All-Star Performance by Alboroto at the Gestilar J80 Fall League Premiere


· The current Spanish champion of the class led by Juan Carlos Ameneiro won the three races held on the first day of competition

Francisco “Chisco” Catalán’s Bica came second in the table ahead of Guillermo Blanco’s I3D Atlántico from A Coruña

· The Gestilar J80 Autumn League still has four more days to go on November 12 and 26 and December 3 and 17

The Gestilar J80 Autumn League was inaugurated today in Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Stellar performance by Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto at the premiere of the Gestilar J80 Autumn League, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates in the bay of Baiona.

The sailboat, current champion of Spain in the class, won the three tests held on the first day of competition, making its objectives very clear in this autumn league, which are none other than to win the final victory and thus continue directing the preparation for the 2023 world cup.

The boat manned by Javier Aguado, Javier Lago and Antoni Xabier del Río, who replaced the usual team member Juan Lago in this inaugural stage, completed three very good races, succeeding in tactics, securing the edges, the first passing through the buoy with maneuvers clean and widening the distance with their rivals as soon as they found an opportunity.

The Rampage of Juan Carlos Ameneiro – Photo © Rosana Calvo

It did not make it easy for him, yes, the rest of the fleet that is competing for the championship, some crews that have been adding quality throughout the year thanks to the large number of competitions that have been held in Galicia, including the recent Championship of Spain disputed in Baiona.

The Bica de Chisco Catalán fought it all for the first position – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Ships such as Francisco “Chisco” Catalán’s Bica, Guillermo Blanco’s I3D Atlántico, Fernando “Nano” Yáñez’s Cansino, Andrés Álvarez’s Solventis Ribadeo or Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo sailed very close to each other at all times , and showed their nails and teeth in the three contested races, moving up and down positions at the slightest success or error of their rivals.

Most of the steps through the buoy were very tight – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Finally, the Bica de Chisco Catalán, accompanied on board by Gerardo Prego, Ramón Ojea and Álvaro García, was the one that managed to take second place; leaving third place for I3D Atlántico from Coruña led by Guillermo Blanco, Agustín Rubio and Manuel Vargas.

The Coruñeses of the I3D Atlántico are third in the table – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Cansino and Solventis Ribadeo completed the Top 5 of the classification after the celebration of this first day of the Gestilar J80 Autumn League, in which another of the outstanding boats was the Waikiki, led by Andrés Gómez and crewed by sailors from the Magical Vigués.

With a new boat and this being the first time they had seen each other face to face with the regulars of the J80 races in Baiona, Gómez’s men completed three very good races and managed to place themselves in seventh position in the table behind Mondo, which was sixth.

The Waikiki premiered in Baiona with a very good performance – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The start of the autumn championship of the Monte Real Club de Yates was celebrated with 19 of the 23 boats registered in the water, and conditions that, although they were not very good at the beginning (with a shifty wind that forced to suspend a test already started change the location of the field), they did allow the three scheduled sleeves to be disputed.

Autumn League Gestilar J80 – Photo © Rosana Calvo

After the opening day, the J80 Autumn League, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Gestilar, still has four more phases ahead of it, on November 12 and 26; and December 3 and 17.


After the celebration of the first day and with four more pending to dispute




The J80 fleet returns to Baiona to compete in the Autumn League


· One of the largest one-design fleets in Galicia will meet this weekend in the Rías Baixas to inaugurate the Gestilar J80 Autumn League

· More than 20 sailboats will be measured between the months of October and December in five days in which a total of 15 tests are scheduled

· Among the contenders for the league title are Alboroto and Namasté, champions of Spain in J80 in the general and mixed categories

The crews attend the event with the aim of starting to prepare their teams for the J80 World Championship to be held in Baiona in 2023

Baiona will be the setting for the one-design competition – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Galician J80 fleet returns to Baiona this weekend to inaugurate the Gestilar J80 Autumn League, the competition with which the Monte Real Club de Yates closes its 2022 regatta season.

More than 20 one-design sailboats will be measured between the months of October and December in five days in which there are programs for a total of 15 tests, with a maximum of three per stage, on October 29, November 12 and 26, and 3 and December 17.

They may be, depending on the weather conditions and the decisions of the regatta committee, or windward-leeward races between buoys, or coastal courses. Regardless of the competition design chosen for each day, the tests will always start at three in the afternoon and the last start of each day must be given one hour before sunset.

The Alboroto current champion of Spain in J80 will participate in the competition – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Among the participants we will see the current J80 Spanish champions in the general and mixed categories, Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto and Luis de Mira’s Namasté. They will also enter the fray, among others, Cansino de Nano Yáñez, who in the previous edition of the league won the bronze medal; and the 2021 winner, the Marías from the Portuguese Cunha family, who will join the competition from December.

In addition to winning the Monte Real and Gestilar autumn championship, the crews attend the event with the aim of starting to define their teams and carry out the first joint training sessions ahead of the J80 World Championship to be held in Baiona in September. of 2023.

For the first day, this Saturday from three in the afternoon, the weather forecasts announce a lot of cloudiness, rain and southerly winds that will move around 7 knots on average with gusts that could exceed 15.

15 tests are scheduled in the competition program – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Dorsia Covirán is crowned in Baiona as the best women’s national team


· The boat from the Marina Burriananova (Castellón) armed by Nuria Sánchez and skippered by the Olympian Natalia Vía-Dufresne won the Women’s National League of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation for the second consecutive year

· The crew won the victory after signing podiums in the four phases of a competition that ended with two first places (in Valencia and Galicia) and two second places (in the Basque Country and the Balearic Islands)

· The last stage of the women’s sailing circuit was held this weekend in Baiona under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates and the sponsorship of the Isonor Group and was marked by the storm that affected Baiona

The Dorsia Covirán Sailing Team was crowned this Sunday in Baiona as the best women’s national team. The boat from the Marina Burriananova (Castellón), armed by Nuria Sánchez and skippered by the Olympian Natalia Vía-Dufresne, won the Women’s National Sailing League for the second consecutive year, which had its last stage this weekend at the Monte Real Club of Yachts within the framework of the Grupo Isonor Trophy.

The crew won the victory after signing podiums in the four phases of a competition that ended with two first places in Valencia and Galicia; and two second places in the Basque Country and the Balearic Islands. A victory achieved with a very comfortable margin of points with respect to its most direct rivals and the result of a very good racing season.

Dorsia Covirán Sailing Team was the winner of the Isonor Trophy and the Women’s National Sailing League – Photo RFEV

After being victorious, the owner of the Dorsia Covirán Sailing Team, Nuria Sánchez, was very satisfied to have been able to revalidate the title of the previous edition. “The effort we have made throughout all this time with the “We want to make history” project has been rewarded with many successes like this one, victories that encourage us to continue working. The evolution and commitment of the girls has been very good and we have already set ourselves new goals for 2023”.

The team’s crew, in addition to the owner herself, includes the Olympian Natalia Via-Dufresne, María Torcida, Mar Gil, Carlota Hernández and Martina Ruigómez. Barely 11 years old, the latter, daughter of the outstanding sailor Carlos ‘Puro’ Ruigómez, is the clearest example of the Dorsia Covirán Sailing Team’s commitment to promising young sailors in Spain.

