZ OTAEGUI Commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club

Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui, Commodore of the MRCYB – Photo © Rosana Calvo

“As mayor of Baiona I am very proud of the work done by the Monte Real Club de Yates during all these years. Bringing a world championship to our town is a luxury and of course the only ones who could achieve it were the directors and members of this club that gives us so much joy. My most sincere congratulations on this great success”

CARLOS GÓMEZ Mayor of Baiona

Carlos Gómez, Mayor of Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

“The Monte Real Club de Yates is synonymous with success when it organizes something and the union of Baiona with Monte Real Club de Yates is guaranteed success, so we have no doubt that it will be a unique world championship. From the Pontevedra Provincial Council we have been supporting sailing for a long time and we are going to support this event, especially at this time, in which it is very important not only to promote sport but also tourism, which is another aspect to highlight of this event”

GORKA GÓMEZ Deputy for Sports of the Pontevedra Provincial Council

Gorka Gómez, deputy for sports of the Pontevedra Provincial Council – Photo © Rosana Calvo

“What is presented here today is, without a doubt, very good news for everyone, a very important event not only for Galicia but for all of Spain. We are lucky that the World Cup will be held under the organization of a club with a great track record such as the Monte Real Club de Yates and in a unique place such as Baiona. From the Royal Galician Sailing Federation they will have our full support”

MANUEL VILLAVERDE President of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation

Manuel Villaverde, president of the RFGV – Photo © Rosana Calvo

“From the J80 Spain class we want to congratulate the Monte Real Club de Yate de Baiona because they have done an extraordinary job to achieve this World Cup. They have been given the prize for this championship because there was, without a doubt, very good willows. And that is also why we aspire and we are sure that we will achieve a World Cup at the highest level”

GUILLERMO BLANCO Representative of the J80 class Spain

Guillermo Blanco, representative of the J80 Spain class – © Rosana Calvo


Postponed the Prima Vinia Trophy Galician Singles and Twos Championship

Motivated by the situation that arose as a result of the Covid-19 health crisis, the Monte Real Club de Yates has decided to postpone the Prima Vinia Trophy – Galician Solitaire Championship and A Dos – Rafael Olmedo Memorial to a date yet to be determined. to play next June 6.

From the Monte Real Club de Yates we greatly regret this situation but we understand that it is the responsibility of the club to guarantee the celebration of any sporting event with the maximum safety for the participants and in the best conditions for the development of both the regattas on the water and the social events on land.

The Monte Real Yacht Club reopens its facilities with new safety and hygiene protocols against the coronavirus

· The yacht club in Baiona, which has had minimal services since March 14, reopens part of its facilities tomorrow, Friday, with new safety and hygiene protocols against the coronavirus

· The club’s cafeteria will serve members from noon to eight in the afternoon only in the terrace area and with the reduction and separation of tables required by the authorities

· The marina area will remain open to users who want to go sailing or check their boats, but the changing rooms will remain closed and the toilets can only be used individually

After two months providing the minimum services established by the government for marinas, the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona reopens part of its facilities tomorrow with new safety and hygiene protocols against the coronavirus.

The club’s cafeteria and restaurant will serve members from this Friday from twelve noon to eight in the afternoon, although they will do so only in the area of the terraces and with the reduction and separation of tables required by the authorities. Drinks and meals will be served, the latter limited to 40 menus per day and always with prior reservation.

In the marina area, which partners and users have been accessing for days to go sailing or check the status of their boats, the entire seafaring team is already working. During the last weeks, with the impediments to access the pontoons and the restrictions on navigation, the team had been reduced to the maximum, but it is now fully operational, dedicated to the maintenance and annual tuning of the boats and pontoons.

Although the marina area will be fully operational, the changing rooms will remain closed and the toilets can only be used individually.

As for office staff, they will continue to telework as before, thus complying with the labor measures approved by the government, which recommend remote work as a matter of preference whenever possible.

Appealing to individual responsibility, Monte Real recommends that all those people who have had contact with someone diagnosed with the virus in the last 15 days or who present symptoms of fever and/or dry cough refrain from going to the club. However, users who want to access the club will have their temperature taken before entering and if it exceeds 37.5 degrees, access will not be allowed.

Likewise, and as an extension to the safety and hygiene measures, various points with soaps and hydroalcoholic gels have been placed in the club for cleaning hands, and there will also be masks available to all those who do not have their own.

Three races postponed and the next ones still in the air

With the situation arising from the Covid-19 health crisis, the Monte Real Club de Yates has been forced to postpone its first three competitions of the sports year to a date yet to be determined.

The first to fall from the calendar was the Comunica Trophy, which was scheduled to be held on April 25 in the Vigo estuary. The club was also forced to postpone the Repsol Trophy – Spring Regatta, which was going to take place between May 1 and 3.

In both cases, the competitions were affected by the restrictions derived from the State of Alarm, which prohibited all kinds of leisure sports activities, such as nautical tests and exhibitions.

Monte Real will also not be able to organize the Galician Solitaire and Two-Handed Championship – VI Rafael Olmedo Memorial, marked on the calendar for June 6. The Royal Galician Sailing Federation had chosen one more year (the ninth year in a row) the Baionese club to organize the test, and both entities must now find the most suitable date for its celebration.

The hope of resuming the Sailing School in the summer

The Sailing School is another of the sections of the club that have been most affected by the restrictions of the State of Alarm and the measures that have been approved for de-escalation. For the moment, all classes, both dinghy sailing and cruising sailing, and also the adapted sailing courses for people with disabilities, have been paralyzed.

