The Comunica Trophy will be organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates (MRCYB), with the collaboration of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo.


It will be held in the waters of the Vigo estuary and Baiona bay, on Saturday, April 20, 2019.


The regatta will be run according to the provisions in force of the following regulations:

to. The “rules” as defined in the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 – 2020 (RRS).
b. The 2019 Cruise Technical Regulation and its annexes (RTC).
c. Respective regulations with the adaptations made by the MRCYB for this regatta of the J80 and Figaros one-design classes.
d. The IMS and ORC Regulations 2019.
and. World Sailing Special Rules for Offshore Regattas, Category 4 (ORC).
F. This Announcement of Race.
g. The Sailing Instructions, which may modify any of the previous sections.


4.1 Participation in this regatta is limited to boats with an ORC International or Club certificate valid for the year 2019, whose GPH is less than 770 s/mile, as well as the J80 and Fígaros monotypes.

4.2 Groups and Classes:
An ORC group is established that will be divided into classes, as well as those of the different monotypes:

Cruise (*) ORC
Special Open (**) ORC Non-competitive
J80 class J80 monotypes
Figaro Class (***) Figaro Monotypes

(*) In ORC, in view of the registrations made and as soon as their effective participation in the regatta is verified, the Regatta Committee and Organizing Committee will establish the classes and cuts of the same, seeking the greatest possible equity, not admitting claims about it.

(**) In the Special Open Class, only authentically “No Level” boats will be admitted in the classes indicated in (*) and that do not have a minimum competitive capacity despite their size and GPH, as well as especially slow designs, very old, etc. and that they run with ORC Club Certificate.

In any case, the Regatta Committee and the Organizing Committee of the regatta will have the power to include, at their discretion, in the Open Class the boats they deem appropriate, not admitting claims in this regard.

(***) The Figaros, if they do not achieve the minimum number of 3 to compete as a one design, will race in ORC with an estimated GPH, no claims being accepted in this regard.

4.3 To form a class, there must be a minimum of 5 registered (except in Figaros, which will be a minimum of 3).

4.4 One designs will only compete in their class and in real time.


5.1 Participants must comply with the eligibility conditions reflected in Regulation 19 of the World Sailing and the prescriptions of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation related to said regulation.

5.2 Participants of nationality or legal residence in Spain must be in possession of the athlete’s federation license for 2019.


6.1 Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 20 of World Sailing and the Advertising and Competition Regulations of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation.

6.2 In accordance with World Sailing Regulation 20, participants may be required to display advertising on the forward 20% of the hull on each side of the boat and on the sides of the boom, as well as possible advertising pennants on the backstay of the boat. each boat. All this would be provided at the MRCYB race office (*) once your registration is confirmed.

(*) Also on Saturday the 20th, at the RCN Vigo regatta office, the regatta instructions and stickers will be handed out.

6.3 Modifications to the stickers provided by the organizing committee are not allowed. Violation of this IR will entail a penalty of 2 places in the test.

6.4 The Monte Real Club de Yates reserves the right to demand the elimination or substitution of any type of publicity, message or image displayed during the celebration of the event of the boats or the equipment of their crew members, which does not comply with the moral and ethical standards of general acceptance (Regulation 20 of the World Sailing) or contravene the interests of the organizing club. This includes holding the races on the regatta course, in the club’s facilities or while at the disposal of the Regatta Committee.

6.5 The owner or skipper of the boat with advertising will be asked to indicate or show the type of advertising that will be displayed during the celebration of the regatta, for the approval of the organizing committee.
6.6 The participating owners and crews grant their authorization to the MRCYB so that any photograph, image or video of people or boats taken during the days of the regatta may be published in any medium, such as television advertisements, editorial comments, information, advertising, etc…


7.1 The inscriptions will necessarily be formalized in the official form. (The same that accompanies this announcement and/or is also available at

7.2 Registration will be FREE. In addition, the participating vessels will have:

7.2.1 50% discount on the cost of registration for the Repsol Trophy to be held on May 1, 4 and 5.

7.2.2 A boat participating in each and every one of the following regattas:

  • Communicate Trophy
    Repsol Trophy
    Count of Gondomar Trophy
    You will get free registration for the 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy.

7.3 The registration must be submitted or submitted with the following documentation:

 Registration form duly completed and signed.
 Photocopy of the updated licenses of all the crew members of the ship.
 For foreign athletes who do not have a federative license or sports medical insurance that insures them in case of an accident, they must prove that they have valid accident and illness insurance in Spain.
 Valid ORC measurement certificate (ORC fleet only).
 Class Association annual fee payment certificate (J80).
 Photocopy of civil liability insurance and damage to third parties for a minimum coverage of €336,556 and coverage for all crew members on board and policy extension for participation in non-professional regattas.
 List of security elements (depending on whether ORC or Monotype) duly covered and signed.

