“I like everything about sailing, because it’s a lot of fun. And the more I learn, the better I enjoy it”


Lucía Arana is one of the most cheerful students at the Monte Real Yacht Club Sailing School. He started sailing in the club three years ago as part of the extracurricular activities of the Ángel de la Guarda school in Nigrán, and has not left the boat since then. Her coach, Samuel Montouto, says of her that it was her great ability to adapt that allowed her to move very quickly from the initiation team, where she started, to the green team and later to the regatta team. Looking to the future, Lucía has it clear. He wants to continue sailing because, according to what he says, he has a really good time at sea.

Lucía, why did you decide to start sailing?

Well, I started a bit by accident. I was looking for an activity to practice in summer, and I found the possibility of sailing in Panxón. And I started there. Later, as I liked it so much, I wanted to continue with classes also in winter, but in Panxón there weren’t any, so I looked for where they gave them and I arrived at Monte Real, which is where I am practicing sailing now.

Tell us, how is one of your training days? What do you do?

I go on the weekends and we do a lot of things. We arrive early, we lower the boats, we prepare them, the trainers explain to us what we are going to do and then we go out to sea. We spend a few hours sailing and, when we finish, we return to land and pick up the boats again.

We also have some classes on the ground. The trainers also give you theory lessons. The trainers show us videos of what we did in the sea and tell us the things we did wrong so we can correct them.

What do you like most about sailing?

I like everything, because it’s so much fun. The sea, the waves, the wind… I have a great time going out sailing, and the more I learn, and the more things I know how to do, the better I have.

Many children like to sail only in summer, when it’s sunny, but I also really like going out in winter, even if the weather is bad.

A few months ago you started competing, do you like it? how is the experience?

This year I competed in the Baitra del Monte Real Trophy, which was for cadets, and although I usually sail in Optimist, I participated with a boy who sailed in that class and we managed to win. I also competed in the Atlantic Week in Vigo and in other regattas, and the truth is that I had a great time.

Competing is a lot of fun, although there are also a lot of nerves, because there are very good people. Before leaving I try to concentrate to avoid being nervous, and sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don’t, but in the end I always end up having a good time.

Would you like to continue browsing in the future? What would you like to do?

Yes. I would very much like to continue browsing, and as long as I can I will continue doing so. At the moment I want to continue in Optimist, because I still have a lot to learn, but then I would like to jump to other classes as well.

My sister sails the 420 and I would like to sail that class too, but I want to wait a few more years, until I know everything there is to know about Optimist. Then I’ll think about what I’m going to do, but I’m sure I’ll keep sailing and competing if I can.

Miguel Lago’s Virazón wins the MRCYB J80 Autumn Trophy

· The crew skippered by the commodore of Monte Real managed to snatch first place from Guillermo Caamaño’s Mi Moneda, which remained the leader of the general classification throughout the trophy

· The bronze of the championship went to Namasté, by Luis de Mira; and completing the classification is Luna Nueva, by Juan Luis Tuero; the Nortada, by Ignacio Campos; and Marias, by Manuel Cunha

The Virazón, with Miguel Lago at the helm, managed to win the J80 Autumn Trophy organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club this Saturday. The crew, skippered by the commodore of the Baionese club, managed to snatch first place from Guillermo Caamaño’s Mi Moneda, which remained the leader of the general classification throughout the trophy.

Today, after a first test was canceled due to lack of wind, three sleeves were held with a wind of between 8 and 10 knots on average. The Virazón, the My coin and the Namasté took the places of honor in all of them. Only the Luna Nueva managed to sneak into one of the podiums making a third place.

Thus the things, finalized the last tests of the trophy, the gold went to the Virazón, of Miguel Lago; silver for Mi Moneda, by Guillermo Caamaño, and bronze for Namasté, by Luis de Mira. The classification is completed by Luna Nueva, by Juan Luis Tuero; the Nortada, by Ignacio Campos; and the Marías, by Manuel Cunha, who only participated in one of the trophy tests.

The next event on the J80 calendar is the Winter Trophy, which will be held on January 17 and 31, February 14 and 28, and March 14 and 28, 2015. The tests, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates, will involve windward-leeward courses in the waters of the Vigo estuary and Baiona Bay. The registration period is now open.


