Bag of crew and shipowners for the II Baiona Angra Atlantic Race

Are you a sailor and would you like to participate in the II Baiona Angra Atlantic Race but you don’t have a boat?

Are you an owner and do you need a crew to register for the competition?

From the Monte Real Club de Yates we want to make it easier for you to participate in the regatta by launching a bag of crew members and shipowners through which you can cover your needs for the Baiona Angra Atlantic Race.

To be part of the bag and for us to put you in contact with other owners/crew members, you simply have to fill out the form that corresponds to you and send it to secretarí

  • If you are an owner and you are looking for a crew, complete and send the following form:


  • If you are a sailor and you are looking for a boat to participate in the competition, complete and send us the following form:


The registration period to participate in the II Baiona Angra Atlantic Race will remain open until June 1, with 25 percent discounts on fees for those who register before March 1. A maximum of 20 boats may participate in the competition.


