Bayonne on wheels

Longer days, good weather, vacations… with summer just around the corner, walks by the sea are beginning to be felt. So that you can enjoy them, Monte Real puts at your disposal a new bicycle rental service, to enjoy Baiona on wheels. The rental point is located at the main access to the club, and will remain open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy will include the J-80 class

The XXIX Prince of Asturias Trophy of the Monte Real Club de Yates, which will be held in Baiona from September 5 to 7, will include the J-80 class. The boats will have an independent start and will race as one designs in real time.

In this way, the club from Baiona intends to give a boost to one of the fastest-growing monotypes in Spain, in a season in which the number of J-80 units has increased considerably.

The Prince of Asturias Trophy is the most important regatta organized by Monte Real. A competition that attracts the elite of the national and international fleet.

The Monte Real Yacht Club is the only club in Spain distinguished for its work in eliminating architectural barriers

· The Association of Environmental and Consumer Education recognizes the work carried out by the club with initiatives such as the Adapted Sailing School

· Monte Real will keep the Blue Flag flying in its facilities for another year

The Monte Real Club de Yates has been the only yacht club in Spain to receive the distinction from the Association for Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC) for its work in removing architectural barriers and caring for people with disabilities.

A recognition that rewards the work carried out by the club with initiatives such as the Adapted Sailing School, which makes accessible boats available to people with disabilities so that they can practice sailing under equal conditions.

In addition to this distinction, the Association for Environmental and Consumer Education, once again awarded the Monte Real marina with the blue flag, for the environmental care of its infrastructures, the quality of its waters and the excellence of its services. nautical services.

The prestigious award, which has the support of UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization, recognizes the good management that the club carries out in its facilities through a specific environmental plan, which includes actions related to water, waste, energy consumption, safety or health, among other actions.

From the Monte Real Club de Yates, the manager, Miguel Riveiro, highlights the importance of these recognitions to the work that they have been doing for years in the club to guarantee the correct environmental management of the port and promote the social integration of people with disabilities.

Pablo Carneiro and Lucía Arana del Monte Real win the Baitra Cadet Class Trophy

· The second position went to Xesús Marcote and María Carneiro and the third to Pedro Salgado and Anxo Carril, all from the Sailing School of the Baionese club

· The competition, organized by Monte Real and sponsored by Baitra Accesorios Navales, aimed to promote children’s sailing in Galicia

Sunday, May 11, 2014.- Pablo Carneiro and Lucía Arana dominated the second day of the Baitra Cadet Class Trophy. They prevailed in the three tests carried out today and managed to win the gold of the competition.

The boys, aged 15 and 11, and members of the Monte Real Club de Yates, had already won the podium on the first day, by winning two of the three races held yesterday.

The second position in the general classification went to Xesús Marcote and María Carneiro, and in third place were Pedro Salgado and Anxo Carril, all students of the Nova Galicia Banco del Monte Real Sailing School.

Today, with tests in the bay of Baiona, the wind blew quite strongly and made it easier for the boys to navigate. It started at 10 knots but soon went up to 14 and even gusts of 16 were reached. The competition lasted for three hours in which a couple of small incidents were recorded that left the fleet reduced.

The Baitra Cadet Class Trophy is part of the promotion plan for children’s sailing that the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne has underway through its Sailing School. The competition is sponsored by Baitra Accesorios Navales and the collaboration of Filtros Navales Jesús Betanzos.

Pablo Carneiro and Lucía Arana win the first day of the Baitra Cadet Class Trophy

· The boys, aged 15 and 11, students of the Nova Galicia Banco del Monte Real Sailing School, won two of the three tests held today

· The Baitra Trophy is part of the plan to promote children’s sailing with which the Baion club intends to promote the young promises of this sport

Saturday, May 10, 2014 .- Pablo Carneiro and Lucía Arana, from the Nova Galicia Banco del Monte Real Sailing School, were the winners of the first day of the Baitra Class Cadet Trophy, organized by the Baion club with the sponsorship of Baitra Naval Accessories.

In second position were Xesús Marcote and María Carneiro, and in third, Pedro Salgado and Anxo Carril, also students of the Monte Real sailing school.

Three technical tests were carried out today, with several routes between buoys. They started a little later than expected because the lack of wind forced the start of the regatta to be delayed until after three, which finally lasted for more than three hours.

The competition continues tomorrow, Sunday, in the bay of Baiona, starting at half past eleven in the morning. The awards ceremony will take place at five in the afternoon at the headquarters of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

Young promises of Galician sailing will measure their strength this weekend in the Baitra Trophy

· Some 26 boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 15 will compete in various technical tests in the bay of Baiona on Saturday and Sunday

· The competition is organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona, which seeks to give a new impetus to children’s sailing in Galicia

The Baitra Class Cadet Trophy, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates and sponsored by Baitra Accesorios Navales, will be held this weekend in the waters of the Bay of Baiona.

Some 26 young people between the ages of 8 and 15 from the main yacht clubs in the province of Pontevedra will test their strength. The Real Club Náutico de Vigo, the Maritime Club of Canido, the Club Náutico Combarro and Monte Real will have representation in this regatta.

The competition will include two days of tests, a first on Saturday from half past two in the afternoon, and a second on Sunday from half past eleven in the morning. They will be technical tasks, with routes between buoys, making triangular or windward/leeward routes depending on the wind and sea conditions.

In the boats, of the international cadet class and the same types of sail as the big ships, two young people will be on board, working as a team. That collaboration is precisely what is sought in this category, in which young people start sailing as a crew and prepare to make the leap to higher classes.

Once the tests of both days have finished, which can be seen from the Paseo del Monte Boi, the doca and the Parador de Baiona, the awards ceremony will be held. It will be on Sunday the 11th at the Monte Real headquarters, starting at five in the afternoon.