  1. VIRAZÓN · Miguel Lago
  2. MY CURRENCY Guillermo Caamaño
  3. NAMASTE · Luis de Mira
  4. NEW MOON · Juan Luis Tuero
  5. NORTADA · Ignacio Campos
  6. MARIAS Manuel Cunha

Visit the J80 Autumn Trophy IMAGES GALLERY

“420 is a class where you can learn a lot”

Jorge González and Pablo Carneiro, aged 14 and 15, form one of the 420 crews of the Monte Real Club de Yates. They have been sailing together for a little over a year, after the coaches evaluated their physical and technical qualities, and verified that they could complement each other perfectly.

In their training they have shown what they are capable of, and little by little they have also entered the world of competition, in which they aspire to achieve good results soon.

Today we talk to them so they can tell us about their experiences sailing in 420 and being part of a team in which the rapport must be total to achieve their goals.

Jorge, Pablo, tell us, how is the experience of sailing in 420?

Jorge: The truth is that it is very exciting. One never gets bored sailing this type of boat, which requires a lot of concentration. It is a class that involves spending many hours thinking about sailing, navigation, how to get the boat ready, and also, of course, about tactics and theory. For me personally, at first it was a bit difficult for me to make the jump to the double class, because I had to learn many new things, but it is also true that I began to like it very soon.

Pablo: The truth is that sailing the 420 is sometimes somewhat difficult, because it is a very technical boat. For me, the change of class was not as abrupt as it happened to Jorge because he was already sailing in double class. In any case, despite the difficulties that may arise, it is a very nice experience.

Sailing on a 420 is something that requires very good physical condition but, above all, a great rapport with your partner, and you haven’t been sailing together for a long time yet, how is your relationship on board the boat?

Jorge: I think our relationship is very good, basically because we have the same goals. Both Pablo and I want to compete giving the maximum of each one, and work hard to get very high. In that sense there are no problems, because we both want the same thing.

Pablo: Sometimes, on the boat, there are moments of tension in which we argue about the strategy to follow or the way to navigate, but generally we don’t fight. Normally the decisions are made by Jorge, who acts as skipper, but when the tactic is not clear, we try to make the right decision between the two of us. The truth is that we get along well.

And your first competitions together? How have they been?

Pablo: They were very good experiences, but in which a lot of nerves and tension are passed. In these regattas we see the level we have in relation to the fleet, and sometimes that makes us nervous, but it also motivates us to keep improving.

Jorge: We already participated in the Spanish Championship and very recently in the Spanish Cup, and our results have been improving since we started. Now, with our new boat, we will try to continue on this good path.

In addition to participating in 420 competitions, in the first test of the MRCYB J80 Autumn Trophy you have sailed in two of the participating boats, as accompanying crew. How have you lived that experience? What have you learned competing with more experienced people?

Jorge: We have very good memories of that experience. The people of J80 were very kind to allow us to participate with them. I personally learned a lot because they let me do many things like carrying the rod, banding, carrying the gennaker…

Pablo: I cannot participate as actively on the boat as Jorge, but I can observe the way of maneuvering and making decisions of people with more experience, from whom I learned many things.

Although you have only been sailing in 420 for a short time, are you already thinking about making the leap to other classes? What are your future prospects?

Jorge: I would like to try other classes, but for now we plan to continue with 420, improving and perfecting results.

Pablo: I agree with Jorge. At the moment it is still early to decide to make the leap to another class. We have just started on 420 and we believe that we can still learn a lot on this boat.

It is an interview with Rosana Calvo.

The art of sailing without obstacles

“The art of sailing knows no obstacles” is a beautiful report by Graciela Carlos for Faro de Vigo about our Adapted Sailing School. A report that was born from the experience of going out to sea, for two days, with the boys and girls from associations for the disabled who come to the club to sail around the bay. An unforgettable experience, as he told us at the end. This is how he lived it, wrote it and recorded it:

November 2014. Calm sea, light breeze and a few rays of sun shining through a curtain of white clouds. It is the first time that my feet enter a sailing boat . I meet the rest of the crew, they introduce themselves, making me, a few hours later, another friend. At eleven o’clock in the morning our protagonists are ready to teach me the art of sailing. Not without first putting a requirement on myself: that I don’t forget the vest. They are very demanding with security and, honestly, it surprises me. Heading out to sea they begin to teach me technicalities : the ropes I see are not ropes, but ropes. Marcos reveals to me how a corporal and Javier can handle the rudder, telling me over and over again that you can’t lose sight of the front when you’re in command.