“In the team we have always sought to include new crew members, of all ages. It is currently made up of half juniors and half seniors, and this mix of ages and experiences does nothing but enrich and strengthen it.”, says Nuria Sánchez, who not only defends exclusively female sailing, but also mixed teams, which she considers a very good opportunity to give women the boost they need in Spanish sailing.

“Despite all the advances that have been made from different areas, there is still a lot of work to be done so that the number of federative licenses for women continues to grow. And this is something we cannot do alone. We need help from men, we need them to support us and, above all, trust us”, assures the owner of the Dorsia Covirán, who is clear that “sailing in mixed teams in one-design competitions such as the J80, in which strength is not so important, will allow us women to continue growing hand in hand with men, and finally develop more all-female teams .”

The Final of the Women’s Sailing League that took place these days in Baiona was organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation. The tests, which were part of the Iberdrola Women’s Sailing Circuit, were held thanks to the sponsorship of the Isonor Group and with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia, the Pontevedra Provincial Council, the Baiona City Council and the Royal Galician Sailing Federation.

Despite the fact that a total of six tests were planned in the program, three per day, the adverse weather conditions left in the Rías Baixas by the Beatrice storm, with a lot of rain and a very intense wind, only allowed the dispute of two sleeves on Saturday.

Both were won by Dorsia Covirán, who won the Isonor Trophy gold. The silver and bronze of this last phase went to the team from the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante, led by Berta Campos; and the Galician Pazo de Cea, by Rosario García, with a pendant from the Monte Real Yacht Club.

The Real Club de Regatas de Alicante came second in the Isonor Trophy – Photo RFEV
The Pazo de Cea de Baiona took the bronze of the Isonor Trophy – Photo RFEV

At the awards ceremony, which put an end to the competition, the participants, among other authorities, were the Minister of Equality of the Xunta de Galicia, María Jesús Lorenzana; the commercial director of Grupo Isonor, María Fraguas; and the head of sporting events at the Monte Real Club de Yates, Marga Cameselle.

Cameselle thanked the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation for having chosen Monte Real for the celebration of the last phase of the women’s circuit and highlighted the alignment of this initiative with the club’s “Sailing for Women” program.

“More than a quarter of a century ago ,” he said, we launched the Ladies Cup, a 100 percent female competition, and since then we have not stopped betting on women. We promote exclusively female teams and help them so that they can participate in state competitions; we created specific awards for women in our trophies; we take women victims of sexist violence out on the water… these are some of the things we have done and continue to do, and we still have many more to start”.

Family photo of the National Women’s Sailing League – Photo RFEV


Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 21 – 23 October 2022

After the celebration of 4 phases: Basque Country · Valencia · Mallorca · Galicia


ISONOR TROPHY Last phase of the National Women’s Sailing League 2022
Final phase held at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona (October 21-23, 2022)





The storm, protagonist of the final of the National Women’s Sailing League


· An orange alert with sustained winds above 30 knots and gusts of more than 40 delayed the premiere of the final of the National Women’s Sailing League for more than 5 hours, which is being held this weekend in Baiona

· A parenthesis of improvement in the weather allowed the holding of two tests in which the Dorsia Covirán Sailing Team prevailed, armed by Nuria Sánchez and skippered by the Olympian Natalia Vía-Dufresne

· In the competition organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and sponsored by Grupo Isonor, 8 teams from different communities participate

· The regatta committee hopes to be able to hold new tests of this last phase of the Iberdrola Women’s Sailing Circuit this Sunday on a day in which the weather forecasts are somewhat more benevolent

An orange alert due to a storm with sustained winds above 30 knots and gusts of more than 40 conditioned the premiere of the final of the National Women’s Sailing League that is being held this weekend in Baiona, delaying its start for more than five hours.

From twelve noon, when the tests were scheduled to start, until almost ten past five in the afternoon, when the first and only regatta of the day could finally start, the crews stayed on the ground watching Beatrice, the low pressure system that arrived in Galicia after the passage of the Armand storm, brought with it a maritime storm.

It took hours for the conditions to be conducive to sailing, but the passage of a downpour and the subsequent drop in wind intensity gave a respite to the event, opened a parenthesis of improvement in the weather and the regatta committee was able to set up a field with a quite boarded south wind and about 23 knots of intensity, with peaks of more than 30, even reaching 39 knots on some very specific occasion.

This is how the participating crews, from the Canary Islands, the Basque Country, the Valencian Community and Galicia, competed, competing in fleet and real time, two windward-leeward type tests between buoys.

The storm marked the start of the competition held in Baiona – Photo RFEV

The winner of both was the Dorsia Coviran Sailing Team, the boat built by Nuria Sánchez and led by the Olympian Natalia Vía-Dufresne who runs for the Marina Burriananova (Castellón).

In the first race, while the rest of the crews stayed more or less together throughout the navigation, the Valencian J80 was always in the lead, at a distance, marking power, and managed to be the first to cross the finish line. The second and third places were occupied by the boat from the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante, led by Berta Campos; and the canary Code Zero, by Simona Manfredini.

In the second and last regatta of the day, the victory was also for Dorsia, but the team did not have it so easy and had to fight harder for the victory due to the good performance of the Cantabrian Zona Norte de María Sánchez (RCM Santander), who finished second. ; and the Alicante team, which finished third.

Thus, after this first day, the Dorsia Covirán Sailing Team, the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante and the Galician Pazo de Cea, with Rosario García at the helm, are first, second and third; and with two disputed tests, the competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and the sponsorship of Grupo Isonor, is already valid for scoring in the state circuit.

The start of the Sunday session is scheduled for eleven in the morning and it will be in the afternoon, at the edge of six, when the awards ceremony will be held for the winners, both of the Isonor de Baiona Trophy and of the Iberdrola Women’s Sailing Circuit (Abra-Alicante-Mallorca-Baiona). The event will be attended, among other authorities, by the Minister of Equality of the Xunta de Galicia, the general director and the commercial director of Grupo Isonor; and the delegate of Iberdrola in Galicia.

The intensity of the wind exceeded 30 knots on many occasions, even reaching 39 knots – Photo RFEV

Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 21 – 23 October 2022

Classification of the ISONOR TROPHY after the first day



Women’s sailing this weekend in Baiona


· After passing through Abra, Alicante and Palma de Mallorca, the Women’s National League promoted by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation arrives in Galicia to celebrate its final tests

On board J80 one-designs, competing in real time, crews made up entirely of women will compete for the title of best female crew in Spain for two days

· The regattas on Saturday from noon and on Sunday from eleven in the morning will be held in the bay of Baiona under the organization of the Monte Real Club de Yates and with the sponsorship of Grupo Isonor

Baiona hosts this weekend the final of the National Women’s Sailing League – Isonor Trophy, a competition promoted by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation to promote the participation of women in regattas.

