Helga Rivera Ladies Cup one of the sailing events of the Prince of Asturias Trophy

Helga Rivera, the leading Galician beauty firm, once again promotes, for the second consecutive year, the Ladies Cup, a trophy included in the XXVIII edition of the Prince of Asturias, organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne and the Military Naval School of Marín, through its Naval Regatta Commission, and which will be held on the 6th, 7th and 8th of September.

The Ladies Cup is one of the classic and highly traditional events at Monte Real. Created by the Yacht Club to enrich women’s participation in the Prince of Asturias Trophy, Helga Riveira once again joins the Baiona club’s initiative, a proposal that has already taken shape with all the Novagalicia Banco Cruise School sailboats assigned to their respective patrons: the representatives of the Madrilenian Sailing Federation, with two sailboats in this edition, the one captained by Amparo Molla and the one directed by Lirio González; the Natural Ladies Team, from Castellón directed by Conchi de Pedro; Magdalena Czernik’s girls from Santander; and two other boats representing the interests of the Galician community, the one supervised by Irene Aladro, from the Punta Lagoa Sailing School, and the one belonging to the local Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne, whose owner is the sailor María Campos.

The 2012 edition of the Helga Rivera Ladies Cup Trophy was won by the Portuguese Francisca Barros, from the Porto Yacht Club.

Támara Echegoyen Terras Gauda National Sailing Award for Sailor of the Year

The Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne will host, within the framework of the XXVIII Prince of Asturias Trophy, the delivery ceremony of the 2012 Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards, on Saturday, September 7, during the halfway point of the Royal Regatta organized by jointly with the Naval Regatta Commission of the Naval Military School of Marín.

The Yacht Club has just announced the first three winners among the seven categories that this year make up the Terras Gauda de Vela.

As Best Sailor of the Year, the award went to the Galician Támara Echegoyen, who last year was distinguished at the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards as Best Pre-Olympic Sailor. The Terras Gauda jury wanted, on this occasion, to recognize her Olympic merit, as a brilliant patron and team leader of the “Xiquitas Team” that in the last Olympic Games in London 2012, won the gold medal in the Women’s Match Race modality, a sporting success that rewards your effort and dedication.

In the category of Best Project of the Year, the Jury of the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards recognizes in Pakea Bizkaia the human and sporting values that the project led by the Basque sailor Unai Basurko has developed in 2012, promoting the defense of the natural environment maritime beyond our borders. Education for sustainable development, promoting respect among living beings towards biodiversity, the environment and natural resources, have been the objective of the extensive program developed by Pakea Bizkaia, which for half a year has crossed the Atlantic Ocean, in a third expedition divided into three stages: Bilbao – Bahía Blanca (Argentina); Bahía Blanca – Antarctic Peninsula; and Ushuaia – Getxo, with stops in the Canary archipelago, in Cape Verde, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In this third installment, more than 22,000 young people have learned about the educational project, thanks to the visit to the sailboat, its ocean classroom and the DVDs made.

In this first block, the Jury of the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards also wants to recognize the excellent professional work of the television production company Panorama, specialized in the field of nautical, especially in the field of sailing regattas, where the company Castellón is a leader both on the national and international scene. Founded by Vicente Robles in 1999, it has made more than 1,600 reports to date, distributed among the 40 TV channels with which it has broadcast agreements. Its internet portal www.panoramanautico.com , informative support of the media, and its imminent entry into the Latin American market are recently created.

Regatta Festas do Cristo de Optimist

The traditional Festas do Cristo regatta was held this past weekend at the Club Nautico de Rodeira.

Hard conditions in the two days of regatta, highlighting the performance of Jorge Gonzalez Silva, with an eighth in the general classification.

It is also worth mentioning Yago Gonzalez Silva, who even with little experience in regatta, has finished all the sleeves.

Congratulations to the whole team for fighting in this tough regatta, as well as to the two coaches who traveled with the sailors.

The Prince of Asturias continues to unite the seafaring tradition and the sporting challenge

After the conclusion of the first of the appointments of the prestigious Xunta de Galicia President Trophy, the relay will be taken over by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona and the Naval Regatta Commission of the Naval Military School of Marín, with the celebration of the XXVIII Trofeo Príncipe of Asturias, which in this 2013 edition will continue to combine the purest seafaring tradition with prestigious high-level sporting challenges by concurring, on the same waters of the Bay of Baiona and Ría de Vigo, a distinguished crew of Classic boats, the best Galician and national regatta teams from the ORC Cruises Division, Maxis and the female crews of the Ladies Cup.