Little by little, I am getting into their lives, they have no qualms about telling everything that goes through their heads. Andrea tells me over and over again that she is a gossip. I am stunned. I thought I was the curious one for asking them all kinds of information. She does not stop talking during the crossing and confesses that she has a boyfriend and that she has had to go to the doctor. Antonio , for his part, tells me that years ago he worked at a gas station. David walks me through the Real Madrid squad, listing each of the players. Each one tells me their own story in which I perceive a common point: their passion for the sea.

It’s time to put all your energy into sailing and get the sailboat moving. All to their positions and each one of them with their position. All of them are just as important as the one next to them since they have to fulfill their mission for the ship to sail. These crew members taught me that with effort, desire and perseverance, we can achieve everything we set out to do, since they themselves have been able to stand up to the barriers , managing to undo them as if by magic. Do they make me rethink an idea that I later verify as real? We are the ones who impose barriers on ourselves, sometimes, even without having them.

In this case, we are talking about disability , a much broader term than the excuses that any of us make as a “barrier” . Each of them, with their limitations, enjoy the air and the breeze that the ocean gives them, carrying out one of their many dreams. They have succeeded . Barriers are not for them.

A club “without barriers”

In 2012, the Monte Real Yacht Club fulfilled the dream of these crew members. Without skimping on conditions or the disabilities of any person. Through their Adapted Sailing School , they organize bi-weekly outings to the sea for people with physical, mental, sensory or intellectual disabilities.

An activity that allows the different associations to bring the sea closer to its users, to enjoy a sport that brings them countless benefits, both physical and social. With this, they achieve greater mobility, balance and control of their body, as well as potential social skills.

Since its launch, several associations of people with disabilities in the region have carried out activities in the club, which has been growing thanks to the support of companies and institutions such as Fundación Repsol , Iberdrola or Abanca . They are the Encaixamos del Val Miñor Association, the students of the Juan María de Nigrán Center and the Avelaíña de Gondomar group.

The Canarias Explosivos de Tenerife wins the Spanish Cruise Championship

· The boat of the Real Club Náutico de Tenerife won the victory after managing to sneak into the top three positions of the five tests held this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates

· Salem de Santander and Movistar de Sanxenxo were second and third respectively. The classification was completed by the Icue IV, the Aceites Abril and the El Masnou boat, which competed as a guest crew

· The intense sea, the strong wind and the showers that periodically fell on the regatta field marked some tests that were developed with some minor incidents

The Canarias Explosivos of the Real Club Náutico de Tenerife won the Final of the Spanish Maritime Zone Cruise Championship held this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona.

The boat, skippered by Javier Padrón, managed to sneak into the top three positions of the five tests held during the competition. He achieved two first places, a second, a third, a fourth, and finally the victory in the general.

Second place went to Salem from the Real Club Marítimo de Santander, with José María Torcida, alias “Pichu” at the helm. Santander signed two first places, a second and two fourths.

The Movistar de Sanxenxo, skippered by Pablo Iglesias, was another of the boats that gave a lot of trouble in this final of the national championship. The Galicians managed to get on the podium of the first four tests, but the problems they suffered in the last race made them fall to third place overall.

The classification is completed by Icue IV from Valencia, with Javier Serrano at the helm; the Aceites Abril de Canido, skippered by Eduardo Regueira; and the El Masnou boat, which competed as a guest crew.

The final of the Spanish Maritime Zone Cruise Championship was held this weekend in Baiona with the Monte Real Club de Yates as the host club. During the two days of tests, five tasks were held that were marked by the intense sea, the strong wind and the showers that fell periodically on the regatta field.

The competition was organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation with the sponsorship of the Concello de Baiona and Pueblos Colombinos de España. The winner of the final, in addition to a commemorative plaque, won a cash prize of 2,000 euros. The second and third were made with 1,000 and 500 euros, respectively.

Visit the IMAGES GALLERY of the championship.


Canarias Explosivos, Salem and Movistar lead the Final of the Spanish Cruise Championship

· The three ships were tied on points after the first of the two days that will award the title of National Cruiser Champion

· The intense sea and the strong wind recorded throughout the day filled with emotion some tests that were very close until the end

· The Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona is the host club of the Final of the Spanish Championship of Cruisers of Maritime Zones

Canarias Explosivos, Salem and Movistar lead the Final of the Spanish Cruise Championship that is being held this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona, organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and the Bayonne City Council.