The Monte Real Club de Yates will be in charge of organizing the last tests of a circuit that, after passing through the Abra (Women’s Sailing Cup), Alicante (Tabarca Vela) and Palma de Mallorca (Copa del Rey MAPFRE), arrives in Galicia to decide the best female crew in Spain.

In the final, sponsored by the Isonor Group, teams made up entirely of women participate who, aboard J80 one-designs, will compete in a minimum of two and a maximum of six regattas inside the bay of Baiona. They will be routes between buoys, of the windward-leeward type, with double laps, which will score in real time and which will allow the crews to eliminate their worst result from the fourth race on.

Among the participants, the Galician autonomous community is the one with the largest number of representatives, with a total of three. Through Galicia run the Pazo de Cea, by Rosario García; the SND Cormorant, from Africa Alonso; and Miudo, by Marta Ramada.

From Las Palmas de Gran Canaria comes the Zero Code, led by Simona Manfredini; from Santander, the North Zone, by María Sánchez; from Alicante a crew from the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante, with Berta Campos at the head; and Silvia Marce’s Fhimasa team (RCM Abra RSC) is registered for the Basque Country.

At the starting line we will also see the Dorsia Covirán Sailing Team, the Marina Burriananova team that, after putting up very good performances in the previous phases, is first in the general classification and is the one with the most ballots to end up the winner and win the League laurels. The crew arrives in Baiona led by Olympian Natalia Via-Dufresne.

The Final of the National Women’s Sailing League – Isonor Trophy, was officially presented this Friday in Baiona at a press conference in which the president of the Monte Real Club de Yates, José Luis Álvarez, highlighted the work done for years in Baiona to promote women in the world of sailing and what they will continue to do, he assured. “The female presence in the world of sailing needs and deserves -said Álvarez- continue to make its way, and this is something that will only be achieved if we are all committed to egalitarian sport. This National League is yet another attempt to give women the prominence that history owes them.”.

The commercial director of Grupo Isonor, María Fraguas, revealed that her company’s commitment to this initiative, of which it is a sponsor, is based on the identification of its brand with all the values of sport. “In Isonor we are proud -he said- to promote those activities in which we believe. We love sports in general and sailing in particular, and we are proud to be able to sponsor one of the main competitions in this sport at a national level, and to be able to do so, moreover, in the year in which we celebrate Isonor’s 25th anniversary. ”.

Accompanying Álvarez and Fraguas, in the presentation of the event were also the General Director of Grupo Isonor, Jorge González; the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; the councilor for sports of Baiona, Andrea Pérez; and the vice president and head of sporting events of the MRCYB, Alejandro Retolaza and Margarita Cameselle.

A meeting of patrons and several training regattas served, this Friday, as a preliminary preparation for a fleet that was able to make a first contact with the club, with its rivals to beat, and also with the Rías Baixas, which offered them a day typically autumnal, with some rain, clouds and a lot of wind, reaching over 25 knots at times.

A weather not very different from the one they will have during the tests on Saturday and Sunday, for which winds from the south are expected, always above 15 knots and with peaks that could approach 30, a lot of cloudiness and moments of punctual rain.

After the celebration of the two days of competition, on Sunday afternoon, at six, the Monte Real Club de Yates will host the awards ceremony for the winners, an act that will be attended, among other authorities, by the Regional Minister of Equality of the Xunta de Galicia, María Jesús Lorenzana.

The winning crews will receive, as an award, a pictorial work created specifically for the occasion by the artist Willy Ramos Castro. It is titled “Take air, fly and triumph”, it is made with mixed techniques of acrylic, oil and natural pigments on wood and symbolizes the symbiosis of women with the sea through sailing.

The Final of the Women’s Sailing League that is taking place these days in Baiona is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation. The tests, which are part of the Iberdrola Women’s Sailing Circuit, are held thanks to the sponsorship of the Isonor Group and the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia, the Pontevedra Provincial Council, the Baiona City Council and the Royal Galician Sailing Federation.


Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 21 – 23 October 2022



10:00 Opening of the race office / Registration / Weigh-in
13:15 · Official presentation
14:30 · Meeting of employers
16:00 Training regatta


10:00 Opening of the race office / Weigh-in
10:30 am Meeting of patrons



Registered crews



The Asturian Bullbox, new Spanish Cruise Champion

The Valencian Team Tac, second, and the Balearic Alba III, third, close the national podium. The Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lotteries and Bets Trophy has brought together 18 crews from 12 autonomous communities at the Monte Real Yacht Club in Baiona

(Information and photo: RFEV)

The Asturian team Bullbox has won the title of best team in the Spanish Cruise Championship – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy that was held this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates in Baiona. During three days of competition, 18 teams from 12 regional federations have been put to the test in one-design regattas with direct arbitration. Emotion and equality have been the dominant tone, leaving the final victory in suspense until the last test.

“Are you sure, us?” asked the crew of the Bullbox with some astonishment as soon as the regatta had finished. Then, after the official confirmation, they burst into cheers and hugs. Thus concluded for this team a challenge that has been capital. “I still have a lot of adrenaline. They have been three very good days of regatta with a very competitive fleet; and the monotype format has enchanted us”, assured Sebastiano Nápoli, boss of the Bulbox.

The last day of competition was held, like the previous days, with a light wind that fluctuated between 5 and 7 knots. With these conditions, the group of finalists, made up of six teams, faced a series of three tests that began with the squares of the whole world to zero. Finally, the Bullbox took the victory, followed by the Valencian Team Tac, second, and with the Menorcan Alba III in third position.

Javier Sanz, president of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, has been very satisfied with the organization of this championship. “We wanted to offer the crews a festive final, an attractive and very competitive regatta for the national title and we have achieved this with the invaluable support of the Monte Real Club de Yates”. Sanz also wanted to value the “good work of the regatta teams as well as the regional federations and yacht clubs, the main promoters and supporters of sailing”.

For his part, José Luis Álvarez, president of the MRCY, has described this championship as “very positive”. “The formula proposed by the Federation has been a great success. I am sure that this will be a format that will come together in the long term”. Likewise, he has highlighted the importance for his club of having crews from so many autonomies come to visit its facilities and the regatta course that Baiona offers.

The award ceremony served to say goodbye to the crews and thank them for their participation in the competition. The event was attended by Oscar Martínez, first deputy mayor of Baiona, José Luis Álvarez, president of the MRCY, Manuel Villaverde, president of the RFGV and Javier Sanz, president of the RFEV. The members of the podium have been awarded with a plaque in recognition of their results and a bottle of Terras Gauda wine. In addition, all the crew members of the winning team have received a personalized watch from the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation.

The Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lottery and Betting Trophy has brought together more than 100 sailors from 18 teams representing 12 regional federations at the Monte Real Club de Yates in Baiona. The competition has been disputed in Figaro monotypes and with direct arbitration at sea. Throughout three days of competition, 23 tests have been completed after which the Bullbox, on behalf of the Sailing Federation of the Principality of Asturias, has won the title of best team in Spain.



