Second assault for Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen who takes the lead

· The Okofen, skippered by Javier de la Gándara, aspiring to defend the title, was placed this Saturday as leader of the J80 Winter League that takes place in Baiona

· After the second round of the one-design competition organized by Monte Real, El Cansino and El Alboroto are second and third respectively

· The next appointment with the winter championship of J80 will be next March 7


This Saturday the second of the five scheduled days in the J80 Winter League was played – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Okofen skippered by Javier de la Gándara, aspiring to revalidate the title of the competition, this Saturday was placed leader of the J80 Winter League of the Monte Real Club de Yates. He did so after signing almost a plenary session with two first places in the three races held during what was the second of the five rounds scheduled in the one-design winter league.

The Okofen was, without a doubt, the best in the fleet, and she got rid of the thorn of the first day, in which she had had to settle for second place behind Javier Aguado’s Alboroto . On this occasion, De la Gándara’s men not only took the lead, but once again demonstrated their power, taking a difference of up to 3 minutes from their rivals in some tests.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen took the lead- Photo © Rosana Calvo

This was the case in the first heat this Saturday, in which they crossed the finish line well ahead of Juan Pazó’s Ay Carmela , from the Liceo Marítimo de Bouzas, who came second; and Cansino de Nano Yáñez, who finished third.

In the second test, which was somewhat tighter, Okofen repeated victory. The crew of the Due , led by Fernando González, from the Real Club Náutico de Portosín; and Luis de Mira’s Namasté , from Monte Real, were second and third respectively.

The regatta committee, chaired by Víctor Robleda, began a third test, but a significant drop in the wind forced it to be shortened halfway through. In what was the last heat of the day, Namasté was the winner, followed by Okofen and Alboroto .

El Cansino by Nano Yáñez holds the provisional silver – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Thus the things, with the three scoring tests of this second day added to the two of the first day the Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen is placed, with 7 points, in first position, snatching the lead from Uproar by Javier Aguado, who this Saturday was skippered by his owner Juan Carlos Ameneiro, and who is third overall with 26 points. The provisional silver goes to Cansino de Nano Yáñez, with 24 points, 17 behind the leader.

Juan Carlos Ameneiro’s Rampage is third overall – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The next appointment with the J80 Winter League is next Saturday, March 7. Previously, Monte Real will host the celebration of the 50th Optimist Galician Championship – Baitra Trophy, which will be held between Saturday 22 and Monday 24.

The J80 Winter League still has 3 days to go – Photo © Rosana Calvo






The Galician Optimist Championship – Baitra Trophy will be held in the waters of the Bay of Baiona from February 22 to 24, 2020, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates (MRCYB) by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation (RFGV) , General Secretariat for Sports, Galician Sports Foundation and the Galician Association Optimist International Class.


The regatta will be governed by:
to. The rules as defined in the WS Racing Rules of Sailing 2017–2020 (RRV).
b. Regulation of Competitions and System of Classifications of the RFGV.
c. International Optimist Class Rules [NP][DP].
d. The Measurement Instructions (IM) that are part of the Sailing Instructions.
and. Appendix “P” of the RRS will apply.
F. Rule 40 of the RRV (Personal Flotation Device) is applicable at all times while afloat. [NP][DP].
g. This Announcement (AR) and the Sailing Instructions (IR), the latter prevailing in case of discrepancy between the two documents.
h. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies Rule 60.1(a) RRS.
i. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .
J. The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] they will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Race Committee, in the most recently completed race, applied as indicated in Rule 44.3 RRS (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).


2.1. This Galician Championship is reserved solely and exclusively for boats of the international Optimist class.
2.2. The Galician Championship will be closed.
2.3. The Categories will be those indicated in point C.2.1.1. of the RFGV Classification System:
• Category sub13, Male and Female.
• Category sub16, Male and Female.


3.1 Participants must meet the eligibility requirements reflected in regulation 19 of the WS and in the prescriptions of the RFEV to said regulation.


4.1. Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of WS Regulation 20.
4.2. The Organization may require the participants to display the sponsor’s publicity in the form that is convenient and that will be provided to them before the regatta, not being able to manipulate or modify said material under any circumstances.


5.1. Multiple registration for the sailors and technicians of each club will be carried out through the SailingControl platform, at the link
5.2. Entry fees are set at €15 per sailor.
5.3. Registration fees will be paid by bank transfer made in favor of,
. account: 2080-0559-23-3040003658
Concept: “CG Optimist inscription; Club and number of sailors/coaches”.

5.4. The transfer receipt will be sent to the following email:
5.5. The registration deadline is Wednesday, February 19, 2020.
5.6. Registrations received after this date must have the approval of the OC and will pay a 50% surcharge on the registration fees.


6.1. The coach of each Club will have to register and personally sign the Registration Form at the Regatta Office before 12:00 noon on February 22, 2020.
6.2. The Registration of each sailor (can be delegated to the coach) is conditioned to the presentation before the appointed time of the following documents:
6.2.1. Valid Certificate of Measurement of each Optimist (the first 30 classified of the official ranking of the class).
6.2.2. Federation athlete license 2020.
6.2.3. In the case of non-Spanish sailors or sailors without legal residence, third-party civil liability insurance with a minimum coverage of €300,000
6.2.4. Card of the Spanish Class Association.
6.2.5. Proof of payment of the corresponding registration fee.
6.2.6. Duly completed measurement sheet, mandatory for the top 30 classified in the official class ranking.
6.3. The registration of coaches is conditioned to the presentation, before the time indicated in AR 6.1, of the following documents:
6.3.1. Federal Technician License 2020
6.3.2. Technician Degree according to what is indicated in point A.10 of the RFGV Competition Regulations.
6.3.3. Certification for the management of the boat.
6.3.4. Third-Party Civil Liability Insurance in force for the vessel for a minimum coverage of €300,000. and for all crew members on board.
6.3.5. Certificate of navigability or ROL of the vessel in force.
6.3.6. They will have to be equipped, as a minimum, with an operational VHF radio with channels 09 (156.45 Mhz), 16 (156.80 Mhz) and 72 (156.62 Mhz).6.3.7. They will have to wear approved life jackets for each and every one of those who go on the pneumatic.
6.4. The Organizing Committee (OC) reserves the right to admit or reject the registration of a boat and/or trainer.


7.1. The event program is as follows:

7.2. On Monday, February 24, 2020, no exit signal can be given after 4:00 p.m.


8.1. It will be navigated with the group system (Blue and Yellow) of the RFGV Competition Regulations
8.2. 9 sleeves are scheduled, of which at least 3 must be completed for the validity of the Galician Championship.
8.3. No more than 3 tests per day will be held, except if the Race Committee deems it appropriate to comply with the program.
8.4. The route to be carried out in a trapezoidal way will be specified in the IR.