7.4 The application for registration must have the approval of the Organizing Committee of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

7.5 The documents will be sent or presented at the MRCYB before Friday, April 19 at:

National Parador Enclosure, s/n – 36300 Baiona
phone + 34 986 38 50 00 Fax. + 34 986 35 50 61

The documents for registration are available on our website

7.6 Registration of Participants:

Each owner or skipper must register and personally sign the registration form at the MRCYB regatta office (*) before 1:00 p.m. on April 20, 2019

7.7 The registration of a boat will not be accepted if, before the time indicated in paragraph 7.6, it does not present the documents specified in 7.3 at the regatta office (*) or does not have the approval of the organizing committee.

(*) On Saturday the 20th, at the RCN Vigo regatta offices, participants will also be able to confirm registrations and will be given the Regatta Instructions and advertising stickers for the boats.

7.8 The Organizing Committee reserves the right to admit registrations after the indicated date.


8.1 The program of the event is as follows:



Measurements and certificate and safety checks may be carried out by the measurement committee before and after the regatta.


The Low Score System Appendix A4 of the RRV will apply.


11.1 ORC rankings will be established according to one of the following compensation systems:

to. Compound path, and if not possible,
a.1. Applying the values specified in each certificate for Ocean PCS (Ocean) if the wind is stable.
a.2. Offshore OSN if there are large roles and oscillations in wind intensity.
All this always at the discretion of the regatta official, not admitting claims in this regard.

11.2 Class classifications will be established (provided that the provisions of points 4.2. and 4.3 are met).

11.3 The monotype classes will only qualify in real time.


12.1 The safety of the regatta is considered Category 4 (ORC) in accordance with the World Sailing Special Regatta Rules (for one designs it will be a specific one adapted for it).

12.2 The participants undertake to carry on board, under their responsibility, the updated regulatory documentation of the vessel, as well as the appropriate qualification for the management of the vessel and the navigation to be carried out.


The list of prizes will be exposed in the TOA and the club’s website in view of the participants and registered, before the start of the test.


The boats formally registered in this regatta and that do not belong to the MRCYB fleet, will have a free mooring or anchoring place (mooring under the exclusive responsibility of the owner or skipper) reserved in the MRCYB during the regatta days (April 20). The free mooring can be extended until Sunday May 5 if they participate in the Spring Regatta · REPSOL Trophy on May 1, 4 and 5, 2019.
Likewise, boats based in other estuaries other than Vigo, in addition to being able to benefit from the conditions expressed, will also have free mooring in the RCN Vigo marina from Sunday, April 14 to the 20th of the same month in which output will be given.


15.1 The Race Committee will use channel 72 VHF for its communications during the celebration of the tests.

15.2 All participating boats must carry on board an operational VHF radio receiver equipped, at a minimum, with VHF channels 09 (156.450Mhz), 16 (156.800Mhz) and 72 (156.610Mhz).


The awards ceremony will take place at the MRCYB on the same day as the regatta, Saturday April 20, where a sailor’s feast will also be served.


17.1 All boats participating in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility.

17.2 The Monte Real Club de Yates, as the Organizing Committee, or any other person or body involved in the organization of the event, rejects any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that could happen to people or things, both on land and at sea. , as a result of participating in the tests covered by this Notice of Race.

17.3 Attention is drawn to the Fundamental Rule 4 DECISION TO RACE, of part 1 of the RRS which states:

“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or to continue racing”







J80 Class Winter League
Communicate Trophy
Repsol Trophy
· Baitra Children’s Sailing Trophy
5th Rafael Olmedo Memorial
Baitra Social League Final – MRCYB
Count of Gondomar Trophy
Prince of Asturias Trophy
· National Sailing Awards
· 5th Solidarity Vertiathlon
J80 Class Fall League

The J80 Winter League will be decided on the last day

· The penultimate day of tests that was going to be held this afternoon in Baiona was finally suspended due to poor conditions for navigation

· A wind that did not want to stabilize and disappeared at times led to the suspension of the three tests that tried to be held without success

The winners’ podium, provisionally held by Okofen, Cansino and Namasté, will be decided on the last day scheduled for April 6

A wind that did not want to stabilize and disappeared at times forced to suspend, this afternoon in Baiona, the penultimate day of the J80 Winter League organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates.

Difficulties in defining the regatta field, a general call, route changes, a test suspended as soon as it started and another when it was halfway through were some of the situations that were experienced this afternoon in the bay of Baiona.

It was, without a doubt, a very complicated day for navigation, in which the ideal conditions for holding the competition were never achieved. Thus, and after several unsuccessful hours on the water, the regatta committee decided to suspend the day.

With this situation, the J80 Winter League will reach its last stage with everything still to be decided. Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen is currently the favorite to win the title. After winning the previous day, he took 7 points from Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino and Luis de Mira’s Namasté, who are tied for second and third position.