Luis Pomar | Communication Director RFEV |
Macarena Lainez | RFEV Press Officer |


Six teams will meet in the final for the national cruise title


The Spanish Cruise Championship – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy will be decided between the teams Team Tac (Valencia), Butxaca (Canary Islands), Impredigital (Cantabria), Bullbox (Principality of Asturias), Lanzarote Paradise (Canary Islands) and Alba III ( Balearics)

(Information and photo: RFEV)

The 2022 Spanish cruise champion title has become a real challenge for the teams that are competing this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona. Tomorrow, Sunday, the decisive day of the Spanish Cruise Championship – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy, six of the 18 participating teams will play it all in a series of a maximum of three heats that they face with zero score.

Team Tac (Valencia), Butxaca (Canary Islands), Impredigital (Cantabria), Bullbox (Principality of Asturias), Lanzarote Paradise (Canary Islands) and Alba III (Balearic Islands) are the teams that tomorrow will be in this final series in which the podium will remain defined according to the results of the day, without taking into account today’s locker. For their part, the teams from groups two and three will compete in one final heat to close the final general classification of the competition.

This regatta has the peculiarity that the crews, who normally sail in their own boats and generally in compensated time, are sailing in identical units and in real time. In addition, as an added incentive is the arbitration and direct trial that is applied in this test.

David de María and Güiso Jordán are in charge of ensuring correct compliance with the regulations for regatta at sea and they do so by following the regatta very closely. “With this format there are no protests on the ground, only serious exceptions,” explains David de María. The regatta judge assures that “thus the tests are more dynamic and generate less tension in the competitors because once the sports day is over there are no hearings, protests or trials”.

Regarding the competition format and the commitment to make the teams change their boat for a one-design, de María is clear: “For the participants it is a great opportunity to meet and measure themselves with other boats; It seems to me a very appropriate format to end the season”.

The Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lottery and Betting Trophy is being played at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona with the participation of more than 100 sailors from 18 teams representing a total of 12 regional federations. These teams achieved the pass to the final for the national title thanks to the results obtained in the tests held in their community.


Luis Pomar | Communication Director RFEV |
Macarena Lainez | RFEV Press Officer |

Spanish sailing seeks the best cruise team


18 crews compete this weekend in the Spanish Cruise Championship – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy

Butxaca (Canary Islands), Team Tac (Valencian Community) and Bullbox (Principality of Asturias), first leaders

(Information: RFEV – Photo: Victor Ramírez | What Studio)

The high level of competition on the water and the good atmosphere and camaraderie on land have been the dominant trend on the opening day of the Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lotteries and Betting Trophy.

An innovative event organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation that brings together 18 crews, more than 100 people, from 12 regional federations this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona. Butxaca (Canary Islands), Team Tac (Valencian Community) and Bullbox (Principality of Asturias) have been the best in their respective groups and are emerging as the main contenders for the national title.

The day began on land with the distribution of personalized lycras to the crews and the draw for the competition groups. Immediately afterwards, the first to compete were able to get on the one-design Figaro while the rest of the participants boarded a catamaran from which they have been able to follow the tests while waiting for their turn.

The three groups completed three tests each with a wind between 5 and 7 knots. In the first round, Joaquín Blanco’s Butxaca team from the Canary Islands won the rest of the fleet with solvency and won the passage to tomorrow’s preferred group together with Orión from Galicia.

In group 2 the victory went to the Valencian Team Tac, with Gustavo Gastaldi as skipper, while the second position, and also passed to the first group tomorrow, went to the Cantabrian Impredigital. Together with these four teams, the Asturian Bullbox, from Sabastiano Napoli, winner in their fleet, and the Basque Rat Pack, second, will also be in the group of leaders tomorrow.

Joaquín Blanco, one of the leaders of the day, has been satisfied with the organization of the Championship: “It is a fantastic idea from the federation; We have been waiting for something like this for a long time and it has been a success”. Likewise, the former Olympic sailor and now cruiser skipper and owner points out that in this regatta “almost all the autonomies are present and in addition to having a good time we are going to have a close championship”.

José Francisco Romero, skipper of the Nemox-Bnfix ship from Murcia, has also spoken in this regard: “The idea and the format seem interesting to me, the best that can be done”. As for today’s results, José, who will sail in Group 2 tomorrow, stressed that it takes time to adapt to this type of sailing and acknowledged that “there are teams that are very consistent and that’s why they manage to win.”

Tomorrow, Saturday October 8, the competition will resume by resetting the lockers and redistributing the groups. The first two of each of the groups will form group 1, the third and fourth group 2, and the fifth and sixth group 3. The same will happen for Sunday, where the final result of group one will constitute the podium of the Spanish Cruise Championship – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado 2022 Trophy.


Luis Pomar | Communication Director RFEV |
Macarena Lainez | RFEV Press Officer |

The 18 best cruising teams in Spain compete for the national title in Baiona


Tomorrow, Friday, the MRCYB will kick off the Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lottery and Betting Trophy

Finally there will be 18 teams that aspire to the title, representing 12 autonomous communities

(Information: RFEV – Photo: María Muiña)

Among the more than 2,500 cruise ships from all over Spain, this weekend there will be 18 teams that will compete for the national title at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona. The regatta will be held from Friday the 7th to Sunday the 9th in one-type boats, ensuring equality among the competitors and adding extra difficulty to the crews used to sailing their own boats.

These 18 teams have won the ticket for the Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lotteries and Betting Trophy after being selected by their respective territories based on the results obtained in the regional tests stipulated by each of them. In our country there are more than 10,000 people who sail in cruise classes and who participate weekly in the regattas organized by the nearly 400 Spanish yacht clubs and marinas.

After a season full of club regattas and regional events, 12 regional federations will be represented at the great Spanish cruising sailing event. Thus, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, the Valencian Community, Galicia, the Region of Murcia and the Basque Country will be represented by two crews; while Andalusia, the Autonomous City of Melilla, Castilla La Mancha, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and the Principality of Asturias will have a single representative.

All of them will sail in the Monte Real Club de Yates First Class Figaro Solo one-design fleet, a boat signed by Finot-Berret with a length of 9.14 meters and a beam of 3.25, with almost 140 square meters of sail area (major, Genoa and spinnaker). Its technical characteristics make it a perfect small cruiser to be manned by the six sailors that make up each team, providing the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in identical units sailing in real time. The crews will compete in one or another of the units that make up the MRCY fleet through a rigorous draw that will take place every day.

This new competition system with which to crown the best cruise team in Spain is a commitment to equality and an extra challenge for sailors, who are used to sailing their own boat and on many occasions in compensated time.

Today, Thursday 6, the crews have become familiar with the Figaros in a training session prior to the scoring regattas for the Spanish Cruiser Championship that will begin tomorrow, Friday. In order to give the regattas greater agility with equal opportunities for all participants, the 18 teams will be divided into three groups by lottery, without the two boats of a community being able to coincide in the same group.

After the series of regattas scheduled for the first day, 3 or 4 for each group depending on the wind and sea conditions, the provisional classification will allow the groups to be created for the second day of the Championship. The first two of each of the groups will form group 1, the third and fourth group 2, and the fifth and sixth group 3.