9.1. The Low Score system described in Appendix A4.1 of the RRS will apply.
9.2. There will be one (1) discard from 4 or more races held.


10.1. ALL PARTICIPANTS (regardless of their group) will be required to have their safety equipment in order according to class standards (
-1 approved vest,
-1 whistle attached to the vest,
-1 or more bailers individually tied to the hull, with rope or elastic,
-1 Pagaya or oar tied to the hull,
-1 floating mooring rope of at least 5mm in diameter and 8 meters long,
-1 rudder insurance,
-1 daggerboard insurance tied to the hull with rope or elastic,
-1 mast insurance,
-the 3 operating floats,
-The straps for operational floats,
-The operative hanging straps.
10.2. 6 STICKERS will be given to ALL PARTICIPANTS (regardless of their group), at the time of registration confirmation, which they must put on the STARBOARD SIDE OF THE MATERIAL THAT THEY ARE GOING TO USE DURING THE CHAMPIONSHIP:
1-On the starboard side of the Mast in the area closest to the peak.
2-On the starboard side of the Pico in the area closest to the mast.
3-On the starboard side of the Boom in the area closest to the junction with the mast.
4-On the starboard side of the rudder in the highest visible area.
5-On the starboard side of the daggerboard in the highest visible area.
6-In the hull, on the starboard side of the thwart just next to the mast.
10.3. THE FIRST 30 CLASSIFIED IN THE RANKING will have to present the measurement sheet (Annex I), duly covered and signed, together with the “valid hull and sail certificate”, at the time of registration confirmations.
10.4. Boats, sails and crew must be available to the Technical Committee both in the water and on land, for possible inspection throughout the event. It will be the responsibility of all the participants to verify in the TOA (in the same term as the presentation of protests) if they have been called to a measurement control in the tent enabled for it. 10.5. Any change of material or damaged equipment must be previously approved by the Race Committee, following the regulatory procedure:
• Request for change through a form to the official meter.
• Damaged material must be checked by the official measurer.
• The replacement material must be presented to the official measurer after the end of the last regatta of the day.
10.6. Scheme of Daily Measurement Controls:
A) On the esplanade and during the DOCKING of the boats.
B) During the course of the REGATTA. Pre-start, start, during the test.
D) Controls on land of the boats designated by the measurer, whose sail numbers will be published in the TOA immediately upon returning from the sea, within the established period (IMPORTANT VERIFICATION OF THE TOA).
10.7. The official meter of the championship will be at the disposal of participants and coaches at all times, to clarify any questions about measurement and/or class standards.


11.1. The Clubs’ boats will have free docking at the event facilities during the days of competition provided they have been registered in accordance with section 6.3 of this AR and have expressly requested it.
11.2. All boats must be identified at all times with the flag of their Club.
11.3. All coaches and team support personnel will be required to wear life jackets while afloat and have the VHF operational at all times during the regatta.


12.1. The RFGV plaque as Galician Champion will be delivered to the first classified according to the existing categories (see AR 2.3)
12.2. The detailed list of the titles and prizes to be awarded in the event will be exposed in the TOA before the first test begins.


13.1. All participants in the Regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility.
13.2. The Organizing Committee or any person or body involved in the organization of the event, rejects any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participation in the tests covered for this announcement of race.
Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4, DECISION TO RACE, of RRS Part 1 which states: “It is the sole responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a race or continue racing”.
13.3. All sailors, technicians, companions and support staff are reminded of the obligation to maintain ethical and environmental conduct to preserve the environment, failure to comply with this rule will lead to action by the Regatta Committee or the Protest Committee (SP ) (NP).
13.4. Royal Decree 62/2008 has the conditions of Maritime Safety, Navigation and Human Life at Sea applicable to nautical sports tests, which will be applicable at all times.


14.1. All participants, owners, skippers and crews assign the image rights to MRCYB, RFGV and their sponsors for their use.


15.1. This AR may be changed by the Organizing Committee for reasons of force majeure


– The Championship Awards Ceremony will take place at the MRCYB facilities, 30 minutes after the General Classifications are published on February 24, 2020.
– The MRCYB will give all sailors and coaches during the days of the event (as long as they register as indicated in AR.6) a provisioning.


The Monte Real commemorates the half century of the Optimist class in Galicia

· Five decades after having organized a regional Optimist competition for the first time in Galicia, the Monte Real Club de Yates celebrates this February in Baiona a new edition of the Galician Championship of the class

· On board the “Canario” and the “Tortuga” the brothers José and Javier de la Gándara together with Santiago Campos were the winners of that first edition of the competition held in the bay of Baiona on August 22 and 23, 1970

· In the Optimists brought first from France, then from Barcelona and finally built in the Ferramentas and in Lagos for the Sailing Schools of La Foz and the MRCYB, many current sailors learned to sail

· Although the materials have evolved over time, the philosophy with which the Optimist was created remains intact and remains a simple boat that allows the little ones to enjoy the sea and sailing

First optimist in Baiona in 1970 – Photo from the archive of Javier de la Gándara

At the end of this month, the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona will commemorate the half century of life of the Optimist class in Galicia by holding a new edition of the Galician Championship that the club itself hosted for the first time in 1970.

On board the “Canario” and the “Tortuga” , the brothers José and Javier de la Gándara were the winners (first and second respectively) of that first edition, which was held on August 22 and 23, 1970 under the name of ” I Optimist Regional Regattas – Galician Championship” .

The Turtle, the Canary and the Aeolus of the MRCYB – Photo from the archive of Cesar Casqueiro

17 young sailors from the Sailing School of La Foz, the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo, the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, the Club Náutico de Panxón and Monte Real itself met during those two summer days in the bay of Baiona to compete several tests in a triangular field of Olympic route.

After the Gándara brothers, third place on the podium of that first Optimist championship went to “Anduriña IV” , manned by Santiago Campos ; Pablo Vasconcellos was fourth aboard the “Bayona II” ; and the “Don Ramón” , by Ramón Alonso , from RCN Vigo, signed the fifth position.

A special prize was then also awarded to the youngest sailor, which went to Pablito Pereiro for ” demonstrating -according to the chronicles of the time- great skill handling his mini boat to perfection” .

Manuel Pereiro, Javier de la Gándara, Ramón Alonso, Pablo Vasconcellos, Jose Antonio Marquez and Jaime Varela, from the first team of Optimist de Baiona – Archive photo Javier de la Gándara

With the celebration of the first Galician Optimist Championship, the Monte Real Club de Yates gave, in the early 70’s, the great impetus for the consolidation of a class that arrived in Galicia some years before the hand of Pepe Gándara , the father of the historical Javier de la Gándara.

Gándara learned about this new type of boat in the American magazine Popular Mechanics Magazine” (distributed in Spain under the name of “Mecánica Popular” ), in which some simple plans were published with which, in principle, anyone with some tools and a bit of skill could make their own Wood Optimist .

