About thirty sailboats are entered in the Martín Códax Trophy for Solitaires and A Dos

Friday, June 7, 2013.- Around thirty sailboats will finally take part in the Martín Códax Trophy, data offered by the final list of entries, with a good level of participants and where the majority class continues to be A Dos, a 70 percent of the total.

Among the most prominent are in Solitaires, the Fertiberia Fertilizadores, by Jesús Pintos, of the Real Club Náutico de La Coruña, which has just won the X Guisanda Trophy played in the Herculean city this past weekend in its category; the Ziralla Primero, by Ramón Barreiro, from the Club Náutico Deportivo Barraña-Boiro; or Ay Carmela, by Juan Martínez-Pazó, from the Liceo Marítimo de Bouzas, among others.

In A Dos there are names of the stature of Castrosua, by Willy Alonso, of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona, absolute winner in the first edition of the Martín Códax Trophy; the Bosch Communication Center, by Ramón Ojea, of the Club Marítimo de Canido; the Codaste, by Juan Lago, from Monte Real; Deep Blue, by Vicente Cid, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo; Fifty, by Rui Ramada, from the Yacht Club; the Cableway, by Pablo de la Riva, from the Vilagarcía Maritime School; Menudeta, by Víctor Carrión, from the Punta Lagoa Yacht Club; the Vintage, by the Portuguese Antonio Serodio, who sails under the banner of Monte Real; the Margem do Azul, by the also Portuguese Frederico Lopes, from the Yacht Club; El Alimentos de Zamora, by Juan Carlos de Ana, from the Zamora Yacht Club; Altamar Diez, by Juan González, from the Vigo nautical company; La Burla Negra, by Juan José Martínez or La Luna Nueva, by Asturian Juan Luís Tuero, both also from Monte Real.

The Yacht Club offered an official reception to the sailors where the different meteorological reports were analyzed and the possible alternative routes were exposed, with the precaution due to a variant in the meteor that did not carry enough wind of minimum intensity to cover the route of 60 miles in a maximum time established by the Regatta Committee.

The Martín Códax Trophy is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona, with the collaboration of Turismo de Galicia and Turismo Rías Baixas, and can be followed from 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, Saturday, through the security tracking installed in each sailboat, opening the portal www.mrcyb.es

The Martín Códax Trophy Committee meets to analyze the route

Wednesday, June 5, 2013.- The president of the Galician Sailing Federation, Manuel Villaverde, held a meeting with the Vice Commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne, Alejandro Retolaza, and the director of the Martín Códax Trophy Committee, Fernando Giraldo, to analyze the route that the regatta will draw in this new edition of 2013.

The event, part of the Rafael Olmedo President Cup, and which for the second consecutive year is once again the Galician Solitaire and Two-Handed Championship, will mark a 60-mile route in its entirety with a composition that will take the sailboats from the Bay of Baiona to the Ría de Arousa. Unlike last year, the Bondaña maritime signaling buoy, located in front of Toralla Island, will not be taken, and navigation will be along the Costa de la Vela.

The starting horn, if the weather conditions are suitable, will be given this Saturday, June 8 at 11:00 in the morning, jointly for the two categories and in the fleet format, that is, without distinction of groups.

After leaving the Carallones and La Negra buoys to starboard, the sailboats will enter the Costa de la Vela, with the Cíes Islands to port, also taking the Picamillo Lighthouse to port, after passing the entrance to the Ría de Pontevedra. The tack inside the Arousana estuary will take place at the metal buoy of El Ter, which will be left to port, to start the way back to Baiona. The Committee establishes a passage control at this point in El Ter, taking intermediate times that will already offer a first partial result of the regatta.

On their return, the sailboats will leave the Camouco Lighthouse on the port side, with Ons Island sighted on the starboard side. Sailing will once again be inland, establishing the arrival in the area of Viños, close to the Island of San Martiño, the south of the Cíes.

In the event that the weather conditions do not suit the established length of the route, the Martín Códax Trophy Committee will announce the possible alternatives at the start, which will be presented next Friday to all participants at the official reception that the Bayonne Yacht Club offers, at eight in the evening, in the Noble Hall of Monte Real.