The Yacht Club and the Naval Commission continue to bet on their Royal Regatta organization strategy, for a diversified combination in the staging of a wide representation of the classes that usually take part in sporting regattas, adding an incentive in the promotion of the Classic ships, thanks to the collaboration of AGABACE (Galician Association of Classic and Vintage Boats), with a special configuration in its most traditional layouts, and where open courses will predominate in the coastal or coastal sleeves.

The technical tests are reserved for all the Cruisers that come to Baiona with the purpose of winning one of the national titles at stake.

The Príncipe de Asturias Trophy has been declared a High Level regatta by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, as the Spanish ORC Cruise Championship and the Spanish First 40.7 Championship are disputed. The Atlantic Cruise Circuit is also at stake.

The Royal Trophy contemplates in its wide sporting rows two outstanding challenges with a long tradition in the history of Monte Real, the Don Juan de Borbón Trophy, which recognizes the Portuguese crew with the best result during the celebration of the Prince of Asturias Trophy, and the Ladies Cup, a regatta in which 6 women’s teams take part, representing the same number of Spanish communities, sailing aboard the First Figaros of the Novagalicia Bank Cruise School of the Yacht Club.

The intermediate phase of the Prince of Asturias Trophy will host, one more year, the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards Gala, an event of recognized prestige in Spain that rewards the best sports and institutional values highlighted in 2012. The Yacht Club will shortly issue the lists of the winners in each category of this edition.

The Prince of Asturias Trophy will be held on September 6, 7 and 8, under the tutelage of the Honorary Presidency of HRH The Prince of Asturias Don Felipe de Borbón, the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona and the Escuela Naval Military of Marin.

The XXVIII edition of the Prince of Asturias incorporates the Maxi Open Class

The XXVIII edition of the Prince of Asturias Trophy, which is jointly organized each year by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne and the Naval Military School of Marín, through its Naval Regatta Commission, will cast off in a few days.

From September 6 to 8, the Bay of Baiona and the Ría de Vigo will host a new high-level sailing event, the second of the regattas that make up the circuit of the Xunta de Galicia President Trophy, which is supervised by the Baiona club with the Royal Yacht Club of La Coruña and the Royal Yacht Club of Sanxenxo.

The great novelty of 2013 of the trophy dedicated to HRH Don Felipe de Borbón, will be the incorporation of the Maxi Open Class, giants of sailing that will provide an added spectacle to the competition, some of them just arrived from drawing the Fastnet Rock, in the Irish Atlantic.

As for the ORC, the Spanish Championship for the Galicia Zone is put into play again in the Prince of Asturias Trophy, defined by the grouping of the four main Divisions in two main prizes, that of Groups 0-1 and 2- 3.

The Classic and Vintage boats will also play a transcendetal role in the Príncipe de Asturias, which will once again sail the waters of Baiona and the Vigo estuary, as well as another of the queen classes in the Príncipe, the Ladies Cup.

Portugal will be represented by its best cruise fleet, with two outstanding valuartes at stake: the Don Juan de Borbón Trophy, which rewards the best vessel of the Portuguese fleet in the Yacht Club regatta; and on the other, the completion of the Atlantic Cruise Circuit, where the Baiona event is the last regatta, which will determine the final winner.

Finally, the 40.7 once again celebrate their special Spanish championship, a fairly large class in the great fleet of ORC cruisers.

With these first winks, almost 15 days before the regatta, the organizers estimate the participation to be between 80 and 100 boats.

Joint training at the Real Club Náutico de Vigo

During this week the MRCYB regatta team is carrying out joint training at the Real Club Náutico de Vigo facilities, together with the Povoa regatta team and the Vigo Náutico team itself.

In this way they are already training in the waters where the next regatta to which the MRCYB optimist team will attend will take place, which will be the Festas do Cristo Regatta at the Náutico de Rodeira during the next Saturday and Sunday.

Galician Cruise Championship

After three days of competition in the waters of Sanxenxo, today, Sunday, the names of the winners of the 14th Hotel Carlos I Silgar Trophy have been revealed: “Gomez Mostly Harmnless”, in ORC 1; “Codaste” in ORC 2; “Petrilla Accastillage Diffusion”, in ORC 3; and “Argos” in ORC 4 and Open. In addition, the “Codaste” has won the absolute title, proclaiming itself for the second consecutive year Absolute Galician Cruise Champion.