After seeing them already built in Barcelona, Gándara decided to bring them to Galicia. The first Optimist who sailed in Galician waters in the year 68, he called “Don Andrés” , in honor of his young son. In the year 69 there was already in Baionesa Bay (in the School of La Foz that he led Antonio Ruiz ) 15 units of these new sailboats, known as the “Ferramentas” , because they were built by a carpenter from Ladeira known by that name, with nylon sails made by an awning company in Vigo. They were boats with which, during the first years, they only sailed in the summer months. Barely a year later, with the Optimists already established as a small fleet at the Monte Real Club de Yates, the First Galician Optimist Championship was held.

The press at that time congratulated the Baionese club for ” contributing to creating numerous young skippers who in the future will constitute the crews of the numerous cruise ships that the sports units of the Vigo estuary have” , he said verbatim. So it was. Because those children are today some of the outstanding sailors who sail in the Galician estuaries.

Javier de la Gándara and his Turtle preparing for the I Galician Optimist Championship – Archive photo Javier de la Gándara

Both the Spanish Sailing Federation and the Galician Sailing Federation of the time, chaired by José Ramón Fontán , helped consolidate the class in Galicia by subsidizing the purchase of numerous units. Some boats that went from the 3,000 pesetas (about 18 euros) of the first “Ferramentas” to the 8,000 pesetas (about 48 euros) that were paid for those of higher quality and the 10,000 pesetas (60 euros) that they cost at the beginning of the 70s

In the autumn of 1971, only one year after the celebration of the first Optimist Galician championship, nearly thirty units participated in the class competitions in Baiona, and it did not take much longer for the optimist to exceed 60. In Galicia there were around 200 optimists (currently there are about 400, of which about 120 participate in official competitions). Among the young sailors of those early years were José, Ángel and Javier de la Gándara, Pablo Vasconcellos, Jaime Varela, Alberto Torné, Rodrigo Andrade, César Casqueiro, Fernando Yáñez, Genoveva Pereiro, Ignacio Retolaza, Alfonso Zulueta and Piluca Presa, among others. Many.

Some of the first Optimists that sailed in Baiona 50 years ago – Photo archive MRCYB

The Spanish Optimists were built in Barcelona (La Industrial Velera Marsal), in Palma de Mallorca (the Copino and Darder shipyards), in Torrejón de Ardoz (Spanish Taylor) and here in Galicia, in the prestigious Astilleros Lagos de Bouzas (Vigo) , from which a large part of the units that sailed from the year 70 left. They were Optimist that were made in the image and likeness of the first boats of this type born in Clearwater (Florida) .

There, in 1947 , a group of children “bargained” through the streets of Clearwater with small boxes of soap and a candle that they made themselves. The mayor of the city decided to ban these street races, so that they would not bother people, but he met with a boat designer, Clark Mills, and asked him to turn the soap boxes into a boat for children as soon as possible. cheap possible.

And that is how the Optimist was born , the first gaff sailing boat and a single crew member that over time became increasingly famous, both nationally and internationally. In 1954 “the puddle jumped” and the first ones in Europe began to be built, specifically in Denmark ; in 1962 the Optimist Class Racing Association was born in England; and soon after the European Optimist Association was formed. Finally, in 1995 the Optimist was accepted as an international class .

Although the materials with which they are built have evolved over time, the truth is that both the shape of the Optimist and its philosophy remain intact. It was born as a simple boat that would allow children to enjoy the sea and sailing and, more than half a century later, that purpose has not changed.

Celebrating this idea and the five decades since the first Optimist Championship held in Galicia in 1970 is the aim of the Galician Optimist Championship – Baitra Trophy that will be held at the Monte Real Club de Yates at the end of February.

In the foreground the Turtle by Javier de la Gándara – Photo from the archive of Tomás R. de Robles



(Report: Rosana Calvo / Photos: Archive of the MRCYB and provided by Javier de la Gándara, César Casqueiro and Tomás R. de Robles / Documents: Astilleros Lagos / Press clippings: Archive of Javier de la Gándara and Faro de Vigo newspaper library)



Optimist Team (October 1971)- Photo from the archive of Cesar Casqueiro
A group of Optimists at Monte Real (March 1971)- Photo from the archive of Cesar Casqueiro
Training of the first Optimists in the Bay of Baiona – Photo from the archive of Tomás R. de Robles
Group of Optimist in the bay of Baiona in 1970 – Photo from the archive of Javier de la Gándara
The first Optimists were made of wood – Photo from the archive of Tomás R. de Robles
The president of the MRCYB from 71 to 73 Carlos Zulueta de Haz presenting an award to César Casqueiro – Archive photo of Cesar Casqueiro
José Gándara receiving an award from Antonio Ruiz and Delia Dominguez with Pepe Gándara in the background (November 1970) – Archive photo by Cesar Casqueiro
Cesar Casqueiro receiving an award from Victoria Alonso -“Toya”- (November 1970) – Archive photo of Cesar Casqueiro
The Turtle and the Canary of the Gándara and the Eolo de Casqueiro – Photo from the archive of Cesar Casqueiro
Optimist Championship in Panxón – MAGAR photo from the archive of Javier de la Gándara
Pablo Vasconcelos aboard The Scotsman, one of the first Optimists in Galicia – Photo archive MRCYB
Faro de Vigo Page First Galician Optimist Championship 1970 – Faro de Vigo Hemeroteca
Press clipping of the First Galician Optimist Championship in 1970 – Hemeroteca Faro de Vigo
Lagos Yachts Results 1972 – Lagos Shipyard Archive

Spanish J80 Champion Javier Aguado places Alboroto at the top of the J80 Winter League

· The sailboat built by Juan Carlos Ameneiro and led by the Spanish champion Javier Aguado rose to the top of the competition classification after the first tests were held today in Baiona

· On the opening day, the light wind affected the navigation of the 16 participating monotypes, which despite everything, two of the three tests planned in the initial program were able to take part

· The Okofen skippered by Javier de la Gándara and the Pazo de Cea with María Campos at the cane were placed in second and third position in the provisional classification of the league

Javier Aguado and el Alboroto leaving in first position of the fleet – Photo © Rosana Calvo

El Alboroto became the first leader of the J80 Winter League this afternoon in Baiona after beating the rest of the sailboats on the opening day of the competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates.

The sailboat built by Juan Carlos Ameneiro and skippered by the Spanish champion Javier Aguado managed to rise to the top of the classification after signing a second and a first place in the two tests held in the bay.

The Alboroto crew led by Javier Aguado – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The competition could not start on time due to a light wind that did not help in the preparation of the regatta field, but once settled in intensity and direction, and placed the buoys for the windward-leeward courses, the fleet was able to sail with about five knots on average

Two double laps between buoys were completed, which meant four sections with two upwind and two downwind, in two routes that the regatta committee was forced to shorten so that the fleet could complete the tests on time.