The Martín Códax Trophy is organized in collaboration with Turismo Rías Baixas and Turismo de Galicia, and is scored for the Autonomous and Iberian circuits of Solitaires and A Dos.

The regatta can be followed live through the Monte Real website ( www.mrcyb.es ) thanks to the tracking systems installed for safety reasons on each sailboat.

The Yacht Club organizes for the second consecutive year the Martín Códax Trophy for Solitaires and A Dos

Wednesday, May 29, 2013.- The Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona organizes, for the second consecutive year, in collaboration with Turismo Rías Baixas and Turismo de Galicia, the Martín Códax Trophy for Solitaires and A dos, which in 2013 will once again be the Galician Championship for both classes, being, also, scoring in the Autonomous Circuit of the two modalities and for the Iberian Circuit of Solitaires and A Dos, the latter novelty in the Monte Real sports program.

On June 8 and 9, the Galician fleet of the specialty will cast off moorings from the pontoons of the Yacht Club, to trace a coastal route of 60 nautical miles that will take them from the Bay of Baiona to the interior of the Ría de Arousa, navigating its round trip route through the interior of the Costa de la Vela, being used as a natural maritime security channel, and where the organization can establish better monitoring and surveillance control, thanks to the tracking systems installed on each sailboat, and which will position their GPS point on the Yacht Club’s own website (www.mrcyb.es ), from which the evolution of the regatta can be followed openly.

The Martín Códax Trophy is part of the Rafael Olmedo President Cup, this year marking the XXII edition of the regatta in the specialty, once again granting the Galician Sailing Federation the designation of the Galician Championship.

It will be an active sports weekend for Monte Real, with the arrival of the Portugal Sailing Rally, and the arrival of the participating sailboats in the II edition of the II Corvette Captain Jaime Janer Trophy for Classic and Vintage Boats, estimating a total volume of 60 boats with a figure close to three hundred sailors that those days will disembark in the capital of Val Miñor.

The Martín Códax Trophy for Solitaires and A Dos is one of the most prestigious sailing events in the community, a long-distance regatta in which the handicap is handling the rigging of a sailboat alone or with another crew member, which is complicated in difficult wind and sea conditions.

A personal challenge to overcome, it has a wide participation of sailors, joining representatives from other autonomous communities.

The Castrosua, owned by Willy Alonso, of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne, was the absolute winner last year, and was also the winner of Group 1 of the A twos with Alberto Viejo as crew member. Chispetrén, from Jesús Iglesias, with Pancho González, from the Caramiñal Yacht Club, won Group 2. And Magic Line, owned by Alfonso Trastoy, from the Real Club de Mar de Aguete, won the Martín Códax in Solitaires.

The Yacht Club launches the I Atlantic Cruise Circuit

The Monte Real Noble Room was this past weekend a representative framework for the important protocol signing carried out for the start-up of the 1st Atlantic Cruise Circuit, an initiative led in Spain by the Bayonne Yacht Club, with the collaboration of Turismo de Galicia and Turismo Rías Baixas, and shared with the Portuguese entities of the Clube Naval de Cascais and the Marina Douro from Porto.

The staging of the important agreement was captured by Miguel Lago, Commodore del Monte Real, and Diogo Barros, representing the Portuguese nautical and sports institutions.

The I Atlantic Cruise Circuit will be made up of three top-level events, the starting point being the pontoons of the Marina Douro marina, on June 22 and 23.

The second of the appointments will arrive in the month of August, with the start-up of the Cascais de Vela, on August 30 and 1 and September, respectively.

The end of the Atlantic Circuit will take place in the Bay of Baiona, as the Prince of Asturias Trophy is the last scoring regatta, and it will be held from September 6 to 8, coinciding with the celebration of the Xunta de Galicia President Trophy and with the Championship of Spain of Cruises.

The initiative arises from the excellent relations between the Yacht Club and the Portuguese clubs, which seek with the creation of the Atlantic Circuit to increase the exchange of fleets, increasing the sporting, cultural and tourist interest between both countries.