For the final and definitive series, on Sunday, October 9, those who occupy places five and six in each group will be relegated to the next group, and the first and second will be promoted. For group 1, the dispute of three regattas is planned, determining after them the first six positions of the final classification. The rest of the positions will be decided on a single heat for groups 2 and 3.

The Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lotteries and Betting Trophy was born under the organization of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and has the collaboration in this edition of the Galician Federation and Monte Real Yacht Club of Baiona. The regatta will take place from Friday the 7th to Sunday the 9th of October and it will be the first time that the national title has been disputed in this new format.


Luis Pomar | Communication Director RFEV |
Macarena Lainez | RFEV Press Officer |



Spanish Cruise Championship: sailing for everyone at a national level

17 boats from 12 communities participate this weekend in Baiona in the Spanish Cruise Championship for teams and autonomous communities, organized by the RFEV and sponsored by Loterías y Apuestas del Estado

The availability of Figaro boats provided by the MRCYB together with other participation facilities open this national cruise ship to amateur teams from all over the territory

(Information: RFEV)

More than 100 sailors, divided into 17 teams that will represent 12 autonomous communities, will meet that weekend (October 7 to 9) in the Spanish Cruise Championship – State Lotteries and Bets Trophy that will be held at Monte Royal Yacht Club of Baiona.

Organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation with the collaboration of the MRCYB and the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, this championship is committed to a structure that rewards participation in the territorial calendar and encourages competition among amateur crews. The different teams, proposed by each territorial federation, will enjoy a competition designed to promote and socialize cruising sailing in Spain.

Javier Sanz, president of the RFEV emphasizes the idea of “reward the effort and perseverance of the sailors who go sailing every week in their club”. “Being able to measure yourself against crews from all over Spain on equal terms is a unique opportunity that we hope will become the annual objective of any cruise team anywhere in our country”.

One of the novelties of the competition is that thanks to the sponsorship of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado and the financial support of the RFEV, the participants will not have to pay registration fees and their stay in Baiona will be covered by the organizers of the regatta. In addition, this Spanish Championship will have a parallel social offer, with a village dedicated to sailors in which food and drinks will be offered every night.

The note of color will be seen in the sea, where all the teams will wear custom lycras according to the autonomous community they represent. It should also be noted that the winner of the championship, in addition to the national title, will obtain recognition for the best autonomy in Spain for their territory.

The success of the proposal translates not only into a high participation in this first edition, 17 crews from 12 territorial ones, but also in the fact that these crews are made up of amateur sailors, teams that regularly sail in their club regattas and that have now the opportunity to measure your skills against others from different parts of Spain.

The regional federations represented by one or two teams in this Spanish Cruise Championship are: Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, the Autonomous City of Melilla, the Valencian Community, Castilla la Mancha, Catalonia, Galicia, the Balearic Islands, the Principality of Asturias, the Region of Murcia , Basque Country.

The action will begin next Friday and will last until Sunday, sailing in the fleet of Benetau Figaro monotype boats, one more incentive that emphasizes equal conditions for all, as well as ease of participation.

More information:

Luis Pomar | Communication Director RFEV |
Macarena Lainez | RFEV Press Officer |

The Monte Real welcomes the crew of the Pequod in Baiona on its Camino Azul


· The sailboat is about to become the first to complete the Camino Azul linking Antarctica with Santiago de Compostela

· On board the boat is the Argentine descendant of Galician Manuel Pardi who was received in Baiona by the president of Monte Real

The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona received this weekend a very special visit, that of the Pequod, a historic sailboat (the first with an Argentine flag that arrived in Antarctica in 1987) that is about to become the first to complete the Blue Way (of the ocean sea), a unique pilgrimage that connects Antarctica with Santiago de Compostela.

The captain of the Pequod, Manuel Pardi

On board the ship, whose name pays homage to the one immortalized by Herman Melville in Moby Dick, is Manuel Pardi Rial, an Argentine of Galician descent who left the Yacht Club Argentino in Buenos Aires on April 23 for the Antarctic continent.

The vice president of the club, Alejandro Retolaza, and the patron of the Pequod, exchanging necklaces

Wearing the Argentine, Brazilian, Portuguese and Spanish flags, and numerous pendants of the clubs through which it has passed, including now also that of the Monte Real Club de Yates, the Pequod also bears a message of “peace, faith, love, brotherhood among peoples and respect for the environment”, says Pardi, who encourages everyone to “pursue your dreams and connect with nature”.

After passing through Baiona, where they were received by the president of Monte Real, José Luis Álvarez, the crew of the Pequod, which also includes Silvia Alicia Rodríguez, Pardi Rial’s wife, is about to complete an adventure that they began to plan in 2018, when a stone cross brought from Galicia to the Bonaire parish of San Ignacio de Loyola, inspired the couple to make the pilgrimage.

Once he completes his historic Camino Azul, Manuel Pardi’s intention is to stay in Spain for a while before returning to Argentina, whose arrival is scheduled for February of next year. Much of that time will be spent in Galicia, visiting relatives, since Pardi’s origins are here.


The Galician Alboroto de Juan Carlos Ameneiro, new champion of Spain of J80


· The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona team skippered by Juan Carlos Ameneiro completed a great competition and was proclaimed national champion of the class in the waters of the Vigo estuary

· In Galicia, the silver of the championship won by Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen and the bronze goes to Cantabria at the hands of Ignacio Camino’s Solintal from Santander.

· Luis de Mira’s Namasté is the new J80 Spanish Champion with mixed crew and the awards for best youth and female crew were shared by the Basques Fhimasa and Decoexsa respectively

With the Spanish Championship – Gestilar Trophy, the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona has already kicked off the J80 class World Championship that the club will organize in September 2023

The J80 fleet already has new Spanish champions of the class. This Sunday, the Monte Real Club de Yates put an end to the J80 Spanish Championship – Gestilar Trophy, which the club had been celebrating since last Friday, with almost 40 sailboats in contention and as a prelude to the World Cup that the Rías Baixas will host next year.

After three intense days of regatta and seven races completed, the Juan Carlos Ameneiro Rampage sentenced a national title for which they fought tooth and nail from the first race, against a fleet it was not easy at all and with several teams that were about to take the lead.

With his usual crew, made up of the world class champion Javier Aguado, Javier Lago and Juan José Lago, Ameneiro started the championship strongly, adding two seconds and one first with which he was at the top of the table. On Saturday they withstood the pressure of their rivals and on Sunday, after winning a protest in the last test for an off-line that they managed to appeal, they were definitively proclaimed champions of Spain in J80.

The rampage of Juan Carlos Ameneiro in the Spanish J80 Championship- Photo © Rosana Calvo

“We are very happy to have won this championship in front of so many good crews. We wanted to make a worthy participation in the national but we did not expect to be so high. In the end we have had a magnificent championship and at the last minute, with a claim for an off-line that we did not have, far from it, the committee decided it was convenient to make a repair and we have won it very tight with Okofen, which is a very worthy opponent and he has done a very good regatta too”Ameneiro said.