The first test was for Alboroto skippered by Javier Aguado and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen came second. And in the second test the results were reversed. Alboroto and Okofen were, without a doubt, the protagonists of a day that ended tied on 3 points in first and second position respectively.

El Alboroto and Okofen hand in hand – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Pazo de Cea crew, skippered by María Campos, completes the provisional podium with 10 points, closely followed by Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino, with 11 points, and José Luis Pérez’s Maija with 13.

The Pazo de Cea is the only sailboat with a woman (María Campos) at the helm – Photo © Rosana Calvo

On the opening day of the Monte Real one-design league, direct trials began to be applied in the water, which is one of the novelties of this edition. Luckily, all the regattas were held without any significant incidents.

The J80 Winter League will return to Baiona on February 8 with the second day of the total of five scheduled stages, which will last until next April.

The J80 fleet sailing in front of the Parador de Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo




The J80 launch the year of regattas in Baiona

Tomorrow is the first of the five days of the J80 Winter League that the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes exclusively for the J80 monotypes

· This year as a novelty there will be direct trials in the water with the aim of speeding up the solution of possible conflicts that may arise in the competition

Previous meetings for the skippers and rule talks once the tests are over are other changes that are introduced in the winter league

Added to the fleet this year are the Due de Portosín by Fernando García, the Alboroto skippered by the Spanish J80 champion Javier Aguado and the Picacho in which Miguel Lago from Vigo returns to the J80 class.

Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen will try to revalidate victory – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Tomorrow, Saturday, the first of the five days of the J80 Winter League will be held in Baiona, which the one-design fleet of the Monte Real Club de Yates will play on various weekends until next April.

There will be five stages in which 16 sailboats will fight to become the best J80 of the winter season, a title held by Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, winner of the last edition of the competition, held in 2018.

In addition to Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, in the competition we will see the second and third classified from the previous edition: Cansino skippered by Fernando Yáñez and Carlos Hernández’s Miudo, in which students from the Monte Real Sailing School will alternate. .

Along with the usual Namasté by Luis de Mira, Luna Nueva by Juan Luis Tuero, Maija by José Luis Pérez or Spaco by Santiago Estévez, among others, this year sailboats such as the Due de Portosín, armed by Fernando García, will enter the competition; the Picacho in which Miguel Lago from Vigo returns to the J80 class; or the Alboroto de Juan Ameneiro, which will be skippered this Saturday by the Menorcan Javier Aguado, champion of Spain in the J80.

Thus, up to a total of 16 participants from Galicia, Asturias, Madrid, Menorca and Portugal, will be in charge of launching, this Saturday, the year of regattas in Baiona.

The tests of the J80 Winter League will be held in the bay of Baiona – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The design of the days will be identical to that of previous occasions. If the weather permits, three double-lap windward-leeward runs will be held in each stage. There will be between 2 and 3 miles of travel so that the crews can prove their worth in two beats, two sterns and various maneuvers on buoys.

This year, as a novelty, there will be a direct trial in the water, with the presence of a judge who will rule in situ on the protests that may arise during the tests.

The objective of this arbitration is to speed up the solution of possible conflicts between sailboats without having to wait for the end of the regattas for their resolution on land, thus avoiding delaying the publication of the classifications.

Other changes that are introduced in this 2020 are the holding of skipper meetings prior to the competition, at the Monte Real Club de Yates itself, and rule talks once the tests are over.

16 J80 compete for victory in the J80 Winter League – Photo © Rosana Calvo

Monte Real opens the 2020 regatta season

The Monte Real Club de Yates regatta calendar for 2020 opens this week with the first day of the J80 class Winter League

· The club from Baiona maintains its 4 great classics on the programme: the Comunica Trophy, the Repsol Trophy, the Count of Gondomar and the Prince of Asturias

· It will also organize 2 Galician championships, a new edition of the Solidarity Vertiathlon and new sailing courses adapted for people with disabilities

· The recent incorporation of Roy Alonso to the sports management of the club will mean the introduction of changes and novelties in some competitions


Once again this year, Monte Real is one of the clubs that organizes the most regattas in Spain – Photo © Rosana Calvo


The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona opens the 2020 regatta season this week with the celebration of the first day of the J80 class Winter League, which will kick off one of the most prolific calendars on the nautical scene Spanish.

Once again, the Baionese club is one of the clubs that organizes the most regattas in Spain and this year it will also do so with new features. The recent incorporation of Roy Alonso at the head of the Monte Real sports management will mean changes and novelties in some of its competitions with the aim of improving them and adapting them to the needs and aspirations of skippers and sailors.

The first date on the calendar will be this weekend with the opening of the J80 class Winter League . The club maintains its firm commitment to these monotypes and will once again organize two specific leagues for them, in which they will compete exclusively for several days. The first will take place between the months of January to April and the Fall League is scheduled for the months of October and November.


Monte Real maintains its commitment to the J80 monotypes – Photo Lalo R Villar


The cruises will once again have the four great classics of Monte Real: the Comunica Trophy (April 25), with which the crews begin to pick up the pace; the Repsol Trophy (May 1, 2 and 3), which this year will return to Sanxenxo in one of its stages; the Conde de Gondomar Trophy (July 23, 24, 25 and 26), one of the great summer events in the Rías Baixas, which will be the Spanish Height Championship; and the historical Prince of Asturias Trophy (September 4, 5 and 6, in which the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards (September 5).

The Monte Real Club de Yates will also organize this year, by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation, two regional championships: the Galician Singles and Twos Championship (June 6), which will once again be the Rafael Olmedo Memorial, in honor of the club’s former president; and the Galician Optimist Championship – Baitra Trophy (February 22, 23 and 24), which will bring together young promises of sailing in Galicia in Baiona.


The Rías Baixas will be the scene of the MRCYB competitions in 2020 – Photo © Rosana Calvo


The fishing village will be a stopover for the World Cruising Club’s ARC Portugal rally; meeting point for sailors of the Irish Cruising Club and a stopover on the voyages of the fleet of the Royal Cruising Club , the most important association of cruisers in the United Kingdom.

In the Monte Real sports calendar, adapted sailing will continue to have a special section. Year after year, the club reaffirms its social commitment to people with disabilities and in 2020 it will expand the activities of its sailing school so that these users can navigate under equal conditions. It will also organize the sixth edition of the Baiona Solidarity Vertiathlon (September 12), the triathlon with which the club raises funds to promote adapted sailing in Galicia.

Dinghy sailing and cruising courses within the framework of the MRCYB Sailing School, coaching and team building activities for groups and companies, and talks and clinics for sailors are other proposals offered by the sports calendar of the Monte Real Yacht Club.