The absolute winner will come from the best score obtained after the celebration of the three regattas, with the club he represents having the responsibility of guarding the silver trophy for a year that will symbolize his triumph in the great sporting event.

The I meeting of Baiona Dinghy Sailing ends

It ends after the celebration of six tests, the I Meeting of Light Sailing of Baiona. In the Gold group the winner was María Diz from RCN Vigo, and in the Silver Nacho Salceda from CM Oza O Puntal. The Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne wins the prize for the best school and the RCN Vigo has won the title of best Club in the classification.

María Diz from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo wins the I International Meeting of the Optimist Class held in Baiona

Sunday, May 12, 2013.- The young sailor from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, María Diz, became this weekend the great protagonist of the first International Meeting of the Optimist Class, held in the Bay of Baiona, under the organization of the Council of Baiona and Monte Real , with the coloring of the Galician Sailing Federation, the AGCIO (Galician Association International Class Optimist), Galician Sports of the Xunta de Galicia, Galician Tourism, Pontevedra Provincial Council, Rías Baixas Tourism, Novagalicia Banco, Carrefour, Coca Cola, Camping Bayona Playa, Baitra, Paradores and Panorama Vela.

Diz was the winner in the absolute category, among the almost 200 promises that during Saturday and Sunday have disputed the last qualifying regatta of the Galician ranking, and from which the future selection of the modality will come out in the community, representing the interests of Galicia before the national and international challenges. His grímpola partner, Jaime Lusquiños, has been the holder of the most important list of children’s sailing in Galicia, occupying the golden position in the podium drawer, the same one in which María was second. The third step in the ranking went to Jacobo García, from the Vilagarcía Casino Liceo.

In the second place of the Absolute was Martín Wizner, from the Vigo nautical team, winner in Category B, with Marcos Cordeiro, also from Vigo, winning the overall bronze.

The Real Club Náutico de La Coruña took second place in B, through its ambassador Roberto Bermúdez de Castro, and third place for Jacobo García, from the Vilagarcía Casino Liceo.

As for the Cs, the leader was Javier Jorge García, from the Real Club Náutico de La Coruña, with Miguel Viejo, from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, second. Third place was taken by Iago Castro, from the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo.

The I Optimist International Meeting, born from the twinning between the French city of Pornic and the Baiona City Council, also welcomed the School class, taking them out to sail in the vicinity of the entrance to the Yacht Club, taking part in the competition in Optimist and Omega. The first classified of the optimists was Yago Silva, the second Carlos Trapero, and the third Ainhoa Martínez, all of them from Monte Real, the same club to which the Omega team belongs that took the trophy of the modality, skippered by Pablo Carneiro, with Yago Marquina and Ángela and Jimena Rodríguez as crew members.

Special Mention went to Gonzalo Martínez, to whom his schoolmates paid a heartfelt tribute after finishing his time in the Optimist Class as a member of the Monte Real regatta team with the Meeting, a memory given to him by his coach Samuel Montouto.

The second day began with some delay, after the Committee decided to wait prudently on land, to observe the meteorological progression, depending on the evolution that the component would carry out in the bay of Baiona. At 12:00 noon the Delta flag was hoisted, with Ribeira beach full of small sailboats setting out to sea. An hour later, the PRO (Main Race Office) Lolí Camba, gave the Top start, validating the two sleeves that were pending to complete the sports program of the regatta. Wind of 325, with an average intensity of 12 knots.

The awards ceremony was presided over jointly by the mayor of Baiona, Jesús Vázquez Almuiña, and the president of Monte Real, Rafael Olmedo, who were accompanied by the president of the AGCIO (Galician Association International Class Optimist) Javier Casal; the Councilor for Maritime Activities, Raul Costas; the Director of Marketing and Business Development of Novagalicia Banco, Paz Comesaña; the General Director of Baitra, Juan Carlos González; the Delegate of the Galician Sailing Federation, Ignacio Campos; and the Commodore of Monte Real, Miguel Lago.

The next appointment of the Yacht Club with dinghy sailing will be on July 6 and 7, the date on which the Cadet Class Baitra Trophy will be held according to the official regatta calendar of the Galician Sailing Federation.