The “Codaste”, armed by Roberto Fontán and skippered by Nacho Campos, manages to win its second consecutive title of Galician champion and also does so in the same waters, in Sanxenxo.

Galician Cruise Championship

The current Galician Cruise Champion, the Codaste skippered by Nacho Campos, will try to revalidate the regional title this weekend in the waters of the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo.

This year, the MRCYB boat will have a difficult time due to the size of its rivals, but from the Monte Real Club de Yates we hope that it will not be a problem and they will give us another joy and revalidate the title.

Good luck!

XXX Castilla y León Trophy. Optimist Autonomies Cup. 26 and 27 July 2013

Galicia is proclaimed champion of the XXX Castilla y León Trophy.

The Optimist regatta team of the MRCY of Bayonne moved to Ponferrada has had its best representative in Elena Molares Freire, finishing fourth in the general classification.

Congratulations to the team, which this weekend (August 2 to 4) will host the XIII Nautical Week in Coruña

April Oils recovers bellows and wins the Conde de Gondomar Trophy

The Aceites Abril, owned by the brothers Jorge and Luís Pérez Canal, with a pendant from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, were proclaimed winners of the XXXVIII Conde de Gondomar Trophy, a regatta organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne, and which had the collaboration of Tourism of Galicia, Rías Baixas Tourism, Martín Códax, Swiss Jewelry, El Corte Inglés, Nea, Coca Cola, Nordés and the Royal Spanish and Galician Sailing Federations.

The boat from Ourense, which arrived at the last day with swords held high, very competitive with the Castrosua, until today leader from the first day, asserted its victory in the windward-leeward disputed in the Ría de Vigo. With just a few lengths difference, the Aceites Abril won the fourth test, tied at 6 points with the coachbuilder sailboat, but resolving in their favor, due to the success achieved in Sunday’s race.

In the ORC Division 0-1, after the Pérez-Canal, Castrosua, owned by Willy Alonso, remained in third place, Arroutado 2 from Porto, owned by José Manuel Pérez, from the Real Club Náutico Portosín, with 17 points.

This Division was the class that recorded the most breakdowns during the competition, including the leak that occurred today aboard the Cenor&Electrolux after a pantocazo of the waves that displaced its slide or speed guide. Withdrew to port by their own means, everything was in an initial scare.

In ORC 2 things were clearer from the beginning of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy. A Bosch Communication Center, well armed with crew by its captain and skipper, Ramón Ojea (CM Canido), won three of the four tests, also accumulating 6 points that gave it a lot of clearance compared to the rest of the boats in its class. The sailboat of the Sevillian shipowner Laura Moya, managed to place another of its boats in fifth place in this Division, Sailway 1, owned by Rubén Santiago. In second place was Cachete, owned by Francisco Edreira, from the Sada Yacht Club, with 13 points, and third was Codaste, owned by Roberto Fontán (MRCYB), with 14 points.

In ORC 3 there were circumstances similar to those of Group 2 in terms of regularity, with an unchanged podium since last Thursday, where the leader was always the Asturian Juan Luís Tuero, with Luna Nueva (MRCYB), who finished with 4 points, being surpassed on this day by Enxuto, who won the windward-leeward. Pablo Conde’s boat (CN Combarro) won silver, a second position in which only one point was the separation of steps. The bronze went to the Portuguese Margem do Azul, by Frederico Lopes (MRCYB), with 12 points.

The windward-leeward, the last race scheduled in the announcement of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, was held under intense sea and wind conditions. For the ORC 0-1 and 2, it was their fourth test, after the two in which the ascent and descent to Carrumeiro Chico last Thursday were divided, and the one traced yesterday Saturday with the return to the Onza and Ons Islands. For the ORC 3 it was their third task, the first being the turn to the Camouco Lighthouse, on the 25th, and the return to the Cíes Islands, as the second coastal task also traced on Saturday.

The Committee set up a regatta course in an area very close to the north mouth of the Ría de Vigo. They traced 8 miles in two beats and two sterns, with a southwest wind that hovered between 212 and 220, with peaks of 18 knots of intensity and 15 on average.