The MRCYB calendar opens this weekend in Baiona – Photo Lalo R Villar

January 25, February 8 and 29, March 21, April 4, 2020

February 22, 23 and 24, 2020

April 25, 2020

May 1, 2 and 3, 2020

June 6, 2020

June 20 and 21, 2020

July 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2020

September 4, 5 and 6, 2020

September 5, 2020

September 12, 2020

October 3 and 31, November 7 and 21, 2020




The J80 Winter League will be held in the waters of the Bay of Baiona on January 25, February 8 and 23, March 21 and April 4, 2020, being organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates.


The regatta will be governed by:

to. The rules as defined in the WS Racing Rules of Sailing 2017–2020 (RRV).

b. J80 class monodesign regulations and their special adaptations of the J80 Galicia Fleet[NP][DP] .

c. Announcement and Instructions of Regatta.

d. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies Rule 60.1(a) RRS.

and. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .

F. The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] they will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Race Committee, in the most recently completed race, applied as indicated in Rule 44.3 RRS (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).


2.1. Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of WS Regulation 20.

2.2. The Organization may require the participants to display the sponsor’s publicity in the form that is convenient and that will be provided to them before the regatta, not being able to manipulate or modify said material under any circumstances.


3.1. Boats of the J80 class that comply with the regulations of point 1 and all the requirements demanded in point 4 of this AR may participate. As long as each and every one of them is not fulfilled, their registration as a participant in the Regatta will not be considered. Depending on the circumstances, the Organizing and Race Committee may grant a special extension in a particular way to the boat that requests it in writing.

3.2. Owners and skippers must be members of the National J80 Class Association and be registered at

3.3. Skippers who are not owners must be in possession of Sailor Classification Grade 1. See the following link:


4.1. Registration will be mandatory, at a cost of €50 per boat, and the following documentation must be sent or presented before January 24:
• Duly completed registration form.
• Updated boat insurance.
• 2020 federative licenses for all crew members.
• Proof of transfer of registration rights.
• Proof of payment of the J80 Class Association fee for the year 2020.

Submitted or presented in:

Mount Royal Yacht Club
Parador Enclosure, s/n, 36300 Baiona / Tel. + 34 986 385 000

And the transfer of registration rights made in:

. account: 2080-0559-23-3040003658 SWIFT: CAGLESMMXXX IBAN: ES92

4.2. Registration and registration confirmation:

The owner or person in charge of each boat must register and personally sign the registration form at the Regatta Office before 1:00 p.m. on January 25, 2020.


5.1. The competition will take place on the following days:

January 25 – 15:00 – Coastal or windward-leeward courses
February 8 -15:00 – Coastal or windward-leeward courses
February 29 – 15:00 – Coastal or windward-leeward courses
March 21 – 15:00 – Coastal or windward-leeward courses

April 4 – 15:00 – Coastal or windward-leeward courses
April 4 – 8:30 p.m. – Trophy delivery and fellowship dinner

5.2. This program may be modified if circumstances so require (postponement to other dates due to suspension due to storms, etc., or modification of schedules according to forecast weather conditions or other causes).

5.3. Exit signals may be given up to 60 minutes before sunset each day.


6.1. It will be navigated in fleet format, in real time.

6.2. 15 tests are scheduled.

6.3. There will be no more than 3 tests per day.


7.1. The responsibility of attending this regatta having previously updated its Measurement Certificate, measuring the material with which it is intended to participate, is exclusively the registered skipper.

7.2. The number of crew members on board may be changed during the course of the regatta, but not on each day where it must end with the same number as the start.

7.3. The safety of this regatta will be considered as category 4 (reduced) in accordance with the Special Rules for High Seas Regatta of the WS and adapted to the particular regulations of the Galician J80 Fleet.

7.4. All boats will have to be equipped with a VHF radio with channels 16, 09, 71 and 72.

7.5. It will be the responsibility of the owner or skipper of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and in particular for their government, dispatch and security.


8.1. The Low Score system described in Appendix A of the RRS will apply.

8.2. There will be one (1) discard from 6 or more races held and two (2) discards from 11 or more races held.


Prizes will be awarded to at least the top 3 finishers at the dinner to be held on April 4 at 8:30 p.m. at the club.


Participants in the J80 Winter League do so at their own risk and responsibility.

The MRCYB or any person or body involved in the organization of the event, reject any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participation in the tests covered by this race announcement.

Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4, Decision to Race, of part 1 of the RRS, which states:

“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or to continue racing.”


“Monte Real will continue to be a benchmark in the Spanish nautical scene”

Interview with José Luis Álvarez, president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, published by ABC on January 5, 2019

Last November, José Luis Álvarez was re-elected president of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona in an electoral process in which he had no rival. Four years after having won an election in the MRCYB for the first time, outvoting Javier de la Gándara’s candidacy, Álvarez managed to revalidate his mandate and will continue to lead the historic Baionese club for another four years.

It will be a second phase with continuity features but also with many novelties, to which the president of Monte Real enters with great enthusiasm. His goal -he says- is to maintain the line of work started a few years ago, with multiple actions in various sections; but also to assume new commitments and challenges that allow the club to advance and continue to be a benchmark in the Spanish nautical scene.

Before talking about future projects, it’s time to look back, what do you think of the last four years at the helm of the club?

The truth is that the balance is very positive. We had considered many actions in different areas such as infrastructures, the school, the marina, and the purely social part; and the level of compliance with commitments was around 90 percent, which is quite a high figure. It had been many years since the club had been renovated and we remodeled the noblest part of the building and rehabilitated other spaces. We also promised to revitalize the sailing school and we incorporated new coaches and the figure of the sports director. In the marina we signed a new concession period, we extended the fingers and we reviewed all the facilities. And in the social area, we stopped the downward trend in the number of members, due to the crisis, and we are back to around 700, which is the most reasonable figure for the facilities we have. For them we create new parties and events, giving a great boost to the most social part.

And they once again organized an ocean regatta, the Baiona Angra Atlantic Race…

So is. For clubs it is becoming increasingly difficult to organize this type of event, for very different reasons, but in 2016 we managed to do it and the truth is that the balance was very positive. A year later we were also able to organize the Summit Galicia Atlantic Destination, and both one event and the other were a complete success, and we are continually asked when we will organize an event of this type again.

And when will be that?

Well hopefully soon. From the club we are going to continue working to achieve regattas on the international circuit and, of course, we are prepared to take on tests of the highest level. We have the facilities and the resources, we have a lot to offer and I think it is only a matter of time before we have a regatta of this type in Baiona again. In the meantime, we will continue to promote the regattas on our calendar, such as the Conde de Gondomar Trophy or the Príncipe de Asturias Trophy; and we will try to achieve the European or the world of J80.

Do you then maintain your bet on the J80?

That’s right, without a doubt. The J80 will continue to be a clear bet for the club. We have been promoting their participation in all our competitions for years, creating specific leagues for these monotypes, encouraging our partners to try and compete in J80, acquiring new boats… But we are also evaluating new classes, especially for the sailing school.