From Monte Real they hope to be able to resume activity little by little, although a full return is not planned, at least until the summer. The evolution of the health crisis and the impositions of the authorities will be the ones that dictate the steps to be taken and what the classes will be like once the activity is resumed. From the club they are clear that nothing will be the same, at least for a while, but they believe that the School, applying more security measures, will be able to resume their routines little by little.

VIDEO: We’ll be back

We will return… to the sea, to the regattas, to the good times on the water.

We will return… to the club, to meet with the family, to meet again with friends.

We will return… to all those things that make us so happy.

We will be back. We are sure of it.


Repsol Trophy postponed

The Monte Real Club de Yates has decided to postpone the Repsol Trophy – Spring Regatta to a date yet to be determined, which was to be held between May 1 and 3.

The postponement is motivated by the situation that arose as a result of the Covid-19 health crisis and as a result of the restrictions derived from the State of Alarm, published in Royal Decree 463/2020.

Article 10.3 of the aforementioned Royal Decree prohibits all kinds of sports and leisure activities such as “nautical tests and exhibitions” , which includes all activities related to regattas or nautical tests and exhibitions while the State of Alarm lasts.

From the Monte Real Club de Yates we greatly regret this situation but we understand that it is the club’s responsibility to comply with the restrictions issued by the authorities to deal with this global health problem.

Comunica Trophy Postponed


The Monte Real Club de Yates has decided to postpone the Comunica Trophy to a date yet to be determined , which was going to be held next Saturday, April 25, in the Vigo estuary.

The postponement is motivated by the situation that arose as a result of the Covid-19 health crisis and as a result of the restrictions derived from the State of Alarm, published in Royal Decree 463/2020.

Article 10.3 of the aforementioned Royal Decree prohibits all kinds of sports and leisure activities such as “nautical tests and exhibitions” , which includes all activities related to regattas or nautical tests and exhibitions while the State of Alarm lasts.

From the Monte Real Club de Yates we greatly regret this situation but we understand that it is the club’s responsibility to comply with the restrictions issued by the authorities to deal with this global health problem.



Due to the situation we are experiencing with the advance of the coronavirus and in accordance with the latest recommendations and guidelines from Health and the Xunta de Galicia, we inform you that the Monte Real Club de Yates is, from today, closed until further notice .

Only seamanship and porter personnel, of minimum services, will remain in the facilities in order to keep the club under surveillance.

For any questions or queries, you can call us at 986 385 000 or contact us through our emails :

  • Leticia: secretaria@mrcyb.com
  • Javier: puerto@mrcyb.com
  • Virginia: accounting@mrcyb.com
  • Roy: addresssports@mrcyb.com
  • Rosana: press@mrcyb.com

At Monte Real Club de Yates we understand that in a situation like the current one , prudence and responsibility must prevail, and the decisions made in recent days are moving in that direction.

The evolution of events will determine future decisions that will be communicated to you as quickly and transparently as possible.

We hope to return to normal activity as soon as possible.



From the Monte Real Club de Yates, the decision has been made to cancel all the social and sports activities planned for the coming days. The J80 Winter League, all Sailing School classes and the pairing dinner scheduled for the weekend have been suspended.

Regarding access to the facilities, from the club The personal responsibility of each member or user is appealed to , recommending, however, that they follow the guidelines of the health authorities, recommendations that include avoiding leaving the house beyond what is strictly necessary and always taking the appropriate prevention measures.

From next Monday, March 16 , the club will maintain the minimum services for its proper functioning, also modifying office hours that will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In the case of having to access the club, to protect oneself and protect others, it is recommended to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, using disposable towels for drying; cover your mouth and nose with your elbow flexed or with disposable tissues when coughing or sneezing; avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands; avoid physical contact, greeting without kisses, hugs or handshakes; maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one meter.

Likewise, and whenever possible, it is recommended to carry out any management related to the club by telephone , by calling 986 385 000, or by writing an email to the corresponding department: manager@mrcyb.com, secretary@mrcyb.com, accounting@ mrcyb.com, puerto@mrcyb.com, sports address@mrcyb.com, school@mrcyb.com, restaurant@mrcyb.com, press@mrcyb.com

As far as the club restaurant is concerned, the order has been transmitted to also maintain minimum services , respecting the established recommendations.

The Monte Real Club de Yates understands that in a situation like the current one, prudence and responsibility must prevail , and the decisions made in recent days are moving in that direction. The evolution of events will determine future decisions that will be communicated to you as quickly and transparently as possible.

Suspended the J80 Winter League and Sailing School classes


The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona has decided to suspend the J80 Winter League and the classes at its Sailing School sine die as a preventive measure against the advance of the coronavirus


The Monte Real Club de Yates has decided to suspend sine die and until further notice the J80 Winter League that has been held in Baiona since last January, as well as the classes at its Sailing School.

The decision has been made for health consistency and social responsibility, to avoid any unnecessary risk to league participants and school students. It is, according to the club, the best preventive measure they can put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Thus, the fourth day of the competition that was scheduled to be held on Saturday the 21st is suspended until further notice. Until further notice, all classes of the Sailing School (light, cruise and adapted) are also suspended.

>> For any questions or queries regarding this matter, you can contact the club by calling 986 385 000 or writing an email to secretaria@mrcyb.com

2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