The Fuss of Juan Carlos Ameneiro (MRCYB), new Spanish champion of J80 – Photo © Clara Giraldo

Behind Alboroto, just four points away, Okofen, also from Monte Real Club de Yates, took the silver trophy and the runner-up position in Spain. The team made up of Javier de La Gándara, Diego Fernández, Pablo Franco and Jaime de La Gándara signed a very good national, going from less to more from the first day. He started from fifth position and even came close to winning, which finally eluded him, leaving him a more than worthy second position.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen (MRCYB) took the championship silver – Photo © Clara Giraldo

The Cantabrian Solintal de Ignacio Camino (Real Club Marítimo de Santander) completed the podium in third position, not without having fought until the last minute for the title and after a weekend in which he never got off the podium . Armando Gutiérrez, Cristobal Piris and Abelardo Quevedo also haggled on the boat.

Ignacio Camino’s Solintal (RCM Santander), was third in the national J80 – Photo © Clara Giraldo

The event organized by Monte Real also decided the new champions of Spain with a mixed crew, a title that went to another local boat, the Luis de Mira Namasté. With Susana Baena, Amparo Molla, Luis Gutiérrez and Hilda Martín among their ranks, Namasté finished with partials of 3-13-3-13-8-23-7, in eighth place overall and as the first mixed team. A brilliant result that leaves Baiona with the second title up for grabs.

Luis de Mira’s Namasté (MRCYB) won the J80 Spanish Champion with mixed crew – Photo © Clara Giraldo

In addition to the national championship prizes, the Gestilar Trophy also gave awards to the best women’s and youth crews in the championship. The Decoexsa of the Real Club Náutico de San Sebastián, skippered by Olatz Muñoz and with a crew made up of Marta Lizarraga, Eva González, Patricia Alza, Gabriela Cruz and Carlota Gala, was the best boat manned exclusively by women.

Olatz Muñoz’s Decoexsa (RCM San Sebastián) received the honorable mention for the best female crew – Photo © Clara Giraldo

The special mention for the best youth crew went to another Basque team, Fhimasa del Real Club Marítimo del Abra-Real Sporting Club with a crew made up of Nicolás Viar Laorden, Perico Basterra, Manuel Rey-Baltar, Alba Ortega and Tomás Trueba. They also achieved a meritorious fifteenth position.

Nicolás Viar’s Fhimasa (RCM Abra) was the best youth crew – Photo © Clara Giraldo

With these results ends a very tight Spanish Championship in which the competitiveness between the crews led the fleet to fight every length, every start and every section of the route. A perfect rehearsal for next year’s World Cup, which will be held again in these waters and under the organization of the Baionese club.

“With any World Cup that is held in Spain we are delighted and that it is held in Baiona is a great place. Monte Real is a club that is dedicated to sailing and to organizing this type of championship, so it is a luxury to be here”, affirmed the president of the J80 class in Spain, Armando Gutiérrez.

The delivery of trophies, final point and prelude to the 2023 World Cup

With the regatta now over, Monte Real hosted the final trophy ceremony in the afternoon, a ceremony in which the winners of the Gestilar Trophy and the new J80 Spanish champions were crowned. The event was attended by José Luis Álvarez, president of the Monte Real Yacht Club; Javier García Valcárcel, president of Gestilar; Raúl Guerrero, CEO of Gestilar; Carlos Gómez, mayor of Baiona; and Daniel Benavides, provincial head of sports of the Xunta de Galicia.

For the president of the Monte Real Club de Yates, José Luis Álvarez, this J80 Spanish Championship is very important because “It is the starting point for the world championship that we will celebrate in Baiona next year, and because the Spanish crews have already been able to compete in Galician waters and test our regatta fields”. At the World Cup event, scheduled for September 2023, the manager of the Baiona club is confident of having a significant international presence and “that the Galician and Monte Real sailors end up in a good position “.

During the ceremony, Alboroto was also presented with the Trophy of the J80 Spain class. The person in charge of presenting the award was the president of the class, Armando Gutiérrez.

The fleet came out on the last day to give everything for the title – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The J80 Spanish Championship was organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Gestilar and Homes by Gestilar and the collaboration of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and the Royal Galician Sailing Federation. It also had the support of the Xunta de Galicia, the Pontevedra Provincial Council and the Pontevedra City Council; and from brands and companies such as Volvo Autesa, Martin Miller’s Gin or Terras Gauda, among others.



Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 15 – 18 September 2022

Spanish Champion of J80 2022

Top 5 Spanish J80 Championship 2022

Spanish champion of J80 with mixed crew 2022

Best Junior Crew

Honorable Mention for Best Female Crew

Galicia remains at the forefront in the final stretch of the Spanish J80 Championship


Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen team from Vigo had a great day this Saturday, adding two victories and placing second, just four points behind the leader

· The Rampage of Juan Carlos Ameneiro remains first in the general classification and will seek to win the hotly contested J80 national title on Sunday

· After Alboroto and Okofen, the third place on the podium is occupied by Solintal from Cantabria, who keeps his options open for the final day

· After the dispute of the last tests this Sunday the Monte Real Club de Yates will hold the awards ceremony at five in the afternoon

Very long day for the fleet that disputed the Spanish J80 Championship in the waters of the Vigo estuary, on a second day that kept the crews in the water for almost ten hours. The stage began with a delay of more than three hours and was resolved with new changes in an increasingly tight general.

The Galician Alboroto de Juan Carlos Ameneiro (MRCYB) managed to maintain his position as leader in the regatta field ahead of Okofen de Javier de La Gándara (MRCYB), one of the most outstanding of the day, after signing two firsts in the three races completed and climb to second place overall.

Start of the first of the three races held on the second day – Photo © Rosana Calvo

First thing in the morning, the Committee announced a postponement at the regatta course located in the Cíes area, waiting for conditions to improve before giving the first honk. The fleet, which was already in the area around twelve noon, had to wait until after three in the afternoon for the wind to pick up with about seven knots from the northwest, finally allowing the almost forty participating teams to add three new tests in their lockers.

“We had rather more complicated conditions, especially at the beginning,” said Aleix Ballester, the championship’s main official, after returning to land. There was very little wind, so we looked for the pressure further north of the race course and there we managed to start with about six or seven knots that reached twelve in the last race”.

The conditions of the Vigo estuary complicated the start of the second day – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The first test of the day began with practically all the teams in a fist, disputing the partial victory. At the head of the fleet, Santander’s Solintal and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen were in a tough one-on-one match for almost the first half of the race, but the Gándara men did not give up and managed to sign their first partial victory after having released on Friday in fifth position overall.

Behind, Ignacio Camino’s Solintal failed to maintain their position and crossed the finish line in fifth position, while second and third place in the race went to two other representatives of the Real Club Marítimo de Santander, Palibex of Guillermo González and Etnia Barcelona with Peru Múgica at the controls.

In the second test, however, the tables were turned and it was three other teams that shared the first three positions, leaving an increasingly tight general after the entry into play of the discard, which allowed the crews to eliminate from the table your worst result.

The Avator Mercury of the renowned Cantabrian sailor Jaime Piris was the winner of the heat ahead of Solintal, also representing the Real Club Marítimo de Santander, who on this occasion did keep their options until the end and added a second place in their locker. Third position went to Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto (Monte Real Club de Yates), who returned to the top positions after finishing eleventh in the previous one.

Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Rampage continues to lead the championship – Photo © Rosana Calvo

After the second test and with a wind that was already reaching twelve knots, the Regatta Committee honked for a final race in which only Javier de La Gándara’s men repeated on the podium, adding their second victory of the day ahead of Cleansailing by Chisco Catalán and Ferralemes by Rosario García, both from Monte Real, occupying the second and third position respectively.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen was the best of the second day – Photo © Rosana Calvo

With these results, Okofen climbs up to second place on the podium and is only four points behind the leader, who continues to be Ameneiro’s Uproar. Although the final result will depend on what happens on Sunday, everything is open for both crews.

“It was a very complicated day but we did three good partials with which we placed ourselves close to the first. Where we are now is already a good result, so if we manage to improve it tomorrow it would be great and if we stay in second position it would also be perfect.”, stated Jaime de La Gándara, crew member of the Okofen, as soon as they reached the pontoons.

Behind, third place is now occupied by Solintal, who finished the day with a ninth in the last test and also has options for the final victory.

The Solintal de Ignacio Camino holds the provisional bronze – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Tomorrow, Sunday, the Committee will try to complete the program again with the first start at twelve noon. The reports once again predict a day with little wind, so we will have to wait to see how the conditions present themselves on the regatta field. In the words of the main official, “the report is still complicated for tomorrow and we have the time limit at half past three, but we hope to be able to get one or two heats”.

Once the competition is over, the trophy ceremony will be held at five in the afternoon in the gardens of Monte Real, where the new champion of Spain in the J80 class and winner of the Gestilar Trophy will be crowned.

Almost 40 boats aspire to win the national title – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Spanish J80 Championship is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Gestilar and Homes by Gestilar and the collaboration of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and the Royal Galician Sailing Federation. It also has the support of the Xunta de Galicia, the Pontevedra Provincial Council and the Pontevedra City Council; and from brands and companies such as Volvo Autesa, Martin Miller’s Gin or Terras Gauda, among others.


Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 15 – 18 September 2022

TOP 10 classification after the first day


Galician dominance at the premiere of the J80 Spanish Championship with an unstoppable rampage


· The Rampage of Juan Carlos Ameneiro of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona seals an almost perfect opening day, positioning itself as the first leader

· Nine and thirteen points behind him are Ignacio Camino’s Solintal (Santander) and Rafael Díaz’s Dorsia Covirán (Castellón), second and third

· With a northeasterly wind of between six and eight knots of intensity, the fleet of almost forty boats premiered markers with the dispute of three races

· The Regatta Committee will try to complete another three races on Saturday with which the discarding of the worst result for each team would come into play

Great start of the J80 Spanish Championship in the Galician Rías Baixas. The appointment organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona with the sponsorship of Gestilar gave the starting honk this Friday for the first tests in the waters of the Vigo estuary, and it did so with one of the local teams, the Alboroto de Juan Carlos Ameneiro, comfortably dominating among a fleet of almost forty teams fighting for the national title.

The J80 of the Spanish Championship in the Rías Baixas – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The day began punctually in the regatta field located in the Cíes anchorage and it did so with very good conditions for navigation. The wind, from the northeast component and with a stable intensity of seven or eight knots, allowed the fleet to open markers with the dispute of the first three tests of the program.

Almost 40 boats dispute the Spanish Championship in Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The first victory of the day was played by two teams practically from the start. Ignacio Camino’s Solintal from Cantabria was the fastest and managed to score a comfortable victory ahead of local Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Alboroto, who was second. Behind, at a considerable distance, the third position was awarded to another team from Monte Real, Luis de Mira’s Namasté with a brilliant performance in the opening test.

Already in the second, with a little less wind, it was Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen that took the cat to the water, while Alboroto repeated with a second place and Rafael Díaz’s Dorsia Covirán burst among the top teams scoring the third position.

The tests were carried out at the Cíes anchorage – Photo © Rosana Calvo

It was in the last test of the day when the crew led by Ameneiro managed to complete a great day of regattas, taking their first partial victory ahead of two other teams sailing under the banner of Monte Real: Spaco de Santiago Estévez and again the Namasté, second and third respectively.

With these results, El Alboroto, which also counts among its ranks the former Spanish J80 champion Javier Aguado, Javier Lago and Juan José Lago, becomes the first leader of the Spanish Championship – Gestilar Trophy, and does so with an advantage of nine points over the second, Solintal -which added a seventh and a sixth in the second and third tests-, and thirteen over Dorsia Covirán, which is provisionally placed third.

The Rampage of Juan Carlos Ameneiro (MRCYB) – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Once on land, Ameneiro stated that “we have seen ourselves very well, but the truth is that we did not think we would be so high, because this is a very competitive fleet with teams that have been very high in World and European Championships” . The Galician shipowner also highlighted the role played this Friday by both the ship and the crew, who have been key to being at the head of the fleet: “The boat has behaved very well, we have followed a good tactic and we have achieved some good positions defending ourselves very well so far. Now it’s time to continue there, since in such long championships you have to be regular and try to defend “. A great start, without a doubt, for Alboroto, which already this year had one of its best seasons in the J80 del Monte Real league.

If the wind allows it, the competition will resume on Saturday for the J80 fleet starting at twelve noon. Ahead, another two more days in which everything is still to be decided and in which the teams promise to fight until the end.

The Solintal of Ignacio Camino (RCM Santander) – Photo © Rosana Calvo

“In the three-day championships, as is the case here, what it is about is not puncturing and not doing an off-line, because it is something that already conditions the entire championship” affirmed the skipper of the Solintal, the former world champion of the Ignacio Camino class, who defends the banner of the Real Club Marítimo de Santander in second position. “We always aspire to everything, we try to do the best we can and as far as we go, if we can be at the top it will be great”.

The Dorsia by Rafael Díaz (Marina Burriananova) – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Spanish J80 Championship is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Gestilar and Homes by Gestilar and the collaboration of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and the Royal Galician Sailing Federation. It also has the support of the Xunta de Galicia, the Pontevedra Provincial Council and the Pontevedra City Council; and from brands and companies such as Volvo Autesa, Martin Miller’s Gin or Terras Gauda, among others.

One of the six sterns they completed in the three courses – Photo © Rosana Calvo



Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 15 – 18 September 2022

TOP 10 classification after the first day

Baiona hosts the Spanish J80 Championship


· The Royal Spanish Sailing Federation chose this year the Monte Real Club de Yates to organize the national event of these 8-meter monotypes

· 38 of the best crews in the country will compete in this competition of 9 tests in the waters of the Rías Baixas from this Friday to Sunday

· Galicia, Cantabria and the Basque Country are the communities that aspire to the title with the largest number of sailboats in this event sponsored by Gestilar

The fishing village of Baiona hosts, from this Friday to Sunday , the J80 Spanish Championship, an event that will measure the best crews of these 8-meter monotypes in the Rías Baixas. The Royal Spanish Sailing Federation delegated the organization of the event to the Monte Real Yacht Club and the club from Baiona, sponsored by Gestilar, will be in charge of putting the 9 races into contention which, if the wind allows it, will include the competition.