Tell us about the Sailing School. After the incorporation of Roy Alonso as the club’s new sports director, what developments are expected at the school?

Well, we would like our students to try other more modern boats, to know the technology, to feel the speed… but we also want to promote family sailing, since we believe that it is the basis for the continuity of children. And in this sense we are going to incorporate several cyclones into our fleet, so that families can sail together. We will also try to promote the exchange of students with other clubs, especially foreign clubs, so that in addition to knowing how to sail in other countries, boys and girls can learn other languages. And, of course, we will not forget our Adapted Sailing School for people with disabilities.

They will maintain their social commitment with adapted sailing…

Without hesitation. Offering adapted sailing is something that costs more work and involves more resources, but for Monte Real it is a very important facet. And not only because of everything we can offer the hundreds of people who come to sail to our school every year, but because it allows us to be in direct contact with society, to be immersed in it, seeing everything that is not usually seen, or to which not so much attention is paid. People with disabilities have the same right as us to be able to enjoy the sea, and if it is in our power to offer them the means so that they can do so, we must offer them.

This year they have also expanded the user profile.

Correct. We have been thinking for some time about other sectors that could also benefit from our adapted sailing resources in order to offer them to them, and this year we have taken groups of boys with serious behavioral problems out to sail, as well as children under the guardianship of public administrations. Both of them are people who do not usually go out sailing regularly, but to whom the sea feels wonderful, because they live new experiences. They are new users that allow the school to continue growing, which is what we want.

What new projects do you have for the Adapted Sailing School?

We would like to promote a meeting or a symposium between clubs that work in a similar line to ours, so that we can all know what the rest is doing and thus broaden our vision. For years, since we created our Adapted Sailing School, there are many who have been interested in our work system, to know what we do and how we do it. They have even come from abroad to see how we run our school, and we think it would be good for everyone to tell about it and exchange experiences with other clubs. We still don’t know very well how or when we will do it, but it is a project that we have in mind.

What other projects do you have for the future?

We would also like to promote some project with the University, to involve it in the world of sailing. Currently, the University is hardly present in this sport and it is a shame, because we believe that it could be much more involved. This is another of the ideas that the new board of directors has on the table and we will try to develop a project with them.

Tell us about the new board of directors, about your fellow travelers.

With respect to the previous board there are very few new features, only two incorporations, but two important incorporations. On one side is the entrepreneur and businessman Francisco Pino, who has an excellent vision of innovation and many ideas for the future. And on the other we have Marga Cameselle, an experienced sailor, who I am sure will give us great ideas to promote the sports area, which is where we are going to focus for the next four years.

And in those next four years, will Monte Real continue to be a benchmark in the Spanish nautical scene?

Of course. We have been for the last 55 years and will continue to be in the future, there is no doubt about it. We are sure that it will involve a lot of work, but we are willing to do whatever it takes for the Monte Real Club de Yates to continue writing important chapters in sailing in Spain.

José Luis Álvarez is the visible head of a board made up of nine members (7 men and 2 women), in which Alejandro Retolaza remains the president’s right-hand man. The position of commodore, which had been held by Fernando Yáñez, passed into the hands of Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui; and in the position of vice-commodore appears the first of the new additions to the new board, the entrepreneur and businessman Francisco Pino, who replaces Genoveva Pereiro. César Fernández-Casqueiro remains in charge of the secretariat and the treasury is now the responsibility of former Commodore Fernando Yáñez. In the board of directors of Monte Real there are also three members: Miguel Font, of installations and projects; Genoveva Pereiro, from foreign relations; and Margarita Cameselle, from sporting events.


• His Majesty King Felipe VI · PRESIDENT OF HONOR
• Mr. José Luis Álvarez Vázquez CHAIRMAN
• Mr. Alejandro Retolaza Vázquez-Viso VICE CHAIRMAN
• Mr. Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui COMMODOR
• Mr. Francisco Pino Martins · VICE COMMODOR
• Mr. César Fernández-Casqueiro Domínguez · SECRETARY
• Mr. Fernando Yáñez Fernández · TREASURER
• Mrs. Margarita Cameselle Álvarez VOCAL FOR SPORTS EVENTS
• Mrs. Mª Genoveva Pereiro Álvarez MEMBER OF FOREIGN RELATIONS


It is an interview with Rosana Calvo, head of communication at the MRCYB


Dear friends and friends:

Near the end of the year, I would like to convey to you on behalf of the Board of Directors our most cordial Christmas greetings and our best wishes for the coming year 2020.

It has been a year during which we have been able to carry out, once again, our intense calendar of regattas and social events that continue to make Monte Real a benchmark in the world of sailing.

All this would not be possible without the commitment of our sailors who, from the smallest to the most experienced, have kept our club’s flag at the top. To all of them, our recognition and sincere thanks.

Our gratitude, also, to the sponsors and institutions that, once again, with their collaboration and support, have made it possible to carry out our most emblematic regattas. And to the media, always ready to transfer to society such an extraordinary sport as sailing.

I would not like to stop thanking all the collaborators and workers of the club for their effort and constant commitment. A team that we are really proud of.

Finally, our most affectionate and endearing memories, for the families of those friends who have left us throughout the year.

Merry Christmas to all!


Jose Luis Alvarez
President MRCYB


The Baiona City Council collaborates with the MRCYB Sailing School


The council of Baiona has just awarded the Monte Real Yacht Club a grant of 1,000 euros to promote its Sailing School.

The aid is part of the 2019 call for subsidies to carry out sports activities in Baiona, which aims to finance the expenses incurred by the operation of municipal sports entities and their sports activity during the season.

With this contribution, the Baiona City Council maintains its commitment to the Monte Real Yacht Club Sailing School, with which it has been collaborating for years in different ways.

The 1,000 euros that the Baiona club will receive from the municipal coffers will be allocated to the different sections of the School, which has divided its activity into Dinghy Sailing, Sailing Cruisers and Adapted Sailing for people with disabilities.





PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: Spanish Sailing League

The Real Club Náutico de Arrecife wins the Spanish Sailing League in Baiona

· The crew of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife led by Leonardo “Nete” Armas won the first phase of the Spanish Sailing League – State Lotteries and Bets Trophy held in Baiona

· The RCN team from A Coruña skippered by Miguel Fernández came second and the bronze in the competition went to the RCN team from Gran Canaria with Onán Barreiros at the helm

· The Spanish Sailing League will continue next February in Mallorca with the holding of a second and final test phase from which the Spanish representative for the European League will emerge

The crew of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife led by Leonardo “Nete” Armas won, this afternoon in Galicia, the first phase of the Spanish Sailing League – State Lottery and Betting Trophy, which is held in Baiona (Rías Baixas ) under the organization of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

With 24 points in the final general classification, the team from Lanzarote achieved a more than deserved victory after having been in the lead since the beginning of the competition. Three first places in the three rounds played since last Friday in the bay of Baiona. In total, 20 tests, in which those from Arrecife participated in 12 and managed to sign six first and two second places.