Saturday session at the I Meeting Dinghy Sailing Vila de Baiona

After a magnificent day of competition at the Monte Real Club de Yates in which 4 tasks were played with intense northerly winds, the provisional classification of the Gold group is as follows:

1st Martin Wizner from RCN Vigo, 2nd Jorge Barcia from RCN Coruña and 3rd Miguel Rodriguez from LC Villagarcía.

In the Silver group: 1st Iago Formosol from RCN Coruña, 2nd Nacho Salceda from CM Oza O Puntal, 3rd Jacobo Delgado from RCN Coruña.

Martín Wizner leader in the I Optimist International Meeting

Saturday, May 11, 2013.- With agility and speed, the almost two hundred boys and girls who from today take part in the first International Optimist Meeting organized jointly by the Baiona City Council and the Monte Real Yacht Club, with the collaboration of the Federation Gallega de Vela, the AGCIO (Galician International Class Optimist Association), Galician Sports of the Xunta de Galicia, Galicia Tourism, Pontevedra Provincial Council, Rías Baixas Tourism, Novagalicia Banco, Carrefour, Coca Cola, Camping Bayona Playa, Baitra, Paradores and Sailing Landscape.

And it is that the descent ramp installed in the Ribeira Beach allowed the maneuvers to be carried out very quickly, thanks also to the work of the volunteers who collaborate with the organization of the sporting event.

Two regatta fields were set up, one in the center of the Bay of Baiona itself, and the other protected by the entrance to the Yacht Club marina. In the first of them the gold and silver groups of the great fleet sailed, tracing a trapezoid between buoys to which a windward-leeward was incorporated for the former, being only its outline for the latter. They managed to complete up to four sleeves, thanks to the excellent weather conditions.

The prevailing component at noon was a wind of 330, that is, northwest, with peaks constantly maintained at 19 knots.

Martín Wizner, a member of the Real Club Náuico de Vigo regatta team, is the provisional leader in the large group of gold medalists, leading the way with 12 points, the overall result of his partials being 9-1-2-51. , the latter discarded after its application. He is followed by Jorge Barcia, from the Real Club Náutico de La Coruña, with 13 points (1-8-5-7), with Miguel Rodríguez, from the Liceo Casino de Vilagarcía, third, tied for Barcia points, as a result of the 2-10-8 table. -3.

In the Silver Group, it is Iago Formosol, from the Real Club Náutico de La Coruña, who takes the provisional lead with 10 points (10-7-1-2). Behind him is Nacho Salceda, from the Oza – O Puntal Maritime Club, with 13 points (1-12-11-1). And third place goes to Jacobo Delgado, from the nautical team from A Coruña, with 17 points (27-4-10-3).

The little ones from school covered a medium distance windward-leeward, highlighting the performance of the French Henri Rothenbuhler, Quentin Mocudet and Simon Leger, from Villa de Pornic, trained by Pierre Durand, who in this order make up the provisional podium in their modality . The first classified Spaniard is Carlos Trapero, in seventh place.

The Saturday session culminated with the celebration of a convivial dinner at Camping Bayona-Playa, at nine o’clock at night, with a raffle including gifts offered by the collaborators of the international meeting.

Tomorrow, Sunday, the Top Start is established at 11:30 in the morning, with the intention of the Committee to validate the other two remaining sleeves of the sports program, of the six that make it up.

The French fleet arrives in Baiona to compete in the Optimist International Meeting

Friday, May 10, 2013.- The town of Baiona hosts this weekend the I International Optimist Meeting, with the participation of two hundred boats arriving from the neighboring countries of France and Portugal. The Gauls arrived at Val Miñor during the course of the morning of this Friday, making a first contact with the natural environment of the Baiona council and the Yacht Club, to leave for the Bay of Baiona in the middle of the afternoon, where they carried out the training official.

During the course of Saturday morning, the rest of the Galician and Portuguese fleet will arrive at the Monte Real facilities, to form a volume of sailboats that will approach two hundred.