After a skippers meeting convened for twelve noon on Friday, in which the rules will be recalled and the guidelines for the different regattas will be given, the fleet will compete in the first rounds starting at two in the afternoon. The 38 participating boats will compete as a fleet and in real time . They must complete a course of the windward leeward type between buoys. It will be a double loop layout, with two upwind and two stern, which will be placed at the exit of the Bay of Baiona.

Although the J80 competitions organized by Monte Real are usually held inside the bay of Baiona, in a very specific area, the club decided on this occasion to move the regatta course a little further outside, to the place where in 2023 the World Class will be played. This will make it easier for the fleet, especially those that arrive from other communities and have fewer options to sail in Galicia, to get used to Galician waters and thus prepare for the World Cup.

Baiona is the venue this year for the J80 Spanish Championship – Photo Jacobo Bastos

Behind the Galician fleet, which covers more than half of the inscriptions (24), with a great weight of ships from Monte Real (17); the communities with the highest number of applicants for the title are Cantabria (7) and the Basque Country (4), with the presence, albeit a minority, of teams from other regions such as Valencia.

Among the participants, some of the big names in sailing in Spain, like the former J80 world champion, Ignacio Camino, aboard the Cantabrian Solintal; Spanish runner-up José Azqueta leading the biobizz (RCM of Abra RSC); or the recent Copa del Rey champion at the helm of the Teatro Soho Caixabank, Dany Cuevas, with the kuko.

Also entering the fray will be Peru Múgica’s Etnia Barcelona or Jaime Piris’s Avator Mercury , among others; all-female crews such as the Decoexa , led by Olatz Muñoz (RCN San Sebastián) and mixed such as the Dorsia Covirán of Nuria Sánchez (Marina Burriananova).

among the locals, the names that sound the most for their good results in the J80 leagues held in Baiona are the Okofen by Javier de la Gandara; Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Rampage, which will carry Spanish class champion Javier Aguado on board; or the Cleansiling of Chisco Catalán, in which Willy Alonso will also sail. Alberto Moro and Malalo Bermúdez’s Solventis Ribadeo are also expected to put up quite a fight on the water; the Cansino by Nano Yáñez and the Spaco by Santiago Estévez.

In the three days of competition (Friday from two in the afternoon, and Saturday and Sunday from twelve noon), the regatta committee hopes to be able to start the nine tests that are on the program, being mandatory that only two be held to give for valid the championship, and giving the crews the possibility of discarding their worst result in the classification from the fifth round.

Three categories will compete: the absolute, the mixed (in which at least 40 per cent of the crew must be of different gender) and the juvenile (in which none of the crew may have been born after 1998); and the awards ceremony for the winners will be held on Sunday at five in the afternoon in the gardens of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

Officially presented this Thursday in Baiona, the Spanish J80 Championship arrives in Galicia in 2022 after having been held in 2021 in Andalusia by the Real Club Náutico de la Línea de la Concepción. The victory then went to the Princesa Yaiza of five-time world champion Rayco Tabares, with world champion Pablo Santurde finishing second on board the M&G Tressis and Per Román’s GP Bullhound closing the podium.

Official presentation of the Spanish J80 Championship – Photo Clara Giraldo

“The J80s have been, for a long time, -said the president of Monte Real, José Luis Álvarez, at the presentation of the event- a very powerful fleet in Spain. They have been proving it for years, with the increase in units and competitions, and also with the achievement of international titles. Some of the best sailors in the class are Spanish and this club is proud to have supported them for ten years”.

The MRCYB brought the first J80s to Baiona in 2012. It facilitated the purchase of boats and moorings, created specific competitions for them and included them in its most important trophies. In 2018 he was chosen to organize the Spanish Championship, an event with which he repeats this year; and in 2023 it will host the World Cup. It is our objective to continue writing the history of the J80 in Spain, and that is where we are” , concluded the president of the Baionese club.

The J80 Spanish Championship is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates with the sponsorship of Gestilar and Homes by Gestilar and the collaboration of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and the Royal Galician Sailing Federation. It also has the support of the Xunta de Galicia, the Pontevedra Provincial Council and the Pontevedra City Council; and from brands and companies such as Volvo Autesa, Martin Miller’s Gin or Terras Gauda, among others.

Attending authorities with the championship trophies – Photo Clara Giraldo



Monte Real Yacht Club September 15, 2022

“The J80 have been, for a long time, a very powerful fleet in Spain. They have been proving it for years, with the increase in units and competitions, and also with the achievement of international titles. Some of the best sailors in the class are Spanish and this club is proud to have supported them for ten years. It is our goal to continue writing the history of the J80 in Spain, and that is where we are”

José Luis Álvarez, president of the Monte Real Yacht Club

“For Gestilar, supporting this Spanish J80 Championship is very important because Galicia is much more than a place to develop our activity. It is a place to which we have a very special affection, and in my case also personal, for which we bet in a very clear way and where we have put part of the best that we have as a company with many important projects underway”

Javier García-Valcárcel, president of Gestilar, sponsor of the event

“For us it is an honor to be here presenting this event that, moreover, is the prelude to a World Cup in 2023, which will place Baiona on the international map. I think that all of us men and women from Baiona boast about Monte Real because without it, Baiona would not be the same. From the council we welcome all the crews and athletes, and we hope they enjoy Baiona these days”

Carlos Gómez, Mayor of Bayonne

“This has been a spectacular regatta season at Monte Real. There is no doubt that this club has the J80 fleet in its DNA, and this year we are going to repeat the success of the 2018 championship. Let’s hope, with the permission of all the crews, that it will also be a local victory. I wish all the participants the best of luck and that they enjoy our community in such an important year for El Camino de Santiago and el Xacobeo”

Marta Fernández-Tapias, territorial delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Vigo

“I have to congratulate Monte Real for all their work to carry out this type of competitions that put Galicia in the national spotlight, because they entail a lot of effort and tenacity, and that is something that forms part of the essence of this club. I think this is a very important event, since it is the prelude to the World Cup that we will have in Baiona next year. It is key that we continue betting on sport and that we do so with relevant events, which consolidate us as a sports benchmark and attract people to Galicia and Baiona”

Gorka Gómez, sports deputy of the Pontevedra Provincial Council

“During these days, 38 boats will compete in real time in our fabulous estuary. 24 of them are from Galicia and 17 from Monte Real, and there is a large presence of boats from Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as crews from other communities. Our wish as a club is that this championship will serve as training for next year’s World Cup, from which we are sure a Spanish winner will emerge. That is why we have chosen almost the same dates and the same regatta field, in the Cíes area, to serve as contact and preparation for the World Cup event”

Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui, Commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club

Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 15 – 18 September 2022

THURSDAY 15 10:00 – 19:00 Registration and control of equipment
FRIDAY 16 12:00 Skippers meeting 14:00 Start of tests
SATURDAY 17 · 12:00 Start of tests
SUNDAY 18 12:00 Start of tests 17:00 Awards ceremony



2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