The Baitra Class Cadet Trophy is part of the promotion plan for children’s sailing that the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne has underway through its Sailing School. The competition is sponsored by Baitra Accesorios Navales and the collaboration of Filtros Navales Jesús Betanzos.

The Fifty del Monte Real Club de Yates wins the Repsol Trophy

· The sailboat owned by the Portuguese Rui Ramada and the sailboat of the Baiona club won three of the four contested races

· The Okofen, the Virazón and the Q Talento, all from Monte Real, won the golds of ORC classes 2, 3 and 4

Sunday, May 4, 2014.- Three victories in the four contested races earned the Fifty to win gold at the XXXVII Spring Regatta – Repsol Trophy, which was held during the long weekend on May 1 in the waters of the Vigo and Pontevedra estuaries.

The sailboat, with a pendant from the Monte Royal Yacht Club of Bayonne, was also the first to cross the finish line today. It took him three hours and fifty minutes to travel the slightly more than fifteen miles of route and commanded the classification of the ORC 1.

The rest of the classes also wore the colors of the organizing club on the podium. Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen, Miguel Lago’s Virazón and Javier Rey’s Q Talento, all from Monte Real, won the ORC 2, 3 and 4 categories.

This Sunday’s was a slow regatta due to the wind, which blew lightly throughout the race, even forcing the start to be delayed for a few minutes to reposition the marker mark.

The 37th Spring Regatta of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne was sponsored by Repsol and had the collaboration of the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo, the Nauta Sanxenxo marina, Nordés and Nordic Mist, from Coca Cola.

The next event on the Baiona club’s calendar is the Baitra Trophy, a cadet class regatta that will be held in the waters of the Bay of Baiona on May 10 and 11.


Rui Ramada’s Fifty consolidates its leadership in the second stage of the Repsol Trophy

The sailboat from the Monte Real Club de Yates managed to win the overall standings despite finishing second in its class, behind the Starfighter from Vigo

· The final podium of the regatta will be decided tomorrow, Sunday, with a 20-mile crossing test between Sanxenxo and Baiona

Saturday, May 3, 2014 .- Rui Ramada’s Fifty, with Monte Real grímpola, managed to maintain the overall lead despite finishing second in its class. He covered the 18 miles of beam in just 3 hours and was the first to cross the finish line, but the compensation of the times finally gave the stage victory to the Starfighter of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, skippered by Julio Rodríguez. In the category of large ships, the ORC 1, the third position went to the Aceites Abril, owned by Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal, also from the Olive Club.

In the ORC 2 class, victory went to Victor Carrión’s Menudeta, from Club Náutico Punta Lagoa, and in ORC 3, to Miguel Lago’s Virazón, J80 model, from Monte Real. From the Baionese club he was also the winner of the ORC 4, Javier Rey’s Q Talent.

The regatta took place with hardly any incidents, with a light wind from the west and flat seas for practically the entire route.

The Repsol Trophy comes to an end tomorrow, Sunday, with a final heat between Sanxenxo and Baiona. The boats will carry out a crossing regatta in the opposite direction to today’s, which will take them back to the headquarters of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayonne. There, starting at five in the afternoon, the awards ceremony will be held for the winners. The president of the club, Rafael Olmedo, the Repsol marine and fisheries manager for southern Galicia, Inés González, and the mayor of Baiona, Jesús Vázquez Almuíña, among other authorities, will attend.

The sailboats of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne prevail on the first day of the Repsol Trophy

· The Fifty of the Portuguese owner Rui Ramada was the clear winner of the first stage of the competition

· The boats of the Baion club also won the gold of the rest of the classes

· The XXXVII Monte Real Spring Regatta continues over the weekend with two coastal races between Baiona and Sanxenxo

Thursday, May 1, 2014 .- The boats of the Monte Real Yacht Club of Bayonne managed to win all the gold medals in the first stage of the Spring Regatta, which this year celebrates its thirty-seventh edition sponsored by Repsol.

Both in the classification of the big boats and in the general classification, the first position went to Fifty, which defended the banner of the organizing club skippered by the Portuguese owner Rui Ramada. The silver and the bronze went to the Aceites Abril and the Starfighter, both from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo.

In the ORC 2 class, the first three places went to the Okofen del Monte Real, the Fend-La-Bise of the Yacht Clube de Porto and the Bosch Comunication Center of the Club Marítimo de Canido.

Luna Nueva, Namasté and Virazón, all from Monte Real, won the ORC 3. And in the ORC 4 and Open class, the podium was also occupied by sailboats from the Baiona club. The winners were QTalento, Margem do Azul II and Last Kiss.

After today’s windward/leeward races, the Repsol Trophy continues on Saturday, starting at two in the afternoon, with a cross-country regatta of about 20 miles between Baiona and Sanxenxo. On Sunday the boats will do the opposite route starting at noon.


  1. FIFTY. Rui Ramada. MRCYB
  2. APRIL OILS. Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal. RCN Vigo
  3. STARFIGHTER. Julius Rodriguez. RCN Vigo


  1. FIFTY. Rui Ramada. MRCYB
  2. APRIL OILS. Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal. RCN Vigo
  3. STARFIGHTER. Julius Rodriguez. RCN Vigo


  1. OKOFEN. Javier de la Gandara. MRCYB
  2. FEND LA BISE. Jean-Claude Sarade. YC Porto


  1. NEW MOON. Juan Luis Tuero. MRCYB
  2. NAMASTE. Louis of Mira. MRCYB
  3. VIRAZON. Michael Lake. MRCYB


  1. QTALENT. Javier King Catalan. MRCYB
  2. BLUE MARGIN III. Jose Frederico Lopes. MRCYB
  3. LAST KISS. German Santos. MRCYB

2025 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