This morning, workers from the Baiona City Council finalized the preparations at Playa de la Ribera, where an access ramp to the sea has been installed on the Baiona sandbank. Meanwhile, the sports technicians of the Yacht Club anchored two floating lanes as a nautical corridor to safely guide the sailboats towards the regatta field.

The first Top or starting horn will be given at 2:00 p.m., with the forecast, by the Regatta Committee chaired by Fernando Giraldo, of carrying out three tasks, those scheduled for this first day of the Meeting.

The weather conditions offer a bonanza in the component, which will be from the northeast, with intensities that will range between 8 and 12 knots. There will not be much sea and the wave will accompany the wind.

Two fields will be set up, one for the long-distance Gold and Silver Groups, and another smaller one for school children. The first of them will have two paths, in which the gold participants will perform a trapeze called OUT-IN, that is, sailing from outside to inside, ending in a windward-leeward, while the silver participants will only circumnavigate the trapezoidal shape of the field in its outline. The little ones will make a simple cane.

After the return to land, both the Baiona City Council and Monte Real organize a convivial dinner at Camping Bayona-Playa, celebrating a fellowship party as a way of coexistence between the three Euroregions that take part in the sporting event. Raffle of gifts and surprises will be the basis of the evening.

Civil Protection and Local Police will be in charge of traffic in Baiona, so that it is fluid and agile, in the face of the massive arrival of large trailers that transport the boats with their respective inflatable coach boats.

On Sunday the day will be more early, starting the tests at 11.00 in the morning.

The first International Optimist Meeting, born from the initiative of the Bayonne City Council and the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne, is made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Galician Sailing Federation, the AGCIO (Galician Association International Class Optimist), Galician Sports of the Xunta de Galicia, Galicia Tourism, Pontevedra Provincial Council, Rías Baixas Tourism, Novagalicia Banco, Carrefour, Coca Cola, Camping Bayona Playa, Baitra, Paradores and Panorama Vela.

Call for Ordinary General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting

At a meeting of the Board of Directors on April 29, 2013, it was agreed to call an ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING , for May 28, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. on first call, at 4:30 p.m. on second, in accordance with the following


  • A. Memory, budget liquidation, balance sheet for the year, rendering of accounts for 2012 and approval, if applicable.
  • B. Approval of the 2013 Budget
  • C. Requests and questions

Likewise, it was agreed to call an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING , in accordance with article 38 of the Company Bylaws, with the following


  • Single Point: Election of the Board of Directors of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne.

The Yacht Club and the Baiona City Council issue the official announcement of the International Sailing Meeting

The Monte Real Yacht Club and the Baiona City Council, with the collaboration of the Novagalicia Banco Sailing School, have just issued the official announcement of the International Sailing Meeting, which will govern the great children’s sports event, which will be held in the town of Val Miñor from May 10 to 12 next.

With nearly 200 boats in the water of the same modality as children’s sailing in the lower categories, the regatta will take place inside the Bay of Baiona, going out to sea from the sandbanks of the well-known Ribeira Beach, which adjoins with the walls of the Fortress of Monte Real itself.

The great fleet will be divided into two main groups, Gold and Silver, of which the Optimist Territorial Secretary will be in charge of their selection. There will also be a school category, for boys and girls under the age of 12.

The first of the sessions will begin on Friday 10, with the final registration of the participants, starting at 10:00 in the morning. In the afternoon, at 4:00 p.m., the official training is scheduled.

On Saturday, May 11, the competition starts, with a starting horn at 2:00 p.m. for all groups. On Sunday it will be at 11:00 am, with the awards ceremony at 5:00 pm.

The route will be on a trapeze mounted between buoys, calculating the total distance for a duration between 35 and 40 minutes. The number of tests will not exceed 6, having to complete at least one to give the International Meeting.

The event will have the institutional collaboration of the Galician Sailing Federation, the Sports Foundation of the Xunta de Galicia, Tourism of Galicia and Tourism Rías Baixas, support to which Carrefour also joins, in a conference that will not only focus on the competition sports, but will also be developed in the field of coexistence with cultural and social activities, residing during those days in the Baiona campsite.

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