The three ships were level on points after the first of the two days that will award the title of National Cruiser Champion. The intense sea and the strong wind, which reached gusts of 25 knots, filled with emotion some tests that were very close until the end.

In the first heat, Salem, from the Real Club Marítimo de Santander, won second place to Aceites Abril, from the Club Marítimo de Canido, and Movistar, from the Real Club Naútico de Sanxenxo, in third place.

In the second round, Canarias Explosivos, who had not managed to be among the winning trio of the first test, managed to be the first to cross the finish line. Movistar slipped back into the top three, and Icue IV came in third position.

Thus, the general was left with a tie on the provisional podium between Canarias Explosivos, Salem and Movistar. Fourth place went to Icue IV, and fifth and sixth to Aceites Abril and the boat from El Masnou, who were unable to complete one of the two tests due to problems with their boat.

The competition continues tomorrow, Sunday, starting at eleven in the morning in the Bay of Baiona. The final of the Spanish Championship of Cruisers in Maritime Zones is organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and is sponsored by the Baiona City Council and the Colombian Peoples of Spain.

Visit the IMAGE GALLERY of the Final of the Spanish Cruise Championship

Check the GENERAL CLASSIFICATION of the first day of the trophy

Everything is ready for the Final of the Spanish Maritime Zones Cruise Championship that will be held this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates

· The Baionese club hosts a competition organized with the aim of promoting cruising sailing in Spain.

· The six contenders for the national title, including two Galician crews, will compete in identical boats loaned by Monte Real

· In the presentation of the event, the mayor of Baiona, Jesús Vázquez Almuiña, thanked the work of Monte Real for the tourist promotion of the town through the activities it promotes

In Baiona, everything is ready for the final of the Spanish Championship of Cruisers in Maritime Zones – Trophy of Colombian Peoples of Spain, which will be held this weekend at the Monte Real Club de Yates.

The Baionese club is hosting a competition organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation to promote cruising sailing in Spain. It is a high-level sporting event in which some of the best skippers and sailors on the national cruiser class circuit will be present.

Among the participants there are two boats with Galician crews, the Aceites Abril, owned by Luis Pérez Canal, and the Movistar, owned by Pedro Campos.

An important job for the promotion of tourism and sports

In the presentation of the final of the championship, this morning at the Baiona City Council, the mayor of the municipality, Jesús Vázquez Almuíña, highlighted the important work carried out by the Monte Real Yacht Club for the tourist and sports promotion of Baiona. An institution to which, he recalled, the municipal corporation awarded the town’s gold medal in 1996, and named its president, Mr. Rafael Olmedo Limeses, the favorite son.

The president of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, José Ángel Rodríguez, spared no words of praise for the club from Baiona, highlighting the quality of its facilities and the beauty of the enclave in which it is located.

The Provincial Sports Delegate of the Xunta de Galicia, Daniel Benavides, also attended the press conference to present the championship, who pointed out the importance of Monte Real for the promotion of sports in the region.

The vice-commodore of Monte Real, Alejandro Retolaza, who also participated in the event, was very grateful for the recognition of the different authorities, both national, regional and local. He assured that it is along these lines that the club will continue to work in the coming years.

Five champion crews and one guest

The Final of the Spanish Championship of Cruisers of Maritime Zones – Colombino Peoples Trophy is a title to which the five boats that were winners in the zone championships held, throughout this 2014, in different parts of Spain aspire.

Salem, by Carlos Marton, will be thrown into the sea; Icue IV, by Carlos Sáez; the Canarias Explosivo, by Lucio Pérez, and two Galician ships, the Aceites Abril, by Luis Pérez Canal, and the Movistar, by Pedro Campos.

These five crews will be joined by a sixth chosen by the host club. It will be formed by the team of the Olympic medalist Sandra Azón, recent winner of the Ladies Cup Trophy of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

A weekend of regattas

The tests of the Final of the Spanish Championship of Cruisers of Maritime Zones – Colombino Peoples Trophy will take place on the 15th and 16th in the waters of the Bay of Baiona.

The participating teams will compete on equal terms. They will go out to sea in identical boats, six First Class Fígaro loaned by the club from Baiona for the occasion.