The awards ceremony was held at five in the afternoon, an act presided over by Rafael Olmedo, president of Monte Real, and accompanied by the mayor of Baiona, Jesús Vázquez Almuiña; the president of the Galician Sailing Federation, Manuel Villaverde; the councilors for Maritime Activities and Mobility, Raul Costas and Policarpo Vilar, respectively; and the Vice Commodore of the Yacht Club, Alejandro Retolaza.

Draws were made courtesy of Jotún and Morfisa, with a Bonus from Paradores, and another, from Swiss Jewelry, consisting of a box of watches.

Monte Real recognized and rewarded the youngest sailor in the county trophy, Ignacio Klett, crew member of the Cenor&Electrolux (RCR Galicia), who at only 7 years old already disputed the ascent to the Carrumeiro Chico.

The silver tray of El Corte Inglés, which rewards the overall winner of the XXXVIII Conde de Gondomar Trophy, was delivered by Olmedo to Aceites Abril, with the entire crew in team formation.

The wind and the sea come to the call of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy on its Vuelta a Ons day

The wind and the sea attended the call of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, which today Saturday was contesting its second coastal stage, a coastal route through the Parque da Illas Atlánticas, with the Cíes, Onza and Ons Islands as natural environments.

Organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne, it has the collaboration of Turismo de Galicia, Turismo Rías Baixas, Martín Códax, Swiss Jewelry, El Corte Inglés, Nea, Coca Cola, Nordés and the Royal Spanish and Galician Sailing Federations.

Punctual departure for all classes at 12 noon, with independent routes for ORC 0-1 and 2, which circumnavigated Onza and Ons, and for ORC 3, which would go around the Cíes Islands. For the first 31 nautical miles (57 km approx.) and 13.1 miles (24 km approx.) for the second.

The wind remained from the southwest all the time, with a fan of just 10 degrees, oscillating from right to left, between 200 and 190. The intensities increased as the morning progressed, with parameters ranging from 16 knots to 22, with a total average of 18 knots.

Navigation without great difficulties, although some spinnaker and rigging breakages were recorded, due to areas where the wind pressure was greater, causing the occasional scare with the waves.

Castrosua, led by Willy Alonso (MRCYB) once again delivered, winning this second stage, consolidating his position as leader, not only in his grouped ORC Division 0-1, but also in the overall Conde de Gondomar Trophy. Command in the high position with 4 points. Second was the Aceites Abril, by Jorge and Luís Pérez-Canal (RCN Vigo), silver position that they also reaffirm in the general, with 5 points. And third of the day was Arroutado 2, by José Manuel Pérez (RCN Portosín), which appears on the podium scene, although Cenor&Electrolux, by Martín Bermúdez (RCR Galicia) continues to hold third place, with 11 points.

In ORC 2, Codaste, by Roberto Fontán (MRCYB), with Nacho Campos at the helm, won the heat. However, the Bosch Communication Center, owned by Ramón Ojea (CM Canido), despite being third on Saturday, continues to maintain its golden position with 5 points, thanks to its excellent result in the long coastal. Two behind the communicator leader is Cachete, by Francisco Edreira (CN Sada), who was second today. And third overall in this Division is Codaste, by Fontán and Campos, with 8 points.

In the ORC 3 the order has not changed since the first day, with a Luna Nueva, by Asturian Juan Luís Tuero (MRCYB) who once again made clear the versatility of his J80. Command your group with 2 points. With 4 points, is Enxuto, by Pablo Conde (CN Combarro) and with 6 the Portuguese Margem do Azul, by Frederico Lopes (MRCYB).

Tomorrow the fourth and final test will be held for ORC 0-1 and 2, and the third for ORC 3, starting at 12 o’clock, and where the Committee plans to set up a test to the wind, that is, a windward- leeward between buoys, approximately 8 miles long, with two upwind and two stern, where each linear layout will be around 2 nautical miles.

El Conde already has its first leaders after completing the long coastal route

The XXXVIII edition of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy already has its first leaders, after the dispute on the first day of the county regatta, in which the names of the different lists by class have provisionally left their mark.

Departing at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 25, Top scheduled for 11 a.m. and delayed by the Committee to gather skippers and crews in the Yacht Club garden, where a minute of silence was observed for the victims of the terrible accident that occurred on Wednesday night in Santiago de Compostela, the sailboats crossed the line sailing as a fleet the three divisions into which the cut or rating (sail capacity of the boat and size) has been divided, ORC 0-1, ORC 2 and ORC3.