Despite everything, and with three races to be held, it is not yet possible to speak of a clear winner of the one-design championship, which will be decided, if the wind allows it, on April 6. For that day, in addition to the final dispute in the water, the award ceremony for the winners of the J80 Winter League is planned.

The J80 Winter League enters its final stretch


· With the arrival of spring, the winter one-design competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates is now in its final stretch

· Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen will arrive tomorrow, Saturday, at the penultimate matchday at the top of the standings and 7 points behind their closest rivals

Fernando Yáñez’s El Cansino and Luis de Mira’s Namasté, tied on points in second and third position, will try to establish themselves on the podium


With the arrival of spring, just inaugurated this week, the J80 Winter League of the Monte Real Club de Yates now faces its final stretch with the celebration, this Saturday, of the penultimate day of tests.

The Okofen, led by Javier de la Gándara, is the best-placed sailboat in the provisional classification after the victory it achieved the previous day, in which it took the lead from Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino.

They are followed, at a certain distance, and tied on points, by Cansino and Namasté, skippered by Luis de Mira. They occupy, respectively, the second and third position and are, to date, the crews with the most options to snatch the championship gold from Gándara.

Tomorrow, Saturday, starting at three in the afternoon, we will again see the ten J80 participants fighting to climb positions in the classification towards the podium. The regatta committee plans to start three tests of the windward-leeward type in a regatta field that will be located inside the bay of Baiona.

The weather forecast announces north-northwest winds that will shift to pure north as the hours go by, and that will blow with an intensity of between 6 and 9 knots, which will allow the fleet to navigate without problems.

In addition, the sun will shine, which will allow the public that comes to the Monte Boi peninsula or the surrounding beaches to enjoy the competition.


PODCAST: Monte Real Yacht Club Special

All those who have missed the SPECIAL ON THE MONTE REAL YACHT CLUB broadcast by Radio Galega know that you can listen to it through the following link:


For one hour, Galician public radio addressed the history and current affairs of the Monte Real Yacht Club , with interventions by the president and vice president of Monte Real, José Luis Álvarez and Alejandro Retolaza ; Admiral Rafael Lorenzo ; the club’s manager, Óscar Calero ; and the sailing coach, David Fontán .

The mayor of Baiona, Ángel Rodal , also participated; the president of the Baiona Fishermen’s Association, Susana González ; or the head of the port of Monte Real, Javier Álvarez , among others.

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Radio Galega also broadcast another SPECIAL ON ADAPTED SAILING at the MONTE REAL CLUB DE YATES and you can listen to it from the following link:



A relentless De la Gándara takes the leadership of the J80 Winter League


On board the Okofen and haggling with his usual crew, the historic sailor from Vigo showed why in a few days he will receive the award from the Royal Galician Sailing Federation for the best J80 in Galicia

· De la Gándara sentenced the fourth day of the J80 Winter League of the Monte Real Club de Yates with two very comfortable victories in the two races held this afternoon in the Bay of Baiona

Its climb to first place in the championship dropped Cansino owned by Commodore del Monte Real Fernándo Yáñez to second place and left Namasté by Luis de Mira in third place

A relentless Javier de la Gándara led Okofen this afternoon to the top of the J80 Winter League classification, which the Monte Real Club de Yates has been organizing since the beginning of the year in the bay of Baiona.

On this fourth day, with only two stages remaining in the championship, Gándara and his team managed to climb from third position to first. They did it convincingly, leading the fleet from start to finish, and taking a significant margin from their rivals when they crossed the finish line.

They comfortably sentenced the two tests that were held with a fairly light wind, which blew from the west with an average of between 5 and 6 knots. Despite the fact that the forecasts announced that the wind would disappear by mid-afternoon, the regatta committee, chaired by Fernando Giraldo, was encouraged to start a third race that finally had to be canceled halfway through because the wind dropped completely.

With the rise of Okofen to the first position, the Cansino of the Commodore of Monte Real, Fernando Yáñez, who was leading, is now second, tied on 13 points with the Namasté of Luis de Mira. Both, and despite being somewhat removed from Okofen ‘s 7 points, are the two crews with the best chance of remaining on the final podium.

At a greater distance are, with 18 points, the Miudo led by Carlos Hernández; the Bernardo Macedo’s Mondo with 20 points; Luna Nueva by Juan Luis Tuero with 21; and the Pazo de Cea de María Campos with 22. They close the classification on Cormorant II by Yago G. Robatto; and two boats that could not compete today: the Virazón of Miguel Lago and the Cunichan by Javier Martinez Valente.

The next day of competition will be held on March 23 and there will only be one more stage left, on April 6, to decide the winner of the J80 Winter League.