They were, without a doubt, the most regular crew and the one that made the fewest mistakes on the water, and that was precisely the key that allowed them to win the final victory. At the head of the team, the world runner-up and winner of several King’s Cups, “Nete” Armas, who surrounded himself with his usual sailing companions, such as Ricardo Terrades, Tomás Fuentes, Gonzalo Morales and Fátima Diz.

Ricardo Terrades and Fátima Diz collected the prize for the winner of the RCN Arrecife – Photo María Muiña

After finishing the competition, the skipper and team leader was very satisfied with the good work done by his crew during the three days of testing. “We are -said Nete Armas- a group of friends who usually sail together, who know each other well and who have not been bad at sailing on the Figaros del Monte Real. And all that together is what has allowed us to be champions of this first phase and continue fighting for the goal of representing Spain in Europe”.

The silver of this first phase of the Spanish Sailing League stayed in Galicia, at the hands of Miguel Fernández and the crew of the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña (27.5 points), formed by Jaime Araujo, Irene Rodríguez and Pablo González.

Miguel Fernández led the RCN A Coruña crew to the silver medal in the competition – Photo © María Muiña

The bronze medal also went to the Canary Islands at the hands of the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, led by the Olympian and 420 world champion, Onán Barreiros, and completed by María Caba, Guiomar Bonilla, Alejandro Cantero and Luis Miguel Hernández.

The RCN Gran Canaria team took the bronze in this stage of the Spanish Sailing League – Photo © María Muiña

In the end, the team from the Monte Real Club de Yates, organizer of the competition, could not enter the winners’ podium, but finished at the gates with a more than creditable fourth place.

In the awards ceremony for the winners, held this afternoon in Baiona, the president of the Galician Sailing Federation, Manuel Villaverde; the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; the provincial head of Sports of the Xunta de Galicia, Daniel Benavides; and the Provincial Deputy for Sports, Gorka Gómez.

On behalf of the Monte Real Club de Yates, the organizing club, its president, José Luis Álvarez, participated in the delivery, and was very grateful to the RFEV for having chosen Baiona for the inauguration of this new competition. Álvarez wished the League much success and confirmed the presence, in future editions, of a crew from Monte Real.

Family photo with some of the participants in the Spanish Sailing League in Baiona – Photo © María Muiña

This first part of the Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy will continue in two months with the holding of three new days of tests in Mallorca, organized by the Club Náutic S’Arenal. It will take place on February 14, 15 and 16, aboard Bavaria B One type sailboats, and the results of both competitions (Baiona and Mallorca) will reveal the Spanish representative for the Europa Sailing League, in which Spain will compete in 2020 for the first time.


The winning crew of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife – Photo © María Muiña

Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 13 – 14- 15 December 2019






The Canary Islands and Galicia continue the fight for the Spanish Sailing League

· The Spanish Sailing League – State Lottery and Betting Trophy crossed its equator this Saturday in Baiona and is now heading to the final stretch with the two teams from the Canary Islands and the team from A Coruña fighting for victory

· The RCN Arrecife crew, led by Leonardo “Nete” Armas, remains the leader of the league, stalked from second and third position by the teams from A Coruña and Gran Canaria

Today was without a doubt a complicated day due to the weather with showers that delayed the assembly of the field and the start of the tests and gusts of wind that caused some problems for the crews

· The competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation will conclude tomorrow, Sunday, with the final tests and the delivery of prizes to the winners



The Spanish Sailing League – State Lotteries and Betting Trophy entered its final stretch this Saturday in Baiona after holding the second day of tests, in which the crew of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife, who had been leading the first round, managed to stay ahead.

Today was a full and complicated day in the bay of Baiona. Complete because the fleet was able to compete in the 10 planned races (which makes a total of 18) in the regatta programme; and complicated by the weather, which again left significant showers, which delayed the assembly of the regatta field and the start of the tests. Luckily, the wind did help the crews and added excitement to the day, blowing between 12 and 14 knots on average and gusts of up to 18-20 knots, and staying from the south, quite stable throughout the round.

Under these conditions, the crew of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife managed to stay on top of the partial podium after signing two first and two second places in the races held today, and finishing the day with 24 in the provisional general classification.

The people of Lanzarote are leaders closely followed by the team from the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña, skippered by Miguel Fernández, who today, as he did on the opening day, once again sealed two first places and stalks them from second position with 28.91 points.

There are also no changes in third place in the classification, in which the crew of the Real Club Náutico Gran Canaria remains, with 30.82 points. That tight separation of points between the top three classified will be what will guarantee, tomorrow, Sunday, the excitement ahead of the last round.

Outstanding was also the performance today of the home team. The crew of the Monte Real Club de Yates, led by Fernándo Yáñez, signed a first, three second and two third places, which allowed them to climb from sixth to fourth position, placing them just outside the podium.

The Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy will conclude its passage through Baiona tomorrow, Sunday, with the celebration of the definitive tests on the water and the subsequent awarding of prizes to the winning crews. It will be, once again, a day of all against all in the last 10 heats of the windward-leeward type that will end up defining the winners’ podium.

The Monte Real Club de Yates, organizer of the competition by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, will put an end to the event by hosting the awards ceremony in its facilities, which will be attended by the president of the club, José Luis Álvarez; the president of the Galician Sailing Federation, Manuel Villaverde; the mayor of Baiona, Carlos Gómez; the provincial head of Sports of the Xunta de Galicia, Daniel Benavides; and the Provincial Deputy for Sports, Gorka Gómez. The delivery will start at half past four in the afternoon.

Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 13 – 14- 15 December 2019






Great premiere in Galicia of the Spanish Sailing League

· The Bay of Baiona hosted this Friday the celebration of the opening day of the Spanish Sailing League – State Lotteries and Bets Trophy organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club

· The crew of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife with Leonardo “Nete” Armas at the helm took the lead after beating their 9 rivals in the 8 races held with a round robin design.

The Real Club Náutico de A Coruña skippered by Miguel Fernández and the Real Club Náutico Gran Canaria team led by Onan Barreiros are second and third in the provisional general classification

· Tomorrow, Saturday, starting at eleven o’clock, the second day will be held with the same test system and all the crews back in the running aspiring to continue scoring for the final on Sunday


Great premiere in Galicia of the Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy, which the Monte Real Club de Yates organizes these days in Baiona by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation.

The Rías Baixas received this Friday the fleet of 10 participants from the different Spanish clubs that aspire to become the national representative in the European Sailing League, a privilege that will be granted to the winner of this competition.