Clean departure from the interior of the Bay of Baiona, with a first direct boarding to the Carallones and La Negra beacons, without having to use an unmarking buoy, thanks to the northwest that indicated its origin. The wind was around 8-10 knots, an intensity that was maintained on average during the total 96-mile route of this first day, between Baiona – Carrumeiro Chico (Ensenada de Finisterre) – San Martiño Island (Islas Cíes).

After passing through the maritime signaling buoys, all the sailboats took the option of navigating around the outside of the Cíes Islands, first leaving the Boeiro Lighthouse on its starboard side, with the exception of the ORC 3, which sailed along the Costa de la Vela, as it had a shorter route (40 miles) and whose turning point was the Camouco Lighthouse, located north of Ons Island. Navigation without great difficulties, with a small wave, barely 1 meter.

Five minutes after the official time of the Top, the Committee gave a new departure, in this individual case, to the Armeigin III, a powerful 70-foot long (21 meters), which sailed as part of the Count of Gondomar’s fleet, but with a record of time independent of the rest of the participating boats.

Beautiful landscape scenes mixed with the beauty of the tactics on the sides of the sailboats, marking in a very defined way the favorites for the general classification of this first great section, such as Castrosua, Pairo 8 and Aceites Abril, in the case of the ORC 0-1, or the Bosch Communication Center, Cachete or Alimentos de Zamora, in ORC 2.

Gran Jotiti and Cenor&Electrolux sailed at their own pace, the former intending to take advantage of the test as training for their preparation for the Fastnet, and the latter with the aim of breaking his own record again at the Conde de Gondomar.

An inflatable boat from the MRCYB moved in advance, informing the Committee of the prevailing winds in each zone. Thus, from Corubedo to the north, the component changed quadrant, and from the southwest it moved to the northwest. The intensity was maintained in both cases between 8-10 knots on average.

In the vicinity of the Carrumeiro Chico, a control boat from the Yacht Club was anchored, with a regatta official and sailors who carried out control tasks as it passed through the mythical lighthouse of Ensenada de Finisterre.

The first to turn it around was Cenor&Electrolux (RCR Vilagarcía), owned by Martín Bermúdez, who did it in real time. However, the rating was favorable to Aceites Abril (RCN Vigo), owned by the Pérez-Canal brothers, who won the section. After the Ourenses came Castrosua, owned by Willy Alonso, and Pairo 8, owned by Marga Cameselle, who was fourth, both from the MRCYB. Third position went to Cenor&Electrolux itself.

From this moment the second test began, without stopping the sailboats, projecting the way back to the Cíes Islands, where the Committee had anchored.

The Bosch Communication Center (CM Canido), by Ramón Ojea, did the same, and also won this first heat.

After 6 hours 51 minutes and 44 seconds, the Cenor&Electrolux made its entrance in real time, taking the entire track in compensated time for Willy Alonso’s Castrosua. Oils April was second overall on the first day, and Pairo 8 was third.

Bosch Communication Center repeated victory, and also took the second test. Cachete, by Francisco Edreira (CN Sada), was second, with Alimentos de Zamora (CDR Zamora), by Juan Carlos de Ana, third.

In the group of ORC 3, the Asturian Juan Luís Tuero, triumphed with his New Moon (MRCYB). Enxuto (CN Combarro) of Pablo Conde, was second; and the Margem do Azul (MRCYB) of Frederico Lopes, third.

The last of the participating sailboats made its entry on Friday morning, recorded by the Committee at 7 hours 29 minutes and 53 seconds.

Tomorrow another coastal layout test will be held, leaving at 12 noon from Baiona, towards Costa de la Vela, leaving the Cíes Islands on the port side to, once in its path, go out to the open sea and prepare to circumnavigate the Onza and Ons Islands, leaving them to starboard, the same side from which they will continue to be sighted on the descent towards Monte Real, with the Camouco Lighthouse to port, once the Cabalo de Ons has been crossed and the return journey has begun, for which the sailboats will use about 40 miles.

The Conde de Gondomar Trophy is organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne and has the collaboration of Tourism of Galicia, Tourism Rías Baixas, Martín Códax, Swiss Jewelry, El Corte Inglés, Nea, Coca Cola, Nordés and the Royal Federations. Spanish and Galician Sailing.