The Regatta Committee forecasts are to hold a total of seven races: four on Saturday and three on Sunday. The tasks will be technical, with windward-leeward tests in which it will be easier to measure the skill of the crews.

Once the competition is over, the awards ceremony will be held. It will be on Sunday at three in the afternoon at the facilities of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

The Monte Real Club de Yates hosts this weekend the final of the Spanish Cruise Championship

· On Saturday the 15th and Sunday the 16th, the boats that opt for the title of Champion of Spain of Cruises by maritime zones will compete in Baiona

· Among the six participating boats there are two with a Galician crew, the Aceites Abril of Luis Pérez Canal and the Movistar of Pedro Campos

· The aspiring champion of champions will compete for the trophy under equal conditions, sailing in identical boats loaned by Monte Real

The Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona will host the Trofeo Pueblos Colombinos de España this weekend, from which the winner of the Spanish Championship of Cruises by maritime zones will emerge.

It is a title to which the five boats that were winners in the zone championships held, throughout this 2014, in different parts of Spain aspire.

In the Cantabrian Zone, Salem, by Carlos Marton, rose to the podium; in the Andaluza he won the Icue IV, by Carlos Sáez; and the Canarias Explosivo, by Lucio Pérez, prevailed in the Canary Zone. In the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas, two Galician boats won the victory, the Aceites Abril, owned by Luis Pérez Canal, and the Movistar, owned by Pedro Campos.

These five crews will be joined, in the championship final, by a sixth chosen by the MRCYB, which acts as the host club. It will be formed by the team of the Olympic medalist Sandra Azón, recent winner of the Ladies Cup Trophy of the Monte Real Yacht Club.

The tests will take place on the 15th and 16th in the Bay of Baiona, and the participating teams will compete under equal conditions. They will go out to sea in identical boats, six First Class Fígaro loaned by the club from Baiona for the occasion.

The final of the Spanish Cruise Championship to be held at the Monte Real Yacht Club is organized by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and is sponsored by the Baiona City Council and the Colombian Peoples of Spain.

MRCYB cadets shine at Atlantic Week

The cadets of the Monte Real Yacht Club shone this weekend at the International Optimist Meeting, part of the Ciudad de Vigo Atlantic Week. They achieved an absolute full on the podium of the category.

The team formed by Fereyot Simón and María Carneiro won the victory, taking the gold trophy. The silver went to José Baamonde and Pablo Antonio Ledo; and Vera Bernárdez and Nerea Rodríguez achieved the third position.

Congratulations champions!

(Photo: Paula Montes)

Mi Moneda remains the leader of the general in the Autumn Trophy J80 of the MRCYB

In the two races held this Saturday, Luna Nueva, led by Juan Luis Tuero, and Virazón, with Gerardo Alonso at the helm, were the winners

Today was the second day of regattas for the J80 Autumn Trophy, which will end on November 22

Mi Moneda, owned by Guillermo Caamaño, remains the leader of the general classification in the J80 Autumn Trophy of the Monte Real Club de Yates after achieving second and third place in the two races held this Saturday in the bay of Baiona.

It was a sunny day with little and unstable wind. The five knots on average that blew throughout the afternoon allowed only two sleeves of the three initially planned. The regatta committee started the third race, but was finally forced to suspend it due to lack of wind.

In the first of the tests, Luna Nueva, owned by Juan Luis Tuero, was the winner, leaving second place for Marías, skippered by Manuel Cunha, who joined the trophy this Saturday. The third position went to Mi Moneda, by Guillermo Caamaño.

In the second round, Virazón won the victory, with Gerardo Alonso at the helm. Behind him crossed the finish line Mi Moneda, by Guillermo Caamaño, and Namasté, by Jaime García. In this second test, a protest from the Virazón left the Luna Nueva disqualified, for not respecting a port starboard side.

Thus, with five races disputed so far, the general is still led by Mi Moneda, followed by Virazón and Luna Nueva. The Namasté, the Nortada and the Marías complete the classification.

The J80 Autumn Trophy of the Monte Real Yacht Club continues on November 22 with the third and last day of regattas.


  1. MY CURRENCY Guillermo Caamaño
  2. VIRAZÓN · Miguel Lago
  3. NEW MOON · Juan Luis Tuero
  4. NAMASTE · Luis de Mira
  5. NORTADA · Ignacio Campos
  6. MARIAS Manuel Cunha

You can see the IMAGE GALLERY of the trophy HERE

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