Before resuming the J80 Winter League on the 23rd, Javier de la Gándara will collect, next week in A Coruña, two of the distinctions that will be awarded at the Galician Sailing Gala, organized by the Royal Galician Sailing Federation.

One of the awards recognizes him and his Okofen team, made up of Jaime de la Gándara, Diego Fernández and Hugo Ferreiro; as the Best J80 Crew in Galicia in 2018. It was a year in which they achieved, among other victories, the bronze medal at the Spanish Championship held in Baiona.

De la Gándara will also collect at the Gala de la Vela Gallega the special distinction granted to the “Galicia 93 Pescanova” project, led by the sailor from Vigo. This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary since his return to Vigo after achieving a podium finish in the Whitbread Round The World 93-94.



3. NAMASTE · LUIS DE MIRA · 13 Points



The J80 return to Baiona this Saturday for the fourth day of the Winter League

· El Cansino, skippered by the commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club, is at the head of the fleet after winning the third day held in February

Luis de Mira’s Namasté and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen are in second and third position tied just three points behind the leader

· The regattas will be held tomorrow, Saturday, starting at three in the afternoon in a field located inside the Bay of Baiona

After two weeks off, the J80s return to Baiona this Saturday to play the fourth day of the Winter League, a competition organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates that is held in six stages during the first months of the year.

Starting at three in the afternoon, the bay of Baiona will host three new scoring events that will continue to define the classification for the final stretch of the championship, which is scheduled to end on April 6.

The weather forecasts for Saturday’s day have nothing to do with those recorded in previous days, and after saying goodbye to storm Laura, they announce a fairly calm situation, with light winds from the southwest.

On the water, the 10 participating monotypes will try to snatch the provisional leadership from Fernando Yáñez’s Cansino, who leads the competition with 2 points after winning on the last day. Luis de Mira’s Namasté and Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen are in second and third position, tied at 5 points.

The intention of the regatta committee, which will be chaired by Fernando Giraldo, is that the J80s will dispute the day in three windward-leeward double loop routes, with two upwind and two stern.

The Monte Real organizes this Thursday in Baiona the IV Seminar on Adapted Sailing

Several coaches from the Baiona club will explain their experience at the Monte Real Yacht Club Adapted Sailing School for people with disabilities

· The objective of the seminar is to offer specialized theoretical-practical training in sailing adapted to future sports technicians from Galicia and Portugal

· The seminar organized by Monte Real and Baiventura Galicia will be attended by students from Gondomar (Pontevedra), Porto do Son (A Coruña) and Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Tomorrow, Thursday, in Baiona, the Monte Real Yacht Club is organizing the 4th Seminar on Adapted Sailing Education in Baiona, an initiative aimed at offering specialized theoretical-practical training to future sports technicians from Galicia and Portugal.

Several coaches from the Baiona club will be in charge of giving a seminar that will include theoretical-practical sessions from half past ten in the morning until six in the afternoon. Fifty students from the IES Terra de Turonio (Gondomar – Pontevedra), the IES Porto do Son (A Coruña), the IPVC Viana do Castelo (Portugal) and ASEM Galicia will participate in them.

In the exhibitions, round tables and baptisms of the sea, issues such as the importance of adapting the teachings to the needs of the user with functional diversity, the need to adapt infrastructures and sports elements or the use of specific teaching resources will be addressed.

And all under the prism of the Adapted Sailing School of the Monte Real Yacht Club, which since 2012 offers people with functional diversity the opportunity to learn and practice sailing under equal conditions.

Over the last six years, more than 300 students with physical, psychosocial, cognitive and sensory disabilities have sailed on the club’s adapted boats thanks to the inclusive sailing courses that Monte Real has organized with the support of Fundación Repsol and the Xunta de Galicia through the Department of Social Policy and Galician Sport.

Improving the physical and emotional level of people with disabilities, increasing their self-esteem, encouraging relationships between colleagues, generating motivation and making them enjoy direct contact with nature, bringing them closer to the sea, are the main benefits achieved with sailing activities adapted.

Special radio program: History and current events of the Monte Real Yacht Club

Next Saturday, March 9, from 12:00 to 13:00, Radio Galega will broadcast the special Convivir Deportivo program that Alfonso Pardo and his team recorded at the club.

For one hour, Galician public radio will address the history and current affairs of the Monte Real Yacht Club , with interventions by the president and vice president of Monte Real, José Luis Álvarez and Alejandro Retolaza ; Admiral Rafael Lorenzo ; the club’s manager, Óscar Calero ; and the sailing coach, David Fontán .

We will also listen to the mayor of Baiona, Ángel Rodal ; the president of the Baiona Fishermen’s Association, Susana González ; or the head of the port of Monte Real, Javier Álvarez , among others.

The appointment with the radio is next Saturday, March 9, from 12:00 to 13:00 .

2024 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