The Count of Gondomar Trophy pays tribute to the victims of the Compostela accident

The Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona joins the pain of the relatives of those who died in the railway accident recorded yesterday in Santiago de Compostela, paying a heartfelt tribute to the victims at the start of the XXXVIII Conde de Gondomar Trophy.

After the meeting held first thing in the morning between members of the Board of Directors of the Club and the Regatta Committee, and after consulting the institutional sources of the Xunta de Galicia, the decision was made to concentrate all the skippers on land and crews to observe a minute of silence, postponing departure until 11:30 a.m.

Monte Real has canceled all the recreational and social events that were going to take place during the celebration of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy.

At the moment the fleet is sailing towards the waters of the Ensenada de Finisterre, from where they will return tomorrow, Friday.

A score of boats venture on the first day of the Count of Gondomar

Some twenty boats will line up at the start of the first day of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy in the waters of the Bay of Baiona, at 11 am tomorrow, Thursday, when the Committee will sound the honk of the Top that will mark the start of the race long, with 96 miles of travel ahead in its entirety.

After the registration closes and with all the documentation in order, the verifications carried out by the Regatta Office and the Measurement team, twenty will be the sailboats that face the first great coastal route of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, the ascent to the Carrumeiro Chico, in the Ensenada de Finisterre, and its subsequent return, an anchored finish line with the Main Officer’s boat, in the vicinity of the South Island of Cíes, on its inland slope.

The fleet, whose departure will be joint, will be divided into three large Groups: ORC 0-1, ORC 2 and ORC 3. In the first of them there will be names of the stature of Aceites Abril, from Ourense, by the Pérez-Canal brothers; the mythical Pairo 8, by José Luís Freire, whose helm will be run by one of its most qualified employers, Marga Cameselle from Vigo; the Castrosua, by Willy Alonso, also from Oliva; Siradella and Arroutado 2, from Porto, by Francisco Álvarez and José Manuel Pérez, respectively; Salseiro, by Manuel Blanco from A Coruña; or the Sailway, by Rubén Santiago from Vigo, assembled by Laura Moya from Seville.

In this Division we find two titans that are going to give a lot of play, the Great Jotiti, by Miguel Jauregui; and the Cenor&Electrolux, by Martín Bermúdez, the first with a grímpola from the Bayonne Yacht Club and the second from Vilagarcia, the Real Club de Regatas de Galicia.

In Group Two stand out the Codaste, by Roberto Fontán, whose rod will fall under the responsibility of an experienced skipper like Nacho Campos; the Bosch Communication Center, of the Moya Andalusian team, sailed by Ramón Ojea under the tutelage of Marítimo de Canido; Food from Zamora, by Juan Carlos de Ana from Zamora, who enlists on board the recent bronze medalist in the Junior category of the Vaurien World Cup, Alex González from Vigo; or the Cachete, by the sadense Francisco Edreira, among others.

Finally, in ORC 3 they have registered their participation the Portuguese Margem do Azul, by Frederico Lopes; El Enxuto, by Pablo Conde from Combarrense; or Luna Nueva, by Asturian Juan Luís Tuero.

The weather will be the key factor in this first long test of the Conde de Gondomar Trophy, with a forecast of medium winds in intensity and changing direction, on a day in which, in all probability, rain will make its appearance along the route .

The Conde de Gondomar Trophy is organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne and has the collaboration of Turismo de Galicia, Turismo Rías Baixas, Martín Códax, Swiss Jewelry, El Corte Inglés, Nea, Coca Cola, Nordés and the Royal Federations. Spanish and Galician Sailing.

Optimist Regatta Team to Ponferrada

The boys and girls of the Optimist Class regatta team will travel to Ponferrada to compete in the XXX CASTILLA Y LEÓN TROPHY – CUP OF AUTONOMIES that will be held this coming weekend.

Both the boys from the blue team and those from the green team will attend this event.

They will be accompanied by coaches Samuel Montouto and David Fontán.

Great RIAS BAIXAS WORLDS TOURISM regatta by Nacho Campos and Gonzalo Martinez

The last day was incredible due to how easy it was to turn around in the general classification.

The crew formed by Nacho Campos and Gonzalo Martínez (Flota Vaurien Galicia- MRCYB) has signed a fantastic 4th place, having maintained the first place for more than half of the competition.

From the MRCYB we want to congratulate this great crew for such a good championship, and all the winners of the Turismo Rías Baixas Worlds in the Vaurien class.

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