On the opening day, the crew of the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife (Lanzarote), with the world runner-up and winner of several editions of the Copa del Rey, Leonardo “net” Arms to the cane, he became the leader after beating his rivals in the tests played with a league design of all against all.

The people from Lanzarote participated in 6 of the 8 disputed races signing four first places, a second and a third. After finishing the round, “Nete” Armas was very satisfied with the great work done by his crew.

“They were ,” said Armas, Very intense and complicated tests, very short and with the boats very close together, but also very fun. The truth -he assured- is that we enjoyed them a lot and the boats (the Figaro Beneteau del Monte Real), which were in very good condition, were not bad at all”.

The Real Club Náutico de Arrecife team was, without a doubt, the best in the first round, and will reach the second phase with 9 points on the scoreboard, 3 behind their most direct rival, the team from Real Club Náutico de A Coruña , led by Miguel Fernández, who is second with 12 points.

In third position is the Real Club Náutico Gran Canarias of the Olympic and 420 world champion, Onán Barreiros, who with 14 points holds the provisional bronze.

This first day of the Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy was held under conditions that were not as complicated as initially expected. The wind blew with an average of 10 knots and peaks of between 13 and 14, and remained flat for most of the tests, blowing from the south-southwest.

The 10 participating clubs competed under equal conditions, aboard the Figaro Beneteau del Monte Real Club de Yates. A total of 8 double-lap windward-leeward routes were completed with a little more than a mile in total, in fairly agile tests that allowed the rotation of the different clubs according to the established round robin system.

The regatera day ended on land with a seafood dinner attended by all the participating clubs and members of the committees and organization. Tomorrow, Saturday, if the forecasts are met, the competition will resume at 11 in the morning with an identical program of 10 technical tests in the Bay of Baiona.

The Spanish Sailing League – Loterías y Apuestas del Estado Trophy will end on Sunday with the celebration of the last regattas and the awarding of prizes to the winners.

Monte Real Yacht Club Baiona, 13 – 14- 15 December 2019






The Monte Real Yacht Club raises the curtain on the Spanish Sailing League

· Starting Friday, the historic Baiona club will host the inauguration of the new competition of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation

· Monte Real has been chosen to organize the first part of a regatta from which the Spanish representative for the European circuit will emerge

· In the 45 tests that will be held in the bay of Baiona until Sunday, 12 crews from different clubs in Spain will compete

· This first edition of the Spanish Sailing League is sponsored by Loterías y Apuestas del Estado

The vice president of the MRCYB, Alejandro Retolaza; and the president of the RFEV, Julia Casanueva, in the center of the table – Photo © Rosana Calvo

The Monte Real Club de Yates has been the club chosen to inaugurate the Spanish Sailing League, a new competition promoted by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation with the sponsorship of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado, which will be held starting next Friday in Baiona .

For three days, from Friday the 13th to Sunday the 15th, 12 crews from different Spanish yacht clubs will compete in a sports program in which a total of 45 windward-leeward-type events are planned.

There will be multiple short-term regattas that the participating teams must complete with a maximum of 5 crew members aboard six identical boats, the six Beneteau Figaros that the Monte Real Club de Yachts Sailing School has.

Thus, under equal technical conditions, the crews will score points day by day, without being eliminated, in a general classification from which, once the entire test program has been completed, the winner of the competition in Baiona will emerge.
There will be a second phase to be held in the Balearic Islands and the team that wins both will be chosen to represent Spain on the international circuit.

Among the participating teams there are representatives of some of the places with the most nautical tradition in Spain. Two crews will arrive in Baiona from the Canary Islands, one from the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife (Lanzarote) and another from the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria .

Of the Mediterranean, Alicante will be the area with the greatest representation, since teams from three clubs will participate, the Real Club Náutico de Calpe , the Javea Náutico Club and the Campello Náutico Club .

Also present from the Mediterranean will be the Club Náutic El Balís (Barcelona), the Real Club Náutico de Valencia , the Real Club Náutico de Palma and the Club Náutico s’Arenal , organizer of the second part of the Spanish Sailing League.

The Basque Country will be represented by the Real Club Marítimo del Abra (Vizcaya) and two crews will compete for Galicia, one from the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña and the other from Monte Real Club de Yates . The Baionese club, in addition to organizing the tests, will compete with a team that will be in charge of leading Fernando Yáñez.

If the weather permits, the three days of testing will begin, each day, at 11 in the morning. On Friday, as it is the first day of racing, there will also be a preparatory meeting prior to the start. And on Sunday, the last day of competition, the awards ceremony will also be held, starting at half past four in the afternoon at the Monte Real Club de Yates.

With this new competition, the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation tries to give a new impetus to inter-club competitions in Spanish territory, from which teams can come out that represent Spain in other international competitions. An objective shared by Loterías y Apuestas del Estado, as sponsor of the event, and the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona as organizer of the first phase.

Official presentation of the Spanish Sailing League – Photo © Rosana Calvo


“For the Monte Real Club de Yates it is a great pride and satisfaction that the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation has chosen us to organize and inaugurate this Spanish Sailing League, to which we already wish many years of history and great successes”

Alejandro Retolaza Vice President of the Monte Real Yacht Club

“For two years we have been thinking about creating a club league. It was a great project that we had pending and this year we have managed to promote it thanks to the support of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado. It will be a great bet for another type of sailing and, above all, for the Spanish clubs, which will be the protagonists”

Julia Casanueva President of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation

“I want to thank the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona for hosting this regatta. Monte Real is a great club, the facilities are perfect, the setting is unparalleled and it’s better that they won’t be anywhere here. Galicia, of course, will not disappoint”

Manuel Villaverde President of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation

“We are in a province that, at the level of water sports, is a world power. From the Diputación we have been supporting the world of sailing for years because it values our estuaries, our environment and the good work of our clubs. We hope that this first edition continues and that Galicia can host future leagues”

Gorka Gómez Provincial Deputy for Sports

“We all congratulate ourselves on this good idea of making sailing comparable to other sports that have this type of league between clubs. Sailing is a strategic sport for this country and from the Xunta de Galicia we will always support it”

Daniel Benavides Provincial Head of the Sports Service

“For us, as a city council, having the Monte Real Club de Yates here is something that fills us with pride, because it is a clear benchmark in the world of sports, as has been seen once again here, when it was chosen to organize the this event. We are sure that it will be a complete success, because it is always like that when it bears the club’s signature”

Carlos Gómez Mayor of Baiona


Christmas discounts at the MRCYB Helly Hansen store

If you don’t know what to give this Christmas, at the Monte Real Yacht Club we make it very easy for you.

Until next January 12 we have all Helly Hansen products in our store with a discount of 15 percent *

Don’t miss them! Come visit us!

(*) Discount valid for both members and non-members , except for already discounted products.

